Classic WoW: Playing To Your Classes Strengths: 💪 WARLOCK

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hello ladies and gentlemen Willie here at the end of might was it any good though series I came to a conclusion a conclusion that I suspected would be the case but wouldn't have truly known until I'd looked at each class in the level of detail that I did and that is that every class can be considered good and while some are more favored there is really no class that is just straight-up bad or useless each class has their own unique identity and iconic spells not everyone needs to have a cc now everyone needs to have an interrupt or even a DPS cooldown and whilst some classes can do things others cannot it's often also the case vice versa so in this new series I want to look at the ways you can make the most out of your chosen class and find out how to play to your class's strengths the points I've been looking at will differ from class to class in relation to their strengths as they are not shared across the board today I'll be looking at the Warlock and we'll cover these points the importance of preparation solo leveling options PvE specializations and utility PvP specializations then utility some solo gold farming methods and then finally some add-ons as well as macros a class close to my heart warlock was my choice as a main for classic Warcraft and honestly I'm a criminal reroll er ever since I've started playing the game I've always been looking over to what other classes can do and have that nagging feeling that maybe the grass is greener on the other side this hasn't happened at all during classic maybe it's because I have a much better understanding of classes as a whole but sometimes it's hard not to be jealous when you see up as smashing the damage meters or blasting on AoE poles but then again that locks can compete in those areas too whilst being able to do some things that are super unique to them so let's have a look how to play to your strengths as a warlock let's start out with the most basic of basics soul shots your bread-and-butter resource required for many of your most powerful spells there is no getting around the fact they are a limiting factor and a bit of a hindrance when you have to go out and farm them again and again and again but at the end of the day is part of the class you have to embrace it and make sure you're ready to rock and roll whenever you're settling down for a session on the Warlock more so than other classes you need to prepare that little bit extra when going out and about and you should plan around carrying as many shards as you need for the occasion especially in PvP a warlock without a demon health stones or even a soul stone is half a class they really matter that much now quite a few people carry around a soul shot bag for this purpose personally I very rarely use soul shot bags at all the thing is the only time I would want one is when I need the amount of shards that can fit in the bag the rest of the time it just feels like I'm wasting regular bag slots the only real times that a bag comes in handy is for raids or when you're going to PvP the questing or farming gold I wouldn't use them since you only need a few shots per not a huge number like 16 plus and keep in mind that you can also plan ahead when you want to use shards by getting a shower bag filling it and then just banking it for later use of course we have the obvious use of shards pets hell stones for Yui or tanks in groups soul stones on the healers summoning which requires one soul shell per person it's a usually two per group in fact just starting your dungeon with all these in mind you could need up to seven or eight shards before you even get going there's then the often forgotten spell stone which is extremely powerful in PvP or perhaps even in some niche PGE scenarios if you're on a PvP session I would carry one of these about for sure they're actually equipped in the offhand give 1% crit which is okay but more importantly given on used to spell all magical effects and a decent absorb shield as well this can instantly turn PvP battles versus other locks or mages in your favor there are some very good spots where you can go and farm shards up their imps near the entrance between burning steppes and the red Ridge Mountains or just next to the flight path red flame crests for the Horde these guys have very low health come in packs and easy shard farming though this does risk PvP in these areas a super place for the Alliance to farm which will probably be less safe now is in duskwood at Bravin he'll apply detects invisibility on yourself and there are loads of low 50 or so ghost called unseen all over the place and clearing this area route takes around 5 minutes and gives 16 or so shards and the easiest way to get there is from the flight path at Westfall you could do this as well in theory as a horde player but I believe your closest flight point is way over in Grom growl in the middle of STV so I'll stick with the imps personally and finally before we move on let's talk about mana quickly warlocks are in a special place for mana usage thanks to a lifetime I like to think of warlocks of having 3 mana bars first of all their mana bar second of all their health bar and third of all your healers mana bar as well one of the best things about warlocks is you can always go full out and never have to compromise down ranking for long at fights when we get longer pipes eventually those majors can blast but when their blue bar is gone they're done warlocks can keep going as long as their health doesn't here zero warlocks are among the top classes for leveling and do have a number of decent options that you can look at way back in my was there any good though video for the Warlock I did miss out on a few options which are really quite good and that ended up using myself so let's look at those in a bit more detail now so it turns out many private servers overestimated how much threat void Walker's generate and in classic well they lose aggro easily very easily in fact even with the improved voidwalker talent from demonology tree it's likely going to lose aggro before you defeat whatever you're fighting on top of going boom eventually from spamming torment which won't even hold a grow even if you just toss up your target and wand so you better not even think about casting a shadow bolt if you using a void Walker it may as well just be a range taunt basically void Walker's aren't very good as a tanking pet and since that's the only real thing they can do there are some other options that may just be worth a look at instead first of all the triangle in formation this is most useful early on before you have access to other demons the essence of it is you have your imp attack apply dots run away from your imp then as the enemy reaches your imp may be landing one attack on it aggro switches back to you and most of its health is gone before the time it reaches you this is pretty good until you get other demons but it's kind of a lot of effort to do with every single mob and in later zones with higher mob density you just don't have the space to do this consistently I used it until I got around level 22 at which point I swapped over to the drain tank build drain tanking really does kick off a level 22 minimum at this point you should have gone and gotten your succubus the quest becomes available at level 20 and you can respect if you weren't already planning to do this into the 5 out of 5 fell concentration giving you a much better chance of getting a full at drain life off and finally at level 22 you get Rank 2 of drain life rack one of drain life isn't actually very good so I'd wait until level 22 before you start using this spec and the idea with it is like the name suggests drain life and just tank the hits of any incoming damage healing much of the health back use a succubus instead of an imp as aid they do more damage B they don't go out of mana and C they can actually tank one or two hits view at the start of the fight unlike imps which are super squishy I would only keep lash of pain on auto cast and let her take a hit or two as aggro will quickly swap to you as your damage over time effects start taking hold so you send your succubus in apply damage over time effect strain life and bounce manner and health between each pole it's efficient and it's decently fast as well another added benefit on PvP service is well you have access to a succubus when you're leveling and seduce which is the super nice long duration CC the only real issue with this specialization is when you start getting to those later levels you know the high 50s and start doing dungeons more often as this build is really bad at doing damage in dungeons where your damage over time effects aren't really as important a single target priority damage this is where you should look to respec again and in the PvE category and endgame locks do have choices too warlocks are in a fortunate position where they have a one specialization fits all kind of build it's very good in raids and dungeons good for gold farming and decent in PvP and this is the shadow mastery ruin build the basics of the specialization look like this following this there are some choices you can make which are a bit up to you either for points in foal concentration or curse of exhaustion and three and improved cursive odds Ostrom before putting five into shadow mastery curse of exhaustion is more useful PvP in general but to be honest mellow leeway is so massive that it's only useful when you get the drop on someone and most of the time the amplified curse of agony would just be better I usually get failed concentration personally also you'll be used to it from leveling if you've been doing drain tanking then on the destruction side either two into intensity or improved searing pain before putting final points into ruin searing pain tends to be more useful here it's a decent alternative to shadow bolt and it doesn't share the same spell school so this is the one I prefer here this specialization will see you through pretty much anything you can just go to spec and never be spec until the Burning Crusade it's really that good however there are some slightly better alternatives for either side and that is of course the sacrifice you make when you aim for versatility as for PvE at the moment warlocks are still pretty hit or miss and I mean that very literally we have no talent to give bonus hit on our destruction spells and shadow bolt is the majority of art damage and this won't really change until as late as phase four when we finally get the blood vine set and a decent amount of it so for the moment they're kind of okay in PvE unless you get lucky on a fight and everything lands and crits but by later faces warlocks really power up and start fighting for the top dps slot on ranged the specialization that will perform on average the top four dps in PvE is demonic sacrifice Bruin and this specialization revolves around sacrificing your succubus for a flat 15% shadow damage buff as well as getting ruin for those big Chris its specialization however is pretty bad for farming gold and pretty bad in PvP as well so it's up to you whether you want to put gold into getting that extra bit of damage it's a hundred gold swing each time you want to respec if you're doing it that often on top of any other consumables omit you may be using so it's up to you if you're up a min/max mindset on to pvp now and this is an area where locks are really a force to be reckoned with and also have some options on how to play there is the standard shadow mastery ruin specialization mentioned before and then there is some more specialized PvP specs if any of you guys have been watching the classic jeweler's league at all you've probably seen how powerful the Solon builds on 1v1 and yeah it's pretty nuts so link is a flat 30% damage reduction on top of having it mastered demonologist bonuses giving you all those extra defenses there are some alternatives respect to either going into shadow burn or nightfall this build is really designed around survivability and is pretty terrible in PB need to be honest since you don't get the ruin Talon also it doesn't exactly put out a huge amount of damage in 1v1 Zoar small skirmishes it's great bit larger battles damage overtime effects don't cut it they'll be healed or dispelled you want burst and that is exactly what calm for great builds aim to do once again there are some variations on how you can build this you can mix and match as you wish this is just a rough idea of how you can go this turns you from a damage over time machine to focus more on Hart casting to get damage out searing pain will be your main damage spell as with immolate and conflagration to shadow burn for some big burst and damage versus other classes in 1v1 sits a warlock the sole link build kind of trivializes every single matchup especially if you have fell domination for a second voidwalker sacrifice there are so many variables for specialization which demon you have out is kind of hard to go in details versus different matchups as for a few tips you can look at if you're Boyd Wolcott is crowd controlled it can't be sacrificed but it can be if the Warlock is crowd controlled remember devourer magic from your fellow hunter can be used offensively or defensively to snipe important buffs like ice barrier or D buffs like hammer of justice so when versus another lock make sure you always apply trash D buffs like detecting visibility and water breathing to lessen the chance they get off your shadow ward try to anticipate shadow reflectors in PvP def coil is perhaps your most powerful ability spamming it just as you come out of CC is an easy way to shoot yourself in the foot also alliance locks have a far more difficult time than horde since if a class can be undead it seems like 90% of the time it will be Undead apart from warriors of course who up their own fear immunities speaking from experience here and I'm just gonna give a quick shout out to how Lux can solo farm in a way that's kind of restricted to just that class and I've seen it done on other classes but it takes a long time it's not consistent or it's just plain far more difficult and that is soloing diamo least jump runs so honestly I don't carve this video to become a guide on this run but you can get it to sub 30 minutes easily enough doing all 4 bosses as for some tips it's easiest to learn as this specialization using sacrifice on your void Walker as well as demon armor for some massive health regen this should be easier using this builder lower gear levels as well say around 200 to 250 spell power shadow mastery ruin it is fine as well you just need to play the last boss a whole lot better and more clean and runs out overall more slow because you spend more time drinking instead of regenerating as you run around finally you really must have mining there are two to three rich for Ian's veins at the end of the instance every single time and arcane crystals and blue sapphires seem to have retained a pretty good price macro wise there are a few decent ones to take into consideration you want a macro to call your pet back to you so it doesn't go running off chasing things get used to using this very early on there is a macro that makes one thing spammable normally one thing will turn on and off each time you press the button so if this you can just spam it and you can move to cancel it instead a macro to cram all your pets most powerful abilities into one is very useful personally I put water breathing and detect invisibility on the same key to save some bar space and finally a macro for summoning people is useful so those around you know who you are targeting at the moment so multiple warlocks don't try and summon the same person Adam wise classic or adorations to show the lengths of your D buffs is vital so you know when to refresh your dots make sure to go into add-ons in game and tick full or a replacement and larger personal D bus so you can actually tell which D buffs are yours apart from other warlocks next up Omni CC partly needed to make classic or iterations work correctly shows the length of CC over character portraits good for seeing fear length spell lockouts and so on super useful I grab it real mob health is very useful as well it lets you gauge whether or not doom will take down your target useful farm and golden certain areas I really like it and I definitely get tiny threat as well which is part of the details add-on more like set infamous at over a growing because we have no innate way to reduced threat or talents to do so either so you'll need to be very careful when shadow bolt crits it will generate a huge amount of fret and you don't want to be messing up constantly and that covers the warlock for me a really fun class overall so far and strong in many different aspects of the game but having a blast of it so far eagerly awaits in battlegrounds and eventually being able to get a decent amount of hit so my spells are a bit more consistent though which means we have rogue and mage left to big boy classes both of which have such a long list of strengths should be fun to look at for sure which will it be let me know below as always let me know what you think about this video I do hope you enjoyed it and I will see you in the next one if you like what you see give the video a like and subscribe as there's plenty more to come as always thank you all so much for watching take care bye [Music]
Channel: WillE
Views: 153,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow battlegrounds, phase 3, epic mount, grind, wow, gold, gold guide, best farm vanilla, World of Warcraft, WoW Classic, classic, Vanilla, Classic wow launch, asmongold, madseasonshow, pvp, pve, raiding, bgs, azerite traits, classic wow beta, blizzard, twitch, mage, rogue, warrior, paladin, hunter, druid, warlock, priest, ion hazzikostas, 8.3 ptr
Id: iWgxccMJ4Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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