Necrons vs Death Guard. Fan Favourite Generals Do Battle! Warhammer 40k in 40m

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one is undying the other is pure death it's Space Zombies versus Space skeletons in this episode of 40K and 40 minutes death guard versus nekron greetings 40K fans your host JT the voice of play on here with a real battle of the heavyweights friend of the channel and overhead camera Enthusiast Michael brings his necrons to take on the child of chaos and master spur Tao and his death guard I got to play Warhammer today hello everyone my name is Michael Buck Thor coming to you with another nekron game today I'm playing one of my very favorite opponents Tao who is piloting his death guard one of my very favorite matchups in the play On Studio we've got a thumping good contest for you today folks let's take a look at the armies Tao's Army is led by mortarion and he's got typhus and toe a squad of plague Marines a death guard Rhino some blight Lord Terminators some Death Shroud Terminators three count them three FedEd bloat drones two mtic blade haulers three plague burst crawlers and a squad of foxw Walkers he's also Allied in a couple of nurgling swarms to act as action monkeys this is actually a really interesting battle I think these are the two most diametrically opposed in their like core values armies and almost the entire game nurgle is about the cycle of Life about bringing things back to the fold as quickly as possible and the necrons are stuck in their little corner of death they want to be in their little box and bring everyone else into their box and be stagnant and Dead Forever and I'm not really into that so we're going to bring the cycle of life and Decay those nasty robots Let Them Fall to Pieces in front of us give them the gift of rust and Decay the sheer volume of indirect fire that Tao can put out with those plague burst crawlers has to have Michael thinking about not even bothering hiding and just running up the board if he does so mortarion and typhus can seriously chew through his necron forces this is an interesting conundrum for Michel we have a long history Tao I think he's still one up on me if I got my math here correct um it's always a great time because I find that the deathu guard play style and the nekron play style it's the immovable object versus the immovable object and you just kind of mash them together so it's always fun I like mashing stuff together Michael is bringing a canopic Court Detachment he's got a chronomancer a Satan Shard of the nightbringer a plas mancer with the metod dermal Tesla weave a technomancer with dimensional sanctum and a Transcendent Satan he has two squads of Immortals one with gos blasters and one with Tesla a canopic doomstalker a canopic reanimator two canopic Scarab swarms some canopic wraiths a doomsday Arc there's Watson baby two single Locus destroyers a squad of three heavy Locust destroyers and a squad of Tom blades I'm going to be playing the kopic dynasties which has a lot of kopic units in it first off but a lot of synergies regarding board control if I'm able to hold a majority of the objectives I'm going to get lots and lots and lots of rerolls which I always enjoy Michael Satan really pose a problem for Tao having all- incoming damage plus a five up ignore is making them almost impossible to take down don't sleep on the squad of wraiths though that unit is incredibly durable and if Michael jams the middle up with them could cause Tao some serious fits yeah I'm super excited about today this be a lot of fun I'm uh I'm super like I I love playing hard lists into hard lists and I really think the death guard are pretty good right now today's deployment is sweeping engagement so long taple edges with a diagonal deployment we're playing taken hold as our mission today standard competitive mission five victory points for each objective marker that players control up to a maximum of 15 per turn and we're using chilling rain no special secondary rules this episode is brought to you by magnet Baron magnet Baron is your go-to source for anything magnetic whether it be Warhammer age of Sigmar Star Wars Legion X-Wing or any other game magnet Baron probably has the magnets you need they even have prepackaged kits for your favorite models whether it be disc magnets block magnets sphere magnets or ring magnets magnet Baron has got you covered and in the strongest triple coated n52 Neo demium available if you need a magnet for your next project make sure to check out magnet and don't worry if you're not in the USA they ship worldwide now back to the action zingo Michael has chosen to put both single destroyers in reserve his chronomancer is joining the Tesla Immortals his plasman is joining the Gau Immortals and the technomancer with the wraiths will be infiltrating thanks to that enhancement Taos placed typhus with his blight Lord Terminators his two units of nurglings are in reserve he started five plague Marines in the Rhino me first a scarabs and it's a holler another scarabs warm going right over here three tomb blades ooh [Music] bra Terminators I'm going to put myoptic walk animator H let's bring the big boy out to play oh I see doomsday Arc is [Music] down let do drones drones in the building so they can see yeah first my Katan is going to go right over here oh all right the speediest of all the Terminators tyus himself nightbringer is going to go over [Music] [Music] here having a look at deployment here Michael's really clustered around that one big ruin with almost some distraction type units on his right flank thus Satan is incredibly hard to take down so having it run solo isn't a bad thing Tao really deployed in a bit of a full court press here mortarion is dead middle and ready to rumble if Tao goes first he could really hem Michael in good luck this is the important role this is for who goes first looks like Tao's got first turn here we go this is actually a pretty big deal I'm going to be able to do some hopefully lasting damage because that I actually have a very shooty death guard list command phase I go to a command point I believe you do too yes and I stiny this objective you sanify Tao chooses disease influence for mortarion that's going to give roll wound rolls of one near him he's pulled engage at all fronts and bring it down [Music] movement phase Michael using reactive sub routines for one command Point those wraiths are going to get to move up to 6 in as Tao got within nine of them that's a neat strategy let's Advance some foxw Walkers [Music] advancing mortarion typhus and the blight Lords have Jam jammed up the middle of the board I'm managing to make it onto all those middle objectives uh that means that I'm going to put enough pressure on the necrons to force them into difficult Target priority scenarios yes yes plague Marines hop out to hold yet another objective he'll scoot up right there here they come boys death rout Advance drones are flitting about to try to get into position all right we're going to start with some splitfire opening up with mortarion shooting the Coptic doomstalker and the Gau Immortals here comes the lantern let's do it he hits on a two three wounds off the doomstalker and maximum shots into the Immortals four UPS four bolters okay the blight Lords have gunned down a few more Immortals let's do my w next okay plague Marines now can he down the unit not yet I got one left all right let's do the rhino let's do it Havoc launcher the Rhino has picked them up that is a bit surprising Michael has already lost an entire Squad of Immortals missile launcher from my BL hauler into your optic stalker metic blight hauler swings and misses oh that's not good this guy's missile will P your stalker oh no the second one has as well so much for MTA so the drone's going to go after your stalker drones are trying to take down that doomstalker and those field though pains are not helping this drone who can only see your stalker launcher two wounds minus two pass both let's see if I can pull down Watson plag burst crawler into Watson the doomed zarch only a single wound 12 wounds remaining and I'll slug away at him one wound uh fill it a six up shrug which I pass to oh oh look at that so I only take a singular wound empty into for Watson Watson and cannons oh that's Pride yes oh just a wound command roll the wound on Watson make one fail one five six up shrugs so I shrug one so four damage goes through nine wounds remaining on Watson the morar wants it pass them both and the sluggy slug cuz not look at that a hit he wounds the Sluggers of Doom don't plague burst crawler right back here I'm going to shoot straight at your doom stalker here he comes and the Slugger of Doom yep watch yeah oh the canopic doomstalker is down of five remaining that was actually a pretty solid shooting phase I managed to kill an entire unit of Immortals sweet I was going to try for a charge but there's no more Immortals I was just going to say Tigo was scored engag at all fronts for three secondary is discarding bring it down for a command point that leaves us at a score of 3 nothing in the favor of Tao halfway through the first turn Tao's got a command point and Michael has none bottom of turn one Michael's turn one tier to two command points Michael the one he's pulled extend battle lines and captur Outpost not a great start command phase let's start with some battle shock tests which can op the doomstalker I believe he is leadership eight reanimation protocols and healing occurs undoing all ayo's hard work he puts him at 13 wounds so he's got one wound taken doomstalker heals a two wound so he's got seven wounds remaining on the doomstalker basically 3 in forward like so tomb blades are being sneaky sneaky they're looking to grab that right flank objective I'm just going to back up here my scarabs are going to advance an extra inch fly their way over the stalker same kind of thing Transcendent it's going to go right over here flies over top the pale one Immortals are going to advance two so s in forward oh fairly tentative movement overall for Michael it looks like he's okay taking advantage of those canopic Court bonuses in his own [Music] zone so shooting phase then uh start off with plasma ancer is going to Huck some Mortal wounds hopefully into your thingy Miggy there plasan ships a couple wounds off the plague drone so Transcendent kanatan I'm going to Target get the plague Marines in the back assault and sustained hits transcended Satan wounds the plague Marines nightbringer gaze of death into the typhus Terminator Squad kills one of the Terminators so kopic doomstalker has D6 plus one and they are blast are you five models I am five models still so you get a plus one doomstalker targeting the same Squad eight wounds at minus 3 AP I need some uh nurgle goodness to hold with my invulnerable saves here else I will not have many models left in the middle here uhoh but only two dead Terminators somebody check his dice heavy destroyers into mortarion now flat six damage I'm going to roll that three okay command roll can his lock hold oh it does Who Am make my saves the barin plate holds flare array from Watson to the foxw Walkers the big gun in the plague burst crawler hitting on threes Ral hits of course I ignore none of them why Watson's going to open up he has D6 plus one shot there's a four two uh but I am is 10 I save one eight wounds left let's do my Tesla Immortals cuz I want to see what they can do and I'm going to put them all into poer three pler three there we go PL three Tesla Immortals now holy shots Batman 21 wounds that's bad uh this drone is not long for this world come on little drone you can do it uh-oh apparently Tao knows how to roll dice that was 19 of 21 three up saves what in the actual H double hockey STI I can't say that making that many saves is is reasonable at all I kind of you got that right I kind of feel terrible so uh you should feel bad Michael I'm going to go find some models for you will that make you feel better maybe well I was going to move forward now I think I'm moving backwards and they fall back five after all of that w wow let's do some shots then with my uh wraith cuz they do actually come equipped with pistols now pox Walkers take nothing from those particle casters editor can you put some sad violin music for me please like just some really two plates now particle Beamers two dead plague Marines and the evasion engrams lets them fall back after [Music] shooting autom Michel's charge phase wraith charging the pox Walkers drone and plank burst crawler that's a big roll it's going to let it work it could be big Transcendent is going to go into this plopper one Flopper one oh boy here comes the Katan that's going to be a tall drink of water I I hope he doesn't make us charge how about an eight an eight will do on the objective WS first two into the foxw Walkers remaining four and technomancer into the Drone into the pox Walkers first I'm hitting on fours but I'm rrolling ones because of my canopic rule that's good oh winning on threes four dead pox Walkers uh then the other ones yeah now to the Drone takes the plague drone out of four wounds I have eight attacks with my Katan of the Transcendent twos Transcendence Satan into yet another drone 11 wounds down she goes striking back with my drone Tao attacking back into the wraiths no joy um got some plague Marines plague Marines now under the Transcendence of 10an only one wound back turn is over wasn't as hurtful of a round from the necrons as I was thinking it would be I have lost a drone I've lost some Terminators but on the whole I'm feeling pretty healthy about where I stand at the end of round one extend battle lines is scored capture enemy Outpost is discarded and the end of turn one score is 5 to three in favor of Michael all right round two now to grind them down I go up to two command points I go to three pox walkers have failed battles shock all else pass that's not bad so I'm going to stank ify a couple of objectives thank you disease influence continues reroll once to wound AA on mortaria tigle draws capture me upost and extend battle lines 15 primary jumps Tao out to 18 to5 kind of put put put put put hello Maran moves up to take a run at capur The Outpost I've got a really cool opportunity here to punch through with mortarion and take the enemy home base it's going to be huge the plague Marines have fallen back from the transcendant [Music] attan methanic blade hollers move up the nurglings are still staying off for a turn Transcendent Satan is getting targeted by the closest Mythic BL Hauler no effect all right so the Terminators are going to skirt all over your town okay Death Shroud into the same Target not much effect at all I am out of eight wounds remaining all right the Rhino play com bolters R fire two I've got two of them then sixes last oneill one down to seven and the Havoc launcher it wounds i w nope down to six wounds well let's Lantern the um lightbringer okay thunderous fart the Swarm the lantern misses helping out seven rrolling by one one so one base has two wounds remaining the psychic on the Katan three wo two wounds off the nightbringer mortarion kind of pooped the bad there plag burst crawler number one into the Immortals and Watson the Doomsday Arc Mort kills one no hits on Watson so my crawler that's beleaguered over here yep put his entry cannons into the nightbringer okay his mortar into your Immortals okay and the Slugger into imortals okay plug burst crawler number two misses with the entropy canons again mortar into the Immortals kills one battle shock again passed and my last drone will go after this Shard over here not as good as his round one that's for sure the resilience of the necrons is really coming on strong here I'm not able to actually push through the damage I was hoping for the shooting phase was not as bad as it could have been I feel like some of that energy that Tao was portraying earlier with his saves didn't translate over to his damage very nurly of him I approve moving along to charge let's do it let's start with the big one mortarion into the Destroyers mortarion oh no mortarion's charge fails grandfather give me the a let me fight command roll he's in that's a oh he got it stinky um gross disgusting I hate it obviously you want to be like close like this yeah Michael using heroic intervention on the nightbringer for two command points and he's in Ryo charges the Transcendence Satan he's in room we're going to charge with a holler the BL hauler in don't like the fact that my Transcendent Katan is now surrounded by a lot of very angry and very stinky and very uh gummed up looking uh individuals I have a bad feeling about this I just hope he can survive death Shrout Terminators make their charge as well blight Lord Terminators charge The Wraith Squad they are in Terminators terminate let's let's do more teron all right let's do it four go into the Destroyers one goes into the nightbringer the Destroyers are dead and the nightbringer takes two wounds down to eight Terminators terminate attacking the Ws okay tyes and crew into the wraiths bounce dang they are tough terminator's over here all right I'm going to sweep because you have my damage and you have lots of involves and not really any armor I think right Death Shroud into the Transcendence of tan manages to take it down a one wound all right the gashing maw of the holler the BL holler now does nothing get your cam quarters this is when Mike flips the table Mike calls this shot the Rhino takes the Satan out is he right nope prophecy is for Eldar not necrons Michael and the enslaved star God lives on all right let's start punching back R now splitting the attacks three into the Drone three in the technomancer into the Terminators and the Drone is only down to two pox Walker survives and we'll fight back and I pass eight attacks and these are all going to go into your Death Shroud Terminators twos trans Senate Satan has slaughtered the Death Shroud whoa nightbringer nightbringer has six attacks nightbreaker Now command rrolling a save for tile that's huge that saves D6 plus two wounds in on fives wow 15 remain mortarion down to 13 wounds after the drain life ability of the Satan Shard of the nightbringer well actually I managed to weather that pretty well mortarion is standing up editor 2 has seen Tao jump out to a remark able lead 13 points on secondaries gives him 16 secondary 15 primary up 31 to5 it's a start of bottom of turn two for me I'm going to first tick up I will have two command points Michael's drawn Behind Enemy Lines and secure no man's land not easy to do but both eminently possible battle shocks are ped now we're going to start to reanimate wow reanimation Protocols are really helping Michael out the trans sended is back to four wounds nightbringer is back to 10 the doomstalker back to 10 Watson is full the scarabs are back to full oh there's an average roll only one Immortal though I don't know that is pretty impressive that's got to feel bad undoing all that hard work he's coming back everywhere 10 points on primary puts Michael to 15 points as we move to his movement phase advancing my tomb blades or a six there we go the two blades have advance to score Behind Enemy Lines if his scarabs can get in he's going to score Max Behind Enemy Lines oh it's a success that's big they got it as much as I possibly can uhoh something like that nobody was calling him on it before kopic tomb spider moves out looks like mortarion might be in trouble kopic reanimator has moved up to get a line of mortarion as well you're moving to here essentially and you're going to point in his Direction and go that guy that guy get him uh yeah we're just going to go over to here one one inch away basically like that're going for the auto charge yeah pretty much then we're going to bring a singular Destroyer on Michael brings in one destroyer in on his own board Edge ooh interesting move with the Destroyer not exactly sure what he's up to but he's got some play there plasman is going to point at your plague Marines and go we're so friendly so far one plas Baner is Mortal wounded a plague Marine so the locus Destroyer goes into the same Target uhoh oh the Destroyer kills two more plague Marines the Transcendent Katan is going to put all of his tendrils six shots transcended Satan now try to wipe those Marines succeeds oh the plague Marines are down that kind of throws a bit of a wrench into my plan I really hoping they'd stand up just a little bit longer nightbringer gazes at mortarion and mortarion shrugs it off not today false god Tesla Immortals going into more this is the Bad News Bears yes so there are seven of them RS Immortals take mortarion down to 12 wounds left the chronomancer who has not got shot yet chronomancer fires into the plague burst crawler no joy Watson is going to put his flare array into mortarion in the back field hoping some lethal hits will come through and then he'll fire his doomsday cannon into ploopy mortar thingy Watson's flare array first into mortarion flare array wounds mortarion three times but he shrugs it doomsday cannon into the plag burst crawler 12 wounds and 10 takes it out Kabab boom boom Watson one shoted the blight hauler in front of him that is exactly what Watson can do when he is turned on wait what doomstalker is going to fire kopic doomstalker targeting the midic BL hauler only one wound but it's saved let's do some pistols from my wraiths wraith's really cleaning up that combat 18 pistol shots into the Terminators and tyus and they take down one Terminator to a single wound starting to thin that out charges to me do some charges yeah we do we do charge face now Locust fails the 11in charge charge number two scarabs going into mortari oh no scarabs have targeted mortarion they're in the spider is into mortarion so charging these scarabs will go first but first I explode Michael choosing to explode a Scarab swarm takes more tering down nine wounds but that's all that they manage let's try the tomb spider and see what he does he never gets in a close combat he always dies before this so this is interesting he's made it Force fives NOP that's a one one and a two that's about as well as I expected your turn for ongoing I bet Morty's got to go before he can't so okay Tao goes three into the spider two into the nightbringer Spider goes down but nightbringer is still up I'm going to elect my Transcendent right Transcendent Satan all into the blade hauler now and eviscerates it Terminators robotic blade robotic blade that's three hits five oh no manag two wounds on one wraith good Lord down goes one finally and another one's down to one wound that unit is impressively tough I'm going to attack with my wraiths next five wraiths now three to the Drone two plus the character to typhus and the boys on fours got hey drone dies but the tur hold pox Walker aox Walker fails with his Amad tracks let's drive over a Wraith vroom vroom vro V vom I hit vroom vroom PL crawler fails to hurt the wraiths come on night bringer go go Night Ranger Oh Boy nightbringer Might down mortarion nightbringer mortarion who has the better Scythe it's me yeah thanks for talking me into it yes two devs two invols damn it come on come on come on come on come on come on come on Comm Roll On The One does 10 wounds to mortarion feel no pain saves two one left on mortarion but Satan nightbringer gets to drain life for a wound five up to live mortarion lives mortarion lives another round solid turn for Michael he's clawed his way back in here scores both secondaries to take him to 15 secondary 10 primary for 2531 as we head to Tao turn three well it seems like things are swinging back the other way hopefully I can hang on to my lead in round three start of turn three we're in turn three already 10 points on primary jumps Tao to 41 he's pulled cleanse and secure no man's land it could be tough to do both of these both players two command points Mar tyion Will reroll his ones that's that's fun Hold the Line seems the goal for Tao here that's not a bad idea at all Michael doesn't have a ton of forward pressure left and if he can just hold on to the middle he's going to win this game on primary plue burst crawler rolling back to protect his home objective end of my turn my moving face yep going to bring in nurglings deep strike into the center of the board they cleanse that Center objective both squads are going to gum that middle up real good moving to the shooting phase let's try and take down that Katan shooting face now blight huler targeting the transcended Satan does nothing Rino shooting the Satan with bolters and Havoc launcher goes into the tomb blades there he goes he got nothing in the Tomb blades but the Satan is taking a wound plague burst crawler enty cannons and I guess the sluger into the Katan and the mor I will fire into your tomb blades okay here come the entropy cannons two hits one lead crawler two wounds on the Transcendent Satan he fails both saves no roll Tao command rrolling his damage one into a six is seven half to four two field no pains oh boy he's gone that's huge confusing as heck upshot dead transcendant aan the mortar boom that's five T5 o four make none and these are all two damage each I die the tomb blades are dead so I'm going to go after your your tcer entropy cannons and Cannon and Slugger got it here come the entropy canons one hit second plague burst crawler now entropy cannons into the nightbringer with stubbers and Michael makes the saves the order F and T4 wounds I know he's got two wi me orarion has not shoted going to shoot backwards with a pistol okay and then he's going to thunderous fart at your Immortals Lantern mortarion whiffs against the Destroyer but rot wins The Immortals and kills only three Terminators are in combat meaning I cannot shoot but tyus can tyus is just going to pick the race okay oh tyus has done three wounds to himself oh no that shooting phase was not spectacular I'm not having the hotness of my first round we go to the charge phase let's do it well I'll charge you the BL huler BL huler needs a nine to reach the Destroyer it fails uh you get to pick the First on going Tan's going to swing cuz I told you we need to have a scythe off scarabs have been interfering slightly but it's going to be a scyth off on Tu only two done to mortarion but he fails both saves 12 damage he needs to make 12 five UPS down he goes down goes mortarion everything is going well I just hope that the nightbringer in my deployment Zone isn't too far away to affect the rest of the battlefield I will pick Terminators btic axe fails fails tyus my man typhus sweep attacks and Michael saves it all Oh no you're not going to do it to me are you you're going to do it to me too oh he does it to me he does it to me oh man taking back I have The Wraith one wraith into the pox Walker the rest go into the Terminators all right poxwalker let's kill him first threes two damage these are now hitting on fives but I'm rerolling once hey two damage a oh no he's dead dead he's dead what a what a poor fell what a big big turn that was eight more points on secondaries puts Tao to 24 secondary 25 primary 49 to 25 he extends his lead I am really worried that I have let a victory slip away from me and these necrons are just too tough to get through so start of command phase I'm going to take up to three command points Michael Now new secondary cleanse and area denial Immortals have passed battle shock four Immortals return to the unit thank you reanimation protocols the doomstalker is back to full strength nightbringer is back to full wraiths are fully healed and the scarabs are back to full 10 points primary though sees us 4935 as we head to Michael's movement phase so Watson will move Watson the Doomsday Arc rolling up to get a shot on the Rhino The Mortals Advance a total of seven Ines is nurgle watching that's his number Scarab swarms doing their chittering B and then this guy is moving straight six towards [Music] you I think this is just going to go over here just hang tight so I go eight to here lcus moves up FedEd bloat drone overwatches lethal hits are great but no joy Tig to one command point so insurance so let's go to the shooting phase I'm going to start with Watson Watson's going to see if he can can secure with the Doomsday AR or Doomsday Cannon over here Ral getting targeted Tao using cloud of flies for his last command Point saves him from Watson Watson pulls up lines up a mighty shot and he whiffs that one he's going to make the attempt how many shots doomstalker now rrolling on a to wound roll and the Rhino to four wounds left going to shoot St number one into the same Target three objective though I hit everything fives not with that attitude oh try try again with the second one two lethal hits at minus two the lead Locust has killed the Rino unit of rith are going to cleanse the objective they don't need to fire their pistols my Tesla Immortals we're going to shoot four guys into your hauler over here Tesla Immortals targeting the BL Hauler no joy nightbringer is going to give the bombastic side eye to that same blade hauler gaze of death from old night ER takes the blight holler down to a single wound let's do charges charge from here to here looking for a five how about a six as kind of disgust aiming to go like that nightbringer into your nurglings I'm looking for a six or higher that's a six nightbringer charges in scarabs are going to try I think I can only do a multi-charge cuz I'm going to have to try going over here um see what I get how about a six multicharge into both of the nurglings kind of a thing like so I don't think sorry I didn't need to touch that and the holler as well I'm going to elect the scarabs to fight okay and I'm going to put all the attacks into this ning Squad behind here got it sixes so four wounds I saved one of them nightbringer will go next nightbringer has swept away two bases then the other Locust I'm going to have to try and not kill don't do it don't do it oh the Locust fails to wound the mtic white holler actually Ty will go first you said no and tyus fails again the flil Terminators of only manage a single wound on a wraith one is going to go into the blade hauler cuz it has to and the remaining four and the technomancer are going to go into your your um Terminators oh a Terminator goes down to the rths I'm really enjoying how tanky these wraiths are as you may have seen they really aren't killing anything anytime quickly however ever it's a slow grind one that Tao is apt to not enjoy spending time with necrons that just keep coming back that's my favorite part typhus has been failing but I've been failing him typhus should have had a command point to do a challenge to that tancer and then I would have had a chance of hurting some wraiths as it's been this has just been a slog I I think I just need to to to tap out those wraiths have got me got me cold into your tank oh tank says ouch goes down to four let's let's eat a nightbringer let's do it I do not hit and on the other side the other one fight through all right nurglings chew away the scarabs and a base goes down and now I'm going to nibble on your Destroyer man I call him midic blade hauler wounds the Destroyer but that's all end of the fight phase nightbringer is going to look at both units of nurglings so the one he's attached to Dre life kills the blade Hall and seriously wounds a nurgling base Michaels kept area denial and he scores three points on Clans 3849 as we head to Tao's turn four it's been a great opening of the game but I fear that Michael is clawing his way back in it's concerning start of turn four Tao assassination oh investigate signals ooh spend my command point on new orders okay overwhelming Force but I have some battle shock to take take yep on the tank I'm all right on the nurgling no he's super battle shocked but he can pop out and be like tyus falls back here PL crawler rolls up and gets on the center objective Dron is taking the Left Flank objective and trying to hide a bit I am going to fall back with the nerling in the Bottle Shock nurgling nurgling falls back and dies because of it desperate Breakout is a thing so I just got to kill the nightbringer with one plague burst crawler let's start two entb cannons into the nightbringer to start the festivities plague burst crawler does nothing to the nightbringer that is not good drone boy is going to take out the Destroyer drone into the Destroyer down it goes plague burst crawler over here can I finally take out Watson let's try that try to down Watson now with entropy cannons no joy mortar strips him down to nine tyus is going to to yell at your scarabs CU reasons hey there's a one he's going to do it he's going to kill himself all right here we go five or six and he takes more wounds tyus I am starting to hate tyus almost as much as mortarion does you fight first with your swimmies I do I should blow I'm going to blow a guy out Scarab explodes it does two Mortals to the nurglings one base on one wound left is it m two wounds I say I take two wounds down to one on this base excellent still basing along though I will fight with a plague burst crawler before I can't plague burst crawler now nothing ning nle things nurglings hurt the Scarab swarm then I'm going to attack with my wraiths into your plag ver crawler heading on four Roll n you bet all right that's that tiger discarding assassination for a command Point gives him one he's got overwhelming Force for three 57 to 38 as we head to Michael's turn four so start of my turn Michael has to use theane Bravery here on the scarabs to try and catch Tao wraith's comeb back and character heals him to full that unit has held the entire game these guys I get two of my Immortals back which brings them now to full strength and I get a single wound back on the Scarab so Scarab goes to three remaining he's pulled inage at all fronts and he still has area denial 4857 in favor of Tao this guy here is going to advance single Destroyer moves up scares fall back Michael hoping to pull this out on turn five I think nightbringer goes up and over the wall these Immortals are going to advance for three moving eight Immortals running up to be some late game annoyance let's do shooting phase Watson is going to obliterate typhus from is he now the planet I think he's going to survive poor tyus watch of the Doomsday Arc is about to pay him oh Ty will FS one save rrolling and he succeeds he lives for now all of the Immortals at this F Dr Drone yes explode down to S wounds remaining all right so I'm going to move these guys cuz I keep forgetting to do that chronomancers fire and fade ability we're going to take the doomstalker and he's going to put him into the same uh Target he for the big gun three till I roll thanks to Arc GRE there two wounds sir can't die nope take them both down to one nightbringer is going to gaze of death into the nurglings so how many shots see that's a problem for me that's a hit that's a wound that is a I saw it too that's a super dead one ice this tank with the pistol shots from the wraiths ooh wraiths pistol the plague burst crawler Tao fails a save and it takes a devastating wound the plague burst crawler dies charge phase think nightbringer is charging back into your BL power nightbringer charges the plague burst crawler he's in Watson's going to charge into uh oh no tyus tyus yep uh seven that'll do are you tank shocking them y Watson tank shocks P typhus command r-u on The Wraith charge nine that's in that might wrap the game up combat phase nightbringer see if he can just W it so six attacks oh the nightbringer's only taking the tank to six wounds if the wraiths kill the tank that should be game as Michael will have complete board control ready on threes take one down to four I will discard area denials and I will score three points on engage on all fronts all right 51 57 in favor of Tao as we head to turn five I'm up to two command points Tao has to use insane bravery on the Drone to score five points on primary he does score 10 points primary to take him to 40 primary sitting at 27 secondary with storm hostile and defend stronghold some just going like like body block you from it sure I will advance my drone oh look at him go so he can go right here and be super annoying the nland can drop off the building to here and I will OverWatch it okay nurglings are being overwatched by the Tesla Immortals oh I'm going to Chuck one of these so I'll have two command points that's it for Tao scoring he sits at 67 potentially 70 as Michael sits at 51 if Michael can take Tao's home objective and get the right secondary draw then this could be the end of the game as Tao can't stop Michael from scoring 15 points on primary Michael has drawn assassination Tao has no characters left in his army that automatically will score an extra five points is the nightbringer goes 6 in forward which goes to about here so I'm going to roll a dice I'm going to advance my scarabs for three so they move 13 in to here should do that so one in range one in range I just need to get my technomancer who flies Doom Stalker into your plag bur crawler how many shots does he have he has three shots he's hitting on threes three rolling he hits everything he's wounding on threes I have wounded you twice both saves that's cool love that uh let's do the Gaze of death he has one shot he hits on a two and he wounds with a six you fail that is D6 plus three wounds you've taken Five Wounds shocker and that is gam two more kills for Michael that's a nine points on secondary takes him to 30 45 primary 85 points to 77 points in favor of Michael with the fifth turn comeback excellent good well played well done 12 points are all that's in it but that feels like a one-point game those dice rolls were crazy the back and forth was fantastic incredibly well played congrats Michael on the Victory and Tao you gave it everything you had but today nurgle just wasn't watching very very good game to my opponent I always appreciate playing against Tao it's always a blast yeah thank you so much for tuning in folks thank you to magnet Baron for being our fantastic sponsor and thank you to you our fantastic viewers uh I really hope that this game was as fun for you as it was for us we had a blast shooting it uh I love losing a game that was that close that intense came down to the little tiny things I thought I had them but he took it and uh beautifully done special thanks to this episode sponsor magnet Baron make sure to check them out at the link below or go to magnetar for all your magnetizing needs also if you like what we do please feel just like And subscribe and share or if you'd like to please consider supporting us on patreon or YouTube you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around that's it from us at play on Studios on behalf of everyone this has been your host JT the voice saying until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on outro [Music] music [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 262,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: vMIegVPRlN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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