Warhammer 40k in Stellaris is STILL a Painless Experience

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all gonna be safe and we're all gonna have a great time what the jesus christ was that warhammer 40k seems to be one of those shoe-ins one of those things where you think by yourself this is perfect for solaris there is space battles there is planets there is an entire galaxy of things yeah you would think that indeed they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine sadly enough there is not that many mods out there so this warhammer total conversion mod will have to do for now now the other question you may ask is aspect why are you not playing the other warhammer total conversion mod well it's because it does not work you have to expand your empires and you literally cannot go to war now i don't want to be that guy but i am also not a tao player who's too busy having peace and prosperity in the galaxy i would like to have some good crusading going on so yeah here we are back again with the warhammer turtle conversion mod the original the amazingness i got a new pc let's hope it runs a little bit better this time and there they are the glory of the imperium of man on holy terra because of course they are industrious rapid breeders slow learners and they also have to trade small age plus 200 years for your leaders uh i guess this has to do with all the rejuvenation technology that the imperium of man has got going on but then again they also have a couple of hive cities in the background a theocratic theocratic monarchy yeah there is the chad himself the imperium emperor of mankind but then again we also have some chaos going on and that is heretical if i had to ever say it yeah yeah chaos ships you can play with those that's the thing the blood pact the calyx's heresy or in this particular case the cherokee uh chaos demons in general the chaos heresy some rebels and of course well um yeah dark eldar uh guys don't go to camera it's it's not not a good place to go to the uh crap worlds are here all the fun and games that comes with that a bunch of necrons and of course the logs yeah there is quite a lot of them and we will see quite a lot of them in this year uh play through the tower here they're tiny because of course they are they're also the only background that is properly aligned and there is a bunch of tiny little empires that nobody really cares about because they are about to get purged beyond belief anyway we're gonna dive in as the imperium of man we're gonna have the performance start or should we total war start total war star that does sound like it's a fun time let's go in and this background immediately brings me back to the wonderful days and the loading time is already starting to worry me quite significantly the imperium of man is a galactic span a spanning interstellar human empire the ultimate authority of the majority of man human race within the milky way galaxy i could not have said it myself we also have the pc hive medium preference which means that we most likely prefer hive worlds let us begin now i have been instructed not to touch anything until the first month has passed so we're going to take our hands off the keyboard and press the space bar and hope that nothing horrible happens all right here we go one okay the game is frozen always a good sign oh no this cannot be good oh oh okay all right okay all right i can see how this is going cool we got some additional planets and we are oh it's still frozen have we crossed the rubric yes all right we've crossed the rubicon the couple of and we immediately got some some ships but uh you know a couple of things that don't do anything to us is not the end of the world and of course we are immediately at war with everybody and everybody is a war with everybody now as we spawn in we are of course in the solar system and there is holy mars what a glorious model this is with the iron ring and everything here's holy terra and luna of course what can we say we got ourselves a battle fleet in orbit it is battle fleet solar and now it's probably a good time to take a look at our planets now we got 10 in the terrace system uh well at least in in solar and another 36 over here another 37 over here and that is it think the think the emperor emperor be praised we have basically have 80 planets to control all right let's take a look at the map here jesus christ what a mess okay then so what are we going to do well we kind of have to take a look at what the situation is here uh we got a war to purge zenos uh we got another award of the purge cherokees apparently purge dark eldar and some more xeno ah well there it is uh this is a part of the mod where uh the lord dumps start to happen so oh oh apparently i can select stuff in the background here that's quite something apparently we want some lore and current galaxy situation explaining of events yeah let's do that uh the imperium of man is here that's pretty cool it's very cash money look at the giant tank and the heroes of the uh militarum etc okay there's zeen nurgle corn and slaanesh okay there are some orcs and stuff that's to be expected eldar we don't care about those uh but oh god all right so okay uh there's the dark eldar that there there is the tau the necron uh these guys whatever that is i don't want to know uh no no age of apostasy seriously um are we going to get into this already the van gogh go from van dy or stuff some crusades warp travel turn on your geller fields boys and girls and finally there is currently two crusades going on one the calyx's sector uh probably against orcs probably not the best of ideas and there's the uh continuation of the internal crusade but as you can see uh we are immediately attacked by every single uh location that we can think of because over here there is a fleet of bean teal coming in from the craft world which is definitely oh my god like 126 000 fleet power and they're attacking this system over here yeah that looks like to be in like an angry world almost that's not gonna work very well and it's also pretty far away okay so where are there's the maelstrom okay there are some orcs over here there's this mess whatever the hell this is uh the imperium of man okay there's a there's the imperium of man again is this the okay there's the crack oh there's the eye of terror i was about to say where is the eye of terror uh plague planet one because of course there has to be a plague planet one uh plague planet there you go a demon world um yeah that's uh that's not good we're going to need to do something about that we do have battle fleet kedia here of course yes where is cadia where is katia itself there it is it has never been broken the beautiful fortress world of cadia we should probably get a governor attached to itself i do like the giant oval um fortification business that we got going on here but we also have battlefield acadia of course the most powerful fleet that we could probably muster out of all of these planets and we have so many oh my god there's how many planets do we have oh my lord look i i know that it the list it just doesn't end it just does not end oh could we oh there finally so i know that the imperium has over a million worlds but this is getting a little bit ridiculous here uh that is a lot of sectors with a lot of planets and uh i am not entirely sure how i am going to manage all of this oh of course yeah definitely yeah uh-huh uh-huh yeah that's great that's great what a great amount of planets we got here so we're just going to go ahead and ignore all of that we do have this craft world over here uh 60 000 is not going to be able uh enough to crack that but we do have war fleet armageddon over here but there's another walk fleet over there so we're just gonna need to throw those into the mix and try to attack that lock fleet because sadly enough we cannot do much against this craft world which is somewhat unfortunate tell you what we'll do is um we're just gonna go ahead and get the fleet from armageddon and uh throw in battlefleet solar into the mix there yeah we can we can reinforce with battlefleet solar because clearly the capital of our empire holy terror does not need any defenses whatsoever there is also titan over here uh this place you've never seen you don't know about it we don't talk about it there is no grey night situation going on here nothing important is going on over there don't worry about it it is not necessary to do anything come on get out of the way so many planets just like if you if you wonder like if you want to have a good uh way of deal it just does it's gonna unlock the scroll wheel let's go all right cool um so if you ever want to play with a uh or an emperor class battleship because clearly i can just build those uh if you just want to have a game where you could for instance i don't know simulate what the uh the high uh council of terra has to deal with yeah then this is probably a good way of dealing with things i'm also completely running out of food uh clearly uh we need to throw more what am i attacking here what is this calyx's heresy okay versus 186k okay all right all right spearhead class battleship let's just slow the game down a little bit and see what's going on here why are there so many wars going on all the time we got a random fleet over here the black templar crusade fleet now we're talking okay can we do anything against this fleet of the is this necron yeah this is necron i can't do anything against that with this little firepower and that's also necron yeah i'm going to need to fall back here because i sadly do not have um the to back me up in this little shindig so yeah oh what's this oh unrest a sense of community egalitarian ethics attraction in the imperium of man yeah i'm sure that will i'm sure that will work just fine we got another walk fleet coming in over here how big is this 53k nothing we can do about that i think we kind of overstretched ourselves a little bit on this one um that's a lot of enemy fleets and i'm having trouble keeping an eye on all my planets to see where i can actually you know build stuff so uh let's get some uh we can get some custodies screw it we're just gonna build some custodies right off the get-go here let's uh that that's done on luna so that's good uh let's get some um medium imperial guard armies up and running they're gonna come go with the custodies and mars can we get some oh whoa titans yeah emperor titans let's do it i'm sure that we can just crank those out yeah we'll throw in some schitari whilst we're at it as well emperor titans don't ignore the fact that you know we've lost the information on how to build all of this stuff oh god the game is slowing down so much oh oh no is it back is it back oh no oh no the horribleness is back the terrible black lines are back and my cp my gpu is like oh no i have done a terrible concern yes yes you have okay i got a i got a transport fleet here what's going on what is going to go ahead and invade this orc planet by the way i did not realize this because uh i don't really pay attention to orcs but um some orc got a little bit too enthusiastic with the spray paint and now half the planet is red whether or not it now orbits the star faster is a whole different question but we'll leave that to the orcs the slowdowns are still here like overall this mod is is done pretty darn well don't get me wrong oh no oh no the horribleness has returned like this mod is pretty well done and i'm really sad that it's gotten gotten orphaned like whether or not games workshop came in and we're like hey cool mott you have there that'll be a season this is oh rebellion oh of course sure um apparently the ecclesiarchy to the southwest of tehran a cardinal world called galathamore has decided to rebel a huge rebellion on our planet it's supported by a cardinal look i understand that we have a bit of an issue going on here i don't even know where this is um like where is all this stuff there's the log sure oh invasions are oh okay great we got invasions going on is this where this heresies thing was going on earlier on i think it is what's this imperial secundus all right yeah um uh how am i even okay there is the chaos chaos can you just go in and take down imperial secundus in this particular case it's only three worlds right like how bad could it be battlefleet kedia who by the way were in attacking the eye of terror i am not entirely sure why a craft world would be in the eye of terror um because a certain slaanesh is in there who would most likely try to eat them as soon as they could uh how many there's just there's just so many wars going on all the time like titan okay cool armies recruit you don't see anything you're not seeing this happening groom bridge what a awkward name for a planet that's shall we uh oh okay oh sure another rebellion i'm i'm i'm sure that we can handle that let's uh let's go take a closer look shall we okay cool oh oh no well ain't not something 60 000 what have we got here 140 000 let's take a look excuse me um you know i expected a lot of things in this mod a glory on a class battleship it was not was not one of them the eternal crusader yeah yeah get our fields hot let's go let's go kill some orcs really everybody okay another rebellion yeah sure sure sure uh oh yeah sure reinforcements oh yeah sure there's the log sure oh it's a it's a vlog alliance what a delight how could i not how could i not foresee this okay well wait that's the eternal crusader and this is a planet the black templar fortress monastery um all righty then so uh the orcs have the ability to drift their ships fyi uh they are literally moving sideways so uh they are fully tokyo drifting at the moment i wish i was kidding and i wish the game didn't just randomly freeze up but yeah this is probably the most orcish thing that can happen in the drifting like i've literally played only one year of gameplay one friggin year of gameplay and more stuff has happened in this one year of gameplay than in an entire normal game of solaris and i'm not even kidding there is stuff coming in from everywhere and it's just impossible to deal with plus we've got craft worlds on the loose there's the imperium secundus the chaos is all over the place orcs are coming in from all over the shop uh the tower sitting in their corners so bless him for not having to do anything i'll purge him later the eye of the the the eye of terror is over here i don't even know what the hell this balconized garbage is over here it is a mess if you want to try out this mod and have a good time make sure you roll back your version of stellaris and uh yeah grab it i'll send the link down in the description below so you can have a good time with it because my lord what a mess of rebellions garbage and all that other stuff that is going on uh pick it up it's the perfect um the adaptus ministratum simulator because my lord the empire is [Music] the imperium is not doing well in this then it's a miracle that they'll survive to 40 to 40k it's it's amazing you know it's more fun videos i posted a video about fluffy worlds do you go check it out it's a little box on your screen go click on it and then afterwards go take a look at eating pops as in eating other empires i turn them into food it's a good time thank you so much for watching and uh praise the omnisia because the imperium of man is boned
Channel: ASpec
Views: 217,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, stellaris, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40.000, Warhammer, stellaris gameplay, stellaris game, stellaris playthrough, stellaris modded, aspec, a_spec, paradox development studio, imperial guard, astarte, adeptus mechanicus, stellaris 40k, stellaris 40k mod, stellaris 40k meme, paradox interactive, Stellaris 40k mod, Imperium of Man, Eldar, Orks, Eye of Terror, Civics, Ethics, Origin, origin, mod Stellaris, 40k, stellaris warhammer 40k, stellaris warhammer 40k mod
Id: 6bo_bkSRFI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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