1 Terran Grandmaster vs 7 Zerg INSANE A.I. (WORLD RECORD)

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two months ago starcraft 2 content creator pig offered a hundred dollar reward for any programmer that could beat seven cheater three ais in the 1v7 none of the programmers managed to do it with the best player of all time cerro even tweeting the level straight up impossible the only way players finished it was by messing with the strategy or hosting some kind of island map where the ais were absolutely clueless after trying this challenge for a few weeks i think i found the perfect strategy did i manage to complete the challenge let's find out alright here we go you can see the build settings are set to ni any build i will not be able to control strategies they choose making it hard to counter and i am playing against all zerg initially i was playing against all random but pro gamer kalazer convinced me to play it against zurich because he said i would have the best chance against it so i gave it a shot and here we are now if you're wondering why i'm doing a voiceover instead of live commentary is that this is possibly or probably the hardest challenge i've ever tried the attempt you guys are watching is literally attempt number 71. uh i actually was commentating all my attempts before what you guys can imagine i actually lasted for a while but somewhere halfway i got i went absolutely insane after commentating show me so many attempts and explaining everything every time again and at some point i decided to just record my footage with the webcam and then just do a voiceover to explain things later probably giving better commentary and preserving my mental sanity which is nice now i'm going to explain you guys why 1v7 against the insane ai is so difficult first of all insane ais they map hack and they mine more resources what that means is that they blind count your unit set and they make yeah more units than i can make alone and all of them individually right so their army is absolutely massive now another thing that's difficult in one v7 i'm not sure if this is just the insane ai personally i've only tried one v7 is the insane ai i didn't try elite but it might be the same for elite is that the only way you can defend against all the armies is if you get a wall of up in some kind of choke and actually have units behind it to defend it if you have a neighbor like in the 1v7 the moment you make a building in the choke they will pull their workers and all of their early gamers to get it and it's just too disruptive and you will lose the game because of that so what you have to figure out is how to deal with your neighbor well getting a wall off up at the same time now personally i've tried a few different strategies the first strategy i tried that worked quite well was going for a one-on-one on one base getting a fast reaper making a supply depot in an awkward spot next to my neighbor's base so he would pull the drones he wouldn't quite be able to kill the depot and with extensive reaper micro i would be able to kill the drones over time and take it from there and a strategy i'm doing here is actually my most successful strategy it is also the craziest build ever as you guys can see so what i figured out was that if you actually land and lift a building close to your neighbor they do not actually care for some reason if you make a building next to them is the worst thing in the world for them but if you land one in their vicinity it's totally fine so that way i can turn my cc first into a planetary and actually defend the choke and then bait his workers into the planetary with some kind of building afterwards dealing with my neighbor in that way now the build for this if you guys are curious was cc first gas barracks gas ebay which if you would tell tell me someone does that in 1v1 i would actually think they're insane so uh yeah i'm actually very glad i figured this out i do think this only works against all zerg i feel like if i would move on and play this against all terrans all produce against all random i don't think this would work because of immortals siege tanks terence harassing your main base as well they do like to do that so if you guys want to see me try and show you guys my best attempt against all terran protoss or random as well make sure to let me know in the comments and if you do enjoy this kind of challenge make sure to subscribe to the channel as well turn on the notifications now if you looked at the webcam here you can actually see i was a little bit annoyed let me explain you why in 1v7 you need a little bit of luck with what build orders the other ais do because it's unpredictable you kind of have to counter everything what annoyed me here was that i saw the creep you see the creep on the bottom of the screen it let me know that my neighbor did a hatch first which means that that base is going to be harder for me to take later on as my third and he will also have mind from it already one thing i do have to add on by the way is that if you're going to do this challenge it would actually be reasonable to redo it until you get different spawns because this spawn is actually not that great for this and the reason is that your natural super open to hear the target fire on the baileys is very important i know this looked relatively easy to hold but without the target fire could have been a disaster but on this spawn your naturals relatively open so at some point queens and zerglings will walk into your natural which is super annoying so ideally on this map you have the bottom right or the top left spawn now you can see every time i make a building the ai pulls more units to my planetary and this is the point i actually need to keep making depots this has been a little bit of a chaotic start worse than i wanted but if you keep making depots they will also keep sending drones and you really have to do that because you cannot allow your neighbor to live under any circumstance you really need to mine from four decent bases that have a chance in this challenge um i think in all my best attempts i will i completely ran out of money and here you can see the struggle i highlighted before that units are actually going to my natural instead of just walking into the pf even the queen attacking my gas now you may have noticed that i send a liberator to harass the ai above me now it's actually super important to do this you cannot win this challenge by defending alone a lot of this challenge is actually based on doing counter damage ais really hate dealing with liberators so if you see the liberator in their base sometimes they do deal with it sometimes they really struggle to deal with it for even the entire game most of the times they do kill it but even then it tends to keep their entire army at home and they will lose a lot of money so if their ai attacks later on let's say you're denying two ai's mineral lines that means their army will just be two armies weaker which could be 200 army supply right so that's actually huge now very important here is this wall i also experimented with different kind of walls a lot so here you can see i have a planetary and i made a barracks or i landed the barracks i made two ebays in front of it at some point i was expecting experimenting sorry with two planetaries the problem with planetary fortresses is that they do actually draw the aggro of the unit so any kind of unit will attack it if you have engineering base however a lot of time the ai will just derp and kind of walk around weirdly they do still break it sometimes but i think this is probably the best wall you can do potentially you could add a second pf behind the ebay wall but making sure you have that ebay valve is very important notice how i'm still okay for this i have to pull some workers usually the liberators here are crucial by the way like i said this is the i'm not sure if i mentioned it before actually you always need to find a balance between sending out liberators or not these liberators are helping immensely in bugging out the ai without these lips they may have actually busted through and probably not killed the pf but maybe killed all of the ebays so seizing these liberators at home has helped a lot and now i have some more space to send them out after holding the attack now notice how i'm still making supply depots behind my planetary fortress i'm really just doing this so my neighbor pulls more and more drones and doesn't mind out my base now something that's a little bit tough is to decide how many factories versus star ports you want because liberators are great but tanks might be even better and at some point you need a lot of vikings and turrets as well to deal with air but because it's the ais are set on any build it's you can't really know how many of them are going to go for air how many are going to go for x you know it's really hard but i found that two factories plus a fusion core are the best strategy the fusion core is really important because it allows you to harass more bases with liberator range because some of the ais will defend your liberator with let's say three hydras on some bases hydras actually cannot reach a liberator with range so rather than getting a second starboard i think getting liberated race is very important here you see i already got some turrets up who are actually very lucky to not lose that tank there in red health getting the turrets up is super important first of all to kill overseers but also you don't know when they're going to make mutas and corruptors but they do make them at some point i'm not sure if they always make mutas they definitely always make corrupters which would just clean out my liberators for free but i'm pretty sure they also make mutas you can see the liberators on the left side are doing very well i did lose the one on the right side sadly i'm just making more and more depots until there's really no drones left and then i'm going to try to take that base now another difficult part is that i'm not showing it on the screen but all the bases in the middle of the map i think it's six of them all those bases are gold bases you cannot allow the ai to mine from the two gold bases next to mine so you see on the right side of my main base there's a gold base at some point i'm gonna have to deny that and like i said this uh winning against 1v7 ai it's really important that you do counter damage and denying the gold base is a must not just because you deny the mining but if you threaten something the ai is programmed to attack back so if i seize a bunch of liberators on the gold base the ai will try to attack if it's ground army and their trades will just be very inefficient it is very important that you realize that you cannot just defend because then you will lose you actually need to do all of these moves at this point i have a lot of siege tanks cut from my second factory which are doing fantastic you see i'm setting up turrets in the main base and that is for the purpose i just explained i want to be able to seize that gold base but i don't want my stuff to die to mutas and corruptors so you need to set up those turrets there now that liberate is 45 kills by the way you could tell i saved that liberator and these as well until i had lib range and now i can deny these bases without being in danger unless they have air units of course air units would be able to deal with that anyway this larva's not denying my third base for an eternity which is a little bit annoying and now i'm also setting up turrets in my neighbor's main base one thing that's actually very good to do that i haven't done here is hotkeying your tanks because investors neural parasite your tanks a lot and you need to be able to target them instantly or else your tank just destroys you now at this point i have to make some more starbursts the reason for this is is that turrets at some point are not enough to deal with the air units they have at some point you need i'm not sure what the magic number is i think i like to make between 15 and 20 vikings now this ai challenge by the way has made me realize a big weakness of the liberator and is that it does not attack the ravager automatically because it doesn't consider it an anti-air so you can tell if you don't target it my liberators would just be attacking the roaches instead so now my neighbor surrendered this because i killed all of his drones that's very good now he won't resist anymore to me taking his base at first i was also seizing a lot of liberators in this choke right now you can tell i usually only have one or zero i notice that the tanks are just better to have and the liberators are better spent attacking what does suck is that uh if you look on the minimap yeah you can see i lost all the liberators on the right side typically as a rule i put for myself is that i thought you could only win if you deny four bases worth of economy and right now i'm only denying two so here i was actually not too happy with the situation but i did manage to kill my neighbor and i didn't take any damage yet typically at this point my average game i would already be dead at this point like this challenge is really hard i know right now it looks like we're doing smooth sailing so far but trust me i'm not lying when this was attempt 71 on my main account this replay was actually noted as abandoned paris 69 because two attempts were on another account so i guess that was that was nice now you can tell i'm denying the gold based on the left side i also need to set up turrets in this base you see right now so i can deny the other gold and here you can see what i mean um i'm not just killing drones i'm also killing a ton of units on that base because the ai is just like i need to defend this i mean they're literally programmed to do it i'm sorry buddy it's not my fault just trying just trying to break a record here now normally i've taken a lot more damage at this point so i feel like here i was getting cautiously optimistic every time i see the armies however they look freaking massive you can tell i instantly went to make more turrets my vikings did come out at a perfect time though i guess after 71 attempts you are kind of used to the timings that they have so you can tell the first corrupters showed up but i instantly had my vikings which is really pleasant uh one thing i was not sure about and this is actually tough you would think because one thing that's really good in terran late game is making a lot of orbitals because you can drop a lot of mules you'll be rich you have infinite scans but here you're obviously very limited on resources you basically have three and a half base if you calculate the mining your neighbor did or maybe even three so in this game i didn't even want to make another cc i just wanted to wait for my main to my now to lift it over i can see that the turrets are really good against corruptors by the way because the corrupters instead of flying through and attacking air units they tend to use their ability on the missile turrets but missile turrets obviously are pretty efficient against corrupters killing them like that now this setup does look like it's going to be broken that ai actually got a disgusting fungal on my vikings there one thing that is really important too is you always need to repair your units because repairing your units is way cheaper than making a new one so since you have limited resources more than ever which i think you guys will like because when i play my normal challenges you want to be on you guys always beg me to repair my stuff um so yeah here i always try to repair as much as i can that liberator was at 113 kills by the way that's incredible um the first liberator you send out always tend to do the best because they will deny the ai's economy before they get to a lot of units so that's important now even though i only denied two bases of mining at this point i started to feel like the fact that i was denying both of these gold bases was going really well for me did i keep coming in i have so many sea sand at this point it's actually kind of absurd i feel like i never got to this point where i did many siege tanks the abilities on the left side looking a bit scary here the blinding cloud the fungals but they're there yeah there's just an absurd amount of tanks and i really believe you can tell that the ai derps a lot because of the ebays at the front i feel like that's the first time i saw an ultra attack these so i i didn't it's actually kind of hard to see when you're playing because you're very busy with surviving and stuff oh really good parasitic bomb there quickly landing the viking to get rid of it i'm sure now that the ebay wall is better than a second planetary because the engineering bay wall at the front is really just destroying the ai right now i do have to say this looks really weird that i haven't taken the base yet but as you can see i have no money to start a cc and i really did not want to take risks so if you guys are wondering how long do you need to survive for this i think typically you need to survive for at least 30 minutes my best attempts are usually around 20-22 minutes and i think my actual one best attempt i survived at 29 minutes and i thought i had it and i moved out and they still had an army and killed me so i would say um yeah maybe to be really safe it's probably like it could even be 45 minutes like i don't know how much money they have um but they can always spam like a ton of zergling so if you move out with you know just tanks and vikings you'll still lose to this earthlings you've noticed at this point i haven't made any upgrades yet and normally i think that sounds a bit silly because i have so many mech units you'd rather have one one but i really just feel like every time i decided to be a little bit greedy get an extra command center get an extra you know a couple of armories i always died somehow like sometimes it seems impossible to die but trust me i have died sitting 200 supply behind my turrets with a good composition and then just a moving through my wall because at some point they get an insane army sometimes they go for brute lords as well and in that case you have to do a lot of good tank micro i'm baiting them here with the vikings is going really well by the way like i know muta's look cheap here but i just killed like 2k worth of resources just with these vikings and i didn't actually look at this tank on the low ground he abducted it there but that tank is now mvp he's just shooting at units for free and the other units are afraid to go because there's a liberator zone covering it this is accidentally the most abusive thing ever he abducted my tank and he's getting punished at this point i was like oh crap i have like six liberators here chillin now it is sometimes difficult to make the decision between making liberators or vikings because right now i'm maxed if they would actually break me one time i could go down to 140 supply and then you kind of wish you saved some money and didn't just rashly decided to make vikings or liberators because sometimes you're not sure which one you need now i think at this point i was considering making a censor tower as well and the sensor tower sounds like a waste of money right because you're sitting in your base anyway but if you think about it this way that sometimes like i have a i have three liberators here for example if i get busted at the front with ultras i would rather have had those liberators at the front you can see there are actually a lot of corruptors coming in here gonna lose a few liberators to this keep in mind i'm basically playing against how many bases are on the map here four five six eight eleven i think this is like an 18 base zero i'm playing against basically and i'm on three and a half basis but i am denying a few bases of economy so it's more like a 14 day zerg i would say i think at this point i must have already gotten my turret upgrades as well i think those are pretty important actually the upgrades from the engineering bay for the turrets and the planetary fortress i usually get them at some point so i didn't actually see myself get them but i feel pretty certain that i do have them notice how everything is actually such a big army every time they show up again the army gets bigger and bigger i feel like i've killed five billion resources but they just keep on coming and the ebays are doing so well i actually i'm extremely happy i figured out that ebays are better than the second planetary um i did take a little bit of um what do you call this inspiration for watching beasty cutie's channel beastie was the king of the ai challenges i actually kind of assumed this challenge would be impossible because he didn't complete it but i did take a lot of inspiration for him and yeah one thing he did do was the second planetary uh he did played a little bit different from me i noticed that i was always trying the wall with buildings and he would just put two ps at the front but i think this might actually be even better that ultra on the right i was trying to burrow and i got sniped i didn't even notice that i'm still extremely poor i one one mistake i made this game was that i was actually pretty slow at mining out my main base my maybe should have been mined out already but for some reason i just didn't drop that many mules i guess i wasn't really occupied with it you know it would be sick to see in i'm not sure if they still use it thought first a while in pro tournaments they had this thing called battle report where after a battle the observer could press a certain button and you would see the resources lost in that battle i would love to see the resources lost in the fight over the gold right side of my main because i think i must have out traded them by like 20 or 30 to 1 here because i don't think i lost anything but i've killed so much i should have killed the check the kill count on those lips i do check the kill count on my liberators on them on the top bases at some point now here i feel like since we're approaching 20 minutes this is already one of my best attempts like i said my best attempts usually ended about 20 21 22 minutes so here i was starting to get cautiously optimistic because i was in a better spot than normal like normally here i'm struggling with money and you have to survive a few more waves and it's looking tough here i think this was the best situation i found myself in and i really credit this to two things the first one is just the ebay well at the front excuse me and the second one is how well i actually battled those gold bases like normally this game is an absolute struggle this game it has seemed relatively comfortable up until this point now i did read the ai pretty well here what happened here was that the ai was consistently defending the gold base on the right more than on the left but since the one on the right side died to my siege tanks i quickly rotated my units to the left because i figured they would start attacking here now now you can see how annoyed the ai is that i'm sieging this because the ultralist car yeah that is a lot of money going down the drain for them now finally i've actually taken this fourth phase to be fair i haven't needed it so far because i've always been maxed or well not quite max because i'm actually supply booked at 188. at this point i wasn't even sure if it would be smart to make supply depots or not like maybe it's it's better to save the 200 minerals and just remake the units when i actually lose them i think um somewhere here i might also be getting armory upgrades you can see i'm scanning to see what the army composition is like and one thing i'm not sure about it would be nice to get like some pro gamer insight on that is how the ais are programmed to attack because you've noticed in the last few i want to say two minutes or three minutes they actually haven't attacked me straight up they're just trying to defend the base so i wonder if they need a certain mass of units to actually attack your base instead of defending theirs i mean i guess i am threatening multiple there's the armory nice i actually got that armory to make thor's by the way i don't typically like to make thor's but i felt like especially if they get bootloads at some point or if they keep having air and especially because there haven't been that many vipers a thor might just be a consistent amount of damage dude i wonder how many tanks are here by the way this is that looks like 20 tanks there's another five it's probably about 29 tanks i would say maybe we even reached 30. now here since my money was looking good since i took the fourth base i decided to um make a couple more armories now i know it's been looking very good but remember what i said the last time my best attempt i still got wiped by full army at 29 minutes so i'm definitely taking this game very cautious and one thing that's important is that you actually bait the oh there's a few brutal earth that's scary but i do have a lot of vikings now now even if you think you're doing good you shouldn't move out it's better to just bait the ai in oh he's actually gonna attack there that's going to be annoying because there's a lot of air but i do have a little turrets now you see um there's brooklyn's here so i'm actually going to have to unseize these tanks before i kill actually do it right away yeah because i would have probably killed three of my own things if i kept them sieged and man the terrorists are doing fantastic i really think the building armor and the plus range upgrade on the turrets make a massive difference now i was unseen she tries to push in here again yeah every time i see it again i notice how good the ebays are because the ultra is definitely derp a little bit at the e base now the magic moment for me i think is gonna be at about 30 minutes i feel like the closer i get to 30 minutes the better i will feel because uh you know first of all i will have broken my own record which you guys already know because this is my best attempt i'm going to survive at least 29 minutes and 30 seconds in this um i can tell you guys that at this point now once again guys if you would like me to see me do this challenge against other races as well make sure to comment it because i will try i for a long time i thought this one was impossible i mean you know it has taken me a million attempts to actually get to this point um when i got my attended 29 minutes i did start feeling like it was possible like here i'm super scared that i still throw this game or maybe not throw but just like at some point i have to move out and then they could surround me but here i was getting optimistic and i didn't want to show it just because i you know i get scared like if you look at the camera i looked really focused now uh and i was just scared that they would still just wait for me um to explain in detail what happened at one time that i got 29 minutes is i scanned and their army was too big for me to move out but they stopped attacking so i was sitting in my own base for three more minutes just waiting for them to attack and then at some point i was like well i have to move out because they're not doing anything and then they still killed me so i'm really you know doing extreme caution here like i'm sure they combined still have more supply than me you know i'd say they have at least 400 supply at this point so i'm being super careful but yeah if you guys want to see me do this again in other matchups please let me know i think zerg is definitely the easiest of the three uh even though i'm the first one to do it i still think it's the easiest of the three random is that is just you know it's i wouldn't say insane but this is already called insane so i guess just extreme ultra omega challenge and i think both theron or protos would also be incredibly hard i've actually challenged my uh my friends from pro gaming to try it as well i know goblin and skillers have both been trying this for protoss if you guys would like to see me try this with other races myself like rather than play other races but maybe try with zerger produce myself also let me know if enough people wanted i would totally be down now i feel like at this point i think i'm considering moving out i'm not sure my okay i do have one one i'm not sure if i started to two and the main reason i'm thinking about moving out is because every time i scan yeah there you can see i'm on sieging a bunch of stuff every time i scan i don't see a lot of units so i think we have approached the point where the ai's army is too small to attack into me at least like i don't think it's too small to beat me but i think it's too small to move into me like if i look at this game from a spectator pov at this point some people would be celebrating but i you know like i was explained a few times i've lost beyond this part and i'm really not going to be any celebratory until i really managed to do it i'm going to be very cautious here now i'm getting my tutu notice how many things i'm leaving on the high ground i would definitely recommend that uh you guys do something like this as well because these ais are actually sneaky i don't know how they do it but they're sneaky i do wonder what the best tactic is to bait an ai into attacking you by the way because normally you just sit there and they attack you but at this point you kind of want to bait them into attacking into you but i'm not sure how you can do that because things are quite slow like if xerxes would attack these tanks i might even lose a few of them you know because of the tanks on the high ground doing splash damage now at the same time because i've denied these gold bases i think that also puts me in an even better sport yeah you see there almost lost two seats tanks it is quite scary denying these goals put me in even better spot because now i can mine from the golds themselves i think for sure that gas should be mineable at the bottom at least actually it's a weird situation where i have i'm playing mech but i have no minerals and the reason is pretty simple is because this game i've quite literally made a gajillion turrets actually i wonder if any one of you can guess it how many tourists do you think i've made in this game i'm actually gonna make more by the way just saying but up until this point or maybe in total i wonder if you guys can guess how many tourism actually made here now uh i'm actually really surprised that this store survived i remember this moment i was like wait that door is dead for sure because there's like 14 seasons shooting it oh my goodness you guys see that that liberators on 209 kills that is absolutely incredible now i think one thing that i'm missing here is actually a raven for the creep but keep in mind i was never able to make orbitals so i actually cannot really scan i can't kill the creep if i ever take a fight i do not want it to be on creep because this stuff is absolutely terrifying you see i'm moving out wait wait oh i actually did make another command center yeah i guess that is going to that gold base this is actually a really funny thing by the way you wouldn't think about it but ais don't kill rocks which actually helps me out a lot because if those rocks were down imagine if all the rocks were dead in this map their attacks would actually hit harder and better and they would even even be able to defend better now i guess i must have a lot of suvs on auto repair as well at this point and here since we're approaching 30 minutes uh this is the moment i said i i died at i think it was about 29 25 so here i was expecting them to only have one army if they had more than one army i would have seen it by now so i'm expecting them to have a combined maybe 200 300 supply um and i'm just trying to wipe out these bases get my gold saturated i mean here that army is obviously very tiny what was that five roaches and two hydras if that army beat mine i would i would probably complain about you know zerg write an email to the balance team but no and i think this was the moment where i started feeling like i had it in the back because of this planetary like before this planetary it was a bit scary but now i'm gonna mine from that gold and i remember clearly from that game that i lost that i only had one more army to kill and that's it and in that game i wasn't able to get the gold bases they were actually mined out i wasn't able to deny them so here now i have that gold base that's probably how many minerals is that 5 000 minerals or so i can mine i really felt like i had it in the bag and now we're going to do some hunting now you can you can tell i'm changing my liberators that's my that's my back off plan um because the army composition that is the most scary here is ling ultra and if i have five liberator sheets i i can only imagine the ai would be pretty discouraged from going into it seeing now seeing how scared they have been of um of liberators in general now it's actually you would be surprised how annoying the static defense is on this by the way like every time i a move somewhere the spines and spores actually do a lot of damage like it's not that easy to just like spread your army and a move everywhere like you see these spines actually kind of getting into my tanks a little bit at some point i started getting worried because uh you know i don't really have money to replace if you look at my money right now there's 100 minerals i mean i know i still have a few k from the gold bases but i feel like every tank i lose actually quite expensive now one thing i didn't expect is that they all make a greater spire and ultralis cavern i actually kind of thought they all made like their own composition but they really like to go into ultras i i didn't see that many broodlers this game i feel like brood alerts are typically pretty scary to go up against but here i did not quite see a lot of them what's going on and i have to admit here i was a little bit lucky this game by the way with with one particular thing i'm not sure if you guys remember the liberator on the left side but that ai opened with investors rather than hydra so my liberator actually killed a bunch of investors at the start like i said sometimes you can get pretty fortunate as well my doors go that door has 36 kills by the way i've i don't remember seeing a thor with that many kills because the thor shoots really slow like can you imagine the torque hitting 36 earnings that actually takes a while i didn't pay attention to the kill count on those i must have maybe i could actually check the replay and see if i had a unit that has an insane kill count here so now i'm gonna eliminate two more ais which means there's four to go you see these are these are kind of victory scans you can tell in my face i'm starting to think like wait i've actually done this this is crazy um i do want to say by the way this planetary fortress strategy that i did in this game i think it only works against zerg uh i actually tried to do it once against protozoa that it was kind of funny because protozoa made four immortals and they just went and my planetary's gone that's pretty much what happened now one thing that's actually an idea i'm not saying it's smart but it's an idea look here i got scared because i saw units pop up in the center tower but it actually is not that big of an army i think uh in general ais have decent synergy but i don't think they have good enough synergy to spend like their last 300 supply and zerg needs to attack me so all i have to do is receive my liberators uh one by one but yeah the planetary for the strategy only works against zerg please don't try it in against other races if you're going to see oh this was a little bit of a funny interaction he just stole my liberator started dancing with it like liberator anti-air does so little damage he just tickled my lip for like four damage and let it go that was quite funny wait is that a second greater spire in that guy's base that'd be a little bit surprising um i was gonna say i'm surprised these guys haven't surrendered yet like the the ais on the right side but i guess they probably have the gold bases now my plan with dcc's was just to make some planetaries in the middle of the map to um secure my victory more and more like i i know it's hard to believe but even at this point i was really paranoid because trust me guys if you do something for 71 attempts you know you do get to be a little bit paranoid and you know 71 attempts i decided to do five games a week it's you don't just want to give things up now at this point i was sure i had it because my army looks unstoppable it is going to take me a little bit to finish the ais off actually at some point i uh i wish i didn't have that many liberators because liberator is obviously not that good against buildings maybe there should be an upgrade what do you guys think everyone is ever in the comments like no you're terrible what are you saying please don't do that imagine imagine if you could seize like a a cannon or a spore crawler from this i think they're pretty funny actually i have to be honest sport crawlers are units anyway right like those actually move like come on i don't think it's funny looking at my face because right now i feel pretty relaxed but uh you know when i was playing this i was just like checking the mini map all the time it's like i'm playing the gsl finals over here guys as an iem champion i can tell you this was harder than winning an iem okay that's probably not true actually never never mind that statement guys but if you ever do it you can say that for a second i thought you were better than an im champion here i was actually surprised to see more zerglings i thought they probably ran out of units you know every time i saw more units pop up i really thought like what if the ai actually combined all of their powers and sent all those units to me at the same time because i i really think you know i thought i want to say probably a 100 plus supply of zerglings i felt like the small investor army i thought the small roads hydra army and i was really wondering if i combine them all together or if they combine them all together and if it is around like let's say seven minutes ago you would have given this to cheryl you know probably the best player of all time zerg player in case you guys don't know him i think a lot of you guys probably know him a lot of you guys probably also don't um do you guys think he would be able to surround me and win that's what i'm thinking about i mean i i think i probably would be even more nervous playing as an actual player because i know they will control their units to a pro level so that is uh you know always a little bit terrifying now we have a little bit of a race here you can tell that i thought this was a funny game you see you see the camera this is when i finally i finally left myself loose i was fine like all right guys we have done it thank you goodness guys uh and that is indeed i mean i probably have like semi spoilered it already a few times and with some i spoiled it i mean i've totally spoiled it already a few times but this is the first ever 1v7 insane ai with no build chosen to be completed guys i'm extremely proud of this uh you can tell the smile is coming up as well i thought it was funny how slow the vikings kill stuff compared to the tanks by the way uh but yeah this is this is an amazing record for me i know it's not usually the content i upload to my channel but uh i hope you guys still really enjoyed it and like i said a few times make sure to let me know in the comments if you want to see more of this i personally thought it was really fun like i wasn't kidding when i said it took me 71 attempts this game surprisingly let's be honest guys this game surprisingly made it look kind of easy in some way and i don't know if it's just because i got on so good after that many attempts or if i actually um you know get like really lucky or just you know i may be like my mechanics are perfect i don't know what it is i measure mechanics don't matter too much but um if i look at this game it even feels like i could do it twice in a row now i'm definitely not gonna try this specific challenge again after 71 attempts i am very happy to eventually finish it uh believe me guys especially because at the start you guys can imagine i i'm i always want to make bring the best content to you guys so at the start i really i think i commented my commentated my first 50 attempts so the way i'm doing commentary now i did that for every first 50 games until i got so exhausted i couldn't stand it anymore and that's why this is now a voice over um all right yeah here i really wish the liberators could do damages i decided to just overlord hunt with them a little bit look how slow they kill the overlords it's actually sick these are i think they're three three liberators i actually didn't show it in the screen my bad believe it or not after after a 38 minute game it's kind of hard to remember exactly what happened here i felt like some of the ais weren't surrendering so i thought maybe they actually rebuilt their base that's why i was sending tanks again to the bottom right there we go one gg i think there's only one left at this point let's see are we gonna kill it or do we have to kill all the buildings i'm not sure maybe it's that one drone on the left sometimes this oh there we go i think that's it guys yes we have done it officially that's a happy mark on the screen look at him he claps for himself i'll clap to make the sound there you go all right guys beautiful look at the units lost there by the way i lost 21k the aisle 70 83 66 73 46 130 kills on that liberators 215 kills on that lib guys that's an mvp liberator right there there we go alright guys that's it for today's video hope you guys enjoyed it make sure to like the video subscribe to the channel and i'll see you all next time adios
Channel: uThermal
Views: 1,220,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insane, sc2, sc, starcraft, starcraft 2, wings, wings of liberty, legacy, legacy of the void, A.I., AI, computer, bots, 1v7, challenge, record, world, world record, uthermal, progamer, pro gamer, professional, pro player, first, world first
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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