Spirit of Sanguinala - Warhammer 40K Fan Animation (with subtitles)

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Brothers! our assignment is simple – to seek and destroy without mercy. A Xenos cult on the planet below is attempting to awaken some sort of godling. The Sanguinala is upon us! And as his sons, we shall not suffer those filthy Xenox to besmirch the greatest Primarch’s holy memory. We will strike from the skies like angels of doom… And we will show no mercy! Brother Invictus, you are to deploy separately. While we strike at the enemy’s rear, you will smite his front like a hammer and crush anything that stands in your way. Understood. They shall tremble before my might! Let no one survive your wrath! No one ever has. For the Emperor! For Sanguinius! Strike from the skies! My kin! We are but one step from the end of our journey. It was long and it was arduous, many of us have made the ultimate sacrifice, but no price is too high when it comes to our endeavor. Now we shall be rewarded. Soon, we shall all drink our fill on the blessings of our ancient father, He who knows both evil and good. With his aid, we shall strike back at those arrogant apes that have been spreading across our domains… We will see them bow to our will! What?! Who dares to intervene? I do! Kill him! You have been naughty, little Xenos! You have all been very, very naughty! No Sanguinala presents for you! But do not be sad at least you can still watch the fireworks!! You have come too late, Mon-keigh! for He shall rise! and He will sit in judgement over you and your entire ... ...upstart... species! Perhaps. But you won’t be alive to see it. Good night, little Xenos This is Brother Invictus. The target has been neutralized. I request extraction at these coordinates By the Throne… The Codex Astartes does not support this action!
Channel: Gabriel Christtiane
Views: 1,492,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer40K, Space Marine, Astartes, Thunderhawk, Christmas, Blood Angels, Centurion, Blender, Animation, Sanguinalia
Id: cZCkLnYnAyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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