Warframe | An Alternative Way To Combat Armor In 2024

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so one of my favorite things about The Whispers in the walls update is how much it shook up Elemental damage like my most used setup right now runs corrosive radiation heat viral and magnetic on it and it's so cool because for the longest time it would just hamfist viral onto everything and that was pretty much it one of the reasons for this is the new murmur faction which has the indiff facade units which are actively resistant to virro and slash whilst being weak to radiation as well as the necrox which run ferite armor and are at based Machinery but the there's another reason as well we got a bunch of radiation mods that fit onto every weapon type and we have new archon charts and that's what I want to focus on today because I've actually swapped a lot of my weapons into either corrosive and radiation or even corrosive radiation and heat the thing that made me do it is one of the new archon charts emerald in this case a to forged Emerald which gives you plus three corrosive procs on enemies these charts by the way have full effect on status resistant enemies as well so if you're fighting an acolyte instead of four corrosive BRS you're going to get seven an example build that I prepared is on my amprx and it starts off pretty sensible chamber for MTI shot altitude for status chance crit delay for crit chance vital sense for critical damage primary mercil for row damage and then Sinister reach for beam length but then it gets a little bit funky we start off with thermite rounds for heat followed by radiated reload for radiation and reload speed and we top it off with Malignant Force and high voltage for corrosive now why would you do this well it all has to do with the way this setup works it's designed to leave the enemy with as little armor as possible without using any other armor strip we strip 98% with corrosive and then additional 1% with heat so they're left with 1% of their armor and because of the way the enemy armor works we get 75% more damage and ignore 75% of the enemy's armor with corrosive on ferite Armored units and with radiation on alloy armored units so basically our corrosive damage does 75% more damage to units with ferite armor whilst only being being mitigated by 25% of their armor and the same thing happens with our radiation damage against units with alloy armor we get a 75% damage bonus whilst only being mitigated by 25% of their armor making this a really good genetic anti-armor set up now is this better than stripping the enemy completely and then slamming them with big vital and slash no no it's not but it's an alternative for those of you that are like me and very much prefer upfront damage over damage over time though I would still recommend you get vital in your setup somewhere I for example have it on my companion's hellstrom now even though this might not be as good as the established meta I dare to say that for the vast majority of people it's more than good enough because despite of what a lot of the meta nerds would have you believe most people do not go above level 300 in steel path it's too damn timec consuming and honestly why would you why not just extract and do it again the only time I go above level 300 it is in the circuit and this setup isn't really going to work in circuit unless you put an emerald tow forge on every single frame so as far as I concerned this is a completely viable way to build your stuff now if you don't have a to forged Emerald chart or you don't want to make a to forged Emerald chart which is fair just use a regular Emerald it's not going to be as good because the enem is going to be left with slightly more armor but what you don't want to do is actually use two of them because 14 corrosive procs will strip the enemy comp completely the reason you don't want to do that is because when you strip the enemy's armor completely they lose that armor class and you lose the bonus damage and the point of this is to retain that bonus now one thing that can help you if you only have regular Emerald charge so the enemies have more armor is actually running corrosive projection because corrosive projection Stacks multiplicatively with everything so it will help you remove more of the enemy's armor without stripping it completely honestly the thing I like about this the most is that it's something different but familiar it gives the weapons a bit of an old school feeling because back in the day corrosive and heat or corrosive and cold was the way to go it's just nice to use something different for a little bit because ham fisting vital and damage over time onto every weapon gets boring very quickly it's the reason why I love the new grimoire it's not the best but it's something different but anyway that's pretty much it for the video so I thank you very much for watching as always guys I hope you have enjoyed the video and you will give this set up a shot because it's really fun and I would also like to extend a special thank you to all the channel members thank you very much guys I really appreciate your support it means a lot and if you would like to become a channel member as well by the way you can check out the memberships and stuff down below and I'll see you next time [Music] bye-bye
Channel: MCGamerCZ
Views: 25,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, guide, how to, tutorial, steel path, 2024, amprex, corrosive, best, endgame, damage, radiation, heat, viral, gameplay, build, setup, primary, alternative, DE, Digital Extremes, whispers in the walls, archon shard, emerald, status
Id: LFzUcY7Kiy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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