Warframe | This is Harold, The Devourer

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this is Harold Harold is a good boy Harold has puppies a look at them Harold loves being pet and cheddar cheese Harold will rip your legs off if you look at him funny and as you lay there helpless on the ground bleeding and you head towards the light at the end of the tunnel you realize that it is not a Heaven's Gate it is instead Harold's piercing gate calculating ready to haunt you for the rest of Eternity in this life or the next be wary of Harold for he's a monster so hounds have become pretty popular as of late you know since the companion rework and all that and I was wondering if they're quite as good as people make them out to be because there's a lot of hype around hounds so I gave good boy Harold a bit of a touchup and W my God people weren't lying look at this just look at it I'm not doing anything here by the way I'm just running around this is all Harold all that status and all the damage that's just Harold now just in case you don't know Hound companions are acquired from sisters of pavos whenever you take down a sister you can claim her Hound in The Foundry these hounds come with random Parts but you can also get blueprints for specific parts from the sisters regardless of whether you convert or kill them once you have all the parts you can head over to legs in for tuna and build your customized hound hound abilities or precepts work like the precepts and abilities on MOA so you first need to get one of each Hound to get all the precept mods but once you have them you can put them on whatever Hound you want this means you can very easily just use one of the random hounds you get from the sisters or if you want to build a custom one you can use whatever Parts you want stabilizer Parts determine the type of prospectus mode you get brackets determine the type of denial mode you get and then the Hound model determines the type of audit mod you get but but also the weapon you get and I think that's quite enough blabbering so let's check out Harold's build starting off with precepts we have synergized Prospectors which fires a spark that bounces in between enemies and repo AED which creates a magnetic pulse that disarms enemies within 30 m we of course run vacuum because well vacuum as well as coolant League this is something you don't have to run it's bit of a flex Lo but I like the slowing order around the Hound BR animaling is also not mandatory here we follow it up with some combination of two defense mods for me that's link fiber and vitality and then we get into the bonds manifold bond is what makes Hound stupid because it makes its abilities broke its weapon status effect which is why we Run REO audit and synergize perspectus they hit the most enemies in the largest area I also had to put in duplex Bond because we're not running the puppy precept since the puppies can't do abilities which is really bad for manifold Bond so this way we at least get more hounds and we top it off with vicious bond for armor stripe it doesn't really matter which Hound weapon you use because they're pretty much the same it just changes the type type of damage it does one does impact and slash one does puncture and Slash and then the batt 10 which is the one I chose does impact and puncture now for the build itself I'm actually not sure whether primed reach and primed Fury actually work it seems to be doing something but it all looks the same but the more important mods are lasting sting for status debation Mele prowess for status chance Focus radon for radiation volcanic Edge for heat and then Vin Scourge and vicious Frost for viral you already saw what Harold can do in the simulacrum but I also want to show you how easily he can do it so here comes the first part and the second it lands chaos ensues it starts bouncing around and everything is covered in status it's crazy it's much better in Endless missions where you can pick a room and farm there so it's not quite as good in non- Endless missions since the Hound is constantly catching up to you but to be fair you don't need a lot of priming in non- Endless missions even in steel path also as I've mentioned already the build is very flexible you don't have to run cool and leak you don't have to run primed animal Instinct and you don't have to run duplex Bond one mod that's absolutely stier for these kinds of builds is synth deconstruct where enemies damage by the companion which with a Hound are basically all of them have a very high chance of dropping a health orb I would feel very comfortable to have this as my only source of healing with a Hound plus if you're running some sort of equilibrium effect you get infinite energy as well another mod that people like to use on this build a lot is momentus Bond where if you kill an eximus unit your pet gets a bunch of random Elemental damage for 30 seconds now it only applies to its base attacks it can stack so you can get every type of bonus damage at once if you kill enough eximus units it's the best kind of build it's very strong but also flexible so it can be tailored to your own liking without affecting the effectiveness too much or at all in some cases and that is pretty much it for the video so but thank you very much for watching as always guys I hope you enjoyed the video and found it helpful and I would also like to extend a special thank you to all the channel members thank you very much guys I really appreciate your support it means a lot to me and I will see you next time [Music] bye-bye
Channel: MCGamerCZ
Views: 23,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe, harold, hound, synergized prospectus, repo audit, bond, manifold, duplex, vicious, mod, build, setup, best, pet, companion, steel path, endgame, primer, gameplay, strong, DE, Digital Extremes
Id: b0tWCg0SX10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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