Netracell drops - what you REALLY get | Warframe

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on completion of The Whispers In The Wall Quest you get access to the weekly netra cells missions this can be run five times a week for a variety of rewards including archon shards and the new melee arcanes with them being limited though how are the odds and what will we really get I'm the engineer let's solve a practical problem completing a nrel is mechanically rather simple Four Keys need to be picked up at the start of the mission spread however you like among the group find and hack the three terminal to locate the ell and begin the opening process during the process you'll need to kill enemies in the zone marks on the map be aware that there's no inor marker to see every enemy killed in the right area will set a streak of purple energy towards the objective you'll be interrupted a few times to dispatch a road neite which can sometimes be obscure places such as hiding on top of ceiling decorations once the fall opening sequence is done head into the NR cell and claim your reward the main reward is at the back of the cell with a pathora of basic loot crates around the rest of the the room each nrel has the same drop table regardless of when or how you run it you always get a reward from this table here this includes being able to get any color Aron Shard every attempt and also a chance of it being to forged so how does this break down in terms of chances as you can run five netr cell missions a week that's 260 missions per year if you never miss one with a 27.5% combin chance of a normal Shard you can expect an average of about 71.5 normal shards per year roughly evenly split between the three colors thanks to RNG however that's only an expectation for each given color you have a roughly 5050 chance of getting 24 shards or fewer with half of everyone getting within three shards of that one in 20 people will have 16 or lower of a specific color and one in 20 people will have 32 or higher of a color after a whole year similarly for t for shards they have a combined 7.5% chance per run giving a yearly average of about 19.5 t for shards per year breaking this down over half of players doing every netr cell in a year will not get five or more of one t Forge color with 22% of players failing to get five or more of a specific color sowing get the other way around nearly one in five players will score not one but two full sets of five T Forge of the same color split roughly 6% per color so say you wanted to put five Crimson tal for shards into two warframes there's a 1 in 15 chance you could do this with just a year of net cells only we can compare this to archon Hunts those you can only do once a week and guarantee A Shard at the end of it on average they will give you about 20 t for shards in a year and 32 normal shards compared like this the netr cells can give you over twice as many normal shards while only giving the same amount of to forged mind you they're not mutually exclusive so you can run all options throwing the car missions and you can collect around 155 normal shards and 40 tow for shards every year that's close to three and one per week if you're interested instead on the new melee arcanes things get a little less peachy you have a 45% chance per run of receiving a melee Arcane split perfectly equally across the eight available arcanes of these six of them can be obtained through the assassination missions and defeating random whisper spawns or purchased for standing from Bird 3 only the legendary arcanes of Mele Crescendo and melee duplicate are unique to netr cells each with a 5.62 5% drop chance it takes 21 arcanes to max out any melee Arcane meaning without trading for it you'd need to receive that less than 6% drop 21 times over to be finished on either legendary as a straight average this comes out to 373 runs or 75 weeks but this is just an average and doesn't consider that there are two arcanes to max out here's the reality of it with a number of NR cells run on the x-axis and chance of completing both arcanes on the y- AIS this is the spread of how long it will take this shows the difference between being able to trade the legendary arcanes one to one with other players or not I'm not focusing on spending Platinum directly to buy the Arcane mothers otherwise you can have it right now making this whole discussion pointless with trading one for one half of everyone will have obtained 42 legendary arcanes within 74 weeks with 1% of players managing it in a year but because RNG swings both ways one in 20 people would need 94 weeks to reach this total and more than 1 in 150 people would still not be done after 2 years of running netr cells without trading naturally it gets even harsher as you'd need 21 of each legendary Arcane not just 42 in total skipping trading extends the average Farm to 83 weeks with about 1 in 12 players needing over 2 years still there's no doubt about it the RNG is strong on netra cells just like so many other drop tables in Warframe some people will get more Aron shards than others and most people will benefit from Trading with others to complete these Arcane sets as there is otherwise no control over what you do get my single biggest recommendation is not to look at what others receive whatever loot you get is the loot you always going to get and I hope now you have all the information you could need to set your expectations right on that I've shared the simulation data results and simulation code over on my patreon if you wish to explore that further or you can join the community in the live streams too that's all for me for now though so as always raid Labs get Loot and fight well tenno
Channel: TheKengineer
Views: 69,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, melee arcanes, melee duplicate, melee crescendo, netracells, tagfer, archon shards, tauforged shards, netracell, necracell, kengineer, rates, chances, stats, cavia
Id: xc9Bujxj9hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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