WAR Card Game! *NEW* Game Mode in Fortnite!

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so there's welcome back to ward you guys know the rules each team throws out a gun Dobies purple purple beads blue all the way down to gray and then you fight with the loot you win we're doing three separate rounds first round is normal gun second round that's gonna be my predictions of the vaulting and unfaltering of guns in season nine and here's the deal dudes I am gonna pick one of these llamas if I can choose the better rarity and win you guys gotta use my support of creator code okay go from us those are faulty wait net it boys you gotta use my support of credit code Sunday yay if you want to also hit the like button every like is lit down let's get to like 10,000 likes on this war video hope you guys enjoy all right boys you ready we're doing four different rounds of this and I'm picking up five I'm paying a five Niko you ready oh okay that's not good that's not good I don't like these I don't like say nothing Niko you ready to warm yeah I just come watch yeah you come watch dude you ready war you ready to war and alright so we have to throw out three dead weapons right three dead cards so those three cards are dead whoever wins this overall war gets all the guns are you ready Reggie no no no and go Niko grab the loot boys alright Niko oh that's good dude okay guys ready in three two one go it's like a double war that's legendary and the same gun alright so throughout three cards one this is like a quadruple war in three two winner takes all of this one go it's a double war it's a double war go pick up three dead cards and then your fourth one is the one you drop your three-day cars Oh purple for all of this loot right here in three two one another war all right throw a three-decker come on come over here call me okay can we forfeit no you cannot forfeit you let it happen drop your three dead guns right now good dose of dance grenades it's almost Ian's combo to do this you've all of this loot on the board right here in three two one go all right boys grab some loot help was carrying this is a lot of loot we can't carry at all that was the second round now it's my turn I'm gonna grab five guns one you go you are you are the best at war dude you're you but you're the best warrior ever did know I know you did you're telepathetic dude I know I know I know you well and go oh we out here go ahead and grab that Nico come grab that grab it how about time you guys whatever you guys are gonna have to use pickaxes and and go and go okay you got a slurp and the 40/40 go alright last gun right here then is Niko's turn and go dude Niko there dude we got it we got to be careful they're catching up to how much loot we got last round Niko go ahead step we gonna bust you guys got his five against Henry in three who why drops oh oh I forgot they changed fart grenades to blue all right that kind of had me worried no drop three dead drop three dead alright go grab one more gun three four all of this flute right here and a final round before we go fight two one go all right you go throw out your three dead guns see what you got that's not bad that's not bad that's not bad it's not bad best gun in the game I'm gonna have another war aren't we vaulted this drop your third gun drop your third gun oh wow dude how are you gonna give them that if we lose okay ready winner takes all right here in three two one eco can we stop the warring me are you guys gonna war each other and for all of this salute in three two one [Music] can we listen to me right now what is wrong with you Nico you are the best war I've ever seen all right so we're gonna do the first fight we're doing 10 eliminations first fight and then we're gonna cut yeah good luck with that you guys got to split all of your loot over there so uh like I said next year I would do it vaulted versus unbolted okay hey Nico um go ahead go ahead grab bit grab my combo dude go ahead grandma come do it dude I'm all just so much all right so I'm gonna take the boom bow is there a gold pump it yeah go pump right there I'm gonna take the purple one purple okay what do I put my fifth slot we don't have any clingers crabs oh there are clingers oh I'm stupid dude we got clingers I got my full combo there's right here as I see it is you can do whatever you want you can do it every what I need an SMG which I'm gonna grab this program and of course yeah grab that purple one yeah you have spike traps I'll take these I'll take the poison traps you take the spike all right even worse around wrap them yeah double trap them oh you guys got your gun three two one go so it's first of 15 kills don't come in here you don't want to there's plenty of c4 for your mother holy crap what was that oh no you got me with an SMG dude coming Niko Niko here I hit it for 115 for 110 over 63 nice Niko alright boy alright boy we're in their spawn oh gosh I don't feel bad at all [Music] [Music] oh no I'm a bot I'm about I'm a bot I'm a bot gotta go gotta go gotta go dancing boys in super low he's so low no no I got coming up dude coming up he's sweating dude he's sweating so hard oh yes he's a little sweater he get out Henry he kills you have whispered to me so you don't know I have a billion just person oh my oh no Niko okay Niko Niko I'm going to the different side of the base where they don't have porter forces everywhere I don't what if I take the c4 boy boy no it's you stay away from here right now understand hey why are you dancing all the time man now wow I didn't ow getting all this down everything's coming down Oh No what happened to you oh no I missed oh [Laughter] [Applause] wait oh no I didn't get too much damage Oh No Oh Nico Nico Nico how many kills you got how many twos yeah you guys have five how do you know we have eleven how can you tell oh you can check the score no I had no idea dude I'm new to Minecraft blah Oh No get out of here that was like a super hit Nico get hit okay oh my god you're dead boy we are sweating out here dude Wow where'd you go why are you dancing why are you dancing it oh no oh that's DK we need one more kill Nico right here sorry dude sorry sorry I got him Henry please don't die Henry trapped me in with the clinger and stuck him with 105 kills second round is unfazed and 9 vaulted vs. unbolted my thoughts I'm telepathetic let's do it ISO up to round through if we win this what it's all over in this round I I went through all the guns and tried to decide what was gonna be faulted and unfolded in season 9 right and this is the first gun nico that will come back go ahead grab it you're the first one you're doing war first that that will be unfolded that will be on but that also be unfolded that will also be involved it and that'll be vaulted trust me because I am telepathetic here ok and reverses are you kidding me dude all of these good guns in three two one go so I am predicting I am predicting that this silent SMG will be vaulted and the LMG will be unbolted mark my words if this happens you guys got to give me $25 wait what all right this will be vaulted that will also be vaulted on vault it guaranteed just quick Maps you realize that it's gonna be vaulted dude trust me you ready you ready no I'm not ready and go oh my god come on can I just say you win can I just say it you have got to be kidding me Nico look at my next three cards I know what they are know you Toni Vaughn you honestly don't get this three to four cards three dead card okay that's a dead card this will be faulted mark my words and you go that'll be that'll be fall fitted ones that'll be vaulted all right ready in three dead guns whoever wins this one wins all of this in three two one three more okay so three dead guns that'll be vaulted that'll be vaulted mark my words that'll be you guys our foot holes dude Niko Niko you got to bring this one home dude you got to win more gooder okay that'll be false that'll be vaulted guaranteed okay it's your friend that'll be on vaulted guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed do we have two of those that'll be faulted guarantee you're both gonna have one yeah dude I really hope that gets unbolted I want to use that again this is the first time happens third of a war it is we beat you two was a three take that burst right now okay good we know here we are that's fine that's fine you got this last one I know you do I know your telepathic you win this your head all right so last war round right here this right here if this does not get on voltage to Miko I'm going back to roblox you're studying robots Jill oh that's pretty that's pretty good that's not bad you know what I'll take you guys ready get over here right now it's a good come on go go we out here Niko we both have them we both families and go No you take that right now and go use it I'll give you $3 you're not winning this one I guarantee if you if you guys think I'm gonna if you guys think I'm gonna war this next one hit that like what I dropped two dead guns got two dead guns two three well we can we only had two so grab two more guns one dead gun can we go now the war gun we win why are you so far to the side they got gold good he's already so so okay great wait okay here's the deal if you win this you know what I'll give Algy I'll give you I'll give you a foot what I don't want a foot I wanna you know actually I'll take a foot that's fine last war right here winner takes all of this loot in three two one [Music] way out here all right the best final fight if we win right here boys stack over yeah we got really good hey don't you be taking our loo you all stealers I mean Oh Thank You Maddie myself launcher honestly I know that's gonna be that's gonna be what is it's unbolted next season guaranteed quick master definitely take a shock wave again it's just that's just happening are you taking the grappler this time you like to grab I'm taking the shotgun I'll take a grappler yeah but what's shotgun did you take I want to talk Indy there's one right here dude right there okay got it got it got it got it dude I kind of want to take the c4 oh no I said muscle want the FAMAS definitely want the FAMAS I'm gonna grab the drum gun unless you want it then I'll take the attack SMG yeah there's the bird there there it is right there okay you're gonna take bad kind of want to LMG dude FBI open up oh my god I FBI open it up dude I shall one more supportive fortress I'll take the burst - should I take C fine I guess I'll take a shot no I'm taking c4 I'm taking c4 yeah we're taking c4 alrighty this is my combo we out here you ready yep let's do it oh you boys got your guns everybody ready yeah all right so this round we're doing capture the point first two five points wins if we win this it's all over if you guys think Sun Sun eco can win hit down like my three do I go they both have boom bows do not let them get don't sweat on me you don't you don't and get out of there get out of there in stay away from here I'm getting away I don't want to be here anymore ah stop it no oh you can be behind Nick are you good yeah nice okay okay I got a point for us and we out here boy do you have no mobility okay he's like ow ah Nico is sweating so hard right now Ian's getting another point I have a feeling you have a foot no I've chose them there come here get out I need to reload bite double price whip it out Oh No okay okay [Laughter] okay so since you died you have to drop that ice thingy you can't you can't deposit it oh who the dings oh my god you just want I did not see how this might look at me sweat I'm going hey what happened you're sweating and we just just give up my friends no oh no my shots I I'm a bot I'm clearing everything out boys no more sweat for you guys oh god Niko oh how did I get that kill why did you just shoot yourself with a boom bow and that's how I got the kill no that's not what happened is commit not alive dude he dead dude clearing out everything I just cleared out all the sweat and point number two boys okay is he scoring they've altered the FAMAS is terrible Danny we lost a shutout I know dude anybody'd help me go I need awesome helping them helping another boy dude three two three work towards we're tied up tied up again how did you guys get three points wait what three what you guys are a hackers dude uh whose thank you wow that hurt me FBI open up FBI open up FBI open up okay they're gonna involve as soon just trust me oh yo I'm better I was better I've been better [Laughter] don't have any way to help us hey Nico Nico I'm going into I'm going to go go okay I'm played defense ah Nico got it we're it one more point dude one more point what if I what if I got shot myself no I'm not putting for your secret tricks ever again FBI FBI open up FBI open up FBI open hey hey hey FBI open up no no therefore therefore Tanika we have to score right now right it's for put on a respawn though I know it has a long respawn time it's a long respawn time it has a spawned yet dude wait for it to respawn waiting for respawn gotta go gotta go gotta go oh no is he gonna win no I don't have one I have to respond yet I think it just respawned oh I see I see it I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get it where is it who's got it oh there it is Nico you could defend me did you shut me away so I can't defend please okay we have 15 health 550 now 550 now see for trap is open if you guys have enjoyed this video hit the like button below we went round to hit the subscribe button you to any of our channels hit that little that was fun now so you know that was a good time Nico you are very good at war I'll give you that thanks dude thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 13,826,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SSundee, sundee, ssunde, ssundee, fortnite, Fortnite Battle Royale, Fortnite Creative, fortnite game mode, fortnite mini game, card game, fortnite card game, fortnite card war, war gun game, kids, fortnite for kids
Id: iPNubjqwr8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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