*SCOREBOARD* Emote Picks Our LOOT! *NEW* Game Mode in Fortnite!

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so with the addition of the newest emote the scorecard introducing scorecard weapon gathering battle Oh throwing it some of the rules are simple we have ten plots of weapons whatever number you get on your scorecard that's the weapons you can choose from 10 being the best weapons zero being absolutely nothing we're doing three separate rounds Mario Kart scoring winner takes all and here's a deal if I do the scorecard right now and get over a 5 a 5 or above you guys got to hit that like button right now you guys ready please don't let me down game also hit the subscribe button for new around here hit that little bell for daily videos and yes I hope you guys enjoy all right so you guys know the rules what we got going I already already explained the rules in the intro myself Craner runic what we're gonna be doing we each get five turns you guys ready to go first so start down here with this this is what look at all the loot for one this is two it progressively gets better then three then four five six seven eight nine ten look at ten look how good 10 is do oh I like that y'all gonna do only the tank shotgun okay so you guys ready to do the first number yes okay in three two one go three seven zero dang it yes I forgot to mention since we only have ten up here if you get zero you get nothing for that round wait I got three okay what do I get for three Oh what do I get I'm gonna go take a suppressed pistol what are you getting what you get oh you've got a SMG are you guys ready for round two you guys ready for an to not get Cyril this time in three two one go go yummy good see you again literally what are the chances four five okay five here can't want to mount a turret we're gonna be doing three rounds of this every round we have three lives with the route that we got okay you guys right for another go at least like punch you guys in three two one go go three no fruit of God's ear oh I got one greater got three crossbow I'm taking minis there I took three minis yeah go me wait how many rows do we have left boys I'm not taking mini I'm taking this you guys didn't see what I picked up I'm taking that make up what do you pick up it's Mikey Steve you did not you guys ready this is the fourth round in three two one go fall heavy shotgun what are you taking root if you got an eight or you took a scar crater what did you get whoever put a semi-auto sniper in my box I hate you so do I pick a submachine gun or do I hope the next round I get something better and I go with the I go with the mounted turret now Craner that's up to you but I will say if you okay taking a turn yes so you don't have a gun you only have a turret right now well I will get a gun this round final round right here are you guys ready warm us warm up your your senior signs in three two now do I keep this shotgun or pick up the pump I don't need to shotgun two shotguns is a bad idea I think what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take the heavy assault rifle I'm gonna take the heavy a are what you get root in a burst assault rifle AR the hand cannon all I'm gonna say craner's this is your only gun you're gonna have this round so choose wisely burst what really I like the burst dude what all right all right so we all have three lives for this round everybody fill up on Matt's let's switch teams let's do this round one all right you guys ready for first round in three yes two one go and you have to land you have to you have to land where you where you built you a little platform oh you guys already fighting what's all the noise you guys are making oh it's Terry time you already put down the turret oh yeah keep in mind we're doing Mario Kart scoring right per round and you get an extra point for every kill you get remember that how are you talking about a me dude that's one point for me [Music] wait yeah why did you have to set that up so close to my spawn oh my gosh the the dirt burgers inside the spiky stay oh my goodness I'm so nervous dude Oh Oh does that count for me I don't know does it I don't know I just box are you spawned in the spa oh no craters got a point too granny's got a boy too I have a slide for do now mother fee to use it whoa don't you shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me you're getting ambushed yes it's got a point to soak ready you're on your last life right yeah this is my last life that's another point for me all right so it's me versus root if Rudy how many lives do you have - oh yeah we both got one life ok one life each here we go fine don't get muniqi put like a little bass dude oh oh that heavy assault rifle is doing it right now William oh that is the worst you've got a dog he's on white hell no yes where are you but where is he I don't even see it oh where is who you are so close to being dead okay so I have three points from kills plus nine points from coming in first so nine ten eleven twelve points ah dang it Craner has I have one more points four points for getting three for last runic has two plus six eight all right there we go so you guys see that giant cloud of death back there yep and memory of rip flush Factory most likely gonna happen this Thursday we're gonna do the second round f loss factory are you guys ready we're gonna flush our dreams down the toilet ready and three two well I think I've actually ever landed here okay going would you be to know the chances of that okay so I got a one I don't have a gun yet so I have to take a gun oh you got a crossbow dude you got a lunch fan oh gosh I got a job you got a you took a grappler all right that was round one all right round two you guys ready runic got it ten wait what did I get eight okay oh no nine eight you know I'm happy about mine I'm good with it I want a shotgun or a deagle or a mini god ska oh you got a scar do that's pretty good okay okay ready ready for round three by the power I will get a ten for Megan oh he's gotta see room you got a zero which means you get nothing okay I got a to take the dynamite I'm gonna take the dynamite dynamite any minigun you just gonna destroy if lost dude are you guys ready Round four yep in three two one go turn six nine ten that's perfect it's nourish all skin there you know what it's time for Oh No Oh what did you get this is what I got Craner oh no you literally just got a destroy them oh you got the new Shaka what did you get Craner you kidding me again you're getting another fake a second one are you guys ready for the last one I'm just gonna take another you guys ready for the last one in three no one go go I got I am so lucky this time again you've got a nine I think I'm gonna take the suppress SMG I'm gonna take this suppress SMG okay final or not fire out second round fflush factory with the cloud coming in to murder our faces you guys ready better get ready to get flushed down the toilet coz you're gonna lose [Music] no I router everybody ready so the scores are I have twelve runic as eight Craner has four are you guys ready for round two in three two one fire Oh already shooting wow that's so cheap better no it's not I want to get some points made everything couch oh he's already pulled out the middle who keep shooting get off of me get exploding you gotta kill crater got that killer he has an extra point dang okay remember you got to land on your platforms Oh would it kill craters oh my god oh I did so much damage right there Wow Craner if you don't stop shooting at me I got snipers for days homeboy hey where's Rooney Bernick yeah where are you boy oh stop who the heck is lighting me up right now no no freaking the brigands going down boy yes Boadicea let it down I gotta kill I gotta kill this come on he'll do it again peak again boy it is - oh I just take them I just take them with my face out of the air yes one life left okay well stop it Rooney - okay Craner guys oh look at the factory because of my grenades oh this is so scary dude I kept the advantage of still respawn e right now that's nice wow you almost got him at that crossbow bro bro whoa oh no oh I get so close to beat dad dude nothing gotta get em gotta get him Oh get off me get off me why don't I just try to do don't have no building materials are you Bobby dang it second round stick around who's it gonna go - oh he just strive to [Music] that's way dude what the crap hi so that's round two let's figure out what the scores are I had one kill Craner had four oh my gosh crane you sweated that round I got kills dude let's go to the final round let's see who can win where we want to go next oh paradise a paradise let's go paradise so once again the scores are dang near tied I have 16 you guys have 17 points going into the final yeah he's tied okay you guys ready round why dude you're behind but I'm pretty so I get a point for that what'd you get for that dude are you ready three two one go go run one what is that wait wait is that an eight Grindr got a zero okay zero down here then oh no I'm not oh yeah I'm taking the sniper would you guys get would you get rid of would you get Craner got zero are you guys ready yeah - in three two one go go what's what you get a nine then we get the same thing again Craner got zero what is going on dude I'm gonna take I'm gonna take the the new pub shotgun yes I don't Craner what guns do you have right now this you got two zeros in a row okay ready ready in three two one go go - oh I got it you got it well I'm taking this something in this car I'm taking the scarf what are you taking you're taking this car with a pump you're crazy okay you guys ready ready for a crazy little gonna have a weapon by the way what did you get slurp dude there was nothing in there okay all right round four you guys ready in 3 2 1 go look ok I got a 6 Oh 10 9 8 7 6 ok I guess I'll take this crap yeah oh yes ready the last one last one right here in 302 mutant 1 go 6:05 you keep getting tense again I got to 10 to 9 or 6 I got number 6 you got 6 oh dude you can get a shotgun or any Arnie that's pretty good I got an a on dude I don't need a shotgun ah would you get would you get pistol you can't count dude you can't count you can't even fight you can't you even you can't even count your ABCs dude that's wrong with you final round are you guys ready yes I am in three two one all right Oh EMS over the base runic oh [Music] wow Myrtle wad okay let me just get better way wait what gotta stop bullying him oh you've ripped it away who's got a grappler hey he grappled away you will grappler I don't know who soon I'm the boss whoa oh oh we're just killed later oh my gosh dude he had asked I just have a green ARB bring it Riddick Oh pink lasered Oh why would you do that stop it stop it think about the small infants nope get down right here what get down here get down here come on bro are you shooting a pistol at me no I only have one life left oh you live one life left okay okay what if I died yeah I don't know if I died yet how are you not dead Ian's eyes shut you so many times Oh get away from me [Music] okay after you killed so far here everyone life I have to crater has one all I have to do is survive to win this I have three lives I have three lives now you know you can't just you can't just spawn lives in that's not how this game works know that I'm not how this game works that's not how this works [Music] no oh I just dinked you oh you just got dinged does it make you feel good answer [Laughter] [Music] oh you must be so close to Daddy kind of don't you shoot me out crater don't you shoot me out I'll race moon me okay oh you're all right there where did you go ruining are you kidding me rooting oh okay don't you build that one by one oh crap oh crap Craner Craner think about the only thing what you gonna do when they come for you dude ah no you just fall there's no way I'm yeah I'm a I'm a tactical dog oh you waiting for the low drop else my fault your actions but you will lose for the first time against the crane sir you're not the crane stirrer though oh you took the whip okay English I live in there now oh my goodness I buy my falling so slow what's wrong with my cap laughs all right I'm stop playing games with you mister playing games with you it's game over boys it's game over boys game over boys I'm sorry dude oh you must be so close to death dude I'm going in this is now whatever and I'm not gonna live forever where are you boy oh my god Adobe where are you boy [Laughter] are you kidding me bro that was some sweaty bill battle and they don't liked it that's pretty good oh my goodness I couldn't breathe dude take it in a year alright so let's see the final scores let's do it let's do this are you guys ready for the totals we have yes Craner are runic has 21 points Kramer has 24 I have 36 more points to me really you guys have enjoyed this video show us some love hit the like button down below so a crap ton of fun also hit the subscribe button if you're new to any of our channels hit that little bail I'm sorry guys I'm sorry I had to do it to you i had to build i Endre yeah you guys got owned JK smell I took a shower last week I'll have you know [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 12,018,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, playground mode v2, playground mode, fortnite fails, moment, moments, fortnite funny, fortnite moments, fortnite new mode, fortnite game mode, fornite new, season 6, Fortnite minigame, fortnite Playgrounds, fortnite season 7, fortnite playgrounds gamemode, fortnite playgrounds minigame, fortnite mini game, fortnite minigame
Id: A8nMo5uKF7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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