AIR STRIKE War! *NEW* CARD GAME Mode in Fortnite

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so dudes with the newest airstrike being released introducing so the rules are simple you come back here to the playing card deck you grab five different weapons once you have your loadout you come out front here and you drop your weapons gray loses two green gold beats purple purple beats blue you guys know the drill and that's the loot you get to fight we're doing three different routes at deuce here's the deal one of these llamas will win this war if I could choose which one will win you guys got a hit damn white boy all right here we go is it left or is it right or now is it left or is it right gold boom bows come back boom buzz an F Lee Baron Krauss but you guys gotta hit that like button hope you guys enjoy war Merc all right boys it's war time man Biffle a civil versus seco oh I'm gonna go first so we're doing three separate rounds I'll do the first oh yeah dude I'm all warmed up all right said you busy ready go okay okay I mean I didn't want to choke splashes and we go oh yeah well you have my shotgun oh here we go okay well this is awkward Oh Oh No so we're luring so we have to rule out two dead guns and then the final gun the third gun is what we decided this is not looking great yeah that's what you get so let's go pick up one more gun and that that's our final war gun okay okay break it sister this is a photo one right here I don't want it for all this week Anna no I don't want let's just call it a tie we'll keep our stuff you guys keep your stuff so this first round the way the loot is set up it's all around the air strikes and then port for its own okay three two you forgot we have an air strike are you we're good drop your dead guns dude dad gun two dead guns would [Applause] you go final war right here for all this loot one map with uppercuts all right all right last round right here sizzles you versus me grab five gun [Music] okay all right RG buffs Nico do die sire Renji it's called skill bottle round before a fight and I think smells like cheese curds anyways alright boy bring it in guys we will win this one easy we got two rares - is that gonna be for diner strikes on the field all right boys third round go come at me boy come at me boy take totally better that's ours alright you are not it's a 100% fat guys if you think we can win this next one here dead like what I have a lot of faith in them winning this next one okay so go grab two more guns alright boys we can win this okay that's not bad it's not bad that's not bad oh okay okay okay all right Syd you busy bring it boy guys remember I win this one you got out here okay drop two dead guns drop two dead guns there we go there we go there we go in three four all of this loot - we just double war gotta grab three more guns boys oh here we go okay that's a dead gun that's a dead gun that's fine and it's fine Oh Oh No two dead guns are you ready for this boy ready Bevers I win this you got all this alright so this is the loot we can choose from you guys didn't really get that look at it maybe you know you have two shotguns all right let's grab our loot Biffle wiffle bat let's do yeah all right Biffle so here's my strategy of course grab it and grab an airstrike we're both gonna get on so here's gonna be my strategy right I'm gonna have the shockwave burger net I'm gonna have my original combo if I can grab these dance there we go so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna dance them and as they're dancing I'm gonna air strike them while they can't move that is a great idea I'll just be a bad person you chug splashes okay you know what I'll take that and that a flint knock Can I grab this shotgun please hey hello hello can i there we go have the combat there it is so there's my combo this is gonna be so so we got to fill that entire oh wait no jug crab choke splashes you can be the medic I got it let's go fight round one i boys round one in three everybody got their air strikes yeah yeah hey we gotta stay together boy I'm right here I'm right next to you because you're my newest ball up so we can air strike you I'm your healer boy throw this entire room with Erica oh here we kill me pebble I'm drop it on your leg the air strikes oh look at the air strike oh we out here boy holding a high guard like a hanger but not anymore not anymore what try now oh you knocked it down alright [Applause] my ground oh no oh these airstrikes are ridiculous I can't hear my own I can't hear nothing we hit that I got one nice I can't breathe where's Biffle 475 okay 75 good I need I need a medic need a medic always doing an airstrike go no dude those airstrikes are actually insane okey pill me who else has dance to make anything I just kept dancing you this map is demolished dude oh I don't know oh gosh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry oh gosh Oh hundred thirty oh no stop with the dancer then ah you don't like where are you come here I need heels I mean heels oh do come a shot ease ROP eat up I'm here from the air color you can't shoot what just happened dude [Applause] you know I'm filling this entire area up with uppercuts everything is becoming uppercuts slumber Philly this entire area with uppercuts everything they'll die go there's only one way to help Nikko flee cogeco is that he can't tell and he keeps healing oh my gosh you are such a good medic oh my gosh the paw report good job oh my gosh 12 to 4 oh here here tell me tell me tell me no we're good I had a combat shotgun boy 2 for 2 for you boys oh whatever oh just got killed by an airstrike I saw that Oh No oh thank you the hill thanks for the hills thank you think you're gone Oh Oh No when I said a better way to forget it I don't know what you're saying I can't hear anything [Laughter] where are you nowhere why are you it uh hi Miko say you're sorry you wanted me want to be no thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank made one hell did you actually yeah I had one HP they go hello Nico where is he those are chaos oh I love those all right let's go to round two if we win this next round it's all over but boys this next round it's a doozy what I'm dizzy all right boys ready for the next round okay so this round is all about longer range but we put in smoke grenades and the air strikes so if you get smoked you're blind and then you get air struck in the face love it all right we'll come over here come give me my tank all right why are you throwing tomatoes from a tank all right here we go here we go I got all my guns boy you guys ready you bots ready all right boys remember if we win this next round it's all over in three two one go if they get an air strike with that smoker name we're gonna be blinded by the light take it I don't even want it I don't even want it all right boy you're not winning this one if you guys think I can win this you hit that like button yeah I go get three guns okay that's right so I ask you those are my two dead guns hi these are my two dead guns right there what are you what are your two dads these are my two dead guns [Music] [Laughter] all right pimple it's on you go get fiber Nikko versus Biffle in 3 2 1 go [Applause] out here don't you Eldon so you guys so you guys got to go get one more gun right so one more that's it that's it there's a throwaway right yeah all right we'll drop out your two dead guns who do you got oh all right so we serve a good chance here I know what you got good money go you can do this for all these guns go how many guys do you have you'll hacker alright last five guns me versus cig ladles I like that one I'm gonna take this one all the way to the flank yeah let's go oh yeah and go come at me boy alright so we have three guns in our inventory right now drop the two dead guns boys if you think I can win this three two one go so that was the final looting right there if we win this round boys it is all over you guys ready Biffle Biffle we got it we got to think of a good strategy and hard love screams geez alright Biffle what are you taking boy oh well obviously I'm gonna take should I get a pump pump or longer I'm getting a pop I'm taking a pump taking upon takeoff guess I'll get a pump shotgun yeah yeah take a pump taking a grappler I'll take what long rage could I take a scope the Irish sniper what do you think Oh obviously the infantry rifle the grave that's wrong why are you like this who hurt you you yeah of course obvious airstrike we're taking it so final slot what should I take you what the surprise sniper or the thermal tea her mom you should I take your thermal since they have smokes I can see through their small right through them alright that's pollute this pollute this but no there's no more thermal I'm sorry I'll take the scope to stop it's a lot of range boys a lot of range boy let's do this it's a good one we got away we win this remember it's all over I boys first to ten kills right here Biffle if we win this we get we win everything we get hugs I want hard in three if you guys think we can win this hit down like my job guys think pimple can we hit that white but find a stroke I have stroke sometimes I'm a smoke grenades they do send up the field Nico Oh going in oh gosh Nico what happened to your health nico nico nico nico don't stand still that kills ya [Music] good little the night where is he I can't see nothing you know what's up wide we hit those eco oh no there's so many air strikes I don't know what to do gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go Lior nah hit him hit him I'm gonna fill this entire farm with uppercuts fill it everything with uppercut throws it throw everything thrown with uppercuts doing this entire map with uppercuts I had a good time again eadamson eco I'm scared I'm more do you die I got my own airstrike that is insane Oh pom-pom boy boy what part of stop peeking melee I can't help it Oh dick oh god no no no no I feel wonderful see you know why I'm hitting them Nico's at his little one-by-one dude no he's coming down he's coming down edit you won't edit go to shot take this got a gun don't you dress 9 feet centrioles get out of my spawn you'd know hey you ready for this Ian is this what you want uh oh no gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go they're trained oh wow how's it feel not great oh no oh no dude I tried I tried sir oh no dude they're with four or five see it's tied 66 we're going to ten come on Bibble Bibble flat a little help hey hey that's not nice we hit go to one go I'm gonna fill this entire area fill it up a couple come back you know you're us role you wanna throw it you wanna throw things you want throw hands you want throw hands well haha Nika ah crap hi I'm Harry Potter to myself I'm a hairy slaughter like Kenny's beer one more kill vipul we drop this bill right oh crap you want to fill it up you want to fill it the entire day with uppercuts because that means guys if you guys have enjoyed this hit the like button down below if you enjoy the new air strike that's pretty intense hit the subscribe button to around here hit that little fan sighs sorry sicko syphilis better that's bad guys next time thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,520,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, Fortnite Creative, Fortnite war, fortnite war game, fortnite new game, Fortnite for kids, kids, fortnite kids, fortnite family friendly
Id: J4HZl5tzEcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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