PUSH THE LINE! Loot Battle! *NEW* Game Mode in Fortnite!

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- So just like I said yesterday once again, Sigil and Bibble have done it again. - [Bibble] Hello. - They made another game, this is a pretty cool concept. It's somewhat confusing, but you'll get it. What we're doing, we start fighting in the middle and then you go that way and go that way. It's neat. Trust. - [Crainer] Dude, that was a good explanation right there. - [Biffle] I love it. - Okay, okay, and just like always, dudes, quick sellout moment, if we're using score cards, if any of us get over five on our score card, you guys gotta hit the like button. You guys ready? - [Sigils] Ready. - In three, two, one, go! - [Biffle] Go! I got a nine! - Oh, oh! - [Sigils] I got a 10! - [Crainer] Of course, I'm the only one that gets a four. - [Sigils] Yeah, yeah, dude, a four. - So you guys gotta hit the like button. Also hit the subscribe button if you're new to any of our channels, hit that little bell! Okay, so we're doing two versus two, Me, Sigils versus Crainer and Biffle Wiffle Wiffle Bat. - [Crainer] Ah, I got be on Biffle's team, dude. - So, are you guys ready? We're gonna explain the rules as we play, it's really fun. Okay, you guys ready to roll? - [Crainer] I was born ready. - [Biffle] I'm ready. - In three, two, one, go! Three! - [Biffle] I got an eight! - Eight. - [Sigils] I got an eight. - Six. - [Crainer] Six. - Okay, I have three. So you guys have to fight over your loot. - [Crainer] Do I open both chests, or just one? - Okay, hold on, hold on. - [Biffle] Just one! - Okay, I'm gonna open my three. - [Sigils] Wait, Austin, Austin, - Whoa! - [Sigils] Are we re-rolling, are we re-rolling? - Whoever made three, - [Crainer] Mine was so good! - thank you. Whoever made three, thank you, that's so good. - [Crainer] Whoever made number six, thank you. - [Sigils] I didn't get a shotgun. - You didn't get a shotgun? Oh, come on! - [Sigils] Gosh dang it, dude. - [Crainer] Who made number six, dude? This one was amazing. - [Biffle] Who put a six-shooter in here? - Okay, so remember what you guys have to do. Take your chest, and then put it over here on the map. You guys will understand all this in a minute. Alright, everybody pick up your loot, right? Wait, where's my, okay, got that, got that, got that. - [Sigils] We got it. - Okay, okay, okay, okay. And we can only grab two hundred wood per section, okay? - [Crainer] Five hundred? Okay, got that. - And then remember, so, we're gonna fight to the death in this middle. If we win, we push you back one section, we upgrade our guns to purple, and you guys downgrade your guns to green, and then we fight again. If you guys get to gray, you lose. Are you ready? - [Crainer] I'm ready. - Three, two, one, go! - [Sigils] Here you go, boys! - Oh yeah, oh yeah, good job, good ideas. I like your ideas. - [Crainer] Oh, my goodness. - [Biffle] Oh, my gosh, chill. - Oh, I hit one, I hit one, I hit one! - [Biffle] Oh, you hit nothing, you hit nothing, you know nothing. - [Biffle] Ah! - [Sigils] Oh, I hit one twice. - [Crainer] Biffle, just stay alive, dude, I got infinite heals. I'm keeping myself up, okay? - Oh no, I tripped, I tripped. - [Crainer] Oh, sorry! - [Biffle] Oh, I don't have enough mats for this. I'm going for it! Where are you? I don't know where you went, I'm scared, I'm hiding. No one's by me. - Crainer, where did you go? - [Sigils] I got him, I'm fighting Crainer, dude. You're fighting Austin. - Oh, I fought Biffle! (laughs) - [Biffle] Oh, he spared me! No! - [Crainer] No! - Okay, so we win this one. Okay, so we push you back to the next section. Alright, you guys ready? So, we're gonna upgrade our weapons. You guys downgrade, ooh, look at this. - [Crainer] I'm downgrading everything. - So, sniper is gonna go to a heavy sniper, thank you. - [Crainer] Dude, mine is so much worse now. Except, maybe it's actually better than full shield, in my opinion, so that's nice. - Wait, where are minis at? Where are minis? Ooh, big shield, yes, big shield. Oh, you can take a big shield, dude. - [Sigils] Dude, there's so many guns. - Dude, take a big shield, take a big shield, quick, quick, quick! You can't do it until the game starts, but here, here, take it, take it, take it. - [Sigils] Okay, hold on. - So you guys have upgraded? - [Biffle] Yeah, yeah, we're ready, we're ready. - [Crainer] We downgraded, yep. - You guys downgraded, sorry, okay, okay, round two. Ready? - [Crainer] Try and shoot all the time, yep. - In three, two, one, go! Sigils, you can't-- Sigil, Sigil, you gotta brace yourself, you almost got shot, dude. - [Sigils] No, no, no, they would never have seen me here, man. They would never have-- - [Biffle] Ah! - [Sigils] Keep it off the end, just keep them off. - Oh no, oh no! - [Crainer] Almost deleted one, but I think that was Ian almost deleted. - [Sigils] Uh, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. - [Crainer] Almost deleted sigils. - [Biffle] Ah! - [Sigils] Yeah, I got fried, I got fried, Ian, help! - [Biffle] I'll go for Sigils. - [Sigils] Uh, uh, oh, they're rushing me, they're rushing me, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - I hit Biffle by a lot. - [Biffle] Ah! Chill. Stop it. - I don't wanna chill, you can't make me chill. - [Sigils] No, no, no, no, no. - [Biffle] Chill! - Ow! - [Biffle] Dude, you're chiller than being chill. - [Biffle] Come here! - Oh, no, I'm down! - [Biffle] Yes! - Sigils, you have to take-- - [Sigils] Ah! - [Biffle] Yeah! - No! Okay, so we get pushed back to blue, you guys upgrade, we downgrade. Crap! Alright, we're back to blue, in three, two, one, go! - [Biffle] Go, go, go. - [Sigils] Come on, dude, I miss my purples already. - I know, I want them back, I need them. I need them in my life. - [Crainer] Here we go. - [Sigils] Oh, you're really hurt, aren't you? - [Biffle] No, I'm not, No, I'm not! - Oh, that grenade's gonna hit him! Yes, I blew up Biffle! - [Sigils] Cry, dude. - [Crainer] Biffle, why? - [Biffle] I'm sorry, Crainer, I love you! - [Sigils] Wait, no, he doesn't, no, he doesn't. - Oh, I will snipe Crainer. - [Biffle] Crainer, get him! Crainer, get him! - [Sigils] Hi, Crainer! - [Biffle] Crainer, get him. - [Sigils] I fell through my own ramp, hang on, stand by! - [Crainer] Ah, ah! - I got him, I got him, I got him, I got him! He's dead, he's dead, he's dead. Okay, we upgrade, they downgrade. Get back, get out of here. - [Crainer] Back to green. - Get out of here. - [Biffle] Time to attack! - Okay, okay, okay. Next round in three, two, one, go! - Dude, this is so fu-- this is actually pre-- wait, hold on, let me heal, let me heal, let me heal. - [Sigils] I got tagged, I didn't like that. Watch out on the left, on the left, he's coming on the left for you, Ssundee. - [Biffle] Ah! - I got Crainer, I got Crainer. - [Biffle] No! - Yeah! - [Sigils] I melted Biffle. - Oh, you melted him? Okay, okay, okay, so we upgrade. You guys are down to gray, we're up to gold. - [Crainer] No, we're not. Gold verses gray? I don't wanna be the one to say this, but I kinda blame Biffle. - [Biffle] I blame you! - Why Biffle? What did Biffle do wrong, dude? - [Crainer] No, actually, I blame Sigils, because I tried to be sneaky, but he had to protect Ian. - Open that. Okay, get the shotgun. Ah, so pistol, there is no silent pistol. - [Sigils] We got scoped pistol now, it's scoped, it's scoped. - Oh, a scoped pistol, I'll take it, I'll take it. Heavy sniper, heavy thumper. Oh, and we can turn these into slurps or chugs, whatever we want. I'm turning mine into a slurp. Alright, this could be the final round if you guys don't defend. In three, two, one, go! - [Crainer] Go, go, go, go, torch. - Don't you shoot me with that gray thingy. - [Crainer] Ow! Biffle! - [Biffle] What a snipe! - [Crainer] Why do you already die, dude? - Okay, yeah, you hide, I'll defend, I'll defend. - [Sigils] Okay, I'm drinking a chug juggie, just keep me safe! - I'm keeping you safe, I got Crainer pinned down. - [Sigils] Okay. - [Crainer] Get him! - [Sigils] Uh, oh, I hear his footsteps. - I'm sorry, Biffle. - [Sigils] Where is he? - [Biffle] Get him, Crainer. - Ow. - [Biffle] Crainer, get him, shoot him with bullets. - I hit him, I hit him, he's low, he's low. - [Biffle] Shoot him with bullets. - [Crainer] What the heck? - He's low, Sigils. - [Crainer] No! - Yeah! (laughs) - [Biffle] Crainer, let's go! - [Crainer] That gray crap, dude. - That's why you guys gotta do better in the early rounds, Dad. - [Sigils] You guys gotta win! - Alright, let's go to round two. Dude, that's fun, that is very fast-paced, I like it. - [Crainer] I don't like this. - [Biffle] So intense. - Alright, you guys ready for round two? So, can you guys explain how fun that was with the gray weapons? - [Crainer] I loved it. - [Biffle] Incredibly fun, I loved it too. - (laughs) Alright, Sigils, Sigils, you ready? You ready to own them again? - [Sigils] Oh, dude, easy, easy-mode. - In three, two, one, go! - Four, four, four, four. - [Sigils] Austin, can you stop this? - Oh, did you guys get the same number again? Ooh, a 10, ooh, a four, I already got four, Sigils, get out of here, get out of here, I got four. - [Sigils] I got five last time, I don't wanna do five again. - Oh gosh, Crainer's got some OP stuff. - [Biffle] Three is Crainer's, stop it! - Who made number four? - Come look at what number four has. - [Crainer] Oh, number four absolutely sucks. - [Sigils] Oh, oh, no. - [Biffle] You put three pistols in there? You bad people. - [Crainer] The stink bombs are gonna be so OP in these small arenas, dude. - Oh, it will be, actually. Alright, so, copy your chest, let's go to round two. Alright, you guys got your loot? - [Crainer] Yeah. - [Sigils] Oh, yeah. - I'm so sorry, Sigil, I have terrible stuff. In three, two, one, go! - [Sigils] Carry me! - Carry you? I already got a headshot. - [Biffle] Ow! Who just shot me in the face? Who was that, Ian? - Yep. - [Sigils] Fart on him! - [Biffle] No farting, ow, no farts, you stinky boys. - [Sigils] Oh, Crainer's gone! - [Crainer] I'm out of the game. - [Biffle] Stop shooting at me, you bad people. Stop it! - Oh, I farted on myself, crap! - [Sigils] Don't do that. Whoa, I didn't see you! - Whoa, Sigils! - [Sigils] Oh, no! It's fine, everything's fine. - [Crainer] You can do it, Biffle. - [Biffle] Ah! - Ah. - [Sigils] Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, don't worry about it. I'm reloading. - [Biffle] Yeah, I'm reloading too, don't worry about it. - [Sigils] Puppy power! - [Biffle] Stop it, stop it, stop! (laughs) - Oh, we won! (laughs) - [Biffle] Come on! - [Sigils] Okay, we got him. Piece of cake, dude. - Alright, back to purple, back to blue, or green, let's do it. - [Crainer] Seriously, Sigils, you couldn't beat them alone, really? - [Sigils] I'm Sigils! - Oh, awkward. - [Biffle] Hello, my name is Biffle. - [Crainer] I'm sorry, Biffle! - [Biffle] Yeah, hello. - Mild awkward. Wait, so does my fart-- Okay, so that upgrades. Does my fart upgrade to a boogie bomb? Yep - [Sigils] No. - Come on! I think it does, I'm going with it. - [Sigils] Nah, Dad! - I'm going with it, Dad. Alright, ready? - [Sigils] Alright, okay, you go for it, Dad. - [Crainer] Alright, alrighty. - Next round in three, two, one, go! Oh, I don't have full health. - [Sigils] Whoa, wait, whoa, gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen, uh, oh, uh oh, they're pushing. - [Crainer] Ladies and gentlemen, we got him. - [Biffle] Don't you boogie bomb me! - Oh, I'm sorry, Sigils! - [Sigils] You bombed me! No, you boogie bombed me again, Ian! - [Crainer] Yes, I got him. - Wait, did I boogie bomb you? No! (laughs) oh, my gosh, we're so bad. Wait, oh, I picked up a sniper on accident. Glad I didn't use it. - [Crainer] What's up, losers? - Oops, I cheated. (laughs) Dang it! - [Biffle] Yeah, losers, get out of here, you nerds! - [Crainer] How do they still be losers and nerds? - [Sigils] We're freaking losers, dude. - Yeah, alright, hold on. - [Crainer] We got them. - Alright, we're back to blue. In three, two, one, go! Guess what I got again? Guess what I got again? - [Biffle] Oh, my god, stop! You're a bad person. - (laughs) - [Crainer] How do you know I was right there, Ian? - Dude, I'm "telepathetic". Oh! - [Sigils] Oh, my gosh! - [Crainer] What is wrong with you, Sigils? - Oh, my god. - [Sigils] Dude, I got the bat brain, I'm sorry, dude. Austin, we can talk about this. No, Austin, Austin, Austin. - [Biffle] You kidding me? Just, just, just-- - [Sigils] Just die! Austin! - [Crainer] What are you guys doing? Can you even die? - Right there. - [Biffle] Oh, god, I'm sorry! - Okay, gotta fart, gotta fart on everything, gotta fart on everything. - [Biffles] Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh. You stop it right now. - Gotta go, gotta go. I don't have a shotgun, you do. All I have are silent pistols, this is doo-doo. You have a med kit? Whoa, crap! - [Sigils] Come here. - No, no, no, no. Oh, gosh, I'm out of building material. - [Biffle] Don't jump. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go. - [Biffle] No! (laughs) - (laughs) - [Crainer] Did you just die to his farts, dude? - [Biffle] Yes, I died to his farts, he had 800 of them. - Back to purple. (laughs) Alright, next round, you guys ready? In three, two, one, hi! - [Sigils] Ian, this is gonna be easy sweep, dude. - Easy swee-- Oh! - [Sigil] Oh, oh, oh, oh, no. - [Biffle] Oh, talk about easy. - Oh, I forgot I was low. I only had 32 health, I forgot about that. - [Crainer] But it was a headshot, dude. - Eh, whatever, dude. Oh, Sigil! - [Crainer] And it's easy. - [Sigil] Alright, it's fine, it's fine, you guys haven't won a blue round yet. I'm not even worried about it. - [Crainer] Alright, let's go back and get our weapons, dude, let's keep going! - You guys are a bunch of cheaters, dude. You guys are a bunch of cheaters, dude. I wasn't even-- - [Crainer] That headshot on you was so good, Ian. - Yeah, whatever, so is, so is, you're stupid. (yelling) three, two, one, go! - [Biffle] Alright, let's do it. Come on, Crainer, this is good, we need this. Ooh, I got hit pretty bad. - [Sigils] Oh, dude, my hunting rifle. - [Biffle] Oh, my gosh. - Here we go, here we go, ow! Crainer, stop it. - [Biffle] Those stinks are so annoying! - Ooh, I hit him? I hit "Cranger"? - [Sigils] Austin! Where are you? Oh, how did you? - [Crainer] Oh! - [Biffle] How did you? Oh, my god! (laughs) What a shot! - Oh, Crainer, I didn't know you were-- - [Biffle] What, okay. Crainer, where are you? - Oh, no! What the heck is that? Sigil, you got this, Sigil, you got this. - [Sigil] Okay, I got this, I got this, I got this. - [Biffle] Crainer, you-- - No! Crap! Alright, so we go back to green this time. - [Biffle] That's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm talking about. - So this turns into that pistol. I guess, six-shooter? Farts turn into clingers, impulse nades stay the same. I think I'm ready. (laughs) Alright, Sigil, we gotta win this one. Three, two one, go! - [Crainer] You guys ready to lose again, dude? - [Sigils] It's fine, dude, it's, it's-- - If you saw my loot. - [Sigils] It's green versus purple, I'm not even scared. - [Biffle] Ah! - [Sigils] Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, oh, oh. - Oh, I can't be sweat-building, because we don't have many materials. - [Sigil] No, yeah, you gotta choose your builds. Watch out, Ian, they're coming for you! Uh, oh. - [Biffle] Come here! - [Sigils] Is that what you think? Is that what you think? - [Sigils] Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. - [Biffle] What if I just take your wall, huh? - Ah, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I did it wrong. - [Crainer] Sigils is down! - [Biffles] He's over here, come on. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - [Biffle] Where is he? - [Crainer] I'm healing up while you're doing that, Biffle. - [Biffle] Ah! - Oh, I lit him up, I lit him up, I-- oh! (laughs) - [Biffle] Yes! - My loot is so bad! - [Biffle] Let's keep this train going. - Crap! - [Crainer] Dude, I love this. We keep getting better and they keep getting worse. - [Biffle] Yeah, I love it. - Alright, so they get gold, and we get freaking gray. Alright, this could be final round, Sigils. In three, two, one, go! - [Crainer] You ready, Biffle? - [Biffle] I'm ready. - [Sigils] Ian, I'm so scared. - Dude, you have to hit your six snipes. Hit your six snipes. - [Sigils] Okay, alright. - [Biffle] Ah! - Oh! - [Biffle] (laughs) When you talk about hitting your six snipes, you wasn't kidding. - [Crainer] Oh, my gosh, dude, I couldn't even see you. - Oh, no, I died, Crainer rushed me. All I had was pistols! - [Biffle] Come on, Crainer, come on. - Oh! - [Sigils] Yes! - [Crainer] That was the weirdest fight I've even been in, but sure dude, woohoo! - [Biffle] Woohoo! - My loot was actually terrible. You know what, you know what, you guys are hackers. - [Sigils] That's so stressful. That's so stressful. - You guys are hackers. - [Crainer] Sorry for rushing you, Ian, but you had terrible weapons, so I had to do it. - (laughs) You guys win round 2, let's go to the final round, round 3. Dude, you guys aren't lying, going with those gray guns is terrible. - [Biffle] Always. - [Sigils] Yep. - [Crainer] Yup. - [Sigils] My heart hurts. - [Biffle] Oh, I got a 10. - I got an eight. - [Sigils] I got seven. - I got an eight, I got an eight. - [Biffle] I got a ten! - Ooh, what is this? Oh! - [Sigils] Oh, no. - [Biffle] This is pretty good loot. - Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. - [Sigils] Oh, no. - [Biffle] I like this one! - [Crainer] Dude, that's nice. - [Sigils] Hey, Ian, look what I got. - What? - [Sigils] Look what I got. - [Biffle] What'd he get? - [Sigils] It's a hunting rifle. - Another hunting rifle. (laughs) - [Sigil] Yeah, you boys ready - [Biffle] Oh, no. - [Sigil] for me to have another hunting rifle? - [Biffle] Oh, no. Oh, okay. - [Sigils] Huh? - [Biffle] Well, great. - [Crainer] Kinda afraid of your hunting rifles, not gonna lie. I don't like them. - Oh, gosh. Alright, alright, so, final round right here, winner takes all. Alright, final round, are you guys ready? Get in here, Sigil, get in here. - [Biffle] I'm ready. - [Sigil] Okay, okay, okay, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready. - Alright, three, two, one, go! - [Biffle] I'm going straight for them. They can't hurt me, only I can hurt them. - [Cranier] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - Get down from there. Get down from there. - [Sigils] I don't appreciate that, that man shot at me. - Whoa! - [Sigils] Watch out, he's rushing you! - Is he? Is he rushing? - [Crainer] Somebody, get your meds! - [Sigils] Watch out, he's rushing! - Oh, no, Crainer's behind me! - [Biffle] No! - Oh, Biffle died! - [Sigils] Ian, you can clutch, you can do this! - [Biffle] Crainer, come on, sweat like you've never sweat before. - "Cranger"? - [Biffle] You got this, bud. Come on, Crainer! - Oh, no! - [Biffle] Ah! Show them your talent! - Oh, no. Yeah! (laughs) - [Biffle] No! - [Sigils] Yes! - [Biffle] Come on! - Dude! - [Crainer] Where were you, dude? - 50 health, dude. - (laughs) - [Cranier] Oh, my gosh, that was close. - Alright, so we upgraded to purple, you guys go down to green. Alright, Sigils, this is our turn. This is our turn, Sigils, We got this. - [Sigils] Oh, yeah. This is the one. I'm gonna upgrade from hunting rifle to... Ooh, what about a silenced sniper? Ooh. - [Sigils] That's probably, like, your life choice, man. - (laughs) Then I get a scar. Question, what does the dual pi-- Nevermind, there's purple dual pistols, got it. J-K, "lol". - [Sigils] Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's purple dualies. In three, two, one, go! - [Biffle] Go, go, go! - Oh, gosh, did you already shoot at me, boy? - [Biffle] Hey, 130. - [Sigils] Hold up, hold up. No, you didn't - Oh! - I forgot to heal! No! Sigil, clutch this up! - [Sigils] I don't like this one bit - 2v1, 2v1, 2v1. - [Biffle] Ah! - No! (laughs) - [Sigils] That worked so well, so well. How much health do you have? - [Biffle] 16 HP and a dream. Alright, let's grab our old loot. Dang, I forgot to heal, Sigil, that was my fault. Alright, back to blue, in three, two, one, hi! - [Sigils] Alright, we gotta win this one, Ian, or we're gonna be way behind. - I know, I don't like this at all. - [Sigils] I don't like it, either. - [Biffle] You got a sniper, boy, from the sniper family. - Oh, I almost hit him in the hole. - [Crainer] Come on, Biffle, you can do this. - [Sigils] Oh, yeah? - [Biffle] Ugh, they're playing so passive! - Who sniped at me? - [Sigils] I'm so scared of your big, handsome, strong hands. - (laughs) What? - [Sigils] What, Oh, sorry, I don't know, was that-- Did I say that out loud? - Yep, no, that was out loud. That's on-- - [Sigils] Ah! - [Biffle] Oh, jeez! - I'm going for Crainer. - [Sigil] Okay, I'm with you, I'm with you. I hit him for a lot! - [Biffle] Come on, Crainer, you got this. - [Sigils] I hit him for a little! [Biffle] Ah! - Yes, good job! Okay, okay, okay, we got this. Yes! (laughs) Alright back to purple. - [Sigil] Back to purple! - Back to purple, boys, back to purple. - [Crainer] I'm sorry for failing you, Biffle! - [Biffle] You failed this city, and this Biffle. - (laughs) Poor Biffle. Biffle wiffle, biffle wiffle bat. Alright, back to purple, green, in three, two, one, go! Okay, this time, this time, I'm not forgetting. - [Sigils] I want my gold. - [Crainer] Your gold? Oh, good, good, good. - Okay, oh, I'm way over here? Oh, I'm on their side! No, I'm not there! Oh! - [Biffle] Oh! - Sigils! - [Crainer] Sigil got deleted! - [Biffle] Get him, get him! - [Sigils] My poor face! - [Crainer] Let's go, let's go get him, dude! - [Biffle] Go, go, go, where is he? I think he's over here. Oh, he's right here. - [Sigils] Go, go, Ian Ranger - [Crainer] Get him! - [Sigils] Alright, get him, Ian, get him. - [Biffle] Ow, jeez, that's a lot of damage. Crainer, get him! He's got a shotgun, I didn't realize he had a shotgun. - [Sigils] Ian, he's not even that handsome, you can kill him. - [Biffle] He's pretty handsome, have you seen his face cam? - [Crainer] You must be so low. - Ah! (laughs) Yes, okay, okay. - [Sigils] Ian, you got this. You got this, Ian! - [Crainer] Does he have a chug jug or something? - [Sigils] Oh, he might have a chug jug. - [Biffle] Come on, Crainer - [Crainer] You have a (sound cuts out) for my six-shooter, boy? - [Biffle] Crainer, shoot him! - Yes! Oh, that's good damage! - [Biffle] Shoot him in the face! - Oh, wait, no, no, no. He's low, he's low! - [Biffle] Come on, Crainer, come on. - Yes! (laughs) - [Biffle] No! Come on Crainer! - [Crainer] I just shot - Yes! - [Crainer] one second before he would have been dead, dude! - Oh, my gosh, Sigil, I'm sorry, dude. You just got headbanged. - [Crainer] Oh, no, wait, do we have gray now? - [Sigils] Yeah! - Ah, yeah, you guys have gray versus gold. - [Crainer] That's payback for headbanging me twice, okay? - [Sigils] No, that was good, man. That was a good shot, you scared me. - Okay, upgrade that sniper. Need a shotgun, okay, grab that, grab that. So, what on earth do pistols upgrade to? - [Sigils] I don't know that they upgrade every game, I think you just gotta-- - [Crainer] Ah, I got bandages, that's neat. - Yeah, that's pretty neat. Alright, gold versus gray, this could be the last round. In three, two, one, go! - [Sigils] No pressure, Ian, but we have to win. - We have to, we have to, it's just math. - [Crainer] Sigils has been hit 27 blue, at least. - [Biffle] Yeah, I hit him. - Oh, you almost lost a head piece. - [Sigils] All the way on the left, all the way on the left, watch out. - [Biffle] Crainer, you got this. - [Sigils] You got him, you got him, Ian! - Crainer down, Crainer down! Okay, okay. - [Sigils] Okay, okay. - [Crainer] Please, don't lose, Biffle, take them both out, dude! - [Biffle] I'm trying, I don't have any mats! - [Sigils] Oh, dude, I need space for my ramp, you jerk! - Biffle down! (laughs) - [Crainer] Oh, my goodness, no! - [Biffle] Come on! - [Crainer] Biffle! - Dude! - [Sigils] Oh, my gosh, dude. - That is so intense, oh my go-- That was fun, that was a good game. Good game, Sigil, and Biffle. We should play that again. If you guys want us to play that again, like, seven years from now, hit that like button. Hit the subscribe button, if you're new around here. Hit that little bell. Like I said, hit the subscribe button if you wanna join team Sunsquad. - [Crainer] Oh, no, that's actually a thing. Is it actually a thing now? - [Biffle] Are you viewing that as a thing? - Do you like it? - [Crainer] I don't know if it's a meme or a thing. - [Sigils] Yeah, I can't tell. - Do you like it? - [All] No. - See ya dudes next time. (laughs) (upbeat electronic music)
Channel: SSundee
Views: 9,688,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ssundee, ssunde, ssundee and crainer, ssundee challenge, sundee, ss, ssudee, ssundde, sunndee, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, battle royale, playground v2, playground, playground mode, gamemode, game mode, playground ltm, in fortnite, gun game trolling, fortnite funny moments, fortnite update, Fortnite Season 7, Fortnite board game, Fortnite Game, fortnite emote challenge, fortnite emote game mode, fortnite emote games, fortnite emote challenge game
Id: ZNdXSCh5xqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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