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the news welcome back to the board game today sizzles where are the rules speak fast okay look at this thing right here if you step on it it turns to your team-colored you get a point if you got 20 points then you get a legandary of your choice yeah we're doing three separate rounds Mario Kart scoring the final third round we're doing season nine faulted weapons before we start boys everybody get your scorecards ready if any of us get over a five they gotta hit that like carry how many likes you guys want in this video five six seven or team 10 14 likes boys you got to hit that like but I don't make the rules at any time for your time you're allowed to oh yeah if you're on this top level and you roll greater than a 1 you can do this and drop off your Lu the only way you keep the loot is if it is in your base secured are you boys ready in two I can see that 3 2 1 go I am stuck in 3 2 1 go I am Number One Hey okay so if I get a 1 or a 2 I'm glit dabby go 5 ok I don't care 1 2 3 4 what is that hey check out my points boys hey Wow ok enter handsome 9 points ok I'm gonna give that little point is worth 5 points yeah the middle point is worth 5 if you get to 20 the game ends everybody else has to stop what they're doing I got a deal boys go and go zero oh my get another gun boys way out here why are we out here I am in here oh go ok I always have a full set of loot already ok I saw crab gun and it's a deagle go I am bid right now I got 0-7 get out of my face don't you steal my point and go that way then I can go that way and get all the stuff in my face okay all right five okay what I have no health 2.3 oh I got a gold eagle boys we out here what do you guys think about it I got a gold eagle too buddy I think you a gold diggle what what okay okay you guys ready and go so real quick news future in here you guys know my company double jump once again we've released a new game it's called merge TD the idea of it is you merge a bunch of towers together keep leveling up your towers to stop zombies by shooting them in the face and as you guys can see here I am number three top three in the entire world on this game bring it noobs we're constantly updating the game so do me a favor dudes download this game give it a chance it's completely free either click the link in the description or go to your App Store type in merge TD give this game a chance as a crap ton of fun hi boys are you guys ready yes go 10 9 10 this is my turf wait still says 14 oh no this is unmeet and everybody ready yep go come up here this might turn up I've been keeping the whole wall up here three got it all right we out here boys we out here you're getting closer and I don't like it but I don't like you and go hey no I'll take this in five Hey you just take my point all right you guys ready you guys ready remember on every round it's different loot last round season nine vaulted and go 12 chef Babel I'm going for it and go bar actually I need to bring this back this is nice haha are you gonna make it are you gonna take it hmm go six I'm out of here see you're all in there it's about four five six boys if I roll a two or above it is all over away in three two one I don't need points okay to the knees dude do I get a purple for being a second now yeah yeah I have a purple normal no oh my gosh alright let's go to round one fight all right so that's my loot right there so that's what I'm gonna grab not gonna take the grappler because I can get one legendary or below I think I'm gonna take the tech AR it's just too dang good there we go that's my loadout with Mike i watered down combo let's do this eyes everybody got their guns yeah round one first to ten kills in three two four eight seven six ha Sunday your house oh no oh no hey where's your help guys if you like that little bit will squeal hit that like button whatever you like is another piffle squeal Oh we're so close 66-56 teen mommy mommy mommy come here to go to school it's almost summer time I have a deagle you look like a freak oh no I hate the court field I know oh yes madam oh hey thank you for this it oh I just took your spawn point by the way give me that high ground boy you know it's my high ground dude crazy I'm upset about it yeah so why are you not getting Dobson probably not because of me yeah Mikey uh mommy mommy I need a mommy mommy are here just happened to me what just happened to my face oh gosh I don't know what to do with my hands but hello in my spot thank you no I think I know you never heard about the sniper shotgun no Pam stop it nope got a Greek load stop cranek is crazy holding the high ground oh yeah get out boy oh I almost flipped you like my boogers that's my kid what are you doing over there and cuddling get out of my game I glitched through wall late at night it shocked a pilot the only glitch is your mice oh you just wait till we get to the season nine faulted weapon no you just wait until we button you're lucky I don't have traps all right round one although we got to figure out the scores crap I deleted the screen it was ten seven seven four all right quick intermission going around to all right so after round one I have nine sigils and Craner have six because they cheated and tied in Biffle has three sorry so this round has sigils combo any law hacker to one go five I got a bill down here honey oh yeah I got one what for I won't just got a boom bow three one two core card yes I'm way out here drop drop this off right now drop him boom okay those are secure but go for six here we go I took your point green boy get rekt and go one oh we're out here boys this loot is now safe no it's not you look safe hey schedules yeah poke that little head out boy no thank you go ten are you cool - four five what did Jeff six seven oh I got an eight pack nine well I can't go that way boys boys we have to steal what color is Craner is he green green oh I'm still hungry and go 100 already God a mommy okay and go three gone - wait there's a boat here with another gun which I guess I take that crap okay guys well you would take the bow I think cuz it means it like somebody picked up and were like oh I'm not supposed to have it so they put it down oh I just took the jetpack Oh [Applause] I'm a Flicka later and go like six got it non-material and I disappear that was a bad idea I can't see any numbers go nine seven eight stupid chip ragas oh okay well I meant to read no way you're not gonna win you're not gonna win you're not gonna win now before I go back there okay guys ready and Goudy ten one two three seven nice top three before mommy okay do not win crania do not win I might just win and go yes I stored it before crater edited why are there so many Cicero's what did you just say me do you know how offensive I am go ten oh yeah well you faked all in the middle 704 me three more we did it stop Rabia and don't care about me seven one zero dang it I got a three now I tripped I tripped that didn't count I just don't you go don't you go to the middle don't make good with you boy don't make me join you I dare you to even try yo yo Dawg chillin dog straight up and look like alright scorecard for your weight and go seven I'm standing right here in front that's a win seven right here it goes better get ready because it's about to be crater time it's happening you need two points boy Oh game over what you just got played I see you guys got your Lu so I'm trying to decide what I should use and nothing everything in there yep that's what I do I pick my nose when I fart is that not normal for go yeah you like people know too much about you at this point yeah so we're doing three lives each in 317 two one go hike the metal base oh my greater why are you great everybody shoot it down I'm shooting down I am NOT united against Beaufort I feel betrayed if I was just betrayed by my friends so got you but he is he's bored affording he's literally port affording I feel the same time then you know what you guys wanna do for two bucks I'll do port force to hey let's do this oh how are you hitting me you know how sambar your for it on my port you guys port affording on the port afford you want to pour to follow the port reports let's do this whoa are you serious right now did I you Inc that are you blue yes right Blau I'm various like wow what's happening I may have shot it are you just saying I grant over what is happening who is giving birth and why are they doing it Thomas match I've ever played and I love it yeah this is really stupid how did I not hear you ain't got a metal crater you fought my hair a go at the building limit it doesn't work before acetyl do you know what's going on I know nobody's what I'm scared oh no I'm on my last life this is the scariest thing ever i Despard leave it alone crater set that's the scope there for you boy the t hermano craters out okay and you maybe don't huh Oh mommy no mommy here just a vehicle wait for mom wait all right let's reconfigure this score let's go to the final round three witches season nine balton let's do it it's in his raccoon wounds are you guys ready for round three this is all season nine vaulted right in not Craner had to go so Niko took his place Niko you have seven points good luck coming back boy wait was crater in last place yep crazy blast should take it over for you and three two one go three give this or saw five six seven it doesn't suck it's all just vaulted careful some of it should stay bolt it and go guys are you in first place just by the way and go six seven eight nine boys look how many points I got oh gee oh gosh oh crap I got a stupid sneaky know me some slight you go seven five hello no are you taking that boy are you mad oh crap yeah are you mad wait where's my thing oh my thing he's over the ow stop it okay ready and important go steady okay okay I'm going I'm out I dropped my boots don't repeat those ropey I'm gonna be toxic this next round okay go seven me yes there we go boys we out here stop stop video game on I just got a boombox no why never careful man go one I got a grappler yeah I'm like two away from this thing I finally got to drop off my lube all panic okay okay and at the disco I mean piffle if you don't have good loot you probably don't want to end it and you gotta make you gotta think four five six okay about the PS command got it six four five who's in the lead now by swing oh now you well kind of you but hey well I can tell nothing Nico yeah can't see no one ego and that's about it and go yeah well I'm scoring I'm scoring I'm scoring I'm out here we out here about here I put here I put here and three one nine two three what is this I got a sniper we out here okay and go eight-six are you kidding very seven dude I like these little color yeah no don't you do it in no if I get is six I can end it right here oh oh oh wait one two three all that eighties I didn't know face dude I I don't have any more spaces around me to get one more space they said just know hey just no no oh gosh oh you would have had planes yeah that's it you know what you know what just for good faith you can keep them you know what take the planes and all right I don't make the rules I just follow him hit that like button I don't make the rules what he just made the rule I don't understand I don't he didn't make it that I don't final round at the modern city both I so here's my issue that's the only loot that I got right and I can spawn in one thing should I get a shot gun or mobility we might have to go with the shotgun boys we got our stuff that's that's not bad that is you know what I'll take I could turn people into snowmen let's do this alright boys final round are you guys ready you lose so bad all right so we're doing 10 eliminations in 3 if you guys think I can win hit that like button in - you guys think scissors can win hit that like button his video wad I had a stroke who's already bilbul no one oh I knew you were gonna use the plane immediately get out of play shoot down my plane don't you order me play he shot in the back who was it Oh hit those I just plain jacked won't it get out of the sky buddy I thought you wouldn't be there that quickly no sir it's me they both have planes what is this only have one gun so the plane really is coming in clutch way what is your gun it's a first I'll take that playing thank you good luck you don't have that blade why are we so big why are they played how much help do these planes have okay why don't you put flames again I don't know why ideally one way to settle this like men and I'm gonna do it you have a cleaners that's just plain annoying you do nothing we don't just play board games better I don't like anything that's happening oh my gosh these boom boxes are not boom awesome link - yep hi oh my I just don't like Kelvin oh you are a bot Nico oh you stole my kill Nico there's no Mikey wait I was the kill s me Mario what are you Marc all right prep don't you touch me don't you touch me can you stop with the thingy you're such an obnoxious human being who invented you you stuck me in the side of my face this isn't the Battle Royale it's not the skirmish you just got scoped a yard no scoped pistol helped scope you're dead bro I'm just trying to stay alive you want to smell you go through yeah I want that battle boy come at me alright eat I want to hit that homeland no you probably wind up are you yo my kill oh no oh gosh you just threw that who threw it yellow I supposed to use your play where you at boy whoever I need oh gosh Oh almost nigh / boy now come here oh do any damage though it didn't do any damage though just got robbed in duck it exploded it didn't hurt him I hate I trapped him in with this clip this is my guy a bunch o this game robbing the subscribe button hit that little bell sorry Nico you took Crater spot he was really low see you guys next time thanks again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button for daily videos
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,688,197
Rating: 4.9353671 out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, Fortnite Board Game, Fortnite kids, kids, Fortnite board game mode, Fortnite weapons
Id: 3MH90sN1MHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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