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so dudes you know the old-school game gun game from Call of Duty we've brought that over to fortnight what we have here we have three different rounds 15 different guns winner takes all so if you guys enjoy this video we've been recording for like 7 hours hit the like button down below show us some love and also hit the subscribe button if you're new around here if you have any other minigame ideas let us know and yes hope you guys enjoy all right you guys ready the rules are simple so okay so round 1 gun game we're gonna suppress pistol a second gun minigun third gun hand cannon fourth gun rocket launcher fifth gun hunting rifle I'll take the green one you guys can have the blue one I'm gonna win anyways you guys are second everybody go to your corners you forgot the six gun what the pickaxe yeah the pickaxe yeah so I you get a kill with the first gun you upgrade to the second gun minigun desert eagle rocket launcher sniper and then the last gun is the pickaxe you have to hit somebody once are you guys wait and we're gonna do the best of three we're gonna do 3 separate rounds whoever gets gooder is gooder that sounds good you guys ready everybody ready aha round one in three two one side was pissed yeah silent pistol minigun Desert Eagle Rock Overland flight right you can build I have Maxima tiers any trap not traps but you can use jump pads any bounce pads that you got on your eluding extravaganza you can use there was a lot of looting extravaganza for this one right hey mr. Chiang you see Jamie dude I'm like James Bond wait were you wow all you had shot me [Music] yeah you can't hear when you left off because he doesn't have stuff yet [Laughter] you got stop it stop it and keep in mind guys you cannot heal in this game mode whatever health you're at you got to stay at Oh get off me get off me get off me Oh I am so low health I'm so low help you know that's the minigun the minigun so I can use the hand cannon oh yeah you're on the hand cannon oh my gosh all of our stuff is right here Neko all I need is my hand cannon oh I kill Craner you kill them with the hand cannon okay okay I got all my stuff I got all my stuff I got all my stuff here we go all right I'm on the hand cannon oh maybe we should all just be friends put your hands up chunji Oh who's on the hunting rifle it's somebody on the hooking rifle already oh wait oh don't Craner Oh No craters on the rocket as well you guys have never seen kratom with the rocket have you no I don't think anyone has alright I need this okay be it's a girl but okay oh yes has passed when who's on the rocket launcher who is it I'm sorry to go sorry did you build that wall you got to redo the rocket yeah I put myself up no no no you you're good as long as you killed somebody with it you're good Rainer is on the hunting rifle now okay we gotta do this I gotta kill everything need to get my stuff fast I'm on the hunting rifle now dude but remember that's not the last one you gotta hit somebody with your pickaxe [Music] who did it who did it quinta i'll have strong words with your mother it's an all-out sniper battle dude this is intense no no no don't knock knock me don't you knock knock me no you hit me nickels on the pickaxe do not get hit oh he didn't stick the landing Niko whoever gets the first hit with the pickaxe wins oh my goodness Ian I won round one there we go okay next round you guys ready to go to the next round what do you guys want to fight new tracks I took first round what you guys want to go next round tilted you want to go tilted next round all right let's do it all right you guys ready round two sir hamburger took round one okay so this round wait first off you start with double pistols I'm taking legendary cuz you guys suck second drum gun I'll take green third double barrel shotguns fourth guided missiles fifth purple snipers and then the last of course you got to get a single hit with your pickaxe are you guys ready all right I get to your separate corners of the world stop building alright stop it bad Nico you don't bail before the game starts you guys ready everybody ready okay whenever the time gets to 2588 r33 that's when we start 30 25 33 when we start okay 38:25 we're going you stupid people you stupid heads oh how am i hitting this what what what why are you yelling at me why are you yelling at me where did you shoot at me dude that would be do you well I hit somebody ohit's mom who did I hit Oh who's building whose thumb up there boy did I make somebody blows ah Balrog Nika you guys fight each other stop it it's crater destroying oh my gosh crater is owning let's all band together make my comeback everybody fancy oh you should have done that you shouldn't have done that shot a mid-air okay now I got the drum gun you're new you look like a noob your faces a new you smell like a noob yeah Bob is to do okay I'll have you know my mom is a lovely lady yeah I believe it but she doesn't even know how to build a fault okay we can't kill unarmed people we cannot do it it's illegal where are you noobs where are you face holes I'm not ready do not kill me if you see not ready mom ready okay oh how is it ready this many building so this is our problem Craner yeah no no god backup okay I'm on the guy to rock yeah he's on the guys Rock okay everybody load up everybody load up Nikko leave us alone for a minute oh yeah gun check what is everybody on you're on the dollar Barrow Niko's I make Niko's on the guided rock oh there's the guy rocket oh ho ho who's it going out you can't blocks yourself in like that oh no that hurt anymore Nico hello oh wait you're on the sniper I am on the job dude go away hi chick I was going for the clip oh my montage okay craters there where's mr. Chang mister it's okay that's Craner can't kill him he's unarmed I will give you a chance to run [Laughter] mama Oh No whoa did I do dairies - there we go you did you did folk damage to me with everything I'm not I'm sorry dude so scared of Chang right now so sketchy there's a guy - right you gadget wait Chang you're still on the first one haven't you killed anybody say where are you [Music] [Laughter] there goes all my health there goes all my health there goes on my health how did you not die I just snapped your rocket dude I just sniped your rocket Oh No Nico is on the final form he is on do not get smacked by Nico do not get smacked by Nico whatever you do go put down Oh No Chang stop it Chang were you still in the first gun alright let's go to round three let's do this alright final round round three you guys ready so wrap to the first gun is the burst rifle I'm gonna grab the green one the second gun is the TAC shotgun third gun LMG fourth gun freakin tornado oh this is gonna be tough with this grenade everybody get your the grenade launcher do remember what we did that and lucky blocks oh my gosh yes okay okay so if I win I win the entire thing if Nikko went he was the entire thing if crater wins we have to do a three right a three-way tie breaker if Chang wins we soft do a three-way tie breaker let's do it three two one go Wow Nico I knew you were gonna do that I knew you were gonna do that Nico hello mr. jiang dawei yourself you're not a ninja are you no stop it stop it think about it figure by the children think about the children okay stop it who's got a shotgun god odo Cheng please please think about the children think about the small children I think about the small infant children [Music] he literally turned on his aimbot turn the aimbot off you old hacker oh no why Prater okay get my stuff get my stuff we're good we're good we go okay got it got the shotgun got the shotgun on the shotgun now dropping the AR I am locked and reloaded oh my gosh there's so much building you guys are nuts it's mostly just greater it's great a building like crazy dog killed me yes good job Jay oMG Jake's on the LMG already Oh No okay [Music] quinta oh my gosh changhie almost shot me down I'm getting out here this is way too much building I was stupid oh he's on the gurney watch your guys no I got the shotgun loop I broke everything that or who put traps out who did it okay I um I now know somebody now I am now an armed man Oh will you kill Chang Chang is on this knife or isn't he except for Chang Chang still on the sniper we got each other dude the grenade launcher now we're both on the sniper now dude get over where's oh no no why everybody's shooting at me I don't like this anymore we're all on the snappers oh no don't block the door but Nico hit you with his pickaxe whatever you're doing everything from my inventory boy first person one big case Oh dope I thought I hit a wolf no change on his pickaxes will though right whatever storage batter it's only us now he and that aren't on the pickaxe trainer put the team together shoot Shang and Nico shoot at Chiang and Nico I mean I think it'll be pretty easy to fight them and shoot them hello Chang do you have a soldier who's gonna get it who's gonna get it Jake hey Craner I'm on the pickaxe crater I actually didn't know that was you JK Oh everywhere just do one sniper shot [Music] all right I think crater won that round alright final round goes to check so it's a tiebreaker between myself Nico and Chang we got to figure out what we're gonna do to solve this who is gonna win do you can be our cheerleader you can join in for fun now you can be our cheerleader are you guys ready for the tiebreaker Craner take it away the rules are simple three people three pickaxes shovel fight to the death all right whoever wins this wins it all and is the goodest and I get crater Christmas countdown give us a count I want to be a good arrest as soon as you guys see the basket ball hit the ground is when you stop two one wait for the basket Jane killed me going and I killed burger man is okay oh we're gonna end this here if you guys want us to do this again I got any other ideas for some minigames be sure to hit the like button down below let us know the minigames in the comments and yes good good job guys you guys you gotta create a new crater I just have to say you did the best well played I know I did dude I ended up being the judge I'll see you dudes next time [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 14,689,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ssundee, ssunde, ssundee and crainer, ssundee challenge, sundee, ss, ssudee, ssundde, sunndee, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, battle royale, playground v2, playground, playground mode, gamemode, game mode, playground ltm, gun game, gungame, in fortnite, gun game fortnite, gun game trolling, gun game rage, fortnite funny moments, fortnite season 5, season 5
Id: AO2ZRNoWwuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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