WandaVision: Every COMMERCIAL Explained | DR STRANGE Connection

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[Music] welcome to screen crush i'm ryan airy so let's talk about the commercials in juan division episode 8 walked us through the greatest hits of trauma of wanda's life and these traumas roughly correlate symbolically with the six commercials we see in one division so in this video i'm going to dive deep and break down what each commercial really means and a couple possibilities for where they're coming from marshall mcluhan famously said the medium is the message this means that when we study media be it film tv youtube videos etc that the way we consume the media is as important as the media itself for instance in the 1940s there was a greater sense of national unity and citizens packed into movie theaters while today we're more divided and people prefer consuming content on their phones i'm watching iron man 2 on my phone right now okay you're not helping so think how this applies to the commercials in one division commercials have one goal to sell us something so each commercial is trying to sell wanda on some new idea each ad also represents a different era and the role that women played in that time period and as a result hal wanda sees herself the earlier ads seemed like they were mind controlling wanda into being a better housewife it's the go-to for clever housewives while the most recent one for the drug nexus is telling her to leave that life and embrace reality a unique antidepressant that works to anchor you back to your reality so let's take a closer look first the stark toaster oven the first line sets the tone for all of these ads is your husband tired of you burning his toast each of these commercials is a commentary on how advertisers have targeted moms in an attempt to influence or control their buying habits just as agatha is controlling wanda and the town is pressuring her into starting a family society has placed these same pressures on women for well forever right the toaster commercial places the audience and wanda in a position of subservience to the household you need a better way to toast the toast for your man i've pointed out before the toaster also symbolizes the vision toasters are a derogatory name for robots almost certainly is a toaster that word is racist i don't like it and wanda even calls him a toaster in the comics this line get the taste back into your toast is a metaphor for adding life to the vision's corpse and we now know that this episode takes place shortly after the vision was brought back to life wanda welcome home episode 8 revealed that the toaster was a metaphor for the shell that nearly killed wanda and pietro the moment that her powers first manifested now because she was watching the dick van dyke show when the bomb hit she links this moment to the kind of life portrayed in that show like laura petrie her mother had a traditional role in the home in real life every commercial has text and subtext an easy way to understand this is text is what they're telling us and subtext is what they're showing us for instance in truck commercials we see big strong machines driving through mud hauling lumber and being overall durable vehicles so that's the text the subtext is that the men driving these trucks are strong durable and provide for their families so it makes men want to be like the trucks hence you want to own the truck sometimes the subtext is made obvious to be a joke or just to get our attention this carl's jr commercial isn't selling hamburgers it's selling sex the subtext is that this babe loves burgers so buy burgers to get the babe text and subtext are very important in these one division commercials the text in the toaster ad is that wanda can literally make a good home for herself just as she can literally make a new husband but their new life is always going to be linked to tragedy the commercial also subtly signals the advancement of time there are two clocks set at different times implying the time will advance quickly time factors heavily into all the commercials but especially the striker watch remember this is set in the 1960s when wanda and division smash so the subtext here is more central because wanda is being influenced to create children for the children she's also leaving the home to attend a social event just as in this episode wanda and vision both join neighborhood clubs notice that the woman the proxy for wanda steps from behind these wooden slats to look like prison bars indicating that she's emerging from her 50s housewife prison but she's still an accessory to her man and has struck her just as wanda once emerged from her hydrocell but was still in the service of baron von strucker they say a man is never fully dressed without two important accessories his special lady and his struck her the text here is that wanda can live her new life but the subtext says that she owes it all to a man in this case struck her then there's the commercial for hydra soak which occurs directly after her water breaks essentially within the first few seconds of her life as a mother but just as the birth creates a wet mess and chaos around the house the commercial foreshadows that wanda will have a messy life as a mother even the dog having an accident foreshadows poor sparky's death in a way this commercial seems to be warning wanda that motherhood and family life is not the answer to her grief eventually she'll need an escape from the escape just like in episode 7 she's depressed and overwhelmed and just wants her kids to go away i like the detail that this woman is trying to enjoy strawberry corn flakes the red strawberry symbolizing her powers and how the complicated home life is preventing her from enjoying this new reality she's made with vision then she's transported to a new pocket reality outside of time where she can be worshipped like a roman goddess now this is continuing the woman's story from the struck her watch commercial she began as a woman trapped at home but then emerges from her prison and finally gains the power of a goddess just like wanda went from being trapped in her home to being a prisoner of strucker and then after encountering a hydra infinity stone she becomes a goddess note that the box for hydra soak is shaped like the tesseract the first infinity stone that hydra possessed the first two ads addressed women as servants of their men this commercial appeals to a mom's personal desire to be left the hell alone text moms get tired need a break subtext deep down wanda wants to feel pampered and worshiped to live a life of her own choosing where she isn't subservient to her household or hydra find the goddess within episode 5 features a spot for lagos taos this represents her time as an avenger which began with the death of her brother and ended with her causing the deaths of dozens of people in an explosion in lagos the red juice reminds us of the blood she spilled that day but this commercial is a crucial turning point in these ads because it's the first one that actually deals with a specific trauma in wanda's life and offers a way to repair the damage the stark shell toaster ad tells wanda to ignore the past and focus on now but this ad is telling wanda that the hex can be used to write her past wrongs now you'll notice that every commercial shows a kind of double-edged sword the stark toaster helps wanda be a better housewife but it reminds her of her childhood trauma text these paper towels are great for cleaning up messes subtext you cannot be happy if you don't take responsibility for your actions much like real world commercials they take elements from real life but then use those elements to sell an idealized version of our lives they echo trauma while also trying to disguise it then we get to the yo magic yogurt commercial the first indication that these ads were actually secret messages screaming a warning to wanda all of the other ads could be straight up advertisements but this one is just creepy as hell now i like two possible interpretations of this commercial one the island represents west view an isolated world where wanda is queen her only companion is a red crab who doesn't have a voice similar to vision's red skin and the fact that he has no agency in west view like wanda he's being controlled the crab notices the shark before it arrives just as vision realizes something is wrong well before rwanda does now the boy is starving just like wanda is suffering because she lacks spiritual sustenance i'm so hungry i'd eat anything hungry i remember hungry the shark offers a false promise that the red yogurt can sustain the boy's life now notice the yogurt is red like wanda's magic the shark offering this false promise represents pietro they even use the same dialogue there you go little dude right on little dude so by extension the shark also represents agatha a person who's offering her something that she wants the resurrection of pietro but actually she wants to drain wanda's life force for herself but this commercial could also represent another trauma that wanda revisits in episode 8 when she sees vision's body in this case vision would be the boy rotting away the shark represents hayward offering false promises of resurrection not everyone has the kind of power that could bring their soulmate back online and the yogurt is wanda's power which she is unable to use to bring the vision back to life so the boy rots away on the island because time is his enemy just like the toaster and watch commercials were warning us and this line the snack for survivors really hits home the tech subtext we're being told it's for survivors but we're being shown the corpse of a child the commercial is telling her magic can not get you through this you can only win by processing your grief and moving on finally the nexus add directly encourages wand to stop embracing the fake universe and instead embrace reality a unique antidepressant that works to anchor you back to your reality the wanda proxy is in a park surrounded by happy children just as wanda's kids only want to play their game but her depression is preventing them from living a normal life this is showing that wanda is isolated and depressed westview continues on around her but she just can't now this trick of her walking away from the bed is a way of showing that the only way out of her depression is to stop recognizing the confines of her false reality instead she has to just wake up and move past it the side effects listed feeling your feelings confronting your truth seizing your destiny and possibly more depression are all healthy behaviors part of the process of working through your emotional grief now the name nexus has a strong connection to marvel comics there's the nexus of all realities and also that wanda is a nexus being this means that she exists outside of the multiverse she's a constant across all realities even the full name nexul promo side seems to imply killing the nexus side meaning kill telling wanda to step away from other realities to focus on working on herself and fixing her own grief and this moment of wanda finally facing her grief is the moment just before she created this illusion notice that of all the commercials this woman is dressed the most like wanda in present day the moment she creates this reality when she finally faces her depression head-on is where the woman finds herself at the beginning of the commercial indicating that this is where wanda needs to go to live a healthy life so when you look at all these commercials you can see that they start from a place of women being controlled and they end with a woman taking control this also occurs as wanda is processing the four stages of grief denial anger bargaining and depression so that's what the commercials mean but why are they included in wanda's broadcast are they part of wanda's subconscious or are they messages being sent by another party i have a couple theories but first let's make sure we're on the same page about the tv broadcast now it's being broadcast through cosmic background radiation the same energy that was released in the big bang which of course also birthed the infinity stones and eventually gave wanda her powers this same radiation makes up a portion of tv static so wanda is unknowingly sending out this broadcast and editing out the portions that don't suit her reality like vision suspicions i think something's wrong here wonder yes i know what you mean so then why have the past couple commercials directly contradicted her perfect reality could these be messages in wanda's subconscious or are they in fact messages sent by the outside world messages that once they hit the energy of the hex are being scrambled and reinterpreted as commercials and could these messages actually have been sent by doctor strange one division has strong hidden connections to doctor strange prunes instance agatha's book which is emanating with wanda's red energy looks like it's from the karmartaj library where in the forbidden section there was a single book missing maybe the same book and those forbidden volumes were also bound in hexagonal chains just like the hexagons in west view after all paul bettany teased a major actor reveal wanda is going to appear in doctor strange too agatha brought the word magic to the party you didn't think you were the only magical girl in town did you and strange has a strong history with wanda in the comics he delivered her twins when she subconsciously destroyed the avengers he's the one who shut her down and now i think that he has sent his astral form to help wanda but he's being scrambled by the barrier so why do i think this because there's a giant magical anomaly growing in the new york metropolitan area and he hasn't shown up yet so either he's in another dimension which is possible or like andoff he's been delayed i was delayed because strange can't enter the barrier physically he's trying to encourage wanda to break free from her emotional baggage by overcoming grief she can overcome the illusion that she's created so now let's look back at the commercials through this lens of all the mcu characters strange is the most heavily connected to time both because he used the time stone but also because it was the theme of a solo movie just listen to how many times they say the word time time time time time time time time time the toasters tagline forget the past this is your future seems to be telling one to forget about your trauma embrace this fake reality but again look at the text subtext the text of the commercial is selling the life of a good subservient housewife the subtext is though with the ticking that there is a bomb in your house time is running out and something isn't right with vision the toaster who is also built by tony stark and you need to wake up in this commercial and the watch commercial the ticking speeds up like time is being compressed because in this reality time is compressed every day brings a new decade a new advancement that brings wanda closer to her present day trauma consider that every intrusion on this reality advances time the drone was wanda's first encounter with caller and it came from the outside world jimmy's broadcast also cut through the illusion and created the red blood on dottie's hand which happened right before the strucker commercial another message trying to get through to wanda so what if strange is using time spells from decagliostro to advance time in westview to bring wanda to a more empowering decade so she can deal with her trauma then by reaching a more emotionally mature place she'll be ready to fight agatha's influence doctor strange's most prized possession isn't a magical artifact it's a broken watch that was given to him by rachel this could be why his message was interpreted as a watch commercial the watch being named after strucker could be strange reminding wanda of her trauma trying to shake her out of her deliberate amnesia and we were married yes yes we were married the strucker watch commercial ends with this sound like a prison door slamming shut trapping her inside just like west view is an emotional prison for wanda then there's hydra soak the subtext being that the mom wanda deserves a break from reality but strange's subtext is that you can't trust this new reality just like you couldn't trust the time that you gained from owning a striker watch the lagos ad is showing wanda a healthy way to deal with her problems and passing some of the responsibility onto her husband husbands can use it too you know this reflects the empowerment of women and 80 sitcoms like roseanne and murphy brown but also how vision can help wanda to see through this illusion i don't know how any of this started in the first place now notice the drips continue after the commercial ends for when you make a mess you didn't mean to the subtext being that wanda can try to clean up her mistakes with an illusion but the consequences remain unseen pulling like a mess on the floor the yogurt commercial was a big warning from doctor strange to wanda that says if you rely on your abilities you will die alone inside this false reality and finally the nexus commercial basically tells you to stop using magic cope what's happening to you in a healthy way and most importantly to call your doctor ask your doctor about nexus i really hope that just as agatha's been secretly controlling wanda as the villain strange has also been an unseen force helping her as the hero it would be appropriate if he gave her the strength to overcome her grief because he is a healer a doctor but i have one final theory about who could be sending wanda these messages now when she encountered the mind stone she sees a vision of the scarlet witch from the comics i theorized at the time that this is some otherworldly cosmic being like the phoenix force others have guessed that this is wanda from the future or another wanda from an alternate reality those are all great theories so what if the scarlet witch in these visions whoever she is is actually sending wanda these subtext-filled messages she's trying to sell wanda on the idea of leaving behind the illusion so she can harness her power into becoming who she was always meant to be the scarlet [ __ ] would you like to see doctor strange become the secret hero of wand division what do you think the commercials mean let me know in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 568,943
Rating: 4.8675179 out of 5
Keywords: wandavision, wandavision easter eggs, wandavision commercials, what do wandavision commercials mean, wandavision commercials explained, marvel, mcu, marvel cinematic universe
Id: U7p7GhDk70Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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