Wandavision Monica Rambeau Powers Explained - More Powerful Than Captain Marvel

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Welcome back everyone this is going to be my video  all about monica rambeau's powers on wandavision   the way they explained her in the mcu her origin  story and some of the changes from the comics and   what they're going to be doing with her in the  future of the mcu because she is super op in   the comics if you're brand new to the channel  be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes   i'll be doing videos for all the marvel disney  plus series this year falcon winter soldier is   going to be up after wandavision we got a couple  more episodes so we're almost at the finale but   big spoiler warning if you have not been watching  the wanda vision episodes because we'll be talking   about everything that's happened so far so during  episode 7 she goes through the hex barrier a third   time and that's what darcy said would scramble her  dna beyond recognition turn her into a completely   different person on a genetic level aka mutate her  everyone hearing the x-men theme playing softly in   the background but technically she's not a mutant  in the comics she's a mutate which is a slightly   different thing in order to be called a legit  mutant you have to be born that way so for example   wiccan and speed billy and tommy the twins were  born with their powers so they are legit mutants   in the mcu but she's crazy powerful in the comics  she's gone by several different code names based   on what they were doing with her during various  eras of the comics we'll get into that in a second   what's more important though is how they're  setting her up on the show and the way they're   using her powers on the show but as she pushes her  way through the hex barrier and it starts changing   her the way they visualize her origin story  is meant to be very 2001 space odyssey type of   sequence where you see her face shifting you see  reality warping around her all while she's being   bombarded by voices from the past like scenes from  the hospital episode 4 when she got snapped back   by the hulk you probably heard brie larson's voice  as captain marvel that was a scene directly from   the captain marvel movie where she was a little  girl talking to her about meeting her halfway to   outer space like she wanted to go help her out and  go on adventures with her which obviously now is   important because pretty soon she'll be able to  fly just like captain marvel and literally meet   her halfway up to outer space in the comics the  way she got her powers is she was bombarded with   energies from all kinds of different dimensions  by rocks and scientists who was trying to tap into   extra dimensional energy as an alternative power  source remember that's also where dr strange's   magic powers come from he pulls energy from other  dimensions to power his spells and enchantments   technically what he's doing though when he weaves  spells is allowing him to tap into those extra   dimensional energies you also notice that she's  phase shifting here she starts warping around   her you see the different versions of her from  different parts of her timeline when they start   overlapping you start to see versions of her comic  book costume there's a bit of an easter egg there   and obviously when she comes out and she's wearing  this outfit this is meant to be the modernized   version of her comic book outfit the black and  white one so they kind of try to give you as comic   bookie a version of her origin story as possible  at least a lot of easter eggs for that comic book   origin but when she emerges from the barrier  inside the hex her eyes glow blue with energy   and she starts seeing the entire electromagnetic  spectrum of the hex that's basically what this   is as she's peering around it's like neo seeing  the matrix seeing reality for what it really is   she's getting all this extra visual information  and one of her basic powers is a bit of a passive   power in the comics is the ability to analyze  and replicate all forms of energy there are a   couple qualifiers for that there are a couple  limitations on her abilities but when her eyes   are glowing blue like this is them showing you her  body analyzing the normal electromagnetic spectrum   then later when scarlet witch blasts her and she  soaks some of the energy damage then she puts her   in the telekinetic hold up in the air and drops  down doing the classic superhero landing she gives   off that blue energy discharge what's happening  is that first blast of red scarlet witch energy   her body was analyzing and adapting to it but  it's not instantaneous it takes her a minute   to be able to process and understand that kind of  information then when she drops down her body is   just instinctually absorbing and radiating some of  that kinetic energy of the impact with the ground   and scarlet witch's energy it's the exact same  concept with black panther's vibranium suit   he absorbs energy and then can later discharge it  as a burst or focus blast there aren't any real   limitations on what they can do with that sort of  energy it's just a matter of them being creative   with how they use it but monica's powers go way  beyond that but she's still learning how to use   them on the show right now like she's still fresh  out of the barrier like all marvel character arcs   they tend to evolve all the characters powers with  each new movie learn more creative uses for them   like thor's really good example thor during thor  ragnarok and avengers infinity war becoming a much   more powerful version of himself because he was  learning more about how his powers really worked   he was always that powerful it's just that he  never understood his powers up to that point   in ragnarok later during the post-credits scene we  get another similar type of moment following up on   that we're re-watching this a couple more times  in context i actually do think that she opens   the cellar door to activate hartness's basement  and sees the purple glowing vines of energy then   you zoom in enhance her eyes start glowing purple  and she gets caught by evan peters character it's   probably the same situation as before her body  is instinctively just detecting agatha hardness's   purple magical energy and she's in the process of  adapting to it so eventually if agatha harkness   tries to mess with her or mind controller it  probably won't work the way it worked on scarlet   witch because remember earlier in the episode when  scarlet witch walked down into the creepy basement   she just saw the normal looking vines no  energy radiating off of them the way monica did   that's because that's probably what the  basement looks like to just normal people   but monica is seeing it with her spectrum eyes  so to speak like her spectrum name in the comics   and seeing the power literally flowing through  them her eyes turn purple just because it's the   color of the energy she's detecting and they  want you to make that connection like oh purple   vines purple eyes detecting purple energy so  eventually just like in the comic she'll be able   to eventually defend herself much more readily  against agatha harkness's powers maybe even given   enough time give off blast like that as well that  gets into more of her complex powers in the comics   i'll talk about that in a second because it's  really cool she is a super op character in the   comics but on the show you probably noticed that  everybody has a different color for their powers   scarlet witch's powers are red even though agatha  hardness has the exact same magical abilities her   powers are purple vision has yellow powers because  of the mind stone tommy is kind of blurry running   with the quicksilver effects then billy's magical  energy even though his powers are the exact   same as scarlet witch's in probably act of the  harknesses his or bluish like monica rambeaus   the reason why they do that is just on a  practical level when they have their inevitable   battle royale in the finale full-blown wizard  battle you'll be able to follow the action a   little bit easier if everyone had the same color  of powers it'd just get a little confusing when it   started getting super crazy on screen but monica  is effectively now made of pure energy she can   turn into an energy form and travel at the speed  of light she becomes energy itself she doesn't   just give it off and blast or use it to fly that's  why she's so crazy op like at one point in the   comics she even turned into electromagnetic energy  and flew right through magneto's shield to beat   the crap out of him she even turned into gamma  energy and fought the she-hulk to a standstill   the limitation though on her powers is that yes  while she can replicate and control any form of   energy she has to be able to understand that form  of energy so if she encounters somebody else who's   wielding power from another dimension with some  brand new energy source she might get hurt during   their first fight but given enough time if she  were able to learn how that energy form worked she   could replicate it herself that's why if agatha  harkness blasted her with her purple magical   energy she would probably get hurt but if you gave  her enough time like we'll probably see during the   episodes she'd be able to defend herself much more  easily against it the other cool thing about that   is that it technically makes her stronger than  captain marvel because captain marvel in the mcu   got her powers from the space stone in infinity  stone but because of the way monica's powers work   she goes way beyond that she can replicate captain  marvel's power and use other powers as well she   can make herself invisible by bending light  around her body and use that same trick to also   make herself look like other people so it's kind  of like they're no limit to the abilities that she   has the way she can use her energy it's more about  her taking the time to learn the science of it all   and finding creative uses for her powers there was  even a scene in the comics that she had with blue   marvel during ultimates where they're nerding  out having that same thanos argument like who   could kill thanos faster like they had earlier  on the show and she actually gives blue marvel   a version of the thanos meme argument remember all  the ant-man thanos memes why doesn't he just fly   up his butt and then make himself big and explode  thanos from the inside monica's version of that   would be turning herself into pure energy and then  flying through thanos brain at the speed of light   faster than thanos would be able to react there's  also this really cool multiverse aspect to the   way her powers work too just explaining what is  happening when she's using her abilities so when   the way they explain magic in the mcu is basically  sorcerers pulling energy from other dimensions   to power their spells what happens when monica is  actually using her powers to blast someone or turn   into pure energy or travel at the speed of light  is that her mind is actually traveling to another   dimension and she's effectively remote piloting  her own physical body they're kind of doing the   same thing with scarlet witch on wandavision  developing her character explaining her powers   in a better way so oh you thought she was powerful  now once you understand how her powers really work   she's way more powerful than you ever thought that  she was that's what we're getting into with all   the house of m reality warping stuff is going on  inside the hex but getting into future wandavision   episodes the mcu captain marvel 2 and other marvel  projects that are coming up right now her powers   are still brand new she doesn't totally understand  how they work so she'll probably just be immune to   agatha harkness's mind control on the show and be  able to help scarlet witch escape and then during   their big final battle give off some huge power  blasts maybe fly a little bit we also have the   nick fury secret invasion series coming up next  year with all the scrolls and because the scrolls   and nick fury are so tied up in the captain marvel  story within the mcu and nick fury is so connected   to sword like he's on the sword space station  with all the squirrels during the spider-man   far from home post-credits scene we might also see  monica rambeau show up in cameo during the secret   invasion series and just talking about some of  the teasers for captain marvel 2 that we saw them   playing some track work in the earlier episodes  they kept repeating voice-over dialogue from brie   larson in the captain marvel movies speaking to  her when she was a little girl but when jimmy wu   and darcy are nerding out with her about who's  the most powerful person scarlet witch taking   down thanos what about captain marvel 2 like they  mentioned her name she gets really pissed off like   they're trying to imply there's some huge drama  between the two of them that they'll get into   during the sequel and now that she has powers too  they could actually duke it out a little bit like   monica rambeau could also adapt to and replicate  captain marvel's powers based on the way they   set it up during the episodes it sounds like the  drama between them might have something to do with   captain marvel just never coming back to planet  earth between the events of the first movie in   avengers end game like they had that scene during  endgame where rocket is clowning on her for not   being around to help out more she's like i'm busy  over here i have space problems i'm over increased   scroll space i'm too busy for your earth problems  their drama will probably be more complicated than   that but her absence while monica was growing up  at sword all those years is probably a big part of   it but explaining a little more of the history of  the character because she was the original female   captain marvel like she was a version of captain  marvel long before carol danvers what happened is   when they introduced her in the comics in the  early 80s she actually debuted during amazing   spider-man annual number 16. she debuted into  spider-man comic book of all places she was   introduced as monica rambeau and wound up getting  her powers and they were going to introduce her   as the next version of captain marvel because  they had killed off marvel the original version   of the character she's had a bunch of other comic  book names like spectrum photon the lady of light   pulsar sun goddess but i'm assuming the name that  they're going to go with in the mcu will either   be spectrum or photon most of the versions of her  comic book costume though look kind of like this   color scheme with the black and white they've  just been various versions of this just updated   throughout the years in the comics i'm assuming  when they do get to captain marvel 2 they will   give her a full-blown super suit and it'll just be  a shinier better version of her color scheme here   but hopefully that explains a little bit about  her origin story on the show in the mcu how that's   different from the comics and what her powers are  exactly and how they work everyone let me know in   the comments though where else do you want to see  her show up in the future the mcu projects just   beyond captain marvel 2 which other movies do you  want to see them put her in my full Wandavision   episode 8 video will post this friday but there'll  probably be a couple bonus videos before then   leave all your requests in the comments below  everyone click here for my Wandavision episode   8 trailer in that post credits scene and click  here for my full wandavision episode 7 video   thank you so much for watching everyone  stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 1,982,664
Rating: 4.9177632 out of 5
Keywords: Wandavision, Wandavision Episode 8 Trailer, Emergency Awesome, Wandavision Episode 7, Wandavision Episode 8, Wandavision Quicksilver, Quicksilver, Wandavision Episode 7 Post Credit Scene, Wandavision Post Credit Scene, Marvel, 2021, Wandavision Trailer, Monica Rambeau, Movies, Spiderman, Avengers, Marvel Phase 4, Teaser, Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Movie, 2020, Netflix, Wandavision Episode 7 Reaction, Godzilla vs Kong Trailer, Trailer, Wandavision Agatha Harkness
Id: gXfo_M2viss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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