WandaVision: PLOT HOLES Explained + Unanswered Questions

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[Music] welcome to screen crush i'm ryan airy wand division has finally ended wrapping up the story of wanda's sitcom reality while also setting up future projects in the mcu but the finale did leave a lot of you with unanswered questions and plot holes that you asked me to solve on my twitter and our community page so i'm gonna do my best to answer all your questions and solve all the plot holes in one division here's one about doctor strange why can the sorcerer supreme since loki and thanos but not this huge disturbance now this is one of the drawbacks of the mcu way back in phase two when thor iron man and cap were in trouble we were all asking why don't they just ask their super friends to come help where are the avengers at least ant-man directly says this i think our first move should be calling the avengers so now when something magical goes awry we expect doctor strange to show up especially since it's happening so close to him in new jersey except we don't know where strange actually is right now he might be in the sanctum santorum or he could be traveling to some other dimension so you might be wondering how come none of the other wizards checked out this disturbance well i mean maybe they did maybe wong and some other sorcerers showed up they couldn't break the barrier and then they went back to study and wait on steven's return after all avengers end game did show us that the ancient one was also fighting off the chittari invasion wouldn't wanda be the sorcerer supreme if she's more powerful than strange no because being the sorcerer's supreme is a title earned through mastery of the mystic arts it's not like being a highlander where only the strong survives one day wanda could become knowledgeable enough to take the title from strange but it is not this day what's with the date on the calendar well it's the first day that they live in west view together it has a heart because vision drew a heart on the westview deed it's significant that they can't remember because wanda's trauma made her black out her previous life at least until she's reminded of it by monica he was killed by ultron wasn't he why was wanda broadcasting the show to the outside world well she didn't know she was broadcasting the show like everything else in westview this was running on pure instinct we learned in episode four that the wandavision broadcast is carried through cosmic microwave background radiation or cmbr this is the same radiation released at the big bang that also shows up in tv static wanda's powers come from the mind stone also produced in the big bank so wanda recreates reality using infinity stone energy which is then carried on the analog signals that display cmb radiation i thought it was pretty ingenious now a lot of you asked about evan peters as pietro calling this reveal disappointing now this is something that we're going to run into a lot juan division released week to week instead of the netflix dump and pump all at once style because we only got a tiny bite of the story every seven days this allowed us to wildly speculate and i do mean wildly i was right there with you is it all a dream was it hydra the cree mephisto how do hexagons connect to the bees not the bees all of that was a lot of fun but you can't be upset when your fan theory just wasn't right when we saw evan peters we're supposed to make a connection between him and pietro we're supposed to think oh he could be the new pietro why because that's what wanda thinks at that moment this is the only actor they could have cast to make us wonder if this guy was the real deal this makes us empathize with wanda even more and it was a brilliant move both us and wanda were disappointed that he wasn't pietro some of you also asked how he got his powers well monica even sees that the hemp necklace is radiating with agatha's energy it was how she was controlling him and the source of his super speed but is there a multiverse link i don't think so the fox x-men movies are probably part of the mcu multiverse if only because disney owns those movies now but don't expect any characters except deadpool to pop up in the mcu mostly because marvel might want to cast one of the fox x-men actors in a different superhero role who is jimmy woo's missing person they never say but i think it was ralph it would explain why he had a headshot and i could see this guy being a low-level thug who got in over his head and turned rat now it seems like an amazing coincidence that the missing fbi witness happened to be in the same town where vision bought wanda an empty lot to build a house on but think about it vision had connections to the government he could have bought this lot through a government program that offered cheap housing and depressed areas the same places where they stash fbi witnesses maybe they even wanted vision there to keep an eye on the witness in case trouble started who's cliff cliff you may not have noticed was the fbi guy that jimmy called cliff james wu and that's it not everyone has to be a secret hero or from the comics sometimes a guy can just be a guy similarly some of you asked about the relevance of the mailman don't shoot i'm just a messenger don't shoot i'm just a messenger some channels overanalyze this statement thinking that he was the witness or mephisto or whatever i think he was just a pizza guy who wanda turned into a mailman and then she gave him some corny lines and that's okay wanda made a sitcom reality not an interconnected network of satan worshipping automatons whose job was to spout clues about necromancy and then there's this dotty is the key to everything in this town now this seemed like a major clue agnes brings attention to dottie so she's gotta be mephisto right all right well hold on remember agatha's goal was to ultimately absorb wanda's powers but first she wanted to learn about her and test her limits to learn if she was really the scarlet [ __ ] you know someone capable of spontaneous creation i think agatha wanted to see if wanda could create children so she tells her to focus on dottie gives her hints about having kids school admissions well let's not get ahead of ourselves and then agatha mind controls dottie and the town all to influence wanda to create life she killed sparky to encourage wanda to raise the dead fix it dead you can do that ultimately agatha was always going to absorb wanda's energy she just wanted to know what she was dealing with first here's another one if agatha wanted wanda to force her to use her magic why not just attack her in episode one because she was trying to gauge her strength and figure out what she was before rushing into absorbing her magic this is what episode 8 was all about speaking of dottie sarah proctor says i have a daughter she's eight if you could just let her out of her room so wanda subconsciously kept the kids locked away which fietro basically told us i assume they were all just sleeping peacefully in their beds no need to traumatize me on the occasional holiday episode cameo right the question is how did they stay alive were they comatose did they eat i think wanda kept them asleep in suspended animation we've actually seen this before with the odin sleep where dotty's yellow roses a ploy they were just yellow roses here's a good one because we're all what now you remember this exchange with herb agnes and vision because we're all stop it is because we're all dead asleep in hell what is it what is it the answer is there is no answer agnes was just trying to rouse vision suspicions to shake wanda loose from her reality remember i tried to be gentle to nudge you away from this ridiculous fantasy why were there so many mephisto jesus there were no mephisto jesus we read too much into this and that's okay the book from the opening credits of episode 3 is not a mephisto tease the cicadas are not a mephisto tease as far as i can tell there was just this line the devil's in the details bev that's not the only place he is agnes could just be throwing a sick burn on dotty or maybe as a witch agatha does know about mephisto and we'll see him later on we all thought the rabbit's name could be a double meaning for old scratch and it wasn't and that's just fine so what happened to senor scratchy lots of fan theories about senior scratchy is he the devil is he i get the son nick scratch from the comics is he going to transform into a monster and kill everyone in west view well it turns out that that was the original plan director matt shachman went on kevin smith's podcast and revealed that they did shoot a whole sequence in the finale that was cut apparently monica the kids darcy and ralph all went to agatha's basement to capture the darkhold then they would have fought senior scratchy who would have transformed into a giant monster with big pointy teeth [Applause] but the sequence was cut because it took focus away from wanda and the vision ended up you know moving it aside because it was a huge sort of detour in the middle of everything else that we had going let me know if you want to see that deleted scene in the comments below now is agatha's bewitched basement in ralph's house now this one threw me too at first i was thinking gee it's quite a coincidence if wanda happened to end up next door to a house with a witch dungeon in it but maybe when wanda entered this dungeon bit she did so magically like when thor walked into asgard in age of ultron unfortunately i am mighty and later there were those weird purple vines branching out from the cellar it looked like agatha's influence was spreading outward from the spot so what's going on well remember how agatha was able to make the dark hole appear from nowhere i think she can do the same with her little lab here it's like a mobile home the vines are a reflection of the roots her energy has put down in this spot but look here's my main thing about this i don't want magic explained i want the mystical to remain mysterious the mcu has gone out of its way to rationalize the supernatural asgardians or aliens we are not gods we're born we live we die just as humans do doctor strange taps energy from other dimensions let's just let magic be magic and unexplainable like the force that's not how the force works where did white vision go good question remember his mission my programming directive is to destroy the vision then after uh vision vision unlocks the memories buried inside white vision he says so if he was vision why not stay and help wanda i think it's because he has vision's memory and body but not his soul the essence of vision's emotions were inside the mind stone hence his connection to wanda i just feel you so white vision remembers being with wanda remembers loving her but now she's just somebody that he used to know white vision could have left to destroy himself and finish his programming like nomad and star trek the robot kirk tricked and destroyed and imperfect execute your prime function but they're definitely going to bring this character back so i think he just went away to compute for a while think things through until he's needed in the next movie why was sword in the show they accomplished nothing okay kind of true sword didn't save the day or arrest wanda but narratively they were vital to telling the story without sword the audience would have had no point of view characters no way to explain what was happening inside the hex it would have just been the sitcom reality until agatha broke character how did white vision get through the hex he phased what was hayward's master plan i i think hayward was traumatized by the snap he lost people and he vowed to never let this happen again he doesn't like superhumans and wanted the human race to be in control of its own destiny remember he changed the name of the agency from sentient world observation to sentient weapon observation and he mocked heroes no funny nickname not a one so he wanted to control the vision to fend off other threats including the threat of other superheroes yes he was doing this secretly against vision's final wishes but he reasoned that if he could deliver a fully functioning obedient vision to his superiors they wouldn't care how he got it how did hayward know that wanda was capable of bringing the vision back or did was he just nudging her you're talking about this not everyone has the kind of power that could bring their soulmate back online i think that they had tried every other power source to bring the vision online and he wanted to give wanda a shot he even alludes to this in episode eight tried every type of power supply on the song why did the alarm go off in episode five all right so when darcy sees that they recast pietro there's an alarm going off in the background [Music] some fans thought this meant that fietro had breached the barrier because he came from the multiverse i never read that much into it see wanda had just emerged from the hex and changed it red probably raising the level of radiation this would have taken the base from yellow to red alert she also dropped off a drone coursing with her energy there's plenty of reasons here to set off alarms is agnes still trapped after the hex collapses because there aren't runes to bind her now this confused me too at first wanda places runes on the hex thus prevents agatha from casting a spell the equivalent of a cop yelling freeze then she turns her into agnes agnes can't perform any magic this is a supernatural version of slapping on the handcuffs so when the hex collapses it doesn't matter that agatha can't cast a spell because now she's agnes who is paul bettany's secret cameo yeah remember this he said i get to work with one of an actor that i really admire and that i've always wanted to work with and then on thursday he admitted fans started guessing who it might be and they're gonna be so disappointed when they find out it's me yeah let's take a couple questions about monica does she still have her powers now that the hex is gone yes the hex changed her cell structure remember you've gone through the boundary twice already monica the energy inside has rewritten your cells on a molecular level twice she even displays powers outside of the hex does monica have more powers or did we only see a glimpse my guess is that we only saw a tiny fraction of her abilities those that she would use instinctually in the comics monica can turn into light and travel through space and so i would expect to see that in the future i'm pissed about the aerospace engineer why monica says she has a friend the friend made her a thing the thing didn't work but it forced monica to embrace her powers yes there was speculation that the engineer could be reed richards but the fantastic four hasn't even been written yet john watts is still filming spider-man no way home he's not even in pre-pro for the fantastic four just be patient the fantastic four will come mutants will come everything is on the way calm down and tiana paris fueled speculation when she said that she was excited for this episode but that was because she would get to reveal her powers not because it teased more movies i mean do you think tiana paris is a massive fantastic four reader who was pumped to be in a scene with reed richards or do you think she was excited to become a superhero why the commercials now i actually did a very in-depth breakdown about the commercials that i'm extremely proud of check that video out for more detail but basically they document wanda's emotional journey throughout the series as she comes to term with the traumas that she's endured in her life why hexagons oh the hexagons they were everywhere the credits the shape of the anomaly on jimmy's whiteboard we even did a video breaking down everywhere hexagons appear in the mcu and looking for connections but most importantly there was one drone behind the scarlet witch and the darkhold this is showing us that the scarlet witch's powers manifest as hexagonal shapes a nod to wanda's hex powers in the comics there's already a standard for this in the mcu the sorcerers practice eldritch magic which manifests as symmetrical shapes so why is the book the darkhold when the darkhold from agents of shield is way different so yeah we've seen a version of the darkhold before back in agents of shield season 4. and this could be the same book it's a magic book so i guess it could change its appearance but i don't think so sorry agents of shield fans but that show is not part of the timeline of the marvel cinematic universe thanos's snap did not happen on agents of shield therefore it's in some kind of an alternate reality precisely and that's okay we can still enjoy that series without quake joining the avengers the show became very good on its own merits in fact it became better when it stopped trying to tie into the mcu so here's a big one why wasn't wanda arrested well who would arrest her her response would have been this i don't think i'll let you arrest us today bien maybe monica could have tried but she says in the show that she doesn't blame her for what she did given the chance and giving your power i'd bring my mom back now for me this was the finale's big flaw wanda doesn't apologize to the townspeople or show much remorse we don't even see the kids come out of their rooms to hug their parents is wanda astral projecting at the end yes i think so now let's talk about the twins why can't agatha and wanda control the kids and what does this line mean thanks for choosing me to be your mom now the show doesn't spell this out but here's my take the kids are actually lost souls maybe shards of a demon or reincarnated people i don't know but i picture it like the movie soul with all these little tadpole ghosts walking around waiting for a body to inhabit why were the kids voices at the end well that's what we're going to learn in doctor strange too wanda may have created the kids bodies but those bodies were inhabited by spirits that are trapped somewhere in the multiverse of madness so how does all this lead into doctor strange too i think wanda's quest to find her kids is going to make her cross paths with doctor strange either she'll seek out his help or she'll open some portal accidentally that will cause some kind of mess that he has to fix she might even align with the movie's villain or baron mordo to save her kids but we've already seen her be manipulated by a villain before so i doubt we'll see it again what happened to the beekeeper when wanda rewound time the beekeeper re-entered the manhole i think that he's been in the sewers comatose just like the kids in their bedroom and finally what was the point in the series super fun to watch but brought nothing new to the table what the [ __ ] are you talking about it progressed wanda's character and made her a major player in the mcu it introduced a new superhero it brought vision back to life and showed us that jimmy wu mastered his trick but most importantly you already said it it was super fun to watch in a worldwide pandemic where we can't go to the movies isn't that enough wanda vision was great that's the point any other questions thoughts on the finale let me know in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 687,561
Rating: 4.8646421 out of 5
Keywords: wandavision, easter eggs, kathryn hahn, monica, wanda, vision, marvel, mcu, marvel cinematic easter eggs, who is agatha harkness, agnes villain, screencrush wandavision, wandavison episode 8, wandavision breakdown, wandavision mutants, wandavison dark phoneix, is wanda a mutant, wandavision finale, wandavision ending, is vision still alive, are wanda's kids alive, is wanda evil now, what is the darkhold, next mcu show, wandavision questions, wandavision plot holes
Id: 3M03Yxi2qxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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