Walmart CHEAP vs EXPENSIVE Budget OVERNIGHT Camping CHALLENGE!!! (Backyard Edition)

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two how's it going folks welcome back to another episode today again we're back you ready i love walmart it's my favorite you like it just love you shoes and carol cake and we got the all sun hat here um and shirt whatever beef kick merch is now available in case you guys are curious and you can get 15 by using promo code flair that is not what today's video about but if you guys want some super duper dope looking swag go ahead and click the link down below but we are going to be doing a video i'm excited for you excited for we're camping i'm interested it's finally not like 4 000 degrees that's basically the reason we're doing this today so we basically looked at the weather i'm like hey rick hey it's going to be like 80 degrees not you know 110. you want to do some camping and what'd you say you said no i said too bad we're doing it anyway so what we're doing is we're going to be doing a cheap versus expensive camping challenge at one well not at walmart but we're getting the items at walmart we're not camping at one more did did that once that was a fun time did you ever see that video i was going to go home yeah i came from the parking lot really oh that's a good time it was nice anyways we are going to be doing a cable challenge cheers expensive we're going to have one person's gonna have twenty five dollars and the other person could have 300 to buy whatever you want for camping now this one you can actually buy food and drinks like you can buy we're camping we're not surviving we're camping so that's the plan for today um we're gonna spin the little roulette wheel and we're gonna see who gets what and hopefully i get the 300 bucks all right whoever it lands on yeah how are we doing this whoever it lands on gets three hundred dollars okay swear to god if it's not me i'm being pissed how do you camp for 25 bucks that's what i don't know you're going to die oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] huh all i'm saying is good luck eating wieners let me eat my s'more in my fancy oh my how do you camp for twenty five dollars oh you got it i was who came up with this idea not thinking i'd be the one that would get it and i was like oh pool jet he'll figure it out no it's me that has to figure it out i hate this game so now we're gonna go to walmart and we are going to um well i got 25 i mean i can buy you like a a pack of hot dogs and a sleeping bag and a lighter maybe i think that's probably all i'm gonna get and then you get 300 so you're basically you could probably go rent an rv for the night and just stay in that let's go stay in the marriott yeah as i say 300 bucks you can go buy a hotel room and a nice steak dinner while i'm out in the woods anyways it sounds like a good time we'll see you guys inside i can't believe it i cannot believe i got pinned with this for some reason i just had no doubt in my mind that i was going to get the 300 bucks and not the 25 now i get to watch pool jet have a nice just you're gonna have a good time in the backyard camping tonight and i'm not gonna have a good time so we're at the tent section here which i mean at this point you can pretty much afford it the most expensive one is 194 right down there that's that's your that's your bougie one i think that's what we gotta go with okay well two-thirds of your budget's gone because how big of it is it is a ten person ten person with a screened-in porch my guy i love a good screen right go ahead and go ahead and grab it let me give it a good look it's 204 inches by 162. 10 look at that with a screened in por look at this this is nicer than my house this is absolutely incredible like there's different rooms in there that is absolutely insane you can come over and have and like oh can i feel is that allowed can i come can i come hang out here you can come oh but i can i can come hang out all right well so you're down now from 300 to 106 left that was great math i'm good at math i have a degree no i don't go ahead and lift around up in there ricky you got it big tent guy huh i love pence yeah ten person well you can too bad banjo's not here he can hang out with you oh and all of his friends banjo's not here today i don't know what band is doing he's doing business okay do you want a sleeping bag i mean i feel like you gotta you're gonna need something here you basically bad guy or what i haven't seen i mean you don't have that much since i was like probably five really so sure so you're all you're oh so now you're deciding to bond but you're the cheapest oh yeah literally the cheapest sleeping bag that they offer right here ten dollars it's gotta be comfortable the thing is it's not cold out so you don't need anything expensive something just to lay on the ground you're going to be good to go so you've got ten dollars so that means you're down to like 90 96 i want to say ish so then what else are you thinking so you've got your sleeping bag and you got your tent what else you think in there jimmy you going booze here oh here this is we're looking at your mattress by the way because you know i can't afford any of these there's not a single one oh i could afford the twin air bed but that would account for a third of my freaking budget which may not be a bad idea you could get the twin air bed with the little manual pump and get your pump on then i would have like four dollars left so okay is that fine that would definitely buy you a pack hey i'm a big fan of the packs of wings keep going before i yeah keep going okay so i mean you got me looking at these gotta go with the oil match or something that's the old four that's it you could fit like seven of those things in your ten person tent right there and you can just have a whole bunch of them like probably about ten if you think so i think so okay so you're getting the full so you've got to get a pump so you've got the option for manual or you've got a battery bomba de batterias that was great spanish hey that took three years of space is that translated battery-powered pump just just battery pump you were closing oh i was close i was so close okay so you're getting that and then we need you need batteries with that so what's what do you got now so you had 106 and then you had 96 96 and then you have minus minus 27. 30. add batteries to minus 30. so you've got 66. something like that 66 hours left yeah yeah i could see you need that oh yeah i mean it's it's pretty warm out there it is it's like in the 80s it's 80s so while i'm sweating you're going to have a tennis ball with a d battery fan d battery fan which is 17 so now you're down to 49 because we had 66 right yeah i'm hoping our math is good this whole time so 66 minus 17 49 so you gotta faint he got a place to sleep a really nice place to sleep nice and comfy and now well what's left so you need something to cook on yeah and you're thinking that girl right there which oh yeah i already have that grill or very very very similar 30 bucks i already have it at the house the other thing is there's going to be a few items that we buy here that or buy here but i already have so we don't need to actually physically buy it we're just showing you guys you got a walmart this is what you would buy but it's something i mean we've been to walmart so many times we have a lot of the products already 30 grill that means you're down to 19 left in your budget and now all you need is food and water so we've got all pool jets camping stuff we don't have this food and water quite yet or food and drink i should say it doesn't have to be water but since we're already over here in this section i am going to start mine which i literally have 25 dollars he has spent almost what 300 bucks yeah unbelievable unbelievable so how do you only spend 25 and camp overnight including food including water and all that i'm not sure but i'm gonna try oh yeah big paracord guy here we've got a 1100 or 50 foot i guess let's just say 50 foot roll of paracord for three dollars now we're down to 22 this is going to play key factor in making my shelter which i need i need a tarp honestly is all i need like just an outdoor tarp i'm gonna try to make shift some type of tent in that thing and hope for the best oh yeah lighter 88 cents walmart kills it 88 cents subtract subtracted all right now we're done with 21 21 and we have a way to start a fire oh yeah right here 10 bucks folks okay you don't need a tent you just need a tarp no tent we gotta tarp for ten bucks now we're down to eleven dollars and i need a blanket pillow and some food and water everyday pillow four dollars well worth it right here dollars and fifty cents what am i left with after two fifty four dollars and fifty four dollars a cent for a meal i think i gotta go to the winky section oh yeah look at how many wieners that'll that'll feed a whole family family i'm not gonna get hungry and it's only for 98 cents i'm going to get two but literally eight hot dogs for 98 cents i feel like i don't need anything else i'm good put them on a stick put them on fire bunch of wieners oh i do need i need agua i need i need i need a bottle of water i think i made my choice you got your choice what's your what's your oh my god bacon wrap angus premium choice bacon wrapped sirloin a little filet minute it's only seven dollars really so you've got like 10 11 12 bucks left somewhere around there what are you gonna spend on that oh we're definitely getting s'mores i hate this challenge i wish i would have gotten that i wish i would have gotten the 300 because this challenge sucks big smaller guy huh oh i love sports they're my favorite all right so you're you're dealing with these guys these are already they're ready they're squares oh they're big are you gonna be that boujee sure all right you're gonna be there at the same price sure two dollars i don't know how much you have left i lost track i've never had a one that's already shaped like that really have you no have you ever used them i don't think so maybe i have i don't know i don't remember all right folks well we made it back we got all the s'mores stuff for drinks pool jack you got the old mountain dew big mountain dew guy you're a big mountain dew guy and i got water so um we're down here at the pond we're ready to get the game started here it's not really a game but we're camping overnight camping shivers expensive as you saw pool jack got the old tent he got the sleeping bag and he got that blow up match he got a bunch of stuff for tonight's adventure i on the other hand have a tarpon some paracord so i'm excited no actually i'm not you're probably excited though oh yeah really excited you're gonna sleep good yeah i'm not gonna sleep good so with that being said we're gonna jump right into it i know we've been kind of lollygagging running around uh trying to you know buy all these items at walmart but we gotta start with first things first which is gonna be your shelter priority number one so let's get this tent set up [Music] eggs and bacon what are you doing in my room i'm just kidding it's not the morning we just got this thing this is insane how big this is though oh this is massive it's massive are you sweating out of that thing though yeah yeah you gotta be you gotta tonight though he's gonna he's gonna be appreciated so this is the tent it is just absolutely freaking massive cannot believe how big this i mean it's just you can fit literally would say 10 people you can definitely fit 10 people in here i mean they'd have to be kind of lined up but full air mattress with the sleeping bag you're you're killing it oh yeah you're doing big things so and it's even got this thing right here which is like a i don't know a sun room for a freaking tent but a view from the outside as you guys can see look at that look at all the pool jet this is nice yeah i think yours is probably gonna look a little bit better than mine if it rains deal well you got a rain fly yeah i meant to figure out how to use it you have to work the rainfly deal but i do think you're probably going to be better off than me with a tarp and some paracord i'm pretty impressed this is good i say this is a good good investment on your end i mean you had a few extra dollars i mean you know you spent it wisely so this is good pool jet his camp is set up ready to rock and roll i gotta construct something out of uh well out of a tarpon paracord so yeah stay tuned all right folks so as you can see sun's out freaking guns out now baby we are gonna get started with my shelter which i've got some delicious looking paracord we're gonna go ahead and unwind some of this and i'm gonna go old-fashioned just uh it probably has never been done maybe it's been done but it's definitely not been done by professionals because the professional probably would not make what i'm about to make right now why do i always pull paracord from the wrong direction oh it ends right here okay so let's go ahead actually let's just just go ahead over there right now so here's the tree this is the tree dreams are made of there's also the bar of our fence dreams are made up this is alongside my property here and the pond's right down there give you guys kind of perspective so pool jet he'll be sleeping down there i'll be sleeping up here this is just pretty much the only spot that i could see where there's a tree and a fence and i can utilize all of it to my advantage so take your tarp out i'm not more than nine feet long so the plate doesn't rip we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere don't worry all right so take some paracord here what we're gonna do starting off probably i mean they don't need to be too tall probably like here so we're gonna go actually go this way and i'm gonna tie the knot on this side so the string comes off that way that'll give us a little bit more space so go ahead and tie up to this tree thing here look at that like that just a little grainy knots all you need go down yonder oh this is gonna this is gonna work boys i got a good feeling so then this tree here is where we we gotta what the furthest this side we could tie to but still have the strength we need go ahead and cut this off all right pull her tight what is out there doing mating is that bigfoot what is that that sounds like bigfoot here's like whoa see if he kind of calls back all right that's tied so then we got it did it back i don't know he didn't say anything probably scared him anyway so this guy is the best it just did it it did you talk it'll happen we gotta wait told you there's no way the camera picks that up all right now i'm done communicating with nature so we've got this guy here this thing's about as tight as it gets oh yeah it's looking good looking like looking like a professional made it look it look like a human could sleep in this because i feel like they probably couldn't so here's where i'm gonna lay right here let's run a couple i steal a couple steaks for me sure dope all right then take your excess here i stole some pool jet stakes but from his tent but you can uh i mean you can do this out of sticks this will just save me a little bit of time that way i'm protected from the rain you can see it'll it'll just run right off if it does rain pool jet came with a rain fly so he's good so let's see what this looks like hey boys doing oh this is this is fine look at a this bit out of slant though just sleep on my side might be rolling down the hill but it's not bad it's going to keep the rain off of me i'm off the ground i have a sleeping bag of a pillow keeps the wind off me if it gets cold but you still have ventilation from one end to the other so you're not going to suffocate in here because it is the summer i think we're good i'm going to go get my sleeping bag and pillow where i get i got a blanket rip that's going to be tough hey how's it going don't mind me i got my pillow in my blanket oh i gotta sleep like this oh i'm gonna be all right honestly i'm pretty tired right now but actually five we kind of adjusted this real quick off camera we made the ends of this side meet up at this side so it's sealed i could almost lay like this which was like i'm going down and like i feel like i'm comfortable like this like i honestly think i could sleep here tonight it's really not that bad this grass is pretty soft oh i'm hungry though we need to make some food you ready ricky i'm so ready you like my shelter over there it looks great that's it that's a night it's a nice shelter you like my shelter i hate it i hate you anyways so full jet sheltered on my shelter done pool jet his time has come to make dinner uh he has bacon wrapped sirloin uh and i've got a dollar now he's like a 98 cent eight pack of hot dog um so i've gotta build a fire but why don't you so this is the grill this is the walmart i mean like i said this already had this we didn't need to buy another one but why don't you go ahead and get this thing fired up get it hot ready for that and i'm going to work on trying to get a fire started give her hell junior how you doing we're good so this is what he's dealing with he's got the s'mores and then macey we came home and macy saw that we had the red white and blue and she gave us this just in case we didn't like it um graham cracker is your big mountain dew guy shout out to banjo i'm just a big banjo fan really yeah and then you've got two steaks and you know what's cool about these that thing pops out when they're done do you know that really yeah i didn't even know they sold bacon wrapped yes that thing will pop out when it's medium rare yeah i don't even have to pay attention to it nope so he's gonna let his girl get piping hot that's how you cook steaks is on a super super hot grill i'm gonna try to build a fire oh i gotta make this last i only bought one all right we're good so we cheated a little bit we got these guys this was not part of my budget because it rained all day today this morning and this afternoon so obviously there's no wood that is going to be dry um so we got two of these which i mean they weren't expensive it's not that big of a deal i mean i've got a lighter so it's not like i've really got a huge challenge in front of me um i mean i feel like if the wood was dry i'd be okay either way but since the wood is wet that's what we're going to be dealing with so these things you're supposed to set them on their side well this could be this grass is so maybe maybe let's do this this is this is a cardboard box that came from uh old pool jets tent so we can reuse this and then light right here apparently this thing's supposed to work it's gonna help keep the bugs away for sure that's the only downsides my fire's not gonna be by my freaking house so i'm just gonna be out there in the dark well hey some i gotta be doing something right at least we got a little bit of fire going all right i need to go find a stick for my winkies boom we got a stick here folks got that get that bark out there you only need that moldy bark so clean stick for the winkies again good old eight pack eight pack for a dollar made with chicken made with chicken pork added i thought hot dogs were poor why is it made with chicken this has got to be like the whatever's not usable on a chicken and then they're just like hell yeah let's throw it in there because nobody knows what actually hot dogs are made of anyways how's this oh my log's doing good on this side i don't know about that side this side's giving it a hex so i think we'll be all right look they even got pre-grill marks see those that's when you know you're dealing with the fancy stuff folks insert the wiener that's a big oh you're going like that oh you do like i would have just went through the side yeah really i guess you could do multiple then huh have a whole kebab i'm gonna have a whole wiener kebab you watch me i mean i'm hungry i didn't even buy buns freaking i should have popped buns just gonna stay all right roasting weenies this is america this is just this just screams american right here sitting here next to campfire roasting wieners if you're wondering why i'm not in a good mood well actually i'm in a good mood i'm just you know it's not super success because i have to sleep on a tarp today in case you're curious so i'm just i'm trying to enjoy my moments here on this earth before tonight before it gets dark and i also have to eat plain weenies no ketchup no mustard no bun i'll a buddy over here gets bacon wrapped frickin steak oh god oh god this guy's about to fall off hang on i'm putting on my plate here look at that you ever seen a better looking wiener well they're hot oh yeah a little bark in there too took the bark with it hell yeah i mean yeah luckily they're already cooked i've even worse things i mean they don't really have a bad taste i was kind of worried about this weird log thing that we got going on i mean i'm happy with it i'm not gonna die out here wish i would have got buns in a little ketchup packet we made this experience a lot better but that's not bad how's your grill doing all right old pool jet this is this is where things get interesting here i just gotta give you really give it to the open or the old cut ski without cutting yourself where's the fun in that so should i put both on it put them both on that way if you you know decide you're full after one poppy can come in you know oh just in case just in case yeah i was like grill down let's take a look oh that's hot for sure oh she's ripping bam yeah that girl's hot that girl's hot oh yeah beauty there you go so now we wait for the old button yeah but yeah yeah go out shot it because then you'll get a little bit more of an even cook i think we can always give it the old flip and then give her the old flippy you're not you're telling me you're not going to rotate 33.5 degrees to get the proper diamond plated grill marks probably not oh okay your steak's on fire right now they're popping and sizzling oh i'm jealous i'll share some s'mores with you oh hell yeah i'd definitely go for some s'mores right now you getting her hell there bud it's actually does it look pretty good oh yeah yep it was really ready how you doing oh oh no come back there you go oh yeah good enough yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh you were good throw it back a little pretty mature so that thing should pop out you just don't want to burn one side flip that other side the other side looks like it's gotten a little bit more crispy yeah yeah see what's his name let's see he's doing a little bit better i mean not too bad you flip it back as well the bacon's getting crispy yeah the bacon's doing good i'm pretty positive those things pop out or that might just be the thing that holds the bacon that's what i was thinking i swear there's something that pops out i think i've maybe that's for like a turkey or something why would they use like a huge piece of plastic though that does that you know what i mean like why would they use a toothpick it doesn't say anything about it popping out i could be totally making this up or i feel like i could be on to something and whoever is out there making steaks needs to put something in that pops out when it hits the prime temp you know what i'm saying that definitely could just be to hold the bacon i didn't realize that i just feel like they're just like big and colorful like maybe they did that so you wouldn't eat it i'm not sure steaks are looking pretty good oh yeah dude i told you look you got the diamond grill marks you're a freaking beast bro i watch you you're killing it all right it's going in for the removal oh god come here oh god this is dicey oh yeah oh look at that guy um so our things didn't pop out i don't think so i appreciate these i don't think so i don't think that looks good oh yeah um man i'm jealous my freaking little weenies over there suck these look at those these look fire bro oh look at that you did it that's medium rare perfect you did it you got old medium rare on there son no that definitely thinks that i think that was not popping out no no no no yeah no that ain't it i swear it's a thing it might be with like turkeys that you fry or or bake i'm pretty sure it's when you bake a turkey for like thanksgiving they throw them little probes in there that let you know when it's done because there's no other way to freaking no turkey's done but it was a good idea oh i might have got a little cardboard in that cut that's fine dude that looks so good would you like a bite i'm kind of tempted is that cheating uh i mean oh god you're no way you're sticking all that meat in your mouth i'm handing it to you no no no you gotta go first rick i can go first it looks a little hot there's a giant piece of meat in your mouth oh god is it hot no no come on you got it spit it out come on spit it out you got it come on you got it why do you do this it's golden hour bro trying to get some good ig content all right you look good i'm probably dripping juices from a steak how was it that's fine i bet it's good oh my god with no seasoning no butter no salt no pepper nothing literally just a point like the best like just random like just steaks that you would just grab off the shelf yeah not like some fancy not like a fancy restaurant yeah it's walmart but for a walmart steak fire that's pretty good really oh man that just did you like this bike i would i would yes i would take that bite yes anything in bacon boys oh a bigger bite i don't know how you do that you'll be able to put a bit of mine huh you're pleased a little bigger than mine and i'm struggling um yeah that's good living right there something that's good isn't it mm-hmm if you have a little garlic butter throw in there after a little bit better but i mean i can't say much when i've got one dollar weenies that's that's a good steak you know i'm just keep thinking about these s'mores i just want these swords so bad you just want the mean fools are both just like the steak is good weenies all right but a good old-fashioned campfire s'more nothing's better which that was your item but i said i'd cheer but since we're this far along feel like sharing scaring you know what i'm saying so we're gonna do a little mukbang here we're a big mukbang guys unless you know if this is ass or not these are huge really yeah i don't even one bite just stick the whole thing in your mouth you got some dirt on it sorry it's a big dude yeah it really works the jaw muscles like you really got stuck like you really gotta get after it with that sonic oh god you don't want to eat that thing just like that i feel like you know like a normal marshmallow i can house i can throw it in my freaking mouth and just it's gone i thought that was a good idea all right we got the old stick ready here this is interesting i'm just gonna go like this i guess number one key secret to marshmallow roasting successfully is you have to have everything prepared before you put your marshmallow in the fire i heard too much marshmallow huh it's too much marshmallow how's it taste though what's that chocolate it don't taste like a s'more really no but you know what i mean like when you eat a s'more you're like oh that's a s'more you know i mean it's not bad i don't really taste much there's no they're pretty bland honestly yeah i will say though these little logs shout out to these guys i mean we've been burning them for like 45 minutes i feel like and they're still going strong i mean i don't know if it's good to roast on them an hour and a half i don't know if it's gonna roast on them because i'm sure it's just chemicals and stuff but hey if i don't die i'm i'll let you guys know i guess i mean i think we'll be all right oh wow this is a large marshmallow oh grip oh rip oh no red oh no we lost the casing red oh no oh oh we're good you don't really taste the chocolate it just it just ain't it's just there i don't understand it no i think we should do a regular one instead i think macy was right that meant it folks they're just there isn't that s'more taste the chocolatey it's more taste it just it's just lacking it's just not there hershey's good marketing because i got us to buy it poor review oh gee original the other thing we noticed is freaking was it honey maiden is that what they thought honey made look one graham cracker left they intentionally put in an odd amount so then you'd have to go get more open a new pack if you read the last one unbelievable all right i've got an og in my hand here look like you're about to tell me a scary story really yeah you got any good stories no oh that's it still the marshmallow too much there's nothing wrong with original i think the amount in the original and you get the satisfaction of like the squoosh you know these are like pre-squooshed that's the whole part of a freaking s'more that's the fun part is getting a scooch on so i love a good squish these are better i still think i original everything original chocolate original marshmallows wow they're definitely the deal honestly i might house like nine or 12 more of those things and we're gonna go to bed it's getting kind of dark so i'll give i'll give you guys an update when we start getting tucked in are you doing jimothy oh i'm tired really ready for bed yeah how is it oh it's actually really nice nice and cool out now it is really nice though it's not hot at all you feeling it i do regret not getting a pillow yeah oh what yeah what was that strap i don't i completely forgot i thought that sleep bag maybe would have one like on the back that's what i thought but no red it's not bad though you feeling like you're gonna sleep alright we'll see we'll see the coyotes don't get you but you got the fire ripping i think they'll get you before me look at that so we're gonna leave i know like maybe you're not supposed to leave fires rip but i mean the fact that you're right here you'll be all right oh you can't even see you hey how's it going there you are hey how you doing yeah so uh you got a fire to protect you it'll probably go out pretty soon though good night good luck if you need anything hopefully it doesn't rain i think actually it cleared up pretty good you'd be all right yeah if you need anything just holler i'm across the hollow or something sure all right i'm walking to my place here i can't quite see where my where's my tent oh wait well i'm over here okay sorry i can't see it's freaking dark out here all right let's see there it is hey how you doing all right let's go ahead and crawl in oh yeah look at that oh hey how you doing oh god there's a hill right here there we go oh it's not that bad you just gotta lay lay this way oh wait your bloods going to your feet i know i've got marshmallow on me i can see in the reflection but i mean you can see it's pretty big see my feet back there hanging out so it's open over there open over here and uh i think i'm going to keep my head on this side honestly keep some fresh air going hopefully no coyotes get me i got a blanket but i don't really need it it's not that bad i'm feeling pretty good honestly oh i might just lay my blanket below me it's not that i got a little bit of a bump right here but it's really not as uncomfortable as i expected i thought for sure it'd be worse but i mean i'm dry i'm you know up off the grass i've got good ventilation like honestly i probably have better ventilation than freaking fuel jet because he's down in the tent and like there's not that many close windows but like my window's right here so i get good ventilation good air i don't think i'll be sweating too bad i'm like it's supposed to rain so we're gonna call it a night leave my head on this pillow it's been a long day and uh well i'll update you guys if i get woken up by coyotes even when i'm sleeping on my house sometimes i think some coyotes will freaking start howling so if anything happens i'm gonna keep the camera with me anything happens to pool dread he's he's gonna rip on the old iphone i guess but i'll keep you guys with me and uh hopefully we'll see you guys in the morning oh hey how's it going folks messed up just a little bit all right quick tip this will have water on it in the morning and i didn't make it tall enough so these my legs are literally under well i got the blanket on me right now but this is covered in water from condensation i think is what they call it but like dew basically on your grass and i mean i stayed pretty dry throughout the night but my backside is all wet because of this tarp i should have made this taller i didn't realize like i would be i figured if it was like close to my body that i don't know would be a good thing but it wasn't pretty much just thought about that pool jet he didn't put his rainfly on last night so his his tent probably got kind of wet but it's the morning um let me get a time check for you it is 7 22 a.m so not super early i slept all right i mean i woke up every couple hours i didn't i didn't hear any coyotes though i mean i've been like i feel like i've been up for a little bit but i text pool jen just said hey when you wake up text me he just texted me so he said he's awake so we're gonna go check on him we'll see how he slept how wet are you wait what did you get what is it damn look look oh no are you are you good though i definitely got wet yeah really rained or what happened my whole tarp on the inside is soaked dude really absolutely soaked oh no yeah so it was it wasn't bad because my body my like chest and head was where we should have made the like we should have made the peak taller like you know how we like brought at the last thing we like tied them together and made that was a bad idea because my legs my basically my whole lower half was at the bottom and then the tarp was laying on top of me and it soaked i mean i had a blanket so like it wasn't that bad but like my whole backside just completely soaked no it didn't rain i didn't hear any rain i think it's literally just like the condensation but like you've got like you got actual water in there i mean at least you got a sleeping bag see if i had a sleep bag i think it would have been fine that little snuggy blanket thing that i got it was not the deal it wasn't it no it wasn't it was not the deal i feel like you probably still slept better than me i didn't sleep too bad but any raccoons getting no i was hoping a raccoon would also come get these hot dogs last night and like wake you up you're killing it this is it is it wet that like is it wet oh yeah dude so what's the deal is he's got to put the rain fly on though but if it's condensation wouldn't you still get wet because it condensation goes on the inside like my tarp is soaked on the inside because it kind of so how do you fee how do you beat that how do you figure that out you expert campers like yeah you got i mean it's pretty wet right here but under under use not as quite as bad i bet so that's so weird though see it's like it wasn't rain though i swear i did not hear any rain last night we made it sprinkled a little bit but even if pool dried his rain fly i feel like it still would have got wet in here because see like yeah see look this is what your rain fly would be like it's soaked so what's the strat there all you expert campers comment down below what uh what do you do at that point how's the pond looking this morning i we should have brought a freaking rod let's see if there's any bluegills down here oh yeah there's a few of them we should have brought the old rod and rail i've never like down my pond this early i feel like i feel like i mean i usually get around like 6 37 every morning but i'm never down here doing oh the the feeder looks like it's broken see i think it's giving it a dangle i blame the raccoons raccoons they've been swimming out on that dock to get the extra fish feed they've been pooping on it so but i did i didn't hear you coyotes did you no coyotes last night was kind of surprising but i don't know what they're doing this time of year i guess doing kind of things but i didn't hear them definitely should have brought rod and reel down here a little top water frog would be nice this morning is there any other bull frogs on here i feel like our bull prog population just kind of went to nothing but oh there's one right here really oh i'm an idiot hey how are you doing right there's a big one right there i was gonna say i'm like i don't think in the morning you'd see a couple of them but i mean what i recommend my tent structure my tarp i think i think with a few modifications you'd be all right and if you could purchase a bigger tarp probably wouldn't hurt uh just to give you more with with all the condensation like give you a little bit more room in there so you're not touching the edges and then maybe a sleeping bag would have been better than a blanket obviously my budget was not that good it wasn't that high versus you you didn't like your budget no but you did share your s'mores and stakes with me last night so i wasn't i wasn't super bummed i mean to be honest the wieners were not that bad i thought the winners were they were okay i've had no i probably haven't had a worse wiener but it's how bad can a wiener be or how could good could a wiener be is more or less a question but that's pretty much all we've got for you guys today hope you guys enjoyed today's episode of cheap versus expensive camping overnight challenge if you guys want to see any other cheapest expensive videos whether it's camping or some type of survival or you know whatever it might be any type of cheap versus expensive i like it because i think it gives you a perspective of what somebody that has a very small budget can do and somebody that has a large budget can do and the differences and the pros and the cons and kind of gives you guys a side-by-side comparison about what what kind of goes on right there but either way moral of the story don't buy the squared marshmallows don't buy the red white and blue chocolate um i mean your steak was alright pretty good kind of hard to mess up bacon up steak i feel like but that's pretty much more of the story i would say you slept a little bit more comfortably than me um but you still got wet i did get wet and i got wet um so either way at the end of the day you're wet and it's not super comfortable so hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you guys want to get any beefcake merch this shirt hat shirt phew you guys want any of that it'll be linked down below google squad dot com and you get 15 sometimes promo code flair so click link down if you guys want to go get any of this merch and support your boys hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks for watching foreign
Channel: FLAIR
Views: 870,141
Rating: 4.9174404 out of 5
Keywords: epic, crazy, insane, googan squad, bass, bass fishing, fishing, andrew flair, flair, afo, fishing with flair, outdoors, vlog, vlogging, travel, googan baits, farming, homestead, backyard pond, backyard farm, camping, walmart, budget challenge
Id: Nv1-5hlBsA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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