Walmart 1v1v1 Build Your Own Stealth Shelter! (hiding from game warden)

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not too long ago i believe the guy's channel was self-reliance something along the lines i'll flash it up but he had a video where he built a japanese spider hole it was kind of one of those late night rabbit holes where i was just chasing this weird idea in my head like a spider hole yeah yeah you would spider spider hole yeah it ends up there's a lot of homeless people that are living in stealth shelters in the middle of cities oh wow so i was thinking you guys know our careers are definitely going to come to a crashing end we're probably going to be homeless probably we need to train ourselves and see if we have the means to be squatters so yeah all right to be what squatters it's like people that live on other people's property they don't know they're there yeah i just learned that today yeah it's cool you'll be doing that at my property soon now that he's told you what it is the challenge is pretty simple we have a hundred dollars each we're each gonna be building different types of stealth shelters and we're gonna put these things to the ultimate test at the end of this video i'll let you know what that test looks like later but now we're going in walmart we have 20 minutes hundred dollars get all the supplies we can get before this tropical rainstorm hits while we build these stealth shelters we're gonna get inside and see what happens so stealth means we have to be able to hide in it is that the definition of stealth stutter self self shelter yes secret shelters okay so it's not necessarily like to survive it's just a hide like built like playing a hundred dollar hide and seek it is for surviving too it's a shelter you gotta be able to live in it too shelter and nobody can see you no form of law enforcement i've been hiding from the cops for two years ever since i didn't pay my taxes irs you better check out your boy norm got up on tape hadn't paid taxes in two years for the sake of this being somewhat of a bushcraft challenge primitive hand tools nothing electric nothing gas powered 100 20 minutes starts now i'm not even worried norm's never worried dorm is never worried i wish i was like that guy well guys all we need is tools um i should have find the tools where are the tools let me know if you see a saw i don't think we're supposed to help each other are we i can't do i can't find any tools there's just paper towels i know dude omar's tool section is weak maybe the camping supplies is where the stuff is i'm having the hardest time finding a gosh darn axe oh it's the garden sections probably where it is that's probably where the guys are right now dang it it is raining so hard outside right now guys i don't know if you can hear that it is coming down dude that rain is coming down there's definitely a manager running around right now on his radio i just heard him say there was a bunch of youtubers in here so what i did not tell the guys was we're going to hire neighbor daryl who is a retired game warden spent hey guys we can't video tape in the store okay okay it's just not allowed now i mean if you guys want to reach out to can you turn it off please did we just appear here out of nowhere yeah what that cut was we just appeared in the woods lojo's neighbor daryl is a retired game ward he served 30 40 years dude 30 plus at least as a game warden in florida and a legit game warden worked under cover he was sneaking around killing deer selling it to selling illegal meat markets he was in the nitty-gritty and he hunted people down so he knew how to look for people that were hiding in the woods that's true and people that didn't want to be caught so we have three hours to build these stealth shelters to the best of our abilities and when we're done daryl's gonna come out here and he's gonna look at the lay of the land and see if he can see where he was oh we have to hide from daryl yep oh my lord and whoever passes the darrell test wins the challenge bro daryl's going to find all three of us he's so good he's so good gonna i don't think he's gonna find me no no i'm pretty confident i don't think he's gonna find me either i don't think he's gonna find me either three hours starts now are you gonna build yours right on top of mine i'm gonna build mine like 10 yards behind yours so he finds you that's more oh man oh well ah dude watch those knots man there's these little cypress knots that are everywhere and if you take off running in these woods you will trip i promise you i watched this video of a professional i guess it was a boy scout of some type was it one of my videos he was saying that if you position yourself right with the road you can use the backdrop of the land to camouflage you even better ah watch the obstruction guys check out this freaking root system right here good guy i'm not even sure if i've seen this before on the property this is probably the most massive uprooted root system i have ever seen but i'm not gonna lie to you as far as finding a stealth shelter i don't think we're gonna find a place better than this oh that hill is killer man i'm already worn out yeah i guess we could take a break oh god let's get in here we got to get kind of going here we also don't want norm and ao to see what we're doing we don't want them to be able to hide as well as we are over here guys look at this this is insane right here look we could get ah that's a thorn bush oh guys look at that look at this area like right here and the heart of the root ball i mean i feel like this is gonna be such an i don't want to say easy area to camouflage but there's so much opportunities to to use the natural stuff that's already here and just form a structure right over the top of the center here i think i'm going to take my old hatchet here i think it's going to be more compact obviously which is going to help us in this confined space love how i picked the area with the most thorns per kappa oh boy yep there it is easy just want to clear some of this stuff out oh wow that that just falls right out oh dear lord okay how am i gonna get in here this is all thorns freak i just hear lojo yelling through the woods oh there we go use the feet use the feet oh i see him working on a monstrous root system shovel good idea ow acts to the shin norms with them too hey uh heyo what do you need i've got these little trimmer things in there i know i didn't buy them but there's a machete that would be nice all right i'm not going to hit you i'm going to throw a little bit to the left okay goes on video just in case for court dear god norm was that close i felt like that was way too close it wasn't well it wasn't that close but the way you threw it it was like flying through the air like this like a throwing knife yeah man i just i got call of duty in my bones man it's muscle memory dear god this is like a mini machete too there's no weight on it at all i actually have a great plan for mine i just got to find the right landscape you got a cool spot man but i need to find a cooler spot so i'm out of here unfortunately the soil that i chose has monstrous pine trees and a bunch of baby oaks all around so there's roots all in the area that i wanted to dig we're gonna see if we can't find some better soil we're going to cover some ground as cool as ledger spotted it's pretty obvious yeah i saw that if i was riding and i saw just a monstrous root system i would think i'd go check it out there's an outlaw for sure that dude's selling deer at night [Applause] [Music] don't you worry man i'm terrified i know how to back it up yeah you do what are you looking for right now i'm looking for two trees man right next to each other okay dig a hole that i can lay down into like a seven foot trench like a coffin exactly dude there's gonna be so many ticks on me today it's gonna be crazy boom there you go could certainly lay down right here i mean 100 head right there of course we would build up some type of a bedding you know what i mean but the space itself is there oh this is home for the next three hours baby this might be the last time we ever see each other you ever think of that they could be i don't think anybody's ever gonna find me all right now that we got our little area cleared here i want to start working on kind of the roof and what's gonna give us some cover some actual to what's gonna make this a structure definitely want to cut some of these overhanging trees and just like lay them over the top of my new shelter if that makes sense a lot of the stuff i'm just going to throw in there and then use it later to kind of help camouflage everything oh these are going to be perfect perfect cut a couple of these guys down oh a couple of those oh yeah that's some nice camouflage right there doesn't look like much on its own but you get about 20 or 30 of these together you got some camouflage all right i'm recording oh banana spider already there's three in the way well guys ao is off and i about walked into a banana spider and there's two of them these are like the smallest banana spiders oh there's three guys let's just spend a million dollars on this property if i were him i would have got a property without this many spiders i need an area that doesn't have a lot of big trees because i'm trying to avoid roots the size of norm's calves all right so this is where i'm going to build my shelter this tree right here this tree branch actually laid out pretty much perfectly so as you guys can see this used to be some type of big branches split up into two but what i'm envisioning is i could lay in between these two tree branches right here dig a hole like super super deep that i can lay under and then cover the top with like tree branches and then cover the tree branches with leaves and kind of hide myself under this tree and kind of make it look like an embankment and ao's camp is actually gonna be right over there unless he's leaving he's leaving the one thing i picked up from the video is we don't want very sandy soil i'm gonna be building somewhat of an underground tunnel and sandy soil tends to collapse in on itself a lot sooner also the guy in the video i watched also the guy in the video i watched said don't build in clay when it's wet and we had a monsoon yesterday so if i was daryl i'd be looking for like disturbed areas of the forest so what i'm gonna try to do is take all of the leaves that i put on top take all the sticks that i put on top i'm gonna try to chop him down like maybe hundreds of yards down the forest that way that way he can't look and say oh that tree's missing all of its limbs there's probably somebody hiding there oh this stick might actually be good get a few of these sticks these can act like a little bit of a brace something to hold all the camo that i've cut now let's cut that one in half this spot's about to disappear that's for sure by the time i'm in there with this roof built you're not going to be able to see me although this tree right here is going to be missing all of its branches so that might be a dead giveaway we'll just saw those off make them look more natural that just makes it look worse daryl's going to find me like two seconds now this is the darkest soil that i've seen it's not clay but it's also not sand that is not what we want oh who knew south alabama was this sandy it's crazy all right so first step i'm going to dig it but i just got to be careful not to dump stuff over because that's not going to look natural so i'm going to try to dig it and then put it in the trees and cover up all the dirt i dig up too there's so many roots oh yes it was just the right freaking size all right let me see about this roof here just kind of thinking like just stringing some things along right here i want to save the pine straw for like the later ones cause that's gonna really help mask a lot of these leaves and stuff see my entrance i think is gonna be like right here you know what i mean just like completely cover this part up that way we've actually got the shelter part because i mean if you sat here for like days you could make this thing completely waterproof if you just did this enough times but for three hours we just want to get a cover for this structure sorry just trying to have a fun time girl i thought we had something special trish okay it's been about two hours and i haven't found any solid soil on this entire property it's all just very soft sandy i don't know if you guys can see that but it's not the best soil to dig a tunnel system in my goal is to dig a hole big enough to fit a slightly obese man in and then camouflage a latch in first off it makes a really cool thumbnail and second off i don't think daryl will have any idea where i am i've been talking for an hour and i haven't done any work so starting to feel like i'm a politician up in here you know what i'm saying dude first scoop i'm gonna put it all the way out here in the grass there's so many spiders oh another spider oh that's a black widow that is so cool oh i hate it already but it does work it's not very fun coming from a chainsaw to one of these all right we add a couple pine trees to the mix tell me that doesn't look natural right there looks like a storm just came in and blew everything over there we go what the freak are you kidding me it like came back to the living see now can kind of clear out a little spot right here this is going to be our entrance it's gonna be where we actually go in and out dude nothing like really soft rudy soil to build a tunnel system i really think once you get through this first foot of soil a lot of these baby roots will be out of the way you just never know if there's a massive boulder two foot below you that would bite so bad one thing we also have to think about is this is gonna be a six foot hole so we're also gonna have a six foot pile of dirt sorry guys had to take a nice nature leak but you know what they say you never wanna poo or you pee now this is gonna take a really long time probably wearing me out like having to bring my dirt super far away from camp but i think it's just gonna help keep me hidden even more and that's just one of those things like you make one mistake in this and you're gonna get found so we're making progress oh freaking spiders seven foot three so every time i walk i just walk right into a spider's face hole let's see she's crawling like so oh my god it's so hidden in here oh now of course i just have to be laying down like i'm not gonna have like a living room or something in here can you guys see me no you can't oh did you see how i had to bust it wide open to get in there i hope you got a shot close-up shot of my back end because i was exposed oh my god oh dude that's hor that's red clay that's some hoarder hoarder soil man i sound so nerdy filming this dude we made it through the top soil now we're hitting hard clay call my mom daryl's totally not gonna notice this six foot pile of sand dude i'm so glad we found some clay that's huge all right well i feel like i'm finally getting to the depth i need i'm just gonna have to make about a hundred more trips maybe dude this kind of looks like it was just a huge like storm that came through i mean i know it looks like things were placed there but at the same time i mean storms happen down here and they happen all the time big storms and they do stuff like this obviously because the whole tree system got blown over so i think this is going to look pretty realistic oh it's still super sandy down there i thought we were in clay if you kind of think about it we have an underground attempt norms right at the ground lojo is above ground kind of getting all three types of hidey holes i'm gonna have the back of an nfl linebacker by the end of this i really just need to shed the muffin top i can tell my wife looks at it she doesn't say anything but she'll kind of get one of those stairs where it's just kind of uncomfortable never had my shirt off and my sides are just rolling over my belt buckle i just see that kinda but at least i can dig a japanese spider hole i think i pretty much got as much content as i can digging a hole i'm just gonna spend the next probably i don't know 45 minutes digging this hole out before the next step of this build continues so i'm gonna put on some drake um i'm just gonna get in my zone i'm gonna get this work we did build it a little narrow didn't we trish my knees can't even fit in here at the moment we gotta widen her up at least we figured out before we were six foot deep give me some paw girl come on all right let's keep digging don't lick me right now trish come on drake talk to me baby baby i like your style watch it this tiny little pine tree i'll take you i don't discriminate little pine tree ah that's what we were missing right there that last little piece originally i was gonna lay sticks over the top of this thing and cover it in pine straw what i think i'm gonna do is actually dig like a little crease right here and shove sticks in there and i'm gonna cover it with leaves but it can't be like i can't take these leaves cover and leave a wide open spot so i'm gonna have to grab leaves from different areas in the video i watched the dude made a super legit spider hole i don't know how legit ours is gonna be because of the soil i don't know if you guys heard me mention the soil out here i'm going to get down in there hopefully i can move this dirt a little faster further drop than i anticipated went ahead and took a four hour midday break while the boys were just crushing themselves but i'm really glad i waited until it got to be the absolute hottest part of the day to continue oh sh where's all my tools dog man you can't be raiding somebody's campsite leave them with a hatchet and paracord i really don't like the sand we're probably four foot deep right now it's a mixture of clay and sand we're getting down to the good stuff but i have a little bit of clearance we're gonna dig into the sides at the top and make a small latch so that we can open this thing up and close it my wife is gonna love washing these clothes wow it's in my underwear that happens every time i don't even know how that's one of those questions you gotta wait till you meet your maker to ask all right well layer two is going good so i laid the sticks kind of diagonally this way and then now with all the other twigs i'm going this way but we're gonna get these done and i'm gonna go scoop leaves from somewhere far away do that and then i'm gonna cover all my tracks because i've kind of worn down a little bit of the dirt here just trying to rip these like little tiny pieces off because i don't want to stick too much over the edge of the logs because bright green leaves i feel like would be pretty obvious so this is my little trail guys right here can do one of these stir up all the leaves cover some accidental dirt spillage cover my footprints gonna bring some of the leaves back up where i walked on full path god i took my shovel too what the freak am i supposed to do over here you're gonna get a whole lot of subscribers from this video dude i hope i get a whole bunch i'm digging this dude it's a good video yeah me too man yeah i'm really trying to excavate the space my leg i'm gonna cut all these one size about that right there that's gonna be about the height of the door so what i'm doing so i'm kind of scooping dirt like that and obviously i'm gonna cover everything back up i'm putting it on top of my fort so it literally looks exactly like the ground already and i cover every single hole and every single little green leaf in here so it's going to be straight dirt all the way across [Music] all righty we uh dug a little bit of room for my feet the walls are decent we have about a eight inch clearance above my head to the ground now we just need to camouflage this thing put a proper hatch on here and deal with the dirt not too bad just drop a little survival knowledge on you i mean i don't know much about surviving but i did spend two years in afghanistan so i have worked with a fair amount of paracord and paratroopers oh i'm losing it out here by myself in the woods i can tell you that oh this is a freaking sick door man i mean i get it it's not the best door ever you could make out of trees but i wish i could get it to stay wide i don't have enough structural components to do that okay now we're going to gently roll her over i don't want to lose her shape oh like that she lost her shape after three hours of bushcrafting it's time to reveal what we've made that was the fastest three hours of my life it went so fast it felt like six hours yeah that's crazy we are lojo's root system check it out there's a whole tunnel in there you could definitely live in there there's a whole village i kind of like that but dude i'm telling you like from right here it's obvious because you've got like the hack marks and stuff right you're coming in from the road you're riding there's no way you're gonna see it i really like what you've done with the door um he really likes the door yeah that's cool well you know it's uh it started off a lot better than that and that's my grand poppy's firewood stack his grandpappy never stacked firewood not that i heard of i i actually i'm gonna be pissed when you win this thing uh yeah okay let's kind of crawl on in you gotta get in here and then it gets a lot bigger oh my bike got stuck oh what'd you build i'll show you man this way oh my gosh can you get in there yeah here it is this pretending this isn't here but basically i'm gonna get a dead tree branch i'm gonna get in there and i'm gonna put the dead tree branch over me that's the only way i feel like i'm gonna get caught because this looks pretty natural dude you're slowly stepping in from the bottom of the totem pole to like top tier i think you and lojo are now swapping and build experience well to be fair i did like kind of one other two yeah they were kind of like the biggest jokes right houseboat build i got the most famous you thought you won that and then the wheelbarrow i caught the most fish right what happened to the shelter on your house boat dude don't don't go there this is great man it looks like an actual coffin yeah might die that would be so bad not really you good we'll talk about it later okay dude it's such a tight squeeze oh stop myself oh i don't even know i'm going to vlog this all right just people see your brain is there a spider on my face that's so cool i know daryl's like the goat but that's so cool dude this is the first time i've been in here how's it look does it look crazy oh gosh no i can totally breathe in here can you see me dude this is kind of cool i haven't played hide and seek in like four years i can't breathe very good though no i mean like i just feel the oxygen level going down like every breath this is so stinking cool i mean we were just we're living like larry right now i definitely think i have the second best hut but aos is virtually like invisible i don't even think if we gave darryl 24 hours he'd find ao fun fact there are bugs all over the ground really wish i would have cleared out more now that we're all hidden in our stealth shelters this time to unleash the beast neighbor daryl though just lands a pretty big place so we're gonna place daryl within a hundred yard radius of the forts starting with lojo now i'm just looking they could be in the trees or in the ground or anything it could be really anywhere yet all right just see if i find something don't look right [Music] i see a fresh brooks dig right there it's gonna be right through there there's no freaking way daryl's gonna see me i don't even see me oh my god he's getting close [Music] yeah he's right here he's done left me a footprint trail right there oh he's gonna track my freaking tracks i think he found my tracks i didn't even think about that it's only been scuffing up the log crawling across it then we stepped right there he's tracking me like a wild animal oh i see a fresh tree cut i see a blind i see a hidey hole let me throw a grenade in there did you track my tracks yeah i tracked your tracks dang it i didn't even think about that that's how i'm gonna find all y'all dang it that's so smart i didn't think about that that's how i find all my weird game wardens yeah just straight for tracks huh look for tracks or a fresh cut branch or something i knew if you came around this side and i would be screwed but i mean from the road though it wasn't easy to see though right i didn't see if the road yes that's the wind i've seen where he was headed and i said i see where you scuffed that tree climbing over it and found me pretty damn quick as soon as i heard him say let me just find some tracks here i was like oh tracks didn't even think about my foot track so i just left walking in well i figured that'd be the easiest way well hey let it be said daryl did not see me from the road okay he had to go in track me so because i think you're gonna find everybody but at least you didn't see me from the road remember that that's important for later here [Music] i hear i'm coming guys somebody drop a tree down in the middle of nowhere that don't make no sense dude holy crap man it's hot yeah it's also like 103 degrees outside today so i don't know how long ao's gonna be able to survive and there's a little hut down there it's only a matter of time before air runs out of oxygen that's why i kinda wanna opted to leave mine open i hear the atv i think aos fort and at loge's fort was definitely probably the most comfy mine it's probably the least comfy i should have thought this through more figured out well let's see up off by the trailer oh man it's really hot starting to get a little dizzy right there just hoping some of the norm shins are showing that road come back maybe i'll figure it out something's up right here i feel like the one thing we didn't think about was daryl's a 35-year veteran when it comes to tracking [Music] oh oh yeah somebody been walking through here to try to hide from me come out of here my mom watches this hero get bored footprints right there if he's down in there he better have a damn snorkel i'm gonna give him a little hint here [Music] there i'm running out of oxygen there you are that's where you buried your dirt at dude i wouldn't want to stay in there and hide from you but i can't let's see where you got the leaves here to hide it too yeah yeah you're impressed i'm impressed thank you the only thing i didn't think about was oxygen i know that's what i told him everyone with the digging i said he's there that's just better have a snorkel i told you he was buried underground i heard you say that i heard you say that i was like that is crazy that you knew that i seen the dirt pile over there where you put leaves on it and when i was coming back that's when i seen this when you hollered at me see i've caught people that would take a hole like that yep put a uh 55 gallon drum down there and put their marijuana in there and then cover it really oh yeah yep you ain't the first thing i've pulled out of a hole you already have my respect but i respect you anymore good work we got one long-legged man to find i know i do want to see daryl track from above ground though well i'm not doing a good job i think i'm on armadillo right now that could be a person stepped right there see right here look see that when it's fresh like that looks like somebody stepped right there let's see that's armadillo rooted right there he just found this dirt right here there's some more right there i know dirk right there dirt right there i see somebody stepped all in here how can you tell where somebody stepped what are you looking for see that fresh break uh-huh somebody stepped right there somebody stepped back broke that and that was together he's five foot away from me and doesn't see me they're right there that's a fresh break what's the fresh break it's real white shiny see the old break yep see the new break yep he's like he's dirt dirt out here dirt out here oh my god i see him dirt out here go down here do you leave me a dirty trail i can leave this might have come out of aos this didn't come out of you [Music] see that topsoil there with a hole in it right there you reckon he made him a damn gilly suit out of it [Laughter] i won it's been like 20 minutes since he fell down and i'm still letting him and it's got slunk you see everything's kind of pushed this direction so he's over there and slung it over here maybe to get it out where i wouldn't see it over there he's got to be he's been in a 50-yard circle right here guys i can't believe my head from there all this long he's walked all the way around my fort he's been five foot away from dan and didn't see me oh it looks like everything he took was right there and slung over here everything got slumped this way steve a little right there i lost feeling of both of my arms darrell how you think i did man done good real good what screwed me up was you throw that dirt over there so it led and it led me but then i didn't there wasn't you didn't walk through the bushes over there nowhere well i i think you definitely won yeah i told them when i was in there when i heard them find like find you i was in disbelief well i was like no way i think he would have found me just because he found my trail dude right yeah otherwise i never found you well we should look for anything i don't care what it was bait any kind of illegal activity 99.9 of the time it's a trail we follow really yes so if we broke the wall we would have been toast yes because all i had to do right here was park if i figured somebody's buried underground yeah i the park's out here with my ac running yeah how long would i wait for you to come out 20 minutes but like i said everything when somebody's looking for something you always look for the trail whose shelter would you give the best stealth shelter to you know in all honesty now you talking about stealth slipping in and out yeah any secretive type of shelter in all obviously lojo would have won the competition because the way his was he could slip in the back without nobody saying if he wouldn't let the trail there he'd been hard to see as far as a stealth hide for coming and going yeah i definitely would have picked his because just for some fact he could come and go without getting caught yeah where you ain't no i never said i've never found you hope you folks enjoyed today's videos a little bit a little different than usual if you want to see some other weird challenges let me know down in the comments if you'd like to see how long he hold his breath under one of them tunnels let's let's all get a pool up because i don't think you just stayed there an hour no i was i was done when i started saying daryl i can't breathe and then you said he's across the road i was like no i'm right here well i smell disgusting i'm struggling from breathing in all that carbon dioxide so we're gonna go find some h2o hopefully you guys enjoyed this video it's kind of weird it's not a boat build i don't really know what to do right now is this where you end the video i think so i think okay subscribe see you guys on the next one we are walmart walmart what do we have going here my friend well i found the world's largest assortment of thorn bushes dude that is one of the biggest wow here you go take it dude i don't need it oh
Channel: AYO Fishing
Views: 3,160,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aeMx6maRTJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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