Hanging Tree Tent Camping Challenge!!

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gentlemen before you you have a Hanging Tree tip I've ordered these bad boys for a smooth 800 a piece and I'm gonna start an eBay store to resell items try to recoup funds that's what's having the wipes for today we have three Hanging Tree tents and three teams of two dudes Gap pack Trey me Smalls and norm and Mason that was close we have three separate Creek Mouse we're gonna be stationed pretty close to each other the challenge is simple we're gonna set the tree tin up successfully not fall into the creek catch and cook a fish might even have gravy swing through and do a little ciao and let us know who cooked the best one and lastly we're gonna have a little bit of a sleep mystery challenge leave that up to you guys if you like watching Men sleep this is the video are you 18. yeah I'm a considerable age all right perfect we're gonna be filming grown men sleep it's not too far challenge one we're gonna be setting tents up first team to set the 10 up gets 10 points second team gets Five Points third place zero absolutely nothing wow wow oh oh my foot's soaking wet already dude that's right did you know what this is right here dude this is this is home this is home that tree doesn't look too promising oh I'm about to eat it man yeah I just get pounds on my back what's really cool Mason it's about our team our team was placed the furthest away yeah because that means they see us as the most intimidating yeah mainly because they're you know slightly overweight oh we need a kayak get out of my swamp this is Marshall you don't own the water bro oh I like the Beaver Dam I say This Is Us yeah I'm with you for sure yeah that wasn't cool all right so we just so happen to have the one that goes down to class three Rapids no no this is us you're beyond the class you just gotta cross them oh we have to go cross rapid you're stopping at them yeah we're gonna set up over them okay all right step one what is this thing even supposed to look like that oh it can sleep three people with luggage so we can really survive in this thing for a while over under what's the chances this tent goes back in the bag uh not happening probably not not happening at all just High Q low IQ 75 Square 75 square feet bro that's a lot yeah that's all real estate so the only thing about our section the tent is made for 18 foot differences between trees we have 40 foot distances so I bought some extra straps okay an 1100 pound load capacity per one so we're gonna be fine only thing is the tree's gonna have a lot more sag so we need to account for that when we set it up it needs to be way higher okay yeah I'm with you otherwise you'd be like booty in water water but water water butt I'll be on you you get on the front you kind of like spread paddle I'll be in the back I'll be like the white water rafting guide so I'll like steer us you'll just give us forward and back what do you think about this guy you just scare it all right that's perfect dude now all you have to do is do that again but in the water y'all are gonna have a lot of weight on that thing yeah do you want to do one at a time when I can put you back you may want to take those chains off he's off okay you're off bro are you getting home with him so we gotta make this one trip dude we gotta build things first oh don't worry low Center I'm going towards the dam whoa I'm going downtown Mason don't go so fast man I want to get a ticket I'm impressed dude I've never seen a man paddle board with a ladder oh we're hitting our first rapid oh I feel like they're slowing us down on purpose right now before we go any further today's video is sponsored by Better Health you've never heard of Better Health they are the world's biggest therapy service and they are 100 online we're on batch you guys but I'm from the south and we don't really talk about our feelings but sometimes it does a man good to have somebody to talk to and a woman whichever one you are they have over 25 000 licensed and experienced therapists that can help you with a wide variety of issues and problems it's easy to start you fill out some questions that give your needs and preferences in therapy and then better help Partners you with one of those 25 000 therapists to specialize for you you can message your therapist at any time and you can schedule live sessions at your convenience if you start out with a therapist and you don't really hit it all you can replace that therapist with a different therapist at no additional cost betterhelp offers the same professionalism and quality as in office therapy and you end up with a therapist that's picked specifically for you it's more affordable more flexible and all around great option if you're dealing with mental health if you guys are interested you can save 10 on your first month by going to betterhelp.com AO fishing I've also put the link in the top of the description now back to today's video okay I see what you do you wrap the strap around the d-ring on the tent put the strap on then ratchet it okay all right this hey I'm just going to let y'all know we haven't got a lot of stuff chill out for a minute you sure yeah all right all right Mason I'm coming I don't want to go down that rapid all right we're here at camp oh wow so tree is covered in Briars yeah I would say uh I would say covered for sure we got a machete yeah somewhere uh oh it comes a lot of different packages oh no before Ryobi is all we should probably find the instructions this is I think the cover you see the instructions no oh oh there we go attached to the bag genius find trees ratchet strap tent done perfect I haven't opened any of these things pretty curious how they look it's called the Stingray Tree tent I'll show you guys later but there's a little triangle open in the middle it almost looks like an ice fishing hunt where you can just sit above the water that would be cool and even though this is the most difficult setup that's like four foot deep right there no yeah there's a fish in there there's definitely a fish in that try to keep it roughly around the same height Frick dude that tree scares me so bad because it's so dead stand right here I'm gonna try to give you this all right let's see let's go up with it that should be good like that that Mark's gonna fall off okay step one complete step two all right here you go okay risk of serious injury warning dude it looks pretty simple it really does look complex just set the hand tree ton up between trees are 40 foot apart over Beaver Dam that's no problem oh dude 880 pounds I don't know if they're gonna make the cut the dot was rude she was three strong anchor points so we have these three trees I think they look strong enough the strongest options attach tree straps to the Anchor points and pass the strap through the loop we're gonna have to get across the river so bring the paddle board over here they look pretty thick yeah they're girth up for sure gravy would love that oh let's go we got to try to get them equal levels too like oh goodness yeah such is so unstable okay so this is gonna be the top of the tin it looks like all right so you're gonna Loop this here we go just like that okay that one's gonna go on that tree over there this one's gonna go on this tree Ayo put us in a Brar patch dude I thought we were friends going up Mason gosh this is like so dangerous if I fall if I could really get hurt my mom said a guy fell off a ladder from four foot got paralyzed for life that hurts so good you okay yeah dude that was so boring now I need to try to go tighten this one up just try to keep it above I'll try to hold it best I can like this I'll come like this and see [Music] whoa God oh I about did it hello this is the worst tree but after we get this tree done I should should be pretty easy will you pull this through uh it's right in the mouth hey poison ivy just gonna wrap around we're gonna have to send the kayak out so our trees are the Big Pine and that Oak all right pull yours in if you can all right I'm tied over here [Music] what you think Norm looks good we need uh here the trees are too close together honestly let me think how's it going oh how's it going it's it's going is it pretty annoying yeah would you suggest this to a family or friend member uh yeah a family of four that is looking to do this as fast as they possibly can and enjoy the outdoors it's just it's exactly for them it's not challenging at all to set up you know it doesn't take time it doesn't aggravate you with ratchet straps it's perfect for a family of four especially if you got a baby like a little bitty baby right perfect note taken we're not sponsors so we can say whatever we want oh a whole tree just fell apart this has got to work right here that's what we needed that's how long those straps are though holy smokes be careful dear Lord you are wet from uh hips down brother that's a large tree to hug I don't think he hears me over the waterfall He Is straddling a tree too yeah that's a good height I love watching small hugging trees it's like yeah you might be able to just lay this across yeah I got to bring the paddle board over or jump it over you need the ladder I'll leave it [ __ ] [Applause] oh that feels so good that's a lot of faith full trust baby that can hold us theirs is coming together oh my gosh dude we definitely didn't need the additional straps that is huge locate the two pole sleeve openings at either side of the main entrance the front of the stingray easy peasy lemon squeezy oh yes oh that's cold yes sir oh yeah that tree limb is going to be a problem which one this is gonna be difficult I don't know what to do everybody gets mad at me for prepping in these challenges so this challenge no prep just areas dude you think you could break that lamb just by hanging on it I feel like that's kind of out of the way wouldn't you say that's definitely way more out of the way I am hip thrusting dude I think we're good it just might interfere with fishing now what is going on dude are you trying to get back to me oh God oh gosh we're gonna be resourceful okay all right now push it up and push it back in oh boy we're getting somewhere yes dude man sometimes it feels good to be good at what you do [Music] easy spot again dude yeah that was definitely an easy spot they're already strapping dude let's just do our thing dude go Taco Bell ha ha ha yeah I was thinking more KFC dude go for it brother yeah yeah I love setting up tits yeah the cool thing dude it's wet now but it's gonna get down to 29. so at least there won't be puddles it'll like ice up so we're gonna get wet nice good plays good plays all right you know what you're supposed to do while you're up there no clothes oh this is too easy hey y'all should probably tighten your tent up it looks a little loose over there hey get yours out of the water it's on the Beaver Dam loser oh okay is yours up in the air yet it needed a break from flying so much swings got tired here we're gonna go ahead and put ours up all right all right so it says insert pulls into the sleeves then aim and push pulls together into white pull sockets a tail end use zip opening to help locate Pull until boom why do they have that whole sleeve open though that's the weird part hit it my boy what does that look so much weirder it's getting deep to my left for sure oh [Laughter] my gosh I heard that yeah I thought it was over there I turned around here like tug of war baby getting in and out of our tent could be a problem oh throw and fly over the body of the tent and secure by attaching c-clips to ratchet handles at Each corner so guys right now it's raining I think they came in first but the deal was you have to construct the whole entire tent they've stopped working but you need the rain fly on it's part of the instructions so if we get this done we might get the 10 points at technicality I don't know we'll have to sko but so far they've given up and they haven't completed their tent bill dude that's it I see it baby steps complete baby well we're going to migrate our way over here to talk some smack tent complete I didn't realize the tent itself is probably 15 foot yeah it's definitely big it's also definitely high it's also definitely deep right under it yeah I'm definitely stealing somebody's ladder all right for sure where's the orange ladder at am I blind are they hiding ladders for me hey uh Hey guys yeah uh have you seen like a orange ladder no yeah you need it yeah enough it's down there oh that's light work so sorry yeah yeah I had a ladder from us forever you dirty dogs so funny how we all started out trying not to get wet we've all been in they look pretty dry [Music] oh oh my God first release baby ladies and gentlemen Mason and myself have successfully crafted our tents we're both in it we can balance a little bit bounce it and ours is seven foot above the ground at least treys and Yaks about three four foot it had to be a tree tent above our heads is what Ayo said and on top of that horse has a cover so I think we've successfully completed the first tent to meet all the requirements and we got the least wet I think we got the 10 points bro yeah [Applause] ah oh that's kind of scary dude nobody cares about me it's fine oh dude it's really nice kitchen cook time we have successfully built tents everybody's hanging jetpack got the dub Norm tried to pull a smooth one but we'll give it to Yak Norm came in second so we got 10.5 points goose egg in the hometown but I'm pretty confident in my catch and cook ability I've prepared a catch and cook box for every team it's identical comes with live bait cut bait and every ingredient known to man to make a fish taco you can fry them blacken them do whatever your heart desires whatever recipes Brewing deep in these clogged arteries of us we can make inside of this tent goal is catch a fish cook a fish and prepare a meal for Davey gravy without leaving an attempt Challenge number two that's right the goods four the fish that we're fixing to catch oh yeah we're in there we are so we've got to get in the tent get rigged up and start making cast all right here I'm pretty sure we can like sod sling you know what I mean down there in the mouth [Music] all right made it in the tent we have this Mystery Box I think we're the first team to get started on the fishing just full of things to cook with and to fish with oh boy oh live worms let's go so we have live worms two fishing rods catfish Bay we have a stove sort of ingredients propane which seems great to closed environment I think what we do we have two rods maybe one we use these live worms the other one we set up catfish bait and just see what's down there it's on our fish here before oh dude I got worm booty dang it dude I'm sitting on worm Birds once we get in we cannot get out and we are on a mission to secure another 20 points if we can catch the first fish cook it and have gravy do a little taste test I think we definitely got the advantage here we've definitely cooked the most fish out of anybody here I am a cooking boy I do oh that sounds very bad all right let's see what we got in here Trey oh dude he hooked it up oh bro we're winning Tony's bro that's it that's all we need so you need wow foreign we built this like a freaking Hill man that's gonna be a problem dude I'm about to do some freaking Ninja Warrior stuff dude wow huh I am extremely impressed ah oh dude come on huh come on let's go all right so when you get in It's Gonna sag hard you're gonna go up this way and I'll get up this way okay I got everything over here so you free range do whatever you got to do no way they're getting bites feel that enormous amount of pressure just be put on this thing I did I really did foreign yes some king cat chicken blood oh my gosh yeah we'll do thank goodness can of worms Oh bro oh man we got a rooster tail the old rooster booster all right well we're gonna get rigged up with everything we need I'll probably rig up the catfish Rod Trey can rig up the little creek uh like Creek Fish rod or whatever we're basically whatever we catch first is getting thrown on the the little stove right here whatever weekend just getting thrown on the stove stayed out somebody's using catfish baby we know that noise you hear somebody start gagging and instantly know they're using catfish blood bait I definitely don't want to touch it at all this is what we're gonna do we're gonna improvise butter in the pan now we have a glove it smells like cat food and dog poop that's mixed together that's a good smell yeah dude that's exactly all right well we officially have our catfish bait rigged I think I'm gonna start with a worm oh did you see that you see that splash oh yeah we're in there baby Don't Spill the worms on sauce bro I can't spill the worms in our bed I think I'm moving like that yeah there we go we are rigged and ready to go one more line in the water all right so we have Rod number one rigged and ready we have the tiniest hook that was in our Tackle Box in a worm to see if we catch anything almost everything eats a live worm and we have the micro Rod maybe six pound test line and a really small reel that maybe costs six dollars at Walmart so I'm gonna open this thing up we're gonna try to drop her down see if we can be the first on the board with the fish and then start cooking coolest hallway that I've ever fished I think we're gonna be the first ones in the water to my worm of cast Mason I'm like literally in the middle of the channel I can feel you shaking a little bit too come back up dude you got it I think you might be able to see my man parts right now oh yeah is anybody fishing you I think I don't think everybody's been fisherman like a minute they don't have a four foot hole on them yeah I don't know if you guys got to see it or not but this little hole under us rather be we could be in hypothermia you ever try live worms I think that's the best bet on this is so bad did you touch it with your fingers no it don't even matter smell them anything yep yeah I'm telling you dude you just touched a bag on those things ah it's like I just touched my own booty yeah and like like you glanced it there for a second all right dude you know where I'm going we're starting out with live worms Peach weight about a foot up we're gonna try to pitch these into the Deep Pockets that we just swam in for three hours hopefully we didn't scare everything out are you getting dead no I thought I was but I wasn't this would be so much cooler right now if you were a girl there's another Beaver Dam right there you see it oh it is huh I wonder if that's good or bad I bet it's man I bet these beavers eat fish right don't mean to eat fish oh what is that it's a tree golly bro I had so much slack line out it felt like a fish oh oh oh fish fish hey oh Norm oh no let me take first place we got a fish baby oh my god oh yak's got one oh time to drive oh my God [Applause] and what kind of fish did you catch dude it was a creek tilapia they're they're only native to Alabama so yours looks like it's almost cleaned already I know it kind of looks yeah it does don't it that's weird yeah oh dude we got a tilapia too Yak back you got one too moving this said the hook so hard is dead are we tripling up no we're tripling up dude Ayo got a tilapia [Applause] yeah open it up holy smokes that looks huge dude put up a good fight huh I would say these things are pretty fragile I think he's already dead you descaled it that's a hook set dude I did snatch that thing let's go the point of this is to cook a fish for gravy we had a flood and I knew that the likelihood of us catching fish was pretty slim to none so after an hour tilapia fresh from the store gotta do what you gotta do so just for future reference and anyone out there watching I do not recommend cooking with fire inside of a tent that can easily get a hole in it and make you fall all right got all the cooking supplies just has worm Pebbles on it my blood and a tilapia that came out of Alabama River so Davey gravy some dinner okay all right so what's really cool is we don't even have to open our box eater supplies because I use my foot oh the knife is still down there oh I don't think we can use that dude I don't want to do that in gravy do you think it matters no you really don't yep come here yes sir you got her got her hey we gotta go for Best Taste and so I know Davey gravy only fried okay I've seen him eat blackened fish but just tilapia needs to be bad I think so dude this is the first time I've ever filleted something without a filet knife an electric fillet knife so I have a fillet knife this is not battery operated so this could go bad that's all I'm just saying that's also the cheapest Walmart filet knife that we could find was it 100 okay if you successfully fillet that that's a testament to your filet and abilities dude thank you you threw some tilapia juice or that one there was Authority involved if there's one kind of fish in this world that I absolutely hate it is tilapia when I lived in South Florida for almost four years these things absolutely destroy largemouth bass populations and habitats well thank you to the Alabama Creek tilapia foreign next ingredient Southwest Chipotle all chili lamb dude a little heavy on the chili lime tilapia boys a little shake and bake a little shake and bake like that oh my gosh look how red oh boy oh y'all hear that Sizzle whistle oh that is the meat for gravy's taco we're gonna take the vegetable oil try our best to stick whatever seasoning we decide we have a few different options we can get a little crazy if we want or Cajun crispy fish fry I would keep it simple with Cajun crispy I like it this dude I feel like all the other guys are gonna see all the decisions see Ranch see chili lime they're gonna get thrown off and they're gonna say hey let's make something crazy and this is not Dave Ramsey no this isn't Gordon Ramsay I don't know which one I'm talking about but JV is definitely we got the chili and lime got the ranch seasoning I feel like Davey's kind of a spicy man you know what I mean like he does like hot wings we did eat hot wings one time so check this out wait what are you doing all that for calm down that's like a fry it no oh no [Laughter] it's that easy you know if something Falls slap and run slap it roll okay should I turn it hotter or just let it heat up I don't know you know what I mean like I don't this is intense quite literally all right so you want to evenly coated oh that's mine elbow in the fire I just didn't cost me my mortgage and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna add some of Davey's favorite seasoning these things child proof oh gosh I got so much easier I'm not a big movement I'm not even kidding grab this it burns so bad dude I got Louisiana rub all of my pupils I don't think I'm gonna be able to open my eye for at least another hour oh it's just like increasingly burning I feel like I'm in high school with the cool kids right now just hurt my body yep yep yep fish is going in brother I'm so smart dude it's Browning up quick yeah uh where's your yeah it turns down I guess a little bit oh they're so bad it's really hard to tell the temperature with the one single propane stove but we fried that thing hard dude let's take the worst one okay and split it because we want David to have the best right for sure it's definitely burnt no it's it's that's burnt just starting your mouth and then tell me that it's not good you can it's good that's good uh after test wait a minute bro I taste it dang it we got uh got this seasoning I'm gonna add it to the fish where is it oh gosh man these fish are so fast you can't believe you reeled this thing in elusive Georgia tilapia now that we got that mixed up we're gonna let that sit for 30 seconds while we unbox ranch seasoning Davey loves the ranch with his wings so I'm sure he'll love it with his fish oh it's just going more now that we have the ranch seasoning rinse and repeat same thing I'm gonna put some ranch in here just like Mama's cooking at home Ranch you fry this get out in the pan so you really want to make sure you do is you get it get it in there add some of those in there a little bit of spice a little bit of kick all right that looks on though ready yep two minutes on each side that's a recipe you guys want to tag us on Instagram following along with this recipe is probably gonna be really good might under seasoned it a little bit all right ladies and gents we have uh completed our little fish taco here there's no way that gravy doesn't pick us I seasoned it to Perfection because they call me Chef boy or yakpak for a reason the fish looked great smelled even better and we've got it wrapped up in a burrito now we're waiting on gravy to come give her a taste test reassure us that we are in fact number one so surprisingly we have all cooked three fish tacos without burning a tent down and nobody has severe third degree burns and fashionably late as usual the man the myth the legend Davey freaking gravy dude [Applause] this man has the most sensitive palette in the Southeast he's well versed he loves cultures he's going to try each and every one of these tacos he doesn't know which Taco was made by who and there's going to be severe consequences that come into the sleeping challenge coming up depending on what position you come in man he said that sounds great at all you do not have the responsibility to swallow anything you put in your mouth okay okay so we can we can you spit out whatever yeah whatever you gotta do we can put back whatever we don't like I'm gonna go stand with my team okay meet up so interesting to us middle plate what we got going inside here anything good [Music] it's a garthy fight that is come on here that's my version all right it's not bad so far I'm trying to get into this middle part right here to see what's going on here if this is burnt or what yeah yeah make sure he's thorough like that he's very thorough very thorough I like your style Ruby I'm the same way when I get my tacos from Taco Bell Taco Bell yeah and I've got your poo poo some of that water down there it does you should see it every time you eat Taco Bell Taco number one down my score would probably be about eight oh wow whichever team made that really caressed it into the end of their cooking process the aftertaste was actually better than an actual tuna aftertaste if you know what I mean I'm gonna go pan next I got a lot of lettuce here okay interesting we got bones in here probably definitely not I'm guessing this is not his by the way he's saying that there's bones he's not a reverse psychology yeah interesting interesting right now this is number two it's not bad to be honest with you but I think right now white plates got pan beef crunchy very crunchy very spicy very spicy I think I might be paying for this one tonight with a bunch of cookie pookies spices might have white plate B I don't know it was super spicy though kind of like my last girlfriend that's not like them I like them yeah I like them really spicy this is an interesting one because we got it laid out on a soft shell taco the other two we had it wrapped up so I think I think uh I think that Norm said you're supposed to roll that up it was just so big you couldn't burrito it okay okay I'm guessing this might be Norms yeah Dave you're not gonna hurt my feelings if you want to put that one last the only reason why I put last because there's a little flat shell taco what about the taste though what about the taste well you haven't gotten a bite of the whole thing either yeah I mean I'm kind of I'm just taking a piece by piece at the moment yeah yeah don't don't assume too much I don't want anyone to feel bad yeah but honestly if I do feel bad it would be perfectly fine running to the end zone here we go oh my gosh we're gonna put that together better maybe thought of like a better way to do that so let me get all cold I hope leaving it open all the lettuce and cheese here that's like a Mexican restaurant it's definitely a lower scoring dish cookies based off my final evaluation of these three handmade Grill made whatever you want to call it tilapia sandwiches fillets tacos whatever whatever you choose to call it I think number three would be the white plate because the slices weren't there I like I like my women spicy so I think these two are going to battle it out for second and third and then I think pan slices one so first place for the pan so between those two we got second and third so this one just didn't have the spices there I did get an 8 out of ten I think a lot of lettuce a lot of cheese no toppings just just a lot of spices not a plain guy I like my toppings okay it's fair enough I actually think honestly I no toppings might have came second and all remaining taco shell cheese and lettuce hopefully finished third just because the spices weren't as good as pan so so we're dead that's what you're telling me right now baby thank you for your time man thank you Davey thanks David thank you Chuck get a man baby so next challenge every man here has on the most off-brand Fitbit that money can buy sleep monitor for the night you got them connected to our phones and it's going to track how we sleep so whoever sleeps best in their tent wins caveat is first place fish tacos Norm Mason spider ball guns oh they hurt It's Gonna Hurt they hurt kind of bad they're pretty painful second place Nerf grenades filled with water soluble eco-friendly bee Beach and finally Smalls water soluble paper airplanes we each have sleeping bags sleeping mask everything we need for a good night's rest and everything we need to ruin our opponent's night's rest too so here it goes none foreign I'm not even gonna lie to you your balance stresses me out really yeah as in it's not good as in I just don't know if it is or not right it's scary getting in a tent is for sure but when you're in there you feel soaked shots we have three grenades and that's it and we got refills we got refills I can't go out there and get the grenades if it lands in the creek oh that's true the plan is I'm gonna try to actually lob one of these from the tent into their tent so hopefully they keep this big door open on that side because that door faces us and I'm gonna hit him with the old Mike Vick and try to get it in there grenade one grenade cool little trick that I learned while in the army pin falls out you got tape around your grenade and it won't go off so you got to take the tape off of it before you want to throw I have not excremented all day dude I haven't either and I've broken so get this I brought a half a roll toilet paper right yeah as soon as we get here when it came back normally no way and of course I mean I'm cool with whoever's using it but I'm getting tired yeah and they're Goose around they are and their heart rate's speeding up did you really just a Smith just no big deal what are they doing we got two Tangos in the tent with the heaviest of armor on spinning the air looks like they're west east 180. dude you ever heard of box breathing you breathe in three seconds hold three seconds out three seconds hold three seconds hold in hold out hold three seconds yeah yeah ready yeah start with the inhale one two three foreign I'm 102. we're at 100. they're winning right now oh you're in the face how did that happen bro that would have went in your tit if your thing was open that was a good throw dude it hit Smalls right in the face though to the water ow I'm about to unleash just absolute pain hot dog fold it over I know you're pulling the paper airplane no I'm not I'm I'm doing some dangerous stuff dude oh look at that thing dude that's pretty good but we're getting lit up right now I don't think it matters I think I'm about to show them what they need to know they're coming through dude they're falling back I just put some pressure on them oh dude you can't tell me nothing bro watch how fast I fall asleep I'm gonna have the best night of sleep ever this is sick these tents are so comfy I'm not even alive get up in here like this dude get a little pocket right here so you can get some fresh cool air other than that dude your body is towed I don't even feel it dude because of sleeping bag they're just wasting their ammunition dude I don't even feel it crazy like a sleeping bag just simplifies that all right don't even feel it I'll pay so much money to see them fall in the group right now I guess the only thing left to do is try to get some sleep at least I don't think our paper airplanes really did anything we tried to light them on fire but yeah dude soluble paper yeah eco-friendly paper does not burn oh yes I forgot he spilled all this crap in here that's awesome me and Mason made it to the tent after a long splatter ball War we're gonna catch some z's the turn and wake up in the morning hope our heart rates were low a little fun fact for you guys in Dallas I have to be at work it is midnight and I live 30 minutes away I can't do this I have two beautiful children Pals who need food do I want to tap out on this Mission no am I gonna tap out on this mission yep peace to you homie brother thank you man be safe all right let's get a pile up double up these sleeping bags hopefully just carry the team oh man for some reason I'm having a really rough time falling asleep can't get my heart rate to go down so baby gravy take a bite of that fish taco God it's cool dude it's so cold dude we got that in the bag we definitely got that in the back tree you think so it's so so it's so cold uh Smalls I let you down man nice and stop dude he was doing that all night gentlemen challenge has come to an end started pretty close I would say me and Smalls were in it till then really if you think about it you almost made it to them so first round did it go to you or you I don't know well we set up first what we were saying is you didn't set up the complete tent because the cover wasn't on and we complete and it wasn't above head level okay so we did have ours up first but you guys did the complete tint going back and forth okay yeah let's just say you have ten points you have five okay Brown okay I do sex what's new second round catch click clean gravy taste test out of nowhere the people have never even cooked fish absolute bull crap pretty sure you just fed them Sushi tilapia so that gave them the edge in the sleeping challenge put them up 20 points gave Yak another 10 me and Smalls zero well how did you sleep small split two hours then I don't know if you guys saw that Smalls has a job so my team did not sleep well and honestly after he left I was just like was it lonely anxious yeah I don't know what was going on dude but I was not sleeping it's a very emotional experience yeah how about you guys uh I slept great I slept great it's like 100 slept great it just reminded me so much being in the Army like all the noises at night time and like all the Antics going on like I just slept right through it really I slept right through it it was perfect I think you slept pretty good you got a good sleeping score 74. but my bracelet did not track anything when I woke up and I'm not even gonna lie and be honest with you guys I slept terribly yeah I woke up like three times in the middle night and my feet are freezing cold so if you guys slept I don't think we won gentlemen congrats the games where there's thank you guys so much I love you subscribe to all the guys except for Mason and star on channel one day I love you guys will do something with the boys soon see you soon peace oppose the other ones for good luck oh there goes my hat yeah pack and Trey myself and Smalls and norm and Mason childhood best friend from birth saw it happen I'm good check out this little oh like uh we could be in hypothermia yeah all right stop [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: AYO Fishing
Views: 687,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing challenge, tent camping, outdoors, 24 hour fishing, catch n cook, fish, fishing, camping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 6sec (3186 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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