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right now is your chance to be the proud owner of this beautiful truck right here all right so every five dollars you spend on googlesquad.com will get you an entry into winning this truck LTZ Chevy Silverado 1500 I'm excited about it oh yeah that rumble on that V8 this could be your truck [Music] welcome to the US challenge previously the guys traveled to Arizona and Louisiana the guys took on the task to catch as many species as possible while that was definitely a challenge it's time to up the difficulty [Music] [Music] we have late sport guy and one rod versus Ayo poor guy in one rod are headed to Michigan Home of Great Lakes giant smallies while Ayo and Norm take on the concrete jungle New York known for its fast-paced Urban scenery and their amazing the name of the game is Size Matters here's the rules one fish per species counts toward total length you're only allowed one bluegill or Sunfish per team biggest bass overall gets a 10 inch bonus added to the team's total and biggest fish overall gets a 10 inch bonus added to the team's total at midnight of the last day the guys will tally up the total number of inches and the winner will be declared watch as the guys walk into unknown territory and push the limits to be crowned to champion of the U.S challenge foreign we've been sent to New York we've never been here [Applause] I've only known it as a city I'm from the South so I've never been here before so they sent us to New York and it's a U.S Fishing Challenge a thousand dollars is the budget for like four days three guys can't even beat our camera guy but that's fine first thing we need to do is get a rental car because obviously we have to travel with all of our fishing spots it's probably going to run us quite a few bucks no reservation it turns out there's no rental cars so this has already been a great start dude what I think we need to do is if we took our thousand dollar budget took it to the casino we Uber there we could get enough to buy a car and just take it back home do we could yeah we could say our thousand dollars just put it straight into like an old camper oh yeah we're at Avis right now apparently this is the only place that could potentially have a rental car and if they don't have it I guess we're walking I don't think any of us know what any what's going on at all but that's part of the fun it's part of the adventure a super fun dude we're gonna fly you to Buffalo no rental car oh what is the cheapest option [Music] that's what we're doing okay 547 547 so over half our budget is already gone just to have the car and we didn't get the gas card with us we're gonna have to buy gas so we're gonna have to play a tight budget the next four days we basically have a little bit less than 100 each day to spend it feels very familiar you know hopefully it goes well again and I will say the rules this time I like them a lot more they're they're really pretty sporadic in the last 2v2 Statewide challenge nothing like Claire and I kind of took advantage of that you know you know you gotta hate the uh hate the game not the player this is going to be a pretty amazing uh fishing Adventure literally just landed in Detroit beautiful state of Michigan got great weather all we have is uh backpacks full of tackle don't know where we're sleeping tonight we're literally just going and trying to catch every species of fish that we can [Music] we're going to Niagara Falls baby road trip you can roll again Niagara Falls I've actually genuinely always wanted to go to Niagara Falls I'm kind of excited dude I have a little like nervous excitement like building up in my heart all right guys we are here at viagara Falls the starting point of the U.S challenge me and Ayo versus Rackley and one rod so we're starting here in New York we're gonna be going east over the next four days hitting up some of you guys hopefully meeting some subscribers going fishing with them we really don't have a plan besides we have to catch the most fish in inches but we figured you know this is only 30 minutes away from the airport so before we started fishing we just had to take in the views yeah a beautiful Viagra beautiful Viagra and this is exactly the very edge of New York so we're starting at one end of New York and we're working our way across New York so what do they call them fingerling Lakes great lakes rivers Niagara Falls Great Rivers Great Lakes the concrete jungle we're doing games are made of baby right here [Music] that's right in Toronto yeah you want to go look at the waterfalls do it so big and there's so much Mist I can't even see the actual waterfall it's crazy and most places you go there's not just like a 200 foot drop so I kind of have that sweaty feeling in my Palms yeah I'm curious how close that boat's gonna get to the malls they're kind of headed straight to it look at that thing they're one back half and away from just going straight in yeah now I'm kind of scared of heights and this is really kind of doing it for me this one we had our first lives stop I'm in Detroit Leonardo's Italian Eatery what was the name of this place I don't know we're not as kind of an empty parking lot it's sort of concerning yeah what I don't like is there's no cars in front of us but it's good people don't eat dinner at 4pm just met another awesome fan Chris uh thank you man we talked to him for a good 10-15 minutes and yeah he likes to fly fish a lot and there's a lot of small water areas which is perfect it's exactly what we're looking for and actually gave us some pins of some areas to go to that are pretty Urban that we're going to be able to access pretty quickly with a car and then be able to bank fish so most of what we're doing this week is bank fishing and he told us some areas where we could go catch potentially walleye get some big smallmouth a good car plague tarp would be huge catfish you know I'm sure there's like bluegill and perch and all sorts of other things in these little tributaries that are leading into the Great Lakes so I've just been amazed today quite honestly since when I left DFW Airport that is the fifth person that I've run into that is a cougar Squad man and uh three of the people I met ended up giving us fishing information where the car is right here this is where I'm thinking that we're fishing right where the airplanes launch right here we have Destiny do you think we're allowed in there it looks like an airstrip okay we don't have much daylight so Mike's right we need to we need to get to fishing we have yet to cast a line so uh to get our car we're just kind of we'll be on our foot trying to find something close and wait for these special car he's talking about you had a good call Leonardo's my call for this spot ain't looking too good yeah there's some water over here but it's fenced in heavily so bad news is uh the Water we're gonna fish it's uh it's right past that barbed wire fence I didn't know the barbed wire fence all right so I messed up a little bit we can't fish unless you think you can make a cast Over The Wire true even with the strong googly line it can't get past barbed wire so let's go ahead and walk to our uh rental car and uh we're gonna show you guys something cool think we would think of that you think so we've been walking for almost a mile we thought it all the way down there the water didn't work out our rental car is another half a mile that way we actually passed it and how we know that is because it's the only car of its kind that we've seen in this state so far we're like wow isn't that the kind of car and it was the car and we drove about a mile the whole fan you won't find a gas pipe anywhere on that thing well we're going green no agreed on this true how are we gonna go get green baby we got a couple days dude yeah I'm gonna be able to charge this thing I looked on the map there's not many Chargers around here we might be in trouble when it comes to that now before we go should I put in a little navigation absolutely all right you're the motor yeah it's starting the world it's rolling up a little bit long we got a little AC running right here what what temperature not too much we don't need we need to waste our battery that's true okay let's go 16. take it easy all right all right Chris gave us some good spots yeah there at the end of the day which I think are all south of here they are they are which one Jerry's coming in this could be oh what's up guys what's up trolls hey y'all hey we just hey bro we don't even need the fish to show my car Justin we're about to go to a nightclub bro we're gonna wear the Tesla we're about to go for a little little test drive here we got old Peapod trying to drive to Tesla right now so uh yeah we're we are going hard we had a really big dinner to start a lot of good wine broke some bread I mean Rod you guys we figured we'd give them a head start because this challenge there's no way you guys are winning how many fish you guys got by the way species how many uh how many inches do you guys have for the challenge I should say that's more than I thought wait wait are you on the bank are you in a boat yes nice all right good I will let you boys get back to it I'm gonna teach Justin how to drive this thing yeah hopefully we'll be in a ditch all right that's not right you wouldn't engage but it won't it uh it won't let you run into the Curve will it oh yes we are at Lake Erie Buffalo Harbor we just picked up some live crawfish we're rigging up all our odds and uh apparently this fence point is loaded with bass according to the guy who owns the spait and tackle shop so we're gonna give that a try maybe throw some artificials around the marina see if we can't get on the board get some inches First cast of the US challenge live crawfish on the back here one ounce weight 30 mile an hour winds let's get this baby here we go I've never caught a small mouth in my entire life and I've always dreamed of doing it and I feel like this is the place where you can actually catch one massage not just like a little one from a creek I'm nervous here's the predicament we're in every time we throw these out they just get covered in Grass because the wind is blowing so quick that our crawfish doesn't even have time to dangle around before he's just looking like he's not real so I think what we're gonna do is go to some protected water the whole burrito where the it's all right dude this wind is ridiculous right over there where the wind is kind of protected we get like a little bit of like slack water I might tie an artificial maybe we'll have like a little bit of artificial and live bait going on we got to catch something before sun goes down we have two hours and we can't just sit here yeah and do nothing in this crash patch yeah my ADHD is kicking in I can't sit still I have to throw artificial lure I'm gonna go crazy so I'm starting to think that guy that owns that bait shop was just sending all of his customers over here to lose all the bait and go buy more bait I was thinking that too it never trust a guy at a bait shop he doesn't know what he's talking about yeah especially if they're like good honest and local I'm just joking so we are below Lake Huron at a tributary and supposedly according to Mike's research and some local knowledge too there's a lot of different species in this place so I don't know about summer time what all is going to be in here but I think it's our best chance to get as many species as possible as fast as possible small place it's not like we're on a huge Lake a lot of fish are going to be concentrated in these uh choke points here and we got a couple of bridges as well those are always good all right well I'm actually just going to put my reel on my rod and I don't like to tie anything until I actually see the water I'm going to measure the water tap see the water check the depth a little bit and then take a layer based on the conditions of this area that I've never been to before exactly they're going to Flat Rock Dam you want you want to stay there meet us there okay whenever you're fishing a new spot a Surefire place to find fish is under or near a Dam dam has movie water which is going to create oxygen gonna create cool the water in the summer and to have a lot of bait fish and of course the Predator's gonna be right there behind them oh First cast oh my God she bro that's a huge fish of the First cast that guy up there I'll tying on a bait it was going to be a crawfish pad he told me green chartreuse so I pulled out this chartreuse colored mini clutch got smashed on the First cast that was insane uh we're gonna get back in there all right first cast of the trip baby got some rocks right here give her a little dangle got a mini Recon on stained water just thinking if I can hit some rocks this crankbait I might be able to do something here oh got one I got one oh my gosh it's a big fish I think it's a small mouth oh my God he hammered it he hammered that little Recon oh it's a smallie yeah there we go first fish of the trip y'all there we go no no no don't get away oh the rubbers the rubber saved me well that was a fun fight on that rod so it looks like first two bites we've had have come on crankbaits I've been catching a lot of fish on Mini Recon lately good for catching multi-species I haven't tried fishing the current yet a little harder to fish the crankbaits but anytime you got rip rat you can dig the bottom or dig into those rocks with the crankbaits like this it's a good good technique they really hear that sound of the bill hitting it so I'm gonna keep throwing this for a little bit if we don't get bit maybe switch up so we were just fishing right on the other side of this rip rap wall no bites we were in all that grass hydrilla whatever you want to call it we drove around to the boat ramp we're now on the wall itself and I think this area of the harbor is going to be a little bit deeper typically they dig these things deep enough for Yachts to come in and out so I'm thinking we could potentially reach past the shallow grass fingers crossed there's a lot of big rocks looks really juicy and I almost touched the groundhog so it could be my lucky spot dude can we steal some wacky rig hooks yeah no problem I have like 50. oh yes let's go I brought limited tackle so yeah all right what's your name again man Aiden Aiden yeah all right guys well this is Aiden he's helping us out on the challenge here he knows how to catch him I've been throwing a swim jig around apparently that's not wrong though wacky rig blunker lock is the way to go oh sweet man appreciate it well wish us luck and uh thanks for the advice dude because we definitely needed it we've been fishing for quite a while we fished that corner down there the guy the big shop recommended with live bait and there's so much grass that it was it's not it all right well wish us luck man I'm gonna try to catch a pike and a bass so thank you once again all right see you man hello to I said hi I'm Andrew I told you they catching anything that swims I told you bro oh that's a smallie I think we've upgraded our Smalley bro grab my net help me Landon grab my net bro it's pretty good it ain't bad get out it's not bad at all it's long and lanky oh dude do you think fight like absolute tanks yeah and the current here we go here we go oh yes my oh look yeah it's okay okay right there right there bring it to you let's go oh first ever fish in Michigan bro this is what we need this is an upgrade that's nice thank you thank you oh you don't hooked himself you got the uh you got the measuring tape do you think do we need to FaceTime Norm real quick show them what's up yeah yeah I'll let you measure it I'm gonna get Norm on the phone it's a definite 15. 15 incher I'm calling it right there 15 and a half dude hey Norm how's it going buddy wait why are you in the car I thought you're fishing what happened to the fishing bud [Laughter] hey I just want to let you know even if you don't catch any fish I'll carry the episode buddy don't you worry I got you First cast I just walked out here no big deal all right hey watch me watch me let go of this beautiful fish oh he's always doubled up we're doubled up let's go wild I thought I thought that was a big fish that's gonna happen when you got when you snag a river Smalley this guy's a beauty I'm gonna let uh lfg fish go keep it nice and healthy I'm on again I'm on again bro they're on fire over here probably another Creek Somali oh he's all the way in the bushes oh no alio oh we gotta oh this fishies new species cam species number two for the trip a 15 and a half inch Molly they've got this little large mouth spoon 50 pound braid googoo Squad bait casting reel it throws light baits like a dream not gonna lie oh okay looks like we're looking at 10 and a half inches ten and a half I'm gonna be honest I'm sure we're gonna catch a bigger large amount than that but for now more points for tonight day number one spent eight hundred dollars so the the beautiful specimen that made this cameraman has offered us some lodging and food for the night yes and our camera guy's parents aren't gonna let us stay there for free no money no money free food free lodging boom are you okay yeah I was gonna top you off dude we're saving so much money in your Facebook rod and Rackley ah yeah they did FaceTime us on the way here I'd use the bathroom and they've already caught two Smallmouth in the 30 second Face Time call that we had so I'm extremely nervous tomorrow for sure like we're gonna eat up we're gonna rest up at Jerry's parents house yeah and then tomorrow needs to be a day where we're catching tons of species it's got to be a lot yeah dude they're already up and Rackley is raclet they're gonna be tired tonight though that's the thing tomorrow they might sleep in a little bit but we're gonna be up and early in the morning we gotta be dude I want to win this thing bad I do too because they got some good fishermen I know one rod he really likes you know know just multi-species yeah and then rackley's really get a crappy bass and everything and we're just two dudes from the southeast so I feel like we gotta show out for our Southeast boys and girls for sure well we're headed east right Rochester Rochester Rochester sounds like a sausage or something is that where sausages come from yeah dude we're going an hour to Rochester eastbound New York we're starting the New York journey I gotta go pee in the gas station and then we'll see you guys at Jerry's parents house can't wait to meet his mom and his dad yep all right so your low head Dam over there is another Dam I don't even know what kind of dam it is we're here for an adventure let's go explore we got a lot of bugs in the face right now whoa two boys let me go around it's right there it's right there oh shoot it's full of drag nice long I got it I got it get it [Music] oh shoot oh sorry about your life bro look how long this thing is oh my God oh my gosh for this dude that's a long one man let me get the scale well that's the first time anyone said that to me this thing is hurting me let's get a measurement on this cat oh we gotta watch those teeth huh yeah get get on the top of that lip get that top lip bro bro get the top lip the bottom lip the bottom lip there you go all right we got it 24. yes sir we'll call it 24 24 inches 24. whoa I'll let him go then I'll show you what I'm throwing this is day one of the Gucci Squad Statewide challenge oh that's how we do it look at this slime bro now this babe I was taught at the first bit I threw today I was high on one of the uh mini Recons like even guys like no don't throw that this guy with old guy walking by he said throw this color he pointed to my box ah look at that okay the mini clutch we'll chartreuse and blue chartreuse blew back that's like my fourth cast right in right in the juice did not cut your brain either nope got lucky baby oh does that luck that dude Squad 55 great got some resistance pretty much so now we're sitting at uh 50 over 50. we have 26. yeah 26 plus 24.50 exactly 50. that's how he starts nod the trip 50 inches to start hey that's pretty freaking good and you haven't even got your lines in water who knows we might cut we might get through 100 tonight out here what do you have on here [Music] no no no no no no no was that the Leonardo special holy crap you're literally using Italian restaurant food yeah and it wanted it back yeah we're fine I had a giant fish on it came off but it was it's about to pull the rod into the lake for a second no no the rod was about to go in so you I figured you'd be my lucky charm call you and I get a bite yeah sir yes sir oh is it coming in you know what it is it's a new species I can tell you that oh bull head baby bro this thing's so cute you have a capital of those I know I I don't think I've caught one of these since I was like a small child great job I'll get the Flyers out for you you're definitely gonna need it watch your spines man that is a nasty looking little Captain pretty nasty looking I've never seen anyone you could I've seen people use it as bait for flatheads actually start from tail go to the top and that right there is ten and a half inches ten and a half we'll add it that is 60 and a half inches full head go yep great job bro can't wait to meet your parents I'm kind of nervous I feel like it's the first day of school all over again hello everybody well guys we made it to Jerry's parents house we were greeted we had a whole house tour yeah a beautiful dinner we have chicken we have pasta salad which I kind of skipped out on kind of cut back on my greens I'm kind of want to know yeah I know green thing right now to wash my weight um we have bread some carbs some carbohydrates all of which is zero dollars to the budget so we spent 800 today but this this was all free good job with our finances we ended up getting some DMS from the gram we'll see you guys in the morning hopefully we next week catch a fish good morning everybody welcome to day two of the US challenge we uh rigged up all our rods and reels last night today is the day where we need a ton of species also a ton of length I talked with one around last night for like 30 minutes and he said that they are absolutely crushing it so kind of inspired us to take control of the day Jerry's mom made us Bagels it's absolutely amazing we gotta go grab all the rods and reels get on the road I think fish number one the species we're targeting is gonna surprise you guys because I personally have never caught one before all right folks so we have the goods I lost the receipt but all we got was bread the cheapest bread they have two things of corn we got two red bulls which I would assume were two dollars and then I got an orange juice because it just looked really good we probably just spent I don't know call it 15 yeah on the upside just to be fair and uh it's time to get our fishing started man we need to get some inches on the board the vending machine with live bait it's kind of crazy dude New York feels just like Georgia me and no one been talking about it you could copy and paste where we are put it down in Georgia and it feels the exact same it's like 30 degrees cooler anyways we want to catch sucker fish as well we're just going trashy all morning you think nightcrawlers premium oh a little bit of mold looks like they threw some M M's in there better than what we got [Music] well spot number one's looking pretty juicy some Rapids a waterfall what I've noticed about New York the only thing that's different here than from home is how green everything is here like the plants are green the grass is green it's just an absolutely beautiful scenery for us to try to get this challenge started you want to put some corn on some hooks hey oh and uh get her started I think we less looking more hooking all right guys before we get started fishing we just wanted to say you guys got to check out the brand new merch as you can tell we're rocking it might be hard to see because I know this Blends in with the environment but the new shirts and also the new shoes they look absolutely amazing if you guys want them go ahead Link in the description down below use one of our codes save 10 uh brand new stuff on the website so go check it out [Music] we're about to head down here honestly I'm hoping we can find some unusual species stuff that I probably don't know the name of it probably won't be very big but every fish a couple extra inches so on the bank an area like this is not going to be very fishable you can't wait it's gonna be too soft and a lot of it is uh not acceptable yeah dude I think I'm I think I'm gonna put a little uh bobber on yeah yeah float the worm in here I think this carp looks at bubbles oh tiny guy that's three inches right there for nah um hell yeah we're measuring that dude a small Hook is in there huh oh yeah maybe three and a half inches bro oh come on with that oh wait four and three quarters that's that's five that's a five incher look at that that's five five inches of pure Michigan baby 65.5 yep adding to the list what's up big boy I'll appreciate you like the merch code one rod baby nothing much you're out here now code Davey gravy is pretty good too let me show you guys where we're fishing out here look at this beautiful little creek we got going on here we just added some more inches how you how many inches you guys had this morning okay [Music] 26 or so oh it's not bad we got two Bass should have like five or six different species that is not true are you guys on a creek or what what do you guys doing waiting a creek oh you Creek Fishing what's up what five species oh per okay so you got like a perch a bluegill a Gobi a creek chub that kind of deal you know what show me that Creek behind you [Laughter] I see it it looks like a pike or something bro we got a 30-ish fish over here all right hey I'll take your word for it good luck out there bud we're hooked up we're hooked up got something big dude it's way out there is that the car for the guild oh is that the bread bowl let's go okay I think I gotta get in there oh hey hey just take it off take it off take it off take it off holy oh he's going oh God he's big dude he's stuck in there I'm bringing it I got a little gain on him scared he's scared of you I got a game a little bit dude I cannot put much pressure on this fish bro it's probably about where you're he's behind you he's behind you Mike stupid oh he came off he came off no he came off dude it was thrilled I know I know it was three feet long yeah it broke off dude I had no way to land it because these pads made them lay I had to look I had the hit I had the net in the head perfectly but with the pads it wouldn't get and he kept getting scared oh eight Crown test yeah on a light Rod because this thing was big oh my gosh and then I tried the girl hey at least we got oh shoot oh that's nasty bro this water is nasty whoa oh God oh my gosh it was a giant now the good news is we I I just cast it out five minutes ago and we got bit all right so we can't this cannot be a car prod though this is not folks that was to the extremes that was like what a 30 inch fish over 30. I saw it over 30. holy cow that would have been so gigantic all right we're gonna rig up with another Rod proper and uh oh let's go baby give me that baby first New York fish oh I got one I got oh no dude that's the difference go yes you're not gonna believe this oh my this is actually a beautiful fish how big is it it's five and a half really it's shocking look so nose to zero right nose is on zero see the end of the tail that's over five and a half all day see this is what one rod interactively did not want to happen for us to get dialed in the first fishing of the trip we got a double up easy and two different species mind that so I think all these inches are adding up oh they are easily what was yours I haven't measured it yet I'm gonna say at least two oh dude that is almost that is a three and three quarters but we'll call our caller three and a half three and a half inch or uh dude that's pretty doggone close to four I would I would rather call it four but mine was a little over five and a half so wait no dude that's a hundred percent for him look yeah tail tail dude we got nine and a half one bluegill or Sunfish per team what is this thing I would say a pumpkin seed Sunfish a pumpkin seed Sunfish I'm serious you're so serious yeah all right new species for me this is my first ever pumpkin seed Sunfish first New York River Fish Man nine inches baby nine minutes it feels so good I was so nervous last night now 40 50 inches doesn't sound nearly as big after those two little fish added up to almost 10 inches yeah come on and we still got smallmouth bass pike carp draw maybe yeah all the other fish and swim in here trout I think one right dude I'd like four guys are feeling way too cold and they said they were sleeping in today they probably they're probably reeling in like a monstrous fish right now okay I got my line okay I gotta let this bro this is the crappy hook I've got to take my time we both gotta get in here we're gonna have to both get in there with the net bro he's going he's taking me downtown oh my gosh it's so heavy it's super freaking heavy oh yeah it's just wait I can't even I can't even control this fish we're gonna have to get in here bro all right grab the net get ready let's go we're going downtown bro get in here it's huge which one's the one because I want to bring her in slow I don't want to freak her out because she has a lot of energy you want to keep her we just want to squeeze her in easier in a little bit see how she's coming in nice and easy exactly what we want get set up on the edge of the pads get it set up here I think we got many more runs left here the saying is only like 20 inches dude I'm gonna be oh bro it's over 25 over 25 guaranteed I can't have not seen her yet have you seen her yet oh my God she's good oh yes look at that fish that is an upgrade that's a 25 yes sir how do you like it dude I'm cold all right bro you got the that's the magic let's measure this baby dude she's fat that's not what we want though we wanted it long the weight was the fatness she's thick and girthy oh man hell we'll fight hell of a fight on that Rod dude I have not I have never seen a fatter carp imagine the length challenge we get the fattest carp of all time 23 23 23. so we've upgraded but because she's so freaking fat it was this is double the size of the last fish Weight Wise wait right yeah lengthwise we got two more inches hey we'll take it what do you think you think we should stay here try to upgrade like I'll be honest it's really hard to land these big carp it's really hard and I found a spot where we got some real interesting species that I think you might have never caught before I think we should do that because sitting here like we're upgrading by inches at this point it's a lot more and if we go catch another species that's only six inches long it's going to be just as exactly effective so so let's get this unhooked and then we're gonna make a move my friends how you catch carp out of a river in Michigan the old can of corn all right guys there's some slack water this rock right here is providing like a little pool right behind it where if I was a fish I would hang out kind of right back there so I'm gonna drop my worm down see what happens this all looks really fishy oh I got one dude I got one oh I got oh my gosh dude I caught a largemouth oh my gosh holy cow I'm gonna bring him back I can't that is absolutely insane what you can catch in here the three we've got three fish all on the same bait and we have three different species now obviously it's the biggest fish from each species that counts at your total length so I'm hoping we catch a bigger Largemouth on this trip but we're still gonna measure them just because look at how healthy that guy is dude I thought I had one of those big suckers on he fought pretty hard in comparison to my last four inch fish but we're gonna give her the measurement we are at a eight and a half incher so we'll just call it eight because I think we're gonna be able to replace it but dude first bass in New York that was pretty crazy all right oh there we go oh oh I still have them I got a goby I think new species for me dude again this Creek is just holding all these wonders but this is a little Gobi so these things are actually they make bait like Gobi bait he's like three and a half we'll call it three just so he can remember easier three inch Gobi we're out of the up there he goes well guys we got three inches I feel confident but I'm sure this video right now is cutting over to Rackley and one rod reeling an absolute Giant yeah we I think I might want to throw the Frog yeah I think what so I actually got a confirmed look at a perch a yellow perch so a lot of people in Texas just call Perch called bluegill perch but we actually got perch here and this watched one come up and try to grab it and had that yellow green orange side to it and they got like three bars real pretty fish bro that's as small as yellow perch of all time oh you got the scale drop shotting snacky swimmer baby beautiful little yellow perch it ain't big but you know it's worth it six inches that's bigger than I thought six I think we can get a seven incher yeah and uh so that's 90 98. yeah we're at 98 I am let's go we'll take it when the snacky drops you guys better pick it up it's gonna be straight fire absolute fish candy right there come on both it on scope it on it's gonna break the Line open on it's a big one bro watch out move get in them [Applause] whoa that's the movement baby let's go that didn't break yes sir oh my gosh look at that thing oh I cannot believe you got that in without breaking bro he's got he's got through braids this is 12 pound googan mono I can't go wrong ah yeah I got the hook out we're good yeah [Laughter] hold him down on the ground again oh yeah 21.5 21 and a half oh let's go he's so long and slippery how do you hold this thing you got it that is a prehistoric fish family Amy a day it is in its own class of fish this thing is crazy guys dude we made up for so much ground right there holy Griffin see you buddy all right what are we at all right so we were at 98 we were at 98 and a half yep so out of that half and we're at 99.1 120 baby we're at 120. we've reached our goal man let's go let's go we've reached our goal so once again yesterday 60 inches today and now hey that's crazy we upgrade a little bit Yeah empty tonight so let's see what we can walleye catfish yeah we need that capture still wallet is that the main two that we're looking for yeah walleye catfish yeah walleye catfish I mean and if we could get a crazy Pike yeah something's like over 30 35 to add to the mix it might be a real real serious business so yeah spot I just got some more local knowledge literally some guys that walked by there yeah they gave us more local knowledge told us they caught Pike like a mile down the road you'll go check it out big spinner baits like throwing around the dock areas so it might be worth it check it out yeah do it all right well I would say Creek mission was a success major success and I think every fish that we caught we already didn't plan on catching anyways besides like the bass and stuff so I think we just basically got like a free 20 inches at least but we're headed to a spot where somebody on Instagram told us we could catch the carp it's only five minutes away from here we're gonna try that and we have big plans later in the day to catch like our actual big fish so uh if we can catch this carp it would be a fantastic bonus to the the inches because I don't think we're gonna try targeting carp again this whole entire trip so we basically have less than an hour to make this happen but we got the corn we got everything and uh yeah if it keeps going like this we might catch up I think we should so now we're here at the Erie Canal and apparently people feed ducks here so what happens is when they're feeding the dog's carp come up other types of fish and they come up and eat so we're gonna throw some worms out here some corn see if we can't catch maybe a catfish a carp anything that would swim in the area you can obviously we need a freaking carp dude we need a 36-inch Corp because I think they're about 100 inches ahead of us right now realistically I'm gonna sacrifice myself for the team you gotta take the ducks that way I'm going to okay well we have our hook baited up covered in corn so now a is trying to distract the dogs and bring them this way so that way they don't eat the hawk oh it's working I got a nice van I got candy that's planned come on I'm on come on dude be a giant [Music] Norm come here buddy oh my goodness you're so bad Big Buddy let's go dude you can't even let me take one pass do I need to help you land them I I caught so holy cow I just don't want a horse and we got eight pound test we need to get a link all right so that's zero where's that 20 come to on his tail do you see yeah yeah I'd say I'd say he's about 25 man all right let's give him 25. 25 minutes or gosh that's what we needed here hold on dude it's your fist okay would you help me get the hook out of his mouth yeah I got you oh he's a slimy guy huh we needed you so bad we just doubled our length with one fish to go enjoy some corn on me bud that's what I call Easy 52 inches now brother 52. come on this might be the opposite of the century so we're gonna try something called a garbage plate we got the off-brand like Norm's Yeezys the knockoffs but the original garbage plates come from a guy named Nick Tahoes looks like a cheeseburger some type of meat sauce potato wedges mac and cheese everything just thrown into one I like it though dude it's freaking perfect nothing beats like a morning a very successful morning of fishing than just eating a ton of carbs and then going back out this is my dream way of spending a day basically me too dude there's a lot of stuff in here it looks like the inside of my arteries oh that's a bite cheers hmm there's like a chili dog yeah yeah but more potatoes I have a kick to it yeah it's a little spicy well we're gonna finish up lunch and then we have a subscriber who's gonna take us out on his boat so we gotta hurry I think he's already out there so we're gonna shove this down our garbage shoots and uh get out there and get fishing Finger Lakes for you guys that was seconds but that was an hour drive but we are now in the mountains of North Carolina North New York New York wow and we're meeting a subscriber here I don't see him yet there was a dude over there peeing by his truck breaking the law so I feel like we're at a spot where there's some fish hopefully yeah I just talked with one rod too he says they're almost at 100 inches we're maybe at 50. so we gotta double it here it's not bad how you doing good how are you good we got to catch at least 50 inches of fish while we're here so my name is Billy Booth I grew up around the Finger Lake Region um I've been fishing here with my dad uncles ever since I was young Honeywell over here this is like one of my favorite Lakes really come in here get a good quantity of bass you go over to Canisius get the size increase Cayuga a lot of the pros go there for their tournaments that's a really good fishery the Finger Lakes Lake Ontario one of the Great Lakes um Lake Erie we really have like one of the best Fisheries in the country possibly the world we're at the final spot of the day we're at 120 inches we ran into a few more fans again from Michigan we love you awesome fishing Community up here and we got some Intel on another spot that might hold a large variety of species and there's a there's a parking lot full right here so right off the bat tell you it's probably gonna be pretty good we're gonna walk out to the peninsula of the main Lake over here it's Saint Claire right so if we can get a drum huge we can get a catfish huge might get the bowfin that was monstrous we've tackled a lot of big things off the list and 120 was our goal thought it might take around that to win but I think uh get one of these longer type fish got this thing sealed so fingers crossed oh look what we found bro no way we got some we got some googan fans over here little bandito bug action they forgot to uh they've got to tear off the uh for the action they've got to tear it open always always spread your legs that's right spread your cheeks that's right you're gonna pop that open I might throw that today see if I catch one Michigan love you guys love you guys so much support up here so amazing culverts right here we just saw some people catching a look like a channel cat a large Channel cat yep uh which we've been trying to catch for hours and hours with no luck so oh yeah this is literally this is uh this is Sinclair really okay so we could catch uh I think you can see the sanctuary yeah we catch anything out of here then um literally catch anything do it wait we got an hour hour to grind let's grind we're at the prime time too this is like where we started smacking them yesterday let's get her done there here we go boys there you go there you go come here oil come here yes yes dumped it just don't news there come on give me 14. 14 all day long 14 inches baby Billy put me right on the tactic going back down crazy how similar it is dude come like all the way across the country from south to North fishing the same tactics we do in the Chattahoochee it's awesome I'm gonna try to be quiet but there's a family swimming in their backyard took a cast and did these googan reels they just sling at the longer log out there I landed on their jet ski cover and thank goodness it didn't knock it I don't think anybody was looking so we should keep moving on and uh try to hook a fish that was a little embarrassing that was a little awkward [Music] yeah I had to hook him up with the blazins man it's my favorite googan bait of all time the only one that I had kind of a say in what happened with it so gotta design it a little bit so it's my favorite lure man but you're drop shotting that's the first time I've ever seen that happen we normally put on a Texas Rig and either swimming on top or like middle of a column or hop it like a regular uh way to Texas Rig so it's gonna be interesting I can't wait to see what you pull up on it is it super deep here by the way uh right now we're in about like eight foot of water it's usually where they hang around all right as you were saying how I'm drop shotting I did a Texas Rig the drop shot so it should be somewhat similar but we're gonna try it out and see I always rig these paddle Tails upside down dude I'm dyslexic it's bitter base come on oh there we go drop that thing to the floor oh he stopped it if I do something come on baby show me 15. the mouth is touching yeah it's 15 baby all right 15 incher guys caught her on the swim jig little white Saucy swimmer on the back all the fish I've noticed out here are really chunky too really healthy uh our Florida bass have like big mouths but they're super skinny but these are quite the opposite and it's they're just so much fun to catch so there we go that's an inch upgrade might not help out too much but it sure is fun oh baby we're real dude we just need a pick roll or something oh dude that was all huge let me be cooking this boat trip would be so worth one ride more like no run you know what I'm gonna do a worm I may do a worm because look at a walleye or something oh bro the worms are like dried out and nasty they're dried out nasty yeah oh they just got they just got too much sun yeah they're all like I tried to hook them up and they're disintegrating and they're all smelly and stuff yo go cuppy trust me all right these fish are smelly bro that's how the catfish like them I'm gonna go jump to the other culvert this is fun how deep is it right here oh shallow it's real shallow in the culverts I'm right in front of the Culvert I'm just gonna dangle it I mean a fish guy swim through here right oh I guess I should check my line I caught the bowfin on this my Line's good well I'm dangling I'll look for somewhere I'll see what we got for the eating options actually I need to catch a walleye you're right yeah let me see what's over here let me see what people are catch in here I think I need I think I need to catch a walleye oh yes sir fresh bait all right let's upgrade our catfish lines I think that's pretty far got him there we go oh dude dude it's actually a big bass it's not it's not a big rule but it's definitely our biggest bash yet there we go dude come on that is not a bad one we were just about to move to different spots or go across the lake and I was just dragging my jig one last time and there was a big bass out there and I'm literally in the middle of the lake really yeah I got stuck in a grass mat that cast before and then uh threw one more time 17 inches yes good work brother thanks oh that was uh sorry that was a man so I was really happy that's okay that net job was impressive eh that was a pretty good in that job all right all right well at least that maybe secures our our big bass of the trip you know what I mean because now they're gonna have to catch an 18 incher to beat that go there we go are you kidding me there he is stay now baby stay on dude he's running this way he's running quick dude it's another good pass he's blinding one eye dude 18 inchers dude look at that look at his eyes gone dude we may have found a trench out there dude that is crazy guys we're just casting a No Man's Land look how they're eating it dude dude that is ridiculous there's a little juicy jig little rattling chunk trailer guys a rattling chunk I'm telling you it slept on I like the cracking crawl and all but a lot of times I'll even just Texas Rig that trailer it's a little rattle in there gets a little bit of noise some dirtier water out here I think it's the ticket dude that is a fat one dude that's like a two and a half pound or maybe three it's not even that long it's just chunky I don't know well also give her a measure yeah it's another 17 intro do but that's significantly bigger than the last one it is because it's so much fatter well guys 17 incher isn't going to help at all which is such a bummer but it's a big man it's it's fun dude we gotta catch a pick roll dude we have to that's all dang I've never been so disappointed to catch a nice bass thank you buddy so Pike slash pick roll Slash anything else besides a bass did not go as planned so what we're gonna do we're gonna go back we're going to another Lake and attempt bank fishing it and maybe try to catch our first small mouth and also you know mess around maybe throw a live warm out see what eats but uh we need some different species and we're hoping topwater when the Sun goes down tonight oh my God that'd be so much fun dirty all right so we're gonna head back in guys foreign [Music] State Forest this is where we're at it's time to catch our first Smallmouth ever you ready for a pickle anything nuisancy yep anything that's not a largemouth bass anything that we don't want to catch we want to catch here for now on every largemouth bass could catch we're killing it on the spot I'm all boys come on be a small mouth I I don't know [Music] yeah dude it's okay though I could tell by that hit that it wasn't going to be a big one if I do catch one I want to be a tank thanks buddy he's going down oh my top water we gotta get to the Deep point before the sun goes down and hit a light jog oh dude doodling good oh it's a small League I think dude it's either the longest and skinniest Largemouth or it's a smallie it's a pike don't come off we need you new species don't be dude is it a large mouth no it's not thank goodness I'm pulling them up no risks no species no species inches inches inches AO inches yes all right pickerel slime in my mouth dude he is elongated dog oh that's a lengthy man all right let me turn it all right so get the tail oh that tail is going to give us a little bit of extra points too zero that is uh right at the green let's call that 19. yeah 19 if we're generous 20 if we're trying to cheat 19 and a half 19 and a half that's a big that's big hey oh come on give it to me man that is 20 or 19 more inches added that means this whole walk we've probably walked a mile and a half was for nothing the sun's going down we can keep on fishing and honestly it's probably good because we were targeting Smallmouth so we haven't even knocked off the inches that we could use for a smallmouth and even if we don't catch it tonight we still have more days to add on the Smallmouth so dude I'm so happy something came of this that was um we needed that if we went to bed tonight without that fish I would have felt like a waste of space yeah that is definitely that might that fish right there might have just kept us in the game like that might keep us from just being completely blown out puts us at 70. I think so we're in the 70s now that sounds good man there are they're 40 inches above us we can do it we can do that and they would need to bring anything in I think we're good I'm gonna bring in some water we've traveled around the state amazing day running into more fishermen and Google fans that have helped us out uh never could get that catfish tonight that really would have been huge but tomorrow the game plan is we are going out on the lake we're going to try to upgrade our Largemouth Smallmouth and try to get anything else possible walleye white bass drum drum there's a lot of stuff left that we need to catch there's also the musky to get a muskie game over it's game over so a lot more action left it's been action-packed you don't want to miss it all right so um well as you guys can tell it's getting dark out we have like a mile and a half walk back in the dark so we kind of want to get started we're gonna call it for today we gotta go find a hotel something to stay at yeah maybe get a little bit of dinner spend a little bit of our budget we're running low on money so we got to make this last the last day so we might have to do like a little bit of a McDonald's dollar item yeah dinner something like that because we ate our watermelon it's got us to this point but we might need uh some protein so anything you want to add to today overall feel good man feel good feel nice yeah got to see Rackley twice on FaceTime so I feel really good that was cool all right well we're uh signing out so wherever we go to next uh we got beautiful merch here yeah be sure to check it out Link in description baby and also if you would look at the shoes I just realized there's bandito bugs and fish in the camo so that's awesome I don't know why you guys aren't spending all your money on this stuff if I say you should go buy it listen to me yo well energy is low we're gonna go get some food we love you guys see you tomorrow yeah what's cracking y'all we got a beautiful morning up here in Michigan and me and Mike are gonna be on our last day of dangling and hopefully gonna take on the dub on this Statewide competition here a little promo for you guys we have a sale going on right now that is going to help you get the googan truck at googonsquad.com every five dollars you spend is going to get you an entry to get that beautiful googan truck going all the way to December 31st crazy long sale yeah and what else do we got here we got our new spinning reel we got the Gold Series and the green series spinning reels uh these are awesome guys we've been using these all week up here and we're catching some fish of all sizes I'm cool and drag on these things so look out for those and what else we got we always got something new and interesting we got we got all kinds of surprises for you guys so be sure to stay tuned now without further ado let's go win this competition what's up bro oh good to see you I heard you had a little trouble this morning no you're good I mean we just finished rigging out this perfect timing are the tires you how you doing bro good to meet you Michael nice to meet you guys like your hat man [Music] yeah we're just a bunch of you know noobs out here on Sinclair yeah hopefully we can get on a couple this morning beautiful okay okay seems like last time I was with the googans I got a flat tire too really yeah we're getting all the bad luck out of the way right now hell yeah we'll find them out there it should be a really nice day it's a beautiful house oh yeah it's gorgeous amazing so what can we help you with yeah get the cover off and get her going all right so you know usually you come out you want to catch like a beautiful bag big smallie that's not what we're looking I mean we want to catch smallies but really we'd like to catch a long Muskie a long Pike and even the trash drum that you guys like yeah you know that's a trash fish yeah we could go for a white box yeah a wall other walleye in here yeah there we we can go for a walk yeah on the river my dad was just out here the other day and caught a muskie a walleye perch in the room if we could have a chance to catch like you know thrown out for any of those species and then like increase our odds that would be huge for us all right cool yeah yeah but definitely we can add we can add about 10 inches probably with uh Largemouth and Smallmouth yeah and we still want to get it like ideally a nice large or smaller get that 10 inch bow yeah that's right yeah so really we'd be adding 20 inches yeah we got a beat 17 norm and AO with their biggest bass is 17 inches so we gotta be 17. that is a little that's a nice little bonus there yeah biggest finish of the trip again is uh 10 yep 10 inches and then inches so we want to sweep these guys we want to double their total length what the bonuses they're about 75 they have both bonuses right now we're at 120. so we want to steal those bonuses and double their length just put them down with the coffee today Jerry Jerry good morning all right guys we spent 200 last night with the hotel room and room service and we left everything out of the fridge so we're gonna take advantage of the morning breakfast for free I think we have about 150 left or 140 140 40 for gas and food and then a hundred dollars for our fishing Mission this afternoon yes let's go eat breakfast well we got apple juice we got pancakes my bus down on some fruit loops and uh get some calories in get energized go catch some fish we don't even know where we're going this morning no we don't we need to Spillway or some type of river yeah deep water would be shallow we have a trip this evening which could be the game winner I know we've said that two days in a row now but this one we mean it we mean it this time all right guys we're here at Sodus Bay we're gonna fish for a little bit we're waiting on Ben to get here so we have a couple hours we bought some worms we bought some terminal tackle and we have all of our Bass Gear too so we might mess around try to catch something whatever is here at the pier foreign [Music] yeah I'm making eye to eye contact with the bluegill it's going to change the whole trajectory of this game got him no way yes sir yes it's not even that big I thought it was a lot bigger I think it's like Grandma's down there that's six inches buddy all day I don't even know what kind of sunfish this is but it's another inch and a half because what was the other one no it's another two inches the other one was four inches flat right yep upgrade I'm gonna try to catch this one's grandma come on come here I told you dude give me a nice crevice and I'll perform dude is that a rock bass that's a rock that's a chunky rock bass dude that's straight inches from zero dude that's right I caught I actually caught a rock bass in the creek first morning stretch for me buddy that's eight and a half eight and a half Norm let's go another three inches dude yeah could be my rock bass PV not the flex or anything thanks for the three inches we got some good carp we got uh we tried like hell for catfish never get a catfish uh we caught a small perch uh gills what else did we get Mike that was oh both in open that was huge yeah Mike got a bow is that a pretty big one or a lot it was 21 21 inch that's an ISO it was pretty good thank you [Music] if water looks like we're in the ocean yeah it's still way up here a little I just want to start here though so right now we're offshore we're on a little grass bed out here and we're we're trying to catch anything long so we definitely want to upgrade on our Smallmouth and Largemouth and we would love to catch a pike and if we get really lucky and we get a random Muskie that would just be the game Ender I think there's also white bass in here which always seem to latch on to my lures rock bass rock bass as well we have the opportunity I think to get possibly 70 80 inches today if we really play our cards right and we've been averaging 60 inches a day and it gets harder every time you catch a new species because you have less opportunities Michigan's awesome there's tons of species up here we are it feels like we're in the ocean and Anything Could Happen so I'm loving it man yeah oh there's a monkey down there well there's two fishes they followed me in on the freaking revolver oh my God oh my God oh my God these are giant we gotta get it fired up did you did you think about it they're monsters I thought I had a bite on it a second ago bro we're about to beat Norm 17 inches right here we gotta get one of them to hit us slowly oh my God holy Dylan what do we do how do we get this oh that was a monster dude I just had like a seven pound Smallmouth fall on my jerkin no joke oh my God it looked like a bulldog freaking fins drop shot holy yourself oh my God how did we not get one oh I'm shaking dude I'm I'm about to tie on a church bait that was a freaking toad oh my God I don't know I had one bite it well I made a far cast I had a freaking out right there oh my God that's the craziest I've ever seen we were like they were like hyenas to coming in for the kill to compare that okay so I've never been out on this Lake but to compare that to like Largemouth for you guys that would be like a pack of like five or six ten Pounders following a spinner baited that is literally what we just saw that was incredible five or six ten pound largemouth they were even following your top water yeah I mean that's what I think I saw them first oh my God ah are they still around here we gotta get one of those yeah we do man we're not even to the good spot yeah holy crap dude that was epic this might be good for like some free extra points you know what I mean because I think like this challenge could come down to like a couple inches oh I got one I got one come on I got one what is it what is that I don't know what it is oh dude look at all the fish behind it dude I'm gonna keep them in the water is that a small mouth no it's a large amount dude I cannot get away from Largemouth this whole trip there was three of them with them well guys Here I Go Again this air catching all the multi-species wake up this morning thinking I'm gonna catch something different besides a largemouth bass and it doesn't matter where I go I promise you guys this curse is real how many times I have to say it yeah my first Lake Ontario bass that's pretty cool [Music] so bad all right well fishing with a crowd it seems to be the the theme of New York every time we go fishing with a carp but dude that's pretty cool Scenic place to catch fish they're down there man there's massive Boulders don't let this guy go oh got one what is that dude it's another Largemouth wow well guys another largemouth bass it's a little bit bigger though you guys want to touch it yeah oh no okay okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry all right largemouth bass baby you stick with it you're so good at catching those Largemouth too bad I have to put that team on my back [Laughter] oh I'm tangled I got another sunfish it's another species but we're only keeping one of every Sunfish do you want to call that a my good friend yeah it's eight man that's eight that's an eight yes I don't even know what we're adding up to now but it's looking good I got an eight inch Sunfish eight and a half inch rock bass that's what we got so far off the pier beautiful fish though and he's duking all in my hand appreciate it buddy well at least you didn't ask a group of kids if they wanted to touch a fish I don't know so me and nor have been talking we just saw a gigantous pike pickerel I don't really know what the difference but if we cut this thing in half I have a feeling there could be a giant drum we also saw a couple boats come through here filet and fish just chunking in huge fish fillets so I know that there's trash fish down here feeding up why not fish with what they really want we are going to leave the pier now we have about two hours until we embark on the first offshore Ontario send me and Norm have ever done together so I think that's going to be the ticket to winning this competition I know one rod and Rackley are Mighty comfortable right now they've been posted on Instagram saying that they've already won this thing I think we have a trick up our sleeves that might be a huge comeback story all right either win this challenge or lose this Challenge and I think we're going after like salmon and trout or I don't even know what but you've never thought of me before I have so we're gonna let you go first so this is on you thanks brother you ready what's up man nice to meet you nice to meet you guys nice to meet you bro it's our last hundred dollars for the whole challenge for gas perfect so I appreciate it no problem yeah we don't catch fish and we lose we're gonna take it back yeah no problem we've never been skunked on this Lake really oh I don't want to say that we're here man we're here we have the north got good reports [Music] snacky on the little tiny oh my gosh it's a small mouth it's a small good one dude want me to get the net or you want to flip it no no you good I got one I got it I got this I got the accessory net oh he's got the big Network oh dude that's the solid oh God that's crazy I've never thrown it that small of a swim bait out here they might be doubting with that tiny stuff yeah dang What's That Snack this guy might be I don't know oh right there you got a tape right here yeah right here look at that literally tight on my my crappie gear a pretty big mouth actually he does settle down you muscular Beast all right we're doubled up on the mini clutch I think we're on them now this water is so freaking beautiful look at this you can see him all the way to the bottom 18. let's go with 10 that's 20 points for us to go uh we're flipping men I think I flip him there you go Mike doubled up baby first small mouth all right on Sinclair on the board feels good man I think we got him fired up bro how many points how many points additional is that our biggest small amount before is 15. so three inches plus 10 because we've got the biggest bass 13 plus inches on right there yeah 133 I got the Crawfish colored mini clutch tied on look at that yoyoing it right off the grass near the bottom beautiful two pound Smalley that's how you start the morning off right there my friends oh oh at least the thought is clean not like that Lake uh here on water that thing that stuff was nasty all right we're getting back in there I think we figured something out two bites in a row after an hour fishing got them on the snacky swimmer mini clutch time to upgrade here we go feels good oh oh god oh there we go big and that is crappy jig Supreme baby just doing a little crappie fishing out here on the Great Lakes catching big brown ones yes it's long it's what we like big face beautiful head love to see it boom smoke the crap out of that all right let's get a quick uh quick measurement on this guy I'm gonna say he's like 20. 20 and a quarter that has taken the lead for a big Basket in that extra 10 inches gotta give it a sniff yeah baby oh that's awesome there he goes man so they're running in these packs so every time we've we've gotten a bite there's been more with it started out with that jerk bait now they're bigger baits and we were just getting the bites but they weren't hooking up so it literally tied on a crappie jigs thinking I could uh maybe get a big perch with this possibly get a small mouth bite and I am got two bites on that so far this is the same crappie rig I use at home well it's a thousand size scooting green series reel it's uh or micro series dang I need another one of those in my life dude that jump was yeah that was epic [Music] he's running at me it's running oh big it's big they got off no I had pressure that was either muscle that was huge fudge dude oh my gosh it was coming right at me I was throwing the spinner for the last two hours waiting for that moment got smashed I had the pressure on I mean I I don't know what else I could have done there no he jumped up that right there I mean that would have put the nail in the coffin guys that would have been a game-ending fish it's a lose-lose for me either I got a long fish and we end the game or that would have been a PB smolly keep our head in the game I'll get back in there so how many inches we're at we're at 120 then you caught the smallie for five right yes five plus fives and 125 it has the biggest bass too so we're also at 135 right now 135 yeah and if I had landed the big fish but I could talk about that though yeah yeah that was depressing I was a giant I'd love to hear about that thanks man I love it oh yeah thank you guys this is good stuff yeah giant Smallmouth out here and now we're gonna change it up look at something different and uh I think we can get over 150 inches easily oh yes so for sure all right so guys we're headed out it's so funny because we were just standing right here behind you guys in the pier fishing for three hours now we actually get to head out see the lake apparently the waves are gonna be kind of rough but uh this is ayo's first time doing any time anything like this fishing wise it's my second time ever fishing like this so I think you gotta go first dude uh I want I want to see you catch something but we were looking at the size of the net and that that's what we're supposed so hopefully we'll put something in there and uh I think I think we'll make it happen man I'm just trying to stare at the Horizon not get seasick uh because I'm already kind of feeling it but I'll be I'll be good guys I'm Ben I grew up on Lake Ontario working at a Marina Lake Ontario offer some of the best fishing we get some of the biggest Kings some of the biggest steelhead way back in the day this was pretty much solely native with Atlantic salmon now it's pretty much all stocked with king salmon brown trout we do still have some Atlantic salmon but they're pretty rare this is Atlantic is it Atlantic and we have steelhead as well as coho salmon the goal for today is to catch a big cane and get these guys some inches Browns and maybe a big lake trout big bonus lake or would be nice we'll see what happens the time's been pretty deep so we may run into a couple sled we may not get radio get ready for that tug man you ready for that talk so we get some matches here we go oh dude it doesn't feel tiny I don't want to go too slow I think they got soft mouths right they got like stuff now so that's like when he's when he's doing that don't pull back let the rod do the work oh it's working [Music] he is just talking down there I don't want to apply too much pressure with a soft Mount that's the worst thing you can do this situation especially when inches are involved probably swimming up and smoothly with it and we need these inches for our reputation please come here girl see a huge brownie oh she's lengthy what we need there we go oh baby yes what is that is that a brown let's go dude all right I'm gonna look at the Horizon for like one second that's exhilarating that's really fun that's what we needed Norm Ally oh yeah that's long dude we're gonna keep this one as a keeper so guys we found a measuring tape so we're currently at 87 inches so we're gonna measure this and see how much it has all right that's jawed up 21. 21 inches yeah there we go 87 plus 21 quick math that is 108 we hit the triple digits dude come on triple digits that's awesome yeah you're so seasick right now I'm proud of myself because normally I'm the first one I think I got another 20 minutes before it happens but I'm up next we're at 107. and next apparently the fish could be bigger than 20 inches nice walleye oh let's go now bro that nice natural but good job catching his walleye there oh yeah I was like you better flip him maybe damn dang that's really nice that's what made me cry oh look at the leeches on them too look at these parasites yeah dang check that out really beautiful walleye guys we're trying to Target a walleye too so that's really cool I got on one on the drop shot there's a bunch of walleyes in all these river systems here on Saint Claire so maybe we'll hook up onto a couple more I I would I would love to get one because this is like a 21 22 inch fit 20 inch fish yeah we need those inches yeah 20 and a half yes sir oh look at this side look at all the dude the stack these Paris there's crawling they're stack on this back fin look at that there's a little that's nasty what is that I don't know bro holy crap I wouldn't eat this one I don't think wow Mom oh pike pike pike pike pike oh it's not huge I can flip him first Pike of the day baby it's about fire whoa look watch the hooks boys whoa this guy is long and skinny man yeah he is anyone got pliers there's some oh right there right here right here cheers long and lengthy yeah that's what I'm talking about bam oh dude that Pike is aggressive good job dude finally landed something on this giant inline spinner been throwing it all freaking day head bites lost fish got a pike it wasn't over 24 inches but I have a feeling if I keep throwing this I'm gonna catch a giant oh come on come on okay is he on there thumbs down there oh yeah come on don't worry check it out check that drag come on buddy we're on baby oh dude this is fun man it's like you're fighting the boat motor you're fighting the fish and you're fighting for first place and all my high school friends I said I never amount to anything fighting them too it's right yep that's what they get for shoving me in a locker oh yeah yep it's really happened to me one time where are they not New York they're probably like coming in hot oh stay right in the face [Music] oh dude oh we're doubled up oh my God guys we are doubled up right now this might be a different species give us the inches there we go we're talking feet hold on hold on oh am I wrapped up oh my God spit out no no come on [Music] is it Atlantic City yeah shut up that's the Atlantic oh my God it's in Atlanta it's an Atlantic I might beat something I thought we were at Lake Erie three Atlantics in my life unicorns yeah I've only got three of these ever yeah you're not messing with me you promise one two twenty dude that might be 23 with the other side of his tail well guys we just got an Atlantic salmon which apparently is rare if I'm not being messed with [Music] that's 23 inches at it forward all right buddy see you man just let him uh yes in the last five years I've probably run 400 trips and I've probably seen four of them that's probably number five yeah wow like I said that's a that's extremely rare fishing so that was not part of the plan at all today so that's just bonus inches yeah I believe happy accident that was awesome oh my gosh dude I got goosebumps I can't believe that man I don't even it was just so cool guys fish this Lake their entire life their whole lives and won't get catch one wow I don't know that I might just use up all my luck for the year that was 23 inches of a fish that we weren't even talking about because it was gonna be so rare to catch that might just want us to think dude if we can just execute the rest of the day one more here we'll be all right we'll get it one more we gotta get a king all right we catch it we catch like one more species man I can't wait to call one rod and reactly later tonight because I think it's gonna be so close I'm just nervous that they're just killing it with extreme Outdoorsman yeah unless they caught like a 60 inch muskie which they very well cook because that dude is a man's man yep all right that's it we gave it our best shot absolutely grinded dude trying to get the long fish we caught so many Smallmouth there's some monster Smallmouth huge shout out to Dylan yeah to get on some absolute toads but the wall I alluded us yep you got one I got one uh big Pike Big Muskie we left some meat on the bone yeah for norm and Al Norman AO they're going out tonight I don't know what they're going for sturgeon probably big sturgeon musky Pike all those things bite really well at night now last I heard they had 55 inches we currently have 145 inches so they could have some ground to make up but with those two you never know what's gonna happen one sturgeon changes the game yeah absolutely so I guess it's up to them now yeah that ball the balls in their Court we'll see what happens so we either have a fish that got on earlier that we didn't realize [Music] currently reeling in copper wire hey we got one yeah what do we have is a little brown that just oh you know what that's okay you can measure there's a salmon you can measure that is my first king ladies and gentlemen that is a one-year-old oh my gosh let me I apologize for the length of that thing you can measure it because I don't want to I am so proud of this moment all right let's give her a little she's still touching stretched out where are we at we're talking man we're talking it's not 14 dude that's 14. 14 all day get a little fish in the gullet as well I'll take the ride [Music] what is that though is that a baby uh dude what is it yeah that's that's two that's two inches easy light work boom fish Slayer baby [Music] oh shoot oh good yeah can I go for it yeah yeah oh wow now you got 400 feet of line out there see some of that weight is just a lot of copper okay I'll be fighting this for a while sweet both of them I'll flip them dude don't tempt me with a good time is it a brownie what is that brown brown [Music] net it's an upgrade from that yeah that's a fat one there's that one yeah wow that my arms are on fire dude because I just pump biceps for 30 minutes straight I was hoping that as well still a good time and we're upgrading a couple more inches dude imagine if that was a different species though they would I think we're finally like we're it's rolling quick I think we're gonna catch another species it is look at that tummy duck beautiful fish let's get a measurement all right kale that's a 21 again wow it's just fatter it's so much fatter yeah it's 21 21. it's been pretty awesome man this is fun and we still have opportunities for like more common split we've knocked the hard ones out I feel like we have some like easier species to catch so we're just getting to the nitty-gritty like one fishes right now and as the sun goes downstairs it's just gonna keep getting better more and more and better and better we might win the same dude we're close so Sun's going down we got about two hours we just tried phase time and the boys but we don't have any reception so we can't talk to them but we think it's a really close game if we catch one big king salmon right yep that could maybe put us over the edge we're marking stuff now on the graphs and as the sun's going down I think they can get really active so we just gotta land whatever bites next can't lose it and we might win it oh it feels tiny better than nothing oh he's already he's coming up yeah he's flashing yeah be a new species this is what we're gonna need this to be just so we can add some inches uh 14. beat that okay an upgrade be upgraded Man by the inch That's my boy yeah I think it's an upgrade yeah that's bigger than 14 It's gotta be it all right we're at one two 16 and a half 16 and a half there we go 16 and a half that's a two and a half inch upgrade yeah guys check this out guys I think the salmon is very beautiful he's peeing on my finger translucence of his Gill plates is very Immaculate gotta love it gotta appreciate nature and all this Glory yeah it's a beautiful one and she gives us two and a half extra inches what's not the love give her a little nose dive [Music] all right two and a half extra inches we might do a little bit of math to calculate but we need a giant one of those like a 30 pounder that does put us at 150 I think that's huge that's 150 inches man wow gentlemen you know what it might be right we've had a heck of a nine I'm completely conquered seasickness you caught the fish of a lifetime and we've found a lot about New York that we didn't know before but I think so cool is we started the day with 70 inches and we've managed to get all the way up to 150 without the added bonus for having big fish so it's it's been a pretty amazing day and we had amazing days the days before so I think Rackley and one are on are finishing up so we'll see if we pull out this win but nonetheless it was a really cool trip we caught a ton of different species but we're headed back in and I think we're gonna figure out the news man that was the top tier Adventure I'm kind of anxious I hope we didn't light a fire underneath going around a rack way to go eat us into the ground but yeah either way troll it on like in Ontario had a blast we're uh I'm in the dark I'm driving I'm driving right now we're going Eight Mile we're on Eight Mile Road in uh Detroit Michigan you no no I think you're still like three hours left no we're 100 going till midnight so midnight drinking one of them energy drinks and uh we gotta do uh get ready go follow this guy follow us it'll be safer let me get the popo over here okay all right so you probably see the uh blue and red cherries and berries over there uh we just pulled up into my Park we came out of the like most wealthiest Zone I've ever imagined Eight Mile would be and then we came over to where uh you know the drug deals are going down yeah so uh we're gonna scooch over to somewhere else I don't think the Tesla's gonna make it if we leave the car I don't think we're gonna come back to it so I think we're gonna roll we're charging our car quickly but we are running out of time we only have a little over two hours yeah and we got a 40 minute drive to our spot so we're gonna have to straight up get some done we got some night crawlers got some king daddy cobras in here juicies real juicies so we've got the base just got to get it in there and I feel like it's either gonna happen quick or it's gonna be done the worm and AO are 15 inches ahead of us we are not losing them I thought we were gonna be chilling tonight I thought we'd be in bed watching Dumb and Dumber right now I know but now we're gonna be grinding we ain't lose Norman AO we're catching so I don't know what we're gonna catch but we're catching something new that's long it's very doable I can't believe we're actually doing this uh we went we went down eight mile you guys didn't see this but uh cam the guy behind the camera right now um he went into a little grocery store while we were having to charge the Tesla because we were out of battery we would not have made it here and uh there was basically like people laying all over the floor drugged out it was bad it was like what you see in the movies so we went we went from there to drove about 40 minutes south to a pond that we have fished before confirmed we've got a catfish carp uh what else is in here drummer in there we have the opportunity so here's the thing if we get a large carp over 30 inches only 25 we just can't go over 25 that's their biggest fish it's going to knock 10 points away from them well over 30 because they have a salmon yeah they do have a salmon that's 30 something oh you have to catch a carp over we have to catch a monster car anyway that would take 10 inches away from them automatically um but we got to catch some other species yeah we need other houses yeah we need a cat we need something long if we don't get catch another fish in the next hour yeah and we have less than that we gotta get rolling bro we're done [Music] [Applause] since we left the boat ramp at beautiful Lake St Claire things have just taken a turn so it's now starting to rain apparently any micro sitting under a bridge and we've gotten some bikes but we can't hook up we don't know what these fish are confused we're in the dark we're in a vulnerable state and we've got very little time left it's not looking good for us well it's definitely not looking good this is rough man pretty rough it's 11 30 P.M cold wet tired no fish brutal all right is it midnight oh oh come on oh no come on he got off what was it got one yeah thank you thank you guys Seth that's where we're ending right here it's midnight 11 59 I mean that's probably it's probably gonna turn to midnight it's midnight that is the end of the challenge we're literally ending where we started yeah full circle Man full circle on a bluegill though uh I will say that's probably the biggest bluegill of the trip might add an inch yeah yeah but I don't think that's gonna help us end up I don't think so well I guess we need to call the boy and congratulate them what do you think it sucks but I think it's time yeah we fished our house out yeah I'm not upset with it I had an amazing time yeah up here but I think they out they out bought us on patrol I think so I'll cook it give him a call [Music] we have to you out there fishing Norm's got some losing it Norm needs to get some starlink going or something oh dang he's in the water and he's got the he's got the rainbow bash Shores looking all sexy and fine okay so essentially what happened was you know day one Rackley and I got a good 50 55 inches you guys got the uh the old goose egg that right in day two over 60 right yeah we had about 110 inches or so then you guys caught up a little bit maybe had about 50 55. that was pretty solid a nice little comeback but you know we were feeling pretty good pretty confident then day three that's when you guys made that amazing comeback brought it all the way back up to 158 inches or so then Rackley and I we were stuck at about 148 or so and yeah you know we ended the call we ended the call Rackley and I had quite an adventure going out there definitely an eight mile you guys seen that movie Eight Mile it's real it's real it's not fake it's not a it's not a big documentary it's real we fished in the rain pitch black darkness till the stroke of midnight we needed 10 inches to beat you guys just 10 inches just one little measly catfish but alas we did not get it so my friends congratulations you are the winners of the 2v2 Statewide Championship episode series two whatever you want to call it you guys took it congrats Ayo so happy he took his shirt off I think he was just he was ready to party so what'd you guys think you boys have fun you are uh the 2022 Master danglers U.S champions We would like to know where should we go next to the montagnas to the Seas of Capistrano where would you like to see us go to it's got to be two similar places same kind of playing field I think this one was really good yeah I mean very even very fair contest they came back tremendously got on the right species that like you got to have some long fish to win oh yeah so uh let us know in the comments what you think and comment below which 2v2 teams you want to see next of any of the googans comment the teams that you guys want to see the next 2v2 Statewide challenge it's bigger absolutely glad we didn't die yeah yeah it was a little touch and go there for a second but uh we made it out you guys missed the heroin needles but uh for another episode that's right that's right thank you so much for watching the googan Squad 2v2 Statewide challenge stay tuned for the next one it's gonna be even better peace thank you it's an absolute monsters out here what this is a BB dropping speed
Channel: Googan Squad
Views: 475,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lunkerstv, fishing, jonb, jon b, flair, afo, peric, bass fishing, texas bass fishing, lakeforkguy, 1rod1reel, 1rod, Lojo, googan, googan squad, norm, ayo, fishing with norm, US challenge, cross country, budget challenge, multi species, adventure, survival, catch and cook, new york fishing, 8 mile, breaking records, 2v2
Id: jJJNJiH_Qdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 18sec (6198 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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