"Wake Up! You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!"

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gonna share with him this morning I think it would certainly help him in terms of the expenses that he's incurred thus far and he will incur along the way let me give way now to the formal introduction it is my honor to introduce to some men present to others preaching for the hour and what a phenomenal preacher teacher and spiritual leader he is he's also a husband and father of three dr. Frank Madison read the third pastor of Bethel AME Church in Baltimore Maryland although dr. Reed has been in ministry for over 33 years he has been pastor Bethel for 27 years which was just celebrated he became the fifth-generation preacher of his family while attending college his first sermon was in August of 1971 at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington DC his educational background include a BA in history and african-american studies a Masters of Divinity degree and a Doctor of Ministry degree what stood out for me was the fact that his bio stated that his degrees of from Yale Harvard and United Theological Seminary but the fact that he was a late bloomer being a late bloomer has worked in his favor and has blessed him tremendously he travels all over the world preaching and teaching the Word of God as I said before he has celebrated 27 years as pastor of Bethel AME through his leadership Bethel was the first African American church to have an international broadcast that lasted that was on air for over 10 years over the years dr. Reid has taught that Jesus is Lord and Savior of our lives and is a liberator that the Bible will guide you to your destiny of supernatural success that the church is that is the divine faith community that was created to equip happy healthy and helpful people who will make a difference in the world with the power of the Holy Spirit who heals strengthens and transform you can face life's difficulties and turn your breakdowns to breakthroughs knowing the truth of God knowing the truth of God's Word and putting your trust in God transformation will take place with faith in God you can forgive others and be forgiven and live in the freedom of God's grace through His Son Jesus Christ most of all you will know that all things are possible if you believe now after the singing of the Semana collection the next voice you will hear is none other than dr. Frank Madison Reed the 3rd hear ye him and truly be blessed thank you some good lives some love I didn't lose everything I lost faith in people who say they came in the time of my crimes one thing my can I test the bass for a minute well as some of you all know God had blessed me through an unemployment situation I had lost the job but then I blessed me with another job then I found myself and that job being laid off but I kept on praying I kept all crazy I stood on God's Word where's were said he never leave me no forsake me and here's the plow and so after a brief period of unemployment he blessed me with another job so I just praise the Lord and never lost my praise I just kept all friend kept all praising to stop me to tell me come on and lift them up come on come on come on go away lazy lazy lazy lazy Paulo all the people of God said a may say mother now let the church say men like you really mean it so the greatest pastor in the world Washington - the greatest church in the world read temple African Methodist Episcopal Church and God has blessed me with three wonderful children my son Shane is 30 will be 36 in November my oldest daughter is will be 27 in December she married I hear me preaching which made me proud but broke my heart when I had to give her away I cried all the way down my heart and then my older my baby girl graduates from college in December and she got a full-time job hey man thank you Jesus but now fathers don't take that wrong because she daughters are never out of your pocket sons we can put out but daughters are never even when they get married they are always how you doing Reverend good to see to the and one of the things that my wife and I have taught our children is to beware of flatterers and those of you who are parents and grandparents those of you who are teachers and mentors to young people teach them to beware of flatterers because a flatterer is a person that will tell you what you want to hear so that they can get something from him that they would not normally get and when they get it from you then they will leave you emotionally sometimes financially and psychologically broke busted and disgusted and biblically biblically biblically the fact is that the Bible does not have anything good to say about flatterers or flattering in fact a flatterer according to Scripture is close to a liar but when I say that your pastor is the greatest pastor in the world and your church is the greatest Church in the world that is not flattery it is a fact because whatever you belong to should is great because you belong to it and that is biblical in that and I consciously now use the word biblical instead of theological because there's a lot of bad theology going on in the world today Michael Eric Dyson in Cornel West are great philosophers but we have forgotten what the Bible tells us about philosophy and philosophers and in this day and age you need to be rooted and grounded in the word and the word tells us that greater is the power of God that is in you then the power that is in the world so let's give it up for the greatest pastor and the greatest Church and the greatest choir and the greatest dancers and the greatest orchestra and the greatest ashes and the greatest school y'all got so much going on I just came even let's just give it up for the great Reid temple AME Church it is indeed my honor and privilege to be here with you today always honored whenever the office calls whenever I say this to your administrators all the time whatever Lee wants just tell me when you get older you appreciate the fact that you got a lot of associates but you don't have a lot of friends and a friend is not a person who is always smiling in your face when you're up a friend is somebody you may not even talk to for six or seven months but you know that they're always there and so Lee on three temples 51st anniversary the Lord has a word for us to be found in the Book of Joshua I would that you would meditate on this week the purpose of a scripture reading in the church is that's your assignment your meditation assign your action assignment for the week and let us read together Joshua chapter 1 verses 1 through 8 and if there's a term you don't know how to pronounce the folk next to you don't know it so act like you know how to pronounce it even if you don't be loud and wrong because then won't nobody know you wrong but you after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses assistant saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this Jordan you want all this people to the land which I'm giving to them the children of Israel every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you as I said to Moses from the Wilden from the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites in the Great Sea toward the going down of the Sun shall be your territory no person shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so will I be with you I will not leave you or forsake you be strong and of good courage for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to to their fathers to give them only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left that you may prosper wherever you go this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in a day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success hey turn around and shake your neighbors hand smiled at him show them all your teeth all your false teeth show them you brushed your teeth this morning and say neighbor Oh neighbor wake up you ain't seen nothing yet turn on the side and say neighbor Oh neighbor on our 51st church anniversary wake up you ain't seen nothing yet it is my assignment today to announce to read Temple African Methodist Episcopal Church get ready for your glory days few weeks ago I was preaching revival in Asheville and as I always do I asked to go to the bookstore asked him to take me to the religious bookstore because for some strange reason my Bible that I've been preaching from from the last 20 years the Lord told me to give that Bible to a young 16 year old man who was there at the revival so I went to buy I went to buy a Bible and as I looked I saw a book by Max Lucado entitled glory days living your Promised Land life now and I'm not a Max Lucado fan I've never read any of his other books but the Lord told me to pick this up and as I began to leaf through it I saw it was about Joshua and Joshua is one of my favorite characters and as I went through the first portion of the book it gripped my attention because it talks about a group called reveal that did a study of Christians at a thousand of the largest churches in this country and what they were trying to discover was did the majority of believers in those churches did they love God that they love their neighbor and did they have a joy-filled faith what they discovered at the end of the study of all these believers in the thousand largest churches was that only 11 percent of those members of those thousand churches were felt that they were living what Lu Cato calls the promised land life he discovered that most of them felt stifled and stuck they were in church but their life was a wilderness life they had escaped Egypt but the church had become their wilderness there escaped Egypt what Creflo Dollar called before he got in trouble with the plane were Creflo Dollar called the Egypt represents the land of not enough but he goes on to tell us that the wilderness is represented in the church because we get out of it but we get stuck in the wilderness we come to church so we can get our little false praise on and then go back to the same old job with the same old attitude with the same old people and we have hypocritical praise because we've got joy in the sanctuary but we're stuck in the street and when one looks at what's going on in America and especially black America we see that with all the progress we've made including to terms of Barack Hussein Obama we see that our education rate if the tan test scores are terrible we see violence in our streets getting worse we see cities promised lands that once win the hands of black people now are being taken back Washington used to be the chocolate city it ain't so no more Baltimore is changing Detroit is changing what's what we wants controlled politically we have lost power over because we got in the wilderness and for God we're supposed to be on our way to the promised land and while I'm here today to congratulate you on 51 great years of moving from what your history calls the invisible church that was called dent well ain't nothing invisible about you now it haha and it's and it's because you had leadership that refused to get stuck in the wilderness I'm talking to somebody today so God told me celebrate all day long celebrate the great things that God has done over the last 51 years but after the benediction of the last service today tell Lottie and daddy you ain't seen nothing yet tell them about all of the numbers of people who have joined the church tell him about the programs in the stewardship in the school tell them about the languages and the turkeys tell them about everything but tell them they ain't seen nothing yet because when you get stuck in the wilderness you forget God's got more for you to do I'm talking to somebody too stuck today touch your neighbor and tell them God's got more for you to do and if I had time I would talk to you and remind you that a whole generation had to die in the wilderness if I had time I take you back to Genesis I take you back to Exodus and numbers and I will remind you that even Moses as great as he was he had to die in the wilderness touch your neighbor and tell him I'm not dying in my wilderness there's somebody today who's been stifled and stuck and felt like giving up but God sent you here today so that you can tell the devil you ain't seen nothing yet you think you got me but I'm on my way somewhere give three people APRI I know it's 7:15 in the morning but get three people appraised five and tell them I'm on my way somewhere I may not look like much to you but my glory days are in front of me I got I'm glad of what God did last month last year oh but starting sunrise tomorrow get ready for your glory days here yeah I feel like preaching this morning and here here in the book of Joshua here we find some principles of walking in to our promised land he says in verse 1 after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua touch your neighbor telling the Lord wants to speak to you Oh bless His name not just on Sunday morning the Lord is speaking to you through that challenge you're dealing with because when the Lord speaks to you he's telling you you got to let go of your past you got to let go of the pain of your past you gotta let go yeah you got a great past but you got to move forward into your greater future that the Lord spoke to Joshua was saying hallelujah the son of nun Moses assistance' Moses my servant is dead in other words let go of your past remember where you came from but don't let your past stop you from getting in to your promised land turn your neighbor tell them don't let your past stop you from getting into your promised land and then Moses my servant is dead you gotta let go of that now somebody say now right now touch your neighbor say you got to do something now Oh bless his name stop complaining about yesterday and what you could have would have should have done the question is what you're gonna do right now I know you should have praised him last week but can you praise him right now touch don't leave and say you got to do something now now therefore arise Oh bless his name you got to take action now you got to do something now you gotta move now now our high somebody say you gotta get up I don't mean get up out of your seat you got to get up out of your pity party you got to get up out of your comfort zone you got to get out up you got to get up out of the victories of yesterday that are stopping you from going in to the victories of tomorrow you got a rise and go over something touching haters say there's some stuff you just got to go over Oh bless His name every obstacle in your way God put it there because it's an opportunity to go over is anybody here that's had to over some stuff and if I had time I talked with you about how Jesus says when you get saved you are an overcomer touch your neighbor say if you only knew what I overcame this week you shout for me if you only knew what I overcame in the month of October and why I'm excited that next Sunday if the Lord lets me see next Sunday I'll be here for communion you don't know what the Lord has brought so I don't want you in my business but right now I gotta give him an overcoming shout Lord thank you well let me overcome my mess on Monday thank you but let me deal with my enemies on my job on Tuesday thank you that did not touch your neighbors say we shall overcome go over this Jordan you and all the people touch your neighbor say you got a Promised Land - this ain't just about you it's about all of us God wants all of us to have a turkey God wants all of us to have a house God wants all of us to have health insurance whatever Donald Trump in for dr. Carson say God wants all of us to be blessed touch only and say we gotta go over that means when you doing well you got to reach back and get somebody else just look at somebody around you who ain't praising God and gold then touch him and say I praise God for you I know it can get hard sometimes but if you just wait of the goodness of Jesus he's done for you that's your neighbor saying every place the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you Oh bless His name as I said to Moses I say to you every place that the sole of your feet were God has given you places my son in ministry dr. Jamal Hairston Ryan said is doing a series you got to put your foot down I'm trying to tell you put your foot down li put your foot down and claim that senior citizens home put your foot down Oh bless your name you are the house go put your foot down claim it in Jesus name and then go work forward well I gotta bring this thing home now every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have already have given you touch your neighbor say it's already on us and God gives us as I close some promises because when you get ready to enter your promised land you gonna have to face some obstacles and some enemies and here's the first promise that God gives no person no bank no government shall be able to stand against you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so I will be with you I will not leave you or forsake you lord have mercy fifty-one years ago this church was called invisible but because God never left you or forsake you look at you now touching him and say that's why I gotta go in to my promised land because God's been too good to me that's why I gotta pay my tithes and offering so we can get that senior citizen home because God's been too good to me then he gives us another promise he says be strong and of good courage for to this people you shall divide the land which I swore to your father's only be strong and of good courage well how do you do with Lee this book of the law shall not depart over your mouth when you get ready to go into your promised land you got to speak to promises of God you got to learn how to say the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want you gotta learn when you're weak to say the Lord hallelujah is my light and my salvation you gotta learn how to speak to where touch your name as they speak the word speak the word over your children speak the word over your finances speak the word over your body you got pain in your body put your hand on the pain and declare I am Jesus not only must you speak the words you gotta study the word you gotta meditate on it both day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous it does not say God won't make your way prosperous it says you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success so I just stopped by to tell you as I get ready to take my seat speak the word study the word and then stand on the word touch your neighbor say I'm standing on the word I'm standing on the promises of God I'm standing on the word that God will do what he said he would do I'm standing on the word that no weapon formed against me shall prosper I'm standing on the word that hallelujah let everything that has breath praise the Lord on the word Oh bless His name that he'll open up the windows of heaven and pour me out a blessing that I cannot stand spending on the word he promised to make the way out of no way say yeah just sent all over the church hallelujah go shake these folks hands and tell them let's go into the Promised Land we're in good time join hands with the people in your Pew you ain't seen nothing yet everybody point to pastor did these words after we passed you ain't seen nothing yet if you believe come on and give God the best praise we join hands with the people and I please watch this Joshua was Moses his assistant he never thought he'd be in a leadership position when you serve somebody else's vision God will put you in a position of leadership because when you help somebody else get that vision God knows he can trust you with the blessings that you asked for this morning with our heads bowed eyes closed are you saved this question no more if you don't know whether you're saved or not squeeze lightly your neighbor saying that look at me now you may not recognize me next week but I'm about to enter my glory days if you're not saved are you an active member of the body of Christ called church dances no shake your neighbors hand active not on a church role active now in 15 seconds if you're not saved somebody's gonna bring you down and you come down on your own we'll pray with you the prayer of salvation if you're not an active member we want you to join we temple they've got plenty of locations for you to attend but watch this this church is not interested in sheep stealing the kingdom building if you've got another church you've intended to join don't wait till next Sunday next Sunday is not promised come to this Alton we'll take the name of that church and call that church and pastor and make sure they get your information all right them seconds up come on let's give God the best praise we've got inside of us open eyes and bring those folk down anybody coming it's a big church I checked with three people around you and asked them those two questions let them ask you are you saved are you saying the dancers know bring them on come on let's give God a big hand for this our sister coming to the altar becomes another here comes a nothing it comes in nothing it's all downhill from here come on brother come on sis let's thank God for our preacher this morning dr. Reid thank you so much putting yourself where the Holy Spirit could use you you haven't seen nothing yet praise the Lord praise the Lord and the fruit of the word we have Robin Anderson Mitchell who's joining Reed temple also coming for prayer this morning in addition we all have we have mr. and mrs. Higgins family coming to join Reed temple Jordan a family here thank God for the great man of God thank you what net a wonderful word this morning of encouragement thank you so much thank you so much you may be seated thank you so much dr. Reed for just challenging us this morning as well as inspiring us this morning by way of the Holy Spirit we feel stronger we have so much
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 12,739
Rating: 4.6451612 out of 5
Keywords: reid temple, ame, Pastor Lee P. Washington, Rev. Matthew Watley, Church, ame church, gospel music, Worship, Reid Temple, AME, Sermon
Id: sthf9qGljG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2016
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