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Oh Oh you do it for me right Oh for me do it for me and all the people of God said a man the church say man again sure say men one more time now let the church say men like you really mean it to the greatest pastor in the world pastor dr. Lee Washington - the greatest church in the world re temple African Methodist Episcopal Church not know that there are some of you watching who were members of other churches and I know dr. Brooke house or soon to be dr. brick house in a few years is a member of st. Joseph's Church in outdoor AME Church in Durham North Carolina but one of the things that we as Christians must learn and teach others especially our children and grandchildren is that God has enough greatness to go around and that whatever you belong to should be the greatest thing in the world to you so if you are not a member of reach temple and dr. Washington is not your pastor then you should still be able to give God glory because God's got enough greatness to go around because again whatever you belong to should be the greatest thing in the world to you I had a 750 BMW for over 14 years and the my daughter told her that out broke my heart but she's alive so God is able but to preaches in Baltimore would laugh at me leave because they would say that man he been at Bethel all them years and he driving that same old car because you know some preachers changed cars like other folk clothes and what they didn't know lady Washington is I was laughing all the way to the bank because it was paid off in five years so for nine years I put that money up in the front bank cause husbands and wives have joined account but everybody should have their own bank account unless somebody in case somebody loses their mind can I get a witness up in here so as we stand all over the church there's no and we join hands across the church there is no place I'd rather being on this 32nd anniversary of my friend then he'd read temple you are blessed to have a great pastor as the musician begins to play lightly yes God is real if you don't remember anything else I say today remember this in the next 17 minutes and 15 seconds remember this yes God is real and he's real if you can feel him I wouldn't have a god I could not feel I read theology I read philosophy but when my mother died about a month ago I needed more than my theological knowledge to walk me through it and every now and then when my grief gets so bad that I feel like crying it's only when I feel God say it's gonna be alright lift up your eyes to the hills from whence cometh your help and you don't know the burden that that person is carrying whose hand you're holding somebody in here thought about suicide last week somebody is having struggling struggles in their marriage but God told me to tell you - whatever you going through yes God is real just look at your name on your left and on your right and tell them I know is real Lord we thank you tonight we thank you today for 32 years of excellence in ministry we thank you for this man of God we thank you for this people of God we thank you for this wife we thank you for this mother and father this grandmother and grandfather we thank you for this great pastor who is the spiritual father of this great people now God we celebrate the Christ in him we celebrate the vision that you have given him for this house now god hallelujah last year was great but this year's going to be even greater so right now God is I lightly squeezed and neighbors my hand my neighbor's hand on my left and on my right bless them right now with healing heal their body mind and spirit in the name of Jesus cause breakthrough blessings to break out in their family in their fitness and in their finances show them that the best is yet to come and they have a great future in store for them now God send a fresh anointing upon this house right now let joy bells ring and let us close out September strong in the name of Jesus we pray and all the people of God said a man amen and thank God come on and give God the best praise you got up inside before you take your seat get your Bible in your hand get your Bible in your hand or your iPad or your Android or your smartphone or your dumb phone whatever you got your Bible on lift it now and repeat these words after me this is my Bible I am who it says I am I can do what it says I can do I am a believer and not a doubter I'm a doer and not just a hero and my life is always made better when I hear the life-giving life-changing word of God because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God the Lord has a word for us today you may be seated in the presence of the Lord has all been already been read from the book of second Corinthians 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verses 16 through 18 but because I'm a wolf fashion preacher even though it's been read once let me read it again therefore we do not lose heart even though our outward person is perishing yet the inward person is being renewed day by day for our light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and internal weight of glory while we do not look at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal these words after me therefore we do not lose heart even though our outward person is perishing yet the inward person is being renewed day by day for our light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory turn around she can Ava's hand look him in the eye smile let him show him all your teeth your false teeth the teeth you pay for and say neighbor Oh neighbor get better on other side and say neighbor Oh neighbor God told me to tell you get better on this the 32nd anniversary of this man of God at this great church when I sought the Lord for a message he told me to say to leap he Washington after 32 years ain't nothing to do but get better God told me to tell the read temple family with your to look to locations with your multi ministries being known as a global church God told me to tell you don't rest on your laurels it's time to get better and over the last week God has taken me through a preaching journey that led me to this title in this text last Sunday I preached the 14th anniversary for my son in the ministry dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant and empowerment template and the Lord told me to tell that congregation to win from within because if you're going to get better it's not going to come from the outside you can't buy a bigger car you can't that's going to help you win you got to win from within later that evening I went on the Eastern Shore after preaching three times twice at bath or preached for one of our daughters in ministry the Reverend Brenda kata and the Lord changed my message and told me to tell them if you can see the invisible you can do the impossible the next morning I got on a plane to do a revived Tampa Florida and I was going to preach from Joshua chapter 3 but on the plane God told me no I want you to continue and do a series on if you can see the invisible you can do the impossible and God told me to tell them I see victory and God told me to tell you leave that that vision God has given you God has already given you the victory God told me to tell somebody whose name I don't know that after going through hell from January to September God told me to tell you I see victory just touch three people then tell them I see victory in your life then on Tuesday night the Lord took me over the scripture for that one was faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen by it the elders they received a good report and then on Tuesday night God told me to tell the people let's pray Lord open eyes Lord God's got so much more in store for you if you would just open up your eyes and see that beyond every obstacle in your way God has assigned angels that are about to turn those obstacles in the opportunities you just need to open up your eyes then on Wednesday night on Wednesday night Wednesday night the Lord took me to Matthew chapter 9 where the two blind men came to Jesus and asked him to have mercy on them and Jesus said to the blind men do you believe I'm able to do this and then jesus answered according to your faith let it be done unto you God told me today that if you got the faith he'll release the power if you got the faith he'll make away and then as I continued to pray about this message the Lord took me over here to second Corinthians and it is paul ii as we know second Corinthian correspondence and in first corinthians he is chastising and correcting the church because every now and then we need to be corrected touch on Aven tell him every now and then you do need to be corrected I know you think you perfect I know you think that your stuff don't smell but every now and then you do need to be corrected touch your neighbor and say we all need to be corrected but in the second letter to the church at Corinth Paul is encouraging them because not only do people need to be corrected sometimes we need to be encouraged if you read this entire second letter of Paul's you will discover that he is encouraging the Christians at Corinth to get better touch on even telling you got to get better fact if I had time if I had time and in these last few minutes I want to take you to the first verse of chapter 4 where it says therefore somebody say therefore and one great preacher used to say to me that whenever the scripture says therefore you need to know what it's there for therefore since we have this ministry touch your neighbor and say we have this ministry it doesn't say the pastor has the ministry it doesn't say that Lee P Washington has the ministry it says for we have this ministry touch your neighbor say we have this ministry everybody in he has got a ministry everybody in he has got a gift everybody in here has something that they can give away their forces we have this ministry as we have received mercy touch your neighbor and tell them God's been good to me I'm not like some of y'all I have sinned since I got saved I have sinned since I became a pastor I have sinned since last first Sunday when I had communion but I'm still alive today because of his mercy and you can sit there like a bump on the log if you want but if you tell the truth you know if it had not been for God's goodness and His mercy you wouldn't even be alive today touch on me but I tell him I got to give God mercy I got to give God glory I feel like preaching this morning says we do not lose heart touch your neighbor say don't lose heart everywhere I go all over the country I talk to pastors and pastors and Christians are being discouraged discouraged because when we as a people have an opportunity to run this nation we won't even go out to vote here in Maryland when we've got an opportunity to elect an african-american governor we are we don't even know when the election is because we think we've arrived because we got a nice house and a nice car and pastors are discouraged and people are discouraged children are discouraged and Holder has resigned from the attorney general's office and pastors are committing suicide and people are depressed but God told me to tell you don't lose heart after 32 years of preaching and building God told me to tell you don't lose heart touch three people in death tell them don't lose heart no matter what they say on television no matter what they say on CNE and no matter how bad it looks in Ferguson and yes even in Prince George's car they God told me don't let your heart be troubled if you believe in God Jesus said he also believed in me touch your name I'm expecting to get back and then Paul says Paul says therefore in verse 16 he says it again somebody say what is it therefore therefore do not lose heart touch your neighbor say don't lose heart because what the devil is trying to do is cause you to lose heart he's trying to discourage you he's trying to get you to give up and that's why we come to church every Sunday and praise God because we know that if we can make it just one more day if we can just hang on in there and refuse to give up that God's going to make a way somehow I know you're educated in middle class but don't you know that I don't know how God did what he did for me but I'm so glad he did it somehow and the truth is you got that job somehow you got that house somehow because there other people with education and with context that don't have what you have but because God heard the prayer grandmom and granddaddy and Mama and Daddy he made a way somehow touch three people to tell him he made away from me somehow are they any somehow shouters in here lord I don't know how you I don't know why you did it but I know you did it somehow and so I want to give you some house shout and because you did it once turn around and tell somebody Lord do it again oh I feel like preaching this morning even though our outward person is perishing yet I inward person is getting is being renewed day by day just cause you're getting old and getting some wrinkles just because your knees are hurt doesn't mean you got to give up because why the what person is aging the inward person is getting better can I get him witness up in here I made me look like I'm 6040 but I got the spirit of a 21 year old person because God is giving me a renewed spirit can I get a witness up in here so you should get better today then you're wearing yesterday touch three people to tell them get back for our light affliction is which is but for a moment touch your neighbor say what you're going through one is part of your process you got to go through it to get back cuz if you didn't have to go through something you wouldn't appreciate it when you came out on the other side touch your neighbor say it's a light affliction it may seem heavy now but have you ever come out on the other side who have you ever gone through operation and come out one year later and you say that was a light affliction because when God brings you out he brings out why's he brings out stronger and he brings out better can I get a witness up in here I stopped by to tell you that there about a hundred folk in here that know what Marvin herself was singing by experience when he said I never would have made it other any never would have made it for up in here never would have made it through the death of a loved one never would have made it through unemployment but you made it because why your outward person was perishing your inward person was getting better and the light affliction was but but what was but for a moment cause weeping may endure for a night but joy it comes in the morning say yeah the Bible says for our light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us look at your neighbor say is working for us you thought it was the devil but that God was using the devil to work for you because all things work together for the good to those who love the Lord and all the called according to his purpose shake somebody's hand and say neighbor you're not getting broken up you're getting better Oh bless your name is there anybody in here - came in bird not told me to tell you about to leave blessed because it's working for you a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory which is why we do not look at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen for the things which are seen a temporary but the things which are not seeing i eternal well it's time for me to quit now but I stopped by to tell somebody don't be the victim of your passion and don't be a victim of your haters because God's got so much more for you God's got got a vision for your life and if you follow that dish you'll be able to tell folk when you go home after service I'm getting better I'm not who you thought I was I'm not who I used to be I'm getting better because Jesus came into my life I feel like preaching can you give me two more minutes Oh met Jesus on the road to Damascus he was a Pharisee and thought he had it all together but when he met Jesus he discovered he could only get back is there anybody here that remembers who you were and what you would do before you met Jesus I didn't say when you were in church because there some folk in church that ain't never met Jesus but when you met Jesus and you testified that he made you better well Lee I don't know how much long I'm gonna be here in the second District but I stopped by to tell you after 32 years keep on getting better day by day keep on getting better because if when you give the best of your service telling the world that the Savior has come be not dismayed when men and women don't believe he'll understand and you'll say well done oh when you come to the end of your journey when you get better you will have made some mistakes but you'll hear him say well done my good and faithful servant well done see it see ya see ya see ya see say yes my time is up to stand all over the church John hands across the church Hey we turn the service back over into the hands of the past get better well my mother died is the lowest moment in my life and then the Lord reminded me didn't you ask me to let you live long enough to see your daughter married say yes sir he said grieve the Frank get better cause death does not have the final word so as dr. Washington extends the invitation how many I want to get better I hope after he calls for souls to be saved and calls for left time for the hall to call it in and call for new members I hope you'll have a roll call for those who want to leave church today gather that when you came get back cause the best is yet to come let's thank God for our preacher today dr. Reed thank you so much for those using you to encourage us to lift us in the midst of what we're going through actually past arenas introduce the invitation to you if you here this morning you have a desire to get better no matter whatever it is that you're experiencing at this moment can I encourage you to come right now can you walk this way walk this way towards the altar by faith he's challenged does that the best is yet to come but you gotta believe this run-through well you gotta walk it go up the church is also for you 9 minutes earlier this morning the heels I feel be healed we may hold strangled forward involved in the ministry every step that you make just say for yourself it's going to get better it's going to get better it's going to get better the door open for you right now that will come this morning another that will come you can help me this morning you are the Evangelist turn to your neighbor and asked him listen do you need something in your life that leads to despair we've heard the Word of God come on and go with McCutchen agree and go down to the altar right now I see you're moving I see you coming is there another that will come believe God please God can't do it he's got what's necessary to make whatever you boys and get it this is your time to move this is your parent account you this is your time to reach up and grab what God has for you come on get it come on are you coming and I see I still tilings that will come don't let this opportunity pass you by there's kneeling at the altar daddy Oh No stop stop and this is the final call for somebody who says I want to I want you I want you but there's something holding me back I want to give you that opportunity to break that spirit and come come right now don't miss this opportunity come on I see you I see you coming I see you're coming come on you can break it break it the only way to break into the act come on you can do it now come on ever see what God's got for you did want you here today to hear this word but he's gotten store for come on let's break that we now see you coming yeah hearts on the climb long time ago there's no now in my mind to make Jesus you make machine thank you for your cooperation pastor this morning at the word we have sister Lowe's Fraser who is giving God glory for healing we have brother Anthony Brown Florence Dover Karen black who Brock who wants to get better since the Rasheeda can t aren't risu Westbrook Karen Brown Eunice dilahunt Taisha Circe Searcy Andrea Williams brother AJ and Chris Xena and Walter wouldn't coming for special prayer this morning we have sister Carolyn Gilbert too is joining Reed temple transferring and we are brother Warren right coming this morning for salvation amen and these are they if you go out with to your left with sister Marlene we have prayer counselors out there they'll talk with you got minister with you and those that are getting saved for the first time show you in the Word of God how you can know for sure that you have been saved the Lord bless you thank God for the fruit of the word let's thank God a game for our preacher this morning the Lord used him such a phenomenal way to minister to the people of God we're going to stand at this time and sing praise God from whom all blessings flow and pastor II will give us the benediction wiser and better God said to Moses Moses said to Aaron Aaron said to the people of God may the Lord bless you may the Lord keep may his face shine upon you and may the Lord give you these three things in the 21st century that the world cannot give peace power and prosperity now hits forth and even forevermore and all the people of God sang together man
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 30,839
Rating: 4.7979798 out of 5
Keywords: reid temple, ame, Church, ame church, gospel music, Worship, Reid Temple, AME, Sermon
Id: p_2EwNj37l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 06 2014
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