Waiters, What's The Craziest Conversation You Overheard?

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NSW waiters of Reddit what some fricked up crap you overheard while waiting tables I waited on a table where a man had just found out he had inoperable pancreatic cancer he told me about it like I was a family member I think he was in shock I didn't know how to respond to him so I just acted like he was a family member and hugged him before he left I'll never forget it good for you I think that may be the best thing you could have done for him watched a nicely dressed family cry and cheer after watching their son graduated college from a liver stream on a tiny phone propped up on salt and pepper shakers the weather was very icy and they couldn't drive all the way out there safely my manager bought all their meals I'm not crying I once had a woman call her daughter out in front of Emmy for being a B because she's sad about her divorce the woman looked so embarrassed though she was being a total butthole I just wanted to know if they needed a box had a guy cry right before I gave them dessert menus he was just saying over and over again he makes me feel like a failure to his wife I just dropped them off and said whenever you already left square bracket he will never be ready I serve this table who got a phone call that their son had been in a horrible car accident just as they got their food their reaction was super rough I'm fairly certain I witnessed the beginnings of a divorce I don't remember the specifics but have started out as a normal couple but soon turned to a lot of why didn't you tell me you should have can we not do this in public and things of the sort but the husband left before the meal was over and the wife was crying giving the check to her was one of the most awkward things I've ever done it was likely not the beginning apparently I took too long getting this woman her quesadilla burger so in protest she defecated on the table cops were called in a fun time was had by all top lobbies I worked for a restaurant that had three owners one of them had a wife that died but he was dating again he came into his own restaurant on Valentine's Day with his GF her kids and began to cry the table I was their waiter it was incredibly uncomfortable for everyone I dated a guy whose mother died his dad started dating someone new and she owned a restaurant he took us all out to brunch at her restaurant to meet her on Mother's Day it was freaking awful I felt so bad for my then-boyfriend and his sister's not a waiter but as the customer I heard a waitress complained to a co-worker that she ate out the manager for a shift off and didn't get it that's flicked up quids no quotas a no-go yo I bussed tables in LA for a summer at a swanky steak restaurant on sunset I saw lots of celebrities but Tom Green will always take the cake for a story he moved his table so the whole restaurant could see him flanked by two prostitutes wearing almost nothing they were disgusting all evening not enough to get thrown out no idea how likely that would have been anyway but there was lots of robbing and one of the H flashed some nipple I confused John Green and Tom Green and was very confused for a moment used to wait tables once around 9:30 at night this couple comes in with a small boy was around four years old and in his pajamas the man and woman make out the whole time they're there the kid who is being pretty well behaved All Things Considered says I wish I could go to bed his mom replies I wish I had a little girl freakin B man I walked up to the saddest thing I've ever seen in public it was a table of four people mom dad and two kids dad and the kids sat silently with the saddest expressions on their faces well mom had her laptop out on the table and a headset on her head and was cheerily chatting away with someone about the work she was doing on her computer it might have been real estate sales it's like one of those movies where the parent is so obsessed with their job that they neglect their children then by the end of the movie they learn to spend more time with their kids once we had a table a middle-aged couple hashing out their divorce over some very expensive steaks it was clear the husband had initiated the conversation and probably did so in a rest to prevent a blowout argument the wife was very unhappy and inquired about the woman he played tennis with based on his reaction she wasn't far off the mark they were seated in the middle of a fairly intimate restaurant so most of the patrons and staff could hear we all felt really bad for her I worked in a resort so I've heard a number of failed marriage proposals I've commented about them before the worst was the guy who got I've told you I'm never going to marry you he stormed off and she finished the dessert the ring came on he eventually came back though felt bad for him but she clearly wasn't leading him on the answer should never be a surprise the way you do it should be the surprise marriage is something you should absolutely talk about before proposing sounds like they did that and he just didn't listen my girlfriend and I have both waited on a dominatrix and a client of hers more than once it was weird but not nearly as weird as you might expect she makes him wear women's underwear under a strategically poorly button button-down sure so people could potentially see his pink sheer bra and tips really well usually asks the hostess for one of the more experienced servers and explains the situation to him/her beforehand definitely a little odd but not like she was pegging him at the table or anything that's certainly unique but I like how that the military explained the situation out beforehand to staff I had a guy at a table decide to tell the rest of his family that he had skin cancer right as I was delivering their drinks I just said up I'll give you some more time I didn't overhear this but I was waiting on this couple on a date probably forties or so and they were barely talking or anything it was very awkward I come up behind the gentleman to ask if they needed refills and I glanced at the phone he had in hands and he was straight up watching some hardcore pee across from his wife on a date WTF by workout a sit down coffee shop where waiters come up and take your order and you can have a running tab long story short a very beautiful woman came in opened her tab and sat down initially I thought that she was holding interviews common thing but turned out that she was confronting women that her husband was cheating on her with five different women came in one right after the other and along the line said to each I know you've been sleeping with my husband and you can have him etc in such a calm and professional manner than would dismiss them she then called her ex-husband and told him that she met with all these women and said that she was at my coffee shop with divorce papers that he needed to sign needless to say he arrived signed the papers and yelled at her for ruining his relationships with all of em she was a complete bad butt and handled everything so strongly calmly and I'm glad she got away from that pose I didn't charge her I was clearing a table at a 40th when I heard the mother of the birthday boy a lady I would guess was in her seventies loudly proclaimed forty years ago today son my P was wrapped around your head I couldn't help but burst out laughing the Sun look mortified often would have groups of women who shame each other into sharing bushes they clearly intended to eat themselves oh you won't eat all that right it's so much food it's extremely uncomfortable me freaking watch me Debra I've witnessed the most Awkward date I've ever seen on Valentine's Day they were both on their phone constantly and he would leave the table multiple times for long periods of time I didn't overhear them talking but it was just painful to watch they both didn't want to be there not a waitress but while dining in an upscale restaurant in Milwaukee I overhead a wealthy woman explained to her friend why she should only hire middle children as housekeepers because they are used to being told what to do and always know their place that's the weirdest freakin stereotype I've ever heard a man was with his side chicken two whole family like a party of 1012 the wife enters the restaurant screaming b/w etc and proceeds to rip the side chick out of her chair by her hair more yelling and then cops it was some Jerry swinger crap I'll never forget that blood-curdling scream as the huge hunk of hair ripped off her scalp unless side chick was her sister I don't understand going after the woman and not the man I once had a lady out to dinner with her two friends they ordered a glass of louis xiii aged that's $600 right there every time I walked by they would raise their glasses and toast to in a bath towel each time picking a different male actor turns out she had just gotten a lot off money from her divorce and she was quite happy to spend it to old couples one guy said now that a black family moved in next door and never sell my house double quote the other guy said if you see him outside when people are looking at your house ask him about his garden the home buyers will just think he's the landscaping guy double quote not overheard but when I was serving this very overweight woman's left breast kept coming out of her shirt she was in a very visible table on the end and she was not doing it on purpose but she was oblivious to it I was serving one table where this woman had an addiction to taking it in the butt what's freaked up as she was sitting there with her three friends telling them about it and when I came to pour drinks that didn't stop her from talking about it so I got the inside scoop so did she evidently I heard a lady tell her elderly dad I hope you have money saved up because there's no way I'm paying for your funeral I say stuff like that to my parents but we are a morbid family that and because their funerals are already covered worked at a knock off Italian restaurant a couple years in college let's just call it as our lives up guy and girl coming get sat at my table I get their drink order as I'm putting the drink order in he comes over and gives me a ring and a $20 bill and asks me to put the ring in her dress bartender is making their drinks and I can hear him start to say how much he loves her how he wants to spend the rest of their lives together and such I plopped the ring in the drink just as she figures out what's going on she gets up and screams I told you no the first time and proceeds to storm out everyone is silent he runs over pours the drink out on the bar grabs the ring and runs out basically got paid $20 to see their drama in her defense if she said no once proposing again and publicly probably isin't gonna end well if I work for a family restaurant so not a lot of messed up stuff happens well once I was waiting a table of this couple who I swear was two seconds away from breaking up divorce they hated their kids and were complaining about each other the whole time the wife was literally like excuse him every time he supposedly did something wrong it was pretty flicked up excuse him Mayo my family has to do that but just because our parents are too friendly one time my mom was flirting heavily with our waitress and we had to tell her to stop because she didn't know what she was doing yesterday I was serving a group of guys in their 20s their whole Conville about girls love and pee was very comical at the end they asked me hey my buddy likes to look at pee with a dude frickin a Frick doll is that gay I just bust out laughing and replied whatever floats your boat that does seem pretty gay though I have a guest who regularly spends thousands of dollars on two or three bottles of wine for the evening he and his date are dining in a private room when I opened the door to hear her tell him no blood and nothing on the face kinky bartender here I once had a group of four mid-twenties girls day drinking to celebrate one of their birthdays halfway through birthday girl gets a call leaves a bar and 20 minutes later comes back crying her boyfriend of four years dumped her over the phone from a long trip in Peru because he met another girl there and they have so much more in common she spent the next house sobbing at the bar on her birthday I hope that young woman realized that she just dodged a huge bullet the number-one kinky question I would get from couples business men husband and escort mistress combos was hey kid take a good look at her now be honest and tell me you wouldn't like to freak her sometimes the woman was gorgeous but more often just barely attractive or a face only her mother could love in all instances I said yes to secure a good tip so just the tip heard some for estate employers talking about comma ha one of them went to the woods to frick with a woman they found a dead man there Frick's firts and then called the police the caller another one said that he was so sorry about that one of his co-workers died but happy that this was the perfect moment a freak his spouse I'm kind of more impressed surprised that either let alone both was still in the mood to freak after seeing a dead body I pictured that being a deal breaker in most cases I was working a birthday party in the banquet room when I went in a little before the party started there was just an older lady in the room by herself she looked at the windows they were closed and said they're all staring at me I asked her and she just said never mind I didn't know if I should feel sad or spooked it's not super freaked up but I once heard a middle-aged woman describe an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch scene-by-scene to one of her friends in 2012 who the Frick does that a good friend I haven't met yet I had a guy white man looked mid fifties aged come in on a busy day with his wife they were very pleasant and tip nicely he came back the very next day with her as they were leaving after service I said to them it was nice seeing you two yesterday to have a great day he stopped and told her to wait outside while he went to use the restroom then he comes back to me and tips me 100 dollars in cash and told me next time I serve him to never say that to him again just a simple have a great day I was like okay apparently the second time he dined in he was actually with his wife and the woman the previous day was someone else I guess I didn't pay too much attention to detail then he comes back again the next day a really young black girl and I just realized he was dating escorts he left me a very generous tip to keep my mouth shut I didn't clarify earlier but I was a tea server in a hotel one day I was grabbing the iPad for open tables from the main restaurant and I saw him there with a different black woman he had a bouquet of roses displayed on their table better hope he doesn't read this had a two-top coming around 7 o'clock at night seemed pretty normal older Spanish looking man with a little asian girl long story short we give out coloring paper and crayons for the little ones so by the time I got to bussing my table 2-seat another I found the little girl's paper and in read crayon was written called the police at the time I was pretty sure it was the little girl just messing around but I do not take something like this lightly human trafficking is a thing so I informed my manager and we called the police turns out it was not a human trafficking situation thank goodness false alarm that you can't be too careful a mother and daughter the mother was telling the daughter how she had a new family and there wasn't room for her so she had to go live with her dad for more info the daughter was around 12 or so when I was taking the order the mum was bragging about how awesome her new family was when I came back to check up I heard so I don't have time for you anymore and you have to go with dad lots of Tears ensued only reason I didn't spit in her food was because she already had her food I was praying she ordered dessert a dad with his twin daughters one was skinny one was nominally less so he was begging the skinny one to eat and she had this angry stressed-out expression on her face it broke my heart that's so sad I hope if she was suffering from an eating disorder that she got help I was working at an event and me and an older woman I worked with were serving a table one of the Popol wasn't sitting down somewhere didn't think anything of it and just put her food down anyways the elder lady saw a phone on the ground and went to pick it up and there she is the girl was under the table sucking one of the guys off and everyone at the table was fine with it like nothing was going on my old roommate waited tables at a fancy Steakhouse in Houston a certain NBA player where the unibrow came in one night and asked my roommate hey serious question would you sucker dawn for a billion dollars my roommate said definitely yes NBA player looked at his buddies and said see for a billion dollars you have to kicker roommate is gay and has suck dongs for free third day I worked at a steakhouse in Alabama when I was still in training a very drunk woman from a party of 14 began yelling about how her uncle violated her and her friends this was supposedly one of our busiest days of the year - an entire restaurant heard girl I'll just light on my mom so we can be together this weekend guy sound nice I want you so much but what are we going to do about our dad creepy roll tide not a waiter but my friend was at a high-end country club there used to be a grocery delivery company here called Simon delivers the owner of the company was sitting at a table explaining to someone else that they now only hire early 20s male model types because it increased their sales some absurd amount due to lonely housewives if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 20,373
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Keywords: waiters, waiter stories, restaurant, restaurant stories, overheard, overheard dinner date, overhearing, awkward conversations, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: EGLRbwS5ovQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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