WAIT...DID WE JUST DESTROY BIGFOOT?! The End of the Yeti! - Finding Bigfoot 2.0 Gameplay Ending

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[Music] all right killing Bigfoot right killing Bigfoot yeah stab kill I see I see how I can do that all right boys what's what's what's the what's the plan here what's our method so we're gonna use icy as bait and we're going to bring out Bigfoot yeah we're gonna put traps all around I see and so first you load your rifle oh that's a good point yeah yeah we're essentially safe right now so we just got a yeah that's what we have to we at least know that yeah well you don't hit him or save us all right I got three traps a tent the drone and some cameras all right well there's lots of bullets on the table do you guys grab extra bullets yeah I got to you I have come here oh my god sorry why are we shooting a child I meant to give them something and I clicked on him but it fired my gun instead oh look dude we got a campfire in front this is nice that's right man we're camping now screw the Bigfoot this why is there no snow here by the way this looks very suspicious one white drug dog barking and yeah it's an open - you're a dog barking oh there's a fox here okay it's a pause wait there's Fox did I kill it I killed it I should be prepared of course this is the third episode why am I freaking out about that I don't think we should be going this way to be honest but that's fine what's the worst that can happen I don't think guys what are you doing now we're stuck yeah I don't know write down suck Oh what dude I'm on a bridge all alone over here it's not scary so why are we getting all the watchtowers first what's the purpose because they have resources in them well yeah and I think he's got a point I mean the only way we can damage this [ __ ] is with traps so we need to find all the traps so you guys are up by his base was there the resolution this isn't his base this is the secret cave oh my god Captain America oh this is great so at the beach there's Adam and I just built the fire on the wall so what you're saying is you have a lantern oh yeah I have a campfire Lantern right now it's great so how many of them have we found two one you know guys we found two okay it's all right I think what the [ __ ] did you're not pulling your weight bro I'm fault I I got stuck in a rock okay so I got delayed had I been excuse me and I've been fully [ __ ] shooting me why advise are your bullets dude voice no your bullets you look stupid by the way you look like an idiot I'm just saying you're me you're me no I'm not you can say that all day long but you can't prove it is the [ __ ] deer wanted man it grunted right behind my ear ball are we all [ __ ] high what is going on oh my god I'm at biggie smalls cave somebody's the mod this was a big biggie smalls yeah alright this as far as I can go god I can't do anything I know you suck yeah this is look look at the map or in any of these directions that I can go what that what is the point in showing it on the map to the boots now what okay good scram did you say get good scrub yeah good so I thought you just get a good scrap this is the edge yeah it's [ __ ] Flat Earth dude it's got to have an edge but it's not even flat I'm just cigs agging hey see see what happens when the master looks for the pi-1 yeah during our so bad what number is that one number one seven I guess so there's why you imagine if you find number we're all gonna feel real stupid nineteen wait up I won't deny you two are gonna die but me now it's like it's like textbook narcissism n-no it's just cuz I'm gonna shoot you when we get captured cuz I don't want to split the reward well why would you I don't even know for getting a reward yeah we know what the [ __ ] going on it would find us and kill us so let's just assume let's just assume that once we kill or capture Bigfoot the helicopter has to come back right that means that there's at least two people operating in that helicopter that could easily kill us uh-huh that's all I need to say why would they want to split the reward I think you just claimed they did uh-huh sorry I wasn't really listening I was just looking for a watchtower just looking for lunch there I'm not really paying attention who yo he's right behind me sorry I'm so sorry mr. K you died no no I'm about to what the [ __ ] Bigfoot so he Wow no seriously what did he get hit from you show him I shot him to defeat her but they do maybe they do now he fetched oh oh maybe what was the buck I'm thinking name they must have can we recruit guy oh it doesn't freeze it we're literally on the opposite side as a [ __ ] map what are we doing ah oh god sorry the fire damaged me I thought it was big he's fast so we've seen alkene climb mountains pretty fast I'm like half hell I'm sick why you come up here you know I look up here one [ __ ] would you come up to anything all right he's right near me I have meat out and cameras Oh Oh God reduce on the on the bridge you got the rich I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm actually gonna die are you dead what kind of have to find that he threw me off the bridge and I didn't know Timothy would I am like really in the safest spot possible over there again oh he got hit by the trap you got hit by the trap nice nice but I'm gonna die so now the traps gone so are you actually gonna die yeah probably restart you guys leave me over here I got attacked by Bigfoot like six minutes ago you guys Rock I jumped off the question oh my god but I'm okay it wasn't that far of a drop that's great are you lady now that you guys are all good get the [ __ ] over here and help me oh wait did I see get stuck now no wait you only do remote stop that whole time I had to deal with I see that whole [ __ ] time [ __ ] face oh my god guys I don't know which side of the mountain I should be on I don't know what to do he throws me off the bus no Ridge yeah we should probably go help him now I'll just stay here and die guys no problem no I'm coming our way from making our way down okay we're not on our way anymore good luck you're bait your food bye no I'm coming save UHP you're going the wrong way my footsteps are freaking me I'm hurting I'm hurting shoot him oh he's gone you know in all seriousness like Dre running away from you is nothing compared to both of you leaving me over here I've been being attacked by Zig gonna rot you but now I see you still stuck around decided to not help me I was looking for a watchtower what you in style your bullets could very much help me or a flare gun or something you know you know I thought you'd be smart about it but you know I guess I got trap's up with stuff on either side of me so so are we gonna use the bridge as our base space I mean it's I mean he funnels them in if we put it right at the beginning of the of the of each side of the bridge like he's got to run into it it's interesting because like we just had to sue god [ __ ] damn it you goddamn piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] I hate me so much oh dude look at this Oh what what dammit you walked her into transit boy what is boy boy really Timmy fall down the well oh are you serious dude I hate you what happened he killed me oh my god he killed me with a campfire oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I guess when I said that I literally have no hope of my life like you set the fire there you could eat us now you said the campfire down Oh what is this whoa what the hell how just a loose screams me society oh yeah oh it's only two damaged ear pickin [ __ ] board and then let's go to the bridge let's [ __ ] get this guy and stop killing each other [Music] seriously I see I'm very curious as to why you thought that when you place the campfire down and I died in about literally of a second you expected me to have the amazing reaction times you presently go to my medicine click on it and then press like you used it already by then I do I did oh I did I I've been attacked by what are you not your sting God to be honest I did excited to hit you I heard it place a little bit further away didn't it well my name is [ __ ] IGP I see pastor days dude I don't [Laughter] okay but désolée is like we can't actually me in the aisle we can't lose him desolate we losing [ __ ] Bigfoot when you do this [ __ ] bigfoot [ __ ] wins dude it's not it's not a laughing matter okay four years Bigfoot is always one you think it's Bigfoot killing the people they were actually hunting him in real life speech I've had enough we stand together as black men now we are no no I've always been going oh my god no you weren't shut up I'm yellow you oh you won't you change who's red I can't even see me so I'm right behind you gotta kill this guy no [ __ ] around fire you I love I love story oh my god you give to me you [ __ ] killed it oh god Dre dropping the f-bomb like every other sins can I even harvest it under I can't I can't get it it was a waste of ability I'm sorry that's two bullets you've wasted now right [Laughter] [Applause] so seriously how we're supposed to bring him to us oh my god there's a [ __ ] bear put meat on the ground and he'll come okay it looks like a beaver this Beach stretched some pornhub Madison what Madison there's a [ __ ] floating medicine right here yet - I'm gonna bother you spray yourself with a pheromone before we came out here now I'm just naturally attractive to Bigfoot's big feet oh my God look at the meteor I'm so I'm so wondering what these flares do probably scare mom cuz it's honestly probably for the helicopter because I think that's how you get out of here at the hook that's the signal flare right in the yeah yeah the single I know I'm thinking that it scares it scares Bigfoot off because every time I fire one before he ran off what's up dude dude wait where are we going dude oh we're going to the bridge yet all my [ __ ] god I didn't know we were going to the bridge nobody said we were going to the bridge okay he's a reader Wow I keep falling down the mountain great he's near you yeah he's like right over really I I have a camera good I don't know where you are no no no not you not you I see sorry he's good morning towards Bigfoot what happened what did you did you jump off the idiot no I jump did you pushed me off yes my fall right so where else we put in these traps just one on the each side for now as he runs into the disagreement they're gonna deplete and as soon as you get hit by them anyway they're here um it's all good it's all good now it's here okay it's only wait how do I reset it it won't [ __ ] me off freezing I'm free over here have a campfire and reset this damn crap somebody walked on it some idiot looked over and I just saw a face plant down the 20% of a percent or to 20 percent I went down to 20 resolved oh he's up there he's there okay take a shot shoot yeah sure Oh Oh yep yep very slightly though oh my god oh wow look at him walk yes kind of occasionally walking get him into get him into the trap yeah oh yes yes okay check the trap it is broken it is broken yeah oh he left dude look how much damage we did that work that warheads coming down again headshots definitely do a lot so do it how much meat do we you don't need meat by the way you don't need me oh I'm freaking out I can't find my traps what does he hit it how many traps do we have I have none left I'm always gonna make this way oh my god drop the trap okay the trap at the end guys way we have to jump it are you go first oh don't don't jump on it yes I oh yeah nobody missed it oh he's coming back yes number around here step around here stuff around here yeah see if you can lower him get it oh come on oh no it's not it's not what is he doing what is it going I hit him in the shoulder okay to reset this yeah reset it real quick he's over there still oh I need to wrap it I just keep putting bushes on it just press it once yeah there you go okay there we go I got it whole encounter he's almost at half health how many traps we got left I have two okay I have no I have to I have to okay we have lots then we're good okay look at these broken ass damn you tried to put down a trap way coming in right away he just stood a chance we can't I was hoping maybe we could repair it like it would take a long time but we could do it yeah I wonder if you can though maybe you can find an item to repair that maybe whoa what are your kills am i immediately oh god I'm behind you I just heard a beep yeah I see him he's coming he's coming I think I think he's trying to get to me yeah I think he's taking a break we did a lot of damage to him that side of you healed that wood dude I would be so pissed why are you paying attention couldn't stay in a light you guys stay out here maybe uh maybe he'll be attracted to dude would you put down all the things to make him think we've set up our [ __ ] I heard of roar yeah he's over there okay let's probably go see if we can see him Oh is he over here yeah yeah towards gray Oh God yep okay coming huh oh he sneaks up on you I'm work oh god he's gonna kill me no it's like no injuries oh god where are you Dre I'm on bread should be hitting the bloody trip Oh Dre he's after I'm gonna die if he hits me damira come over here near me on the bridge and I can give you a good I'm good yield okay good yep he's gonna come back have any more men he's not hitting these traps you pushed me into the rock yeah let's go back yep oh he's on me he's on me he wants me oh my god oh my god did he just throw you at me just what knocked me over I swear to god he throw you at me my toes oh hey let's recap he threw me at you it knocked the old boring caps my house and destroyed the ten yeah are we really gonna bastard guys just happened lcridd I feel like sleep he had a better we had a better success when it was just the plane trap there it says in the beginning don't place traps in the same place cuz he won't get hit by them I think he's honestly honest um so yeah we should well I think we should do is go to the lake by the count the cabin that's nice and open - okay where's the other tank Oh someone grabbed it yeah we got a little take on yeah I have two traps I know last 10 okay yes meter I have more traps yeah all right okay we're all right no I'm good to be able to descry hey why don't we camp out let's go to one I'm telling you we can all get on top of the of the watchtower and beta means the training is so one we go to one if you like I gotta take fall damage up there all right let's get the cameras out Oh what dump oh my god oh my god I'm scared oh yeah he's over here somewhere did he take a hit by a trap no no I do just smelled us all right can we put one here and then sprit yep perfect this week see if he can hit me up here was so loud I guess multiples of them detected him at the same time as multiples of them are detecting him at the same time he's over here so he's got mace coming at me he's coming at me yep Erman right the lips right this [ __ ] lips Oh Joe oh he's running nice he's gone okay do we do we want to move again cuz this is working good I think we can go to the other Tower okay we get the meds here yes up there go ahead and get it he's coming back schematic Oh oh my god oh my god he's beating me on the ground Oh [Applause] I just Madison I gotta use medicine yes yes I'm trying to shoot it's not letting me get my gun out okay there we go always coming back maybe let me know if he is some places down the watchtower yep he's coming back that was amazing I didn't in the face in the face here we go okay go go go go hunting tower we'll be sailing for winters we're going to the house okay he's coming back oh this is actually a good idea we'll go in the house we'll use that as a defense yeah yeah our last and there we go I don't have any medicine either I use it all how much would help you guys it ssam at 75 though I'm good about 60 16 okay well I have wonderful health depending on who who gets hit we use the house's defense I think we'll be okay yeah whoopee breaks the house well we'll find out amazing he won't go in the water that's right we can always do that to each baby yeah we go inside the water right here unless you do a lot less play updated it maybe oh my gosh swimming Bigfoot it was amazing though like that thing broke yeah yeah alright so what do you think bait right here trip-trap suit oh you have trap still have one okay oh you have why not okay I don't have any shoot I thought I had one nope oh no I picked yours up and replanted it and he he got so if we find one more trap it looks like that would be the whole bar I think we really do need a fine I have 14 bullets left by the way I have I have 50 yep Jesus have you not been shooting him no I have I just learned a [ __ ] okay good good can you give me some ammo then well man I'll try um we don't run out no I'd want to give you a rifle let me give you Emma yeah you go oh sorry there you go thanks dude nice there we go I'm alright so now we should def let me I'll get him a new lip barks medicine flare gun bullet on a track nice it's like everything dope all right so we have two traps that should be you and we have an ammunition that should be enough to kill them so let's go to the lake we could stay you don't want to try it here oh yeah this is actually not well there's not any hiding spot I just really want the lake to jump in it that's true that's true I hope we didn't [ __ ] Oh guys that dumped here oh please no I'm not doing that he's such a I've learned it's like it's like you have a false you have a false sense of like security when you when you do things like that because like you're getting lucky on occasion if you really break it down you make those jumps and those risky jumps and games like maybe 70% of the time maybe which is great oh that's that's decent odds but when it comes like we're very close to getting Bigfoot and you want to risk it there's no scenario where you don't do it yeah oh god oh god he's like right [ __ ] get back to Kevin right to the cabin from him going to get water I'm testing it I'm staring it I'm testing him in the cabin I'm in the cabin he's coming to the water he ran away okay it works it works he's gonna put a trap down I'm just gonna hide inside for a second okay that's cool okay he's not gonna come to a frame let's go let's set this up because he's here okay now we wait Oh camera cameras well Cayenne I mean we basically caught it right what could go wrong don't say that you know we're gonna do something stupid now yeah I just wore them put [ __ ] fire underneath me behind us behind us yeah he's on the other side too late yeah hope there is there is on the opposite bank yep you hit him nice yep oh god he's so fast now I know I think you pissed him off so okay let's get my bead get by the traps guys he grabs it oh yeah combined traps yep right in here yep here he comes here he comes oh my god oh god oh god right through them get it gonna get it oh you're pulling that way you're pulling I didn't do it he walked around the lawn there we go there we go got him he's running he's running I'm not near Oh should we move again no no he can get caught by this ones do the same run okay yeah we ways have we've done that you're right are you are you uh how about your health ending I heal already yeah get up get them hit a minute in a minute yeah yes we have no more traps yep that's it it's all down to damage now I think all right so we've got hunt them this is the actual hunting big food or hunting yeah what the heck is skulls yep turn around thinking is company's company's coming teabag them guys stupid oh that is the most unappealing billboard tree I've ever seen in my life what the hell's they torture you I don't know do you see it yeah it's not all I see is a treat yeah all I see is a tree this is very anticlimactic oh my god I didn't even see the helicopter so stupid yeah no street we could have been finished this an hour ago of Indy hadn't died yeah yeah what the hell dude what the hell I see also I did terribly compared to you guys okay I just saw it flat 6 in editing first okay this is a black background you got it yeah six damage you did 33 shots 192 damage I'll take it yeah or the trap master dude yeah I guess I was trapped Bigfoot he's getting whatever he's called oh I love his ragdoll body you'd imagine him being so heavy he just did like a summer slice as well when he was done to show you guys yeah man alright thanks for watching see you guys in the next one so you're supposed to record we're talking about my mini track down everyone just calm down I look like [ __ ] right now I don't give a [ __ ] about this what it look like if I use [Laughter]
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,142,215
Rating: 4.9381366 out of 5
Keywords: bigfoot 2.0 ending, bigfoot ending, bigfoot yeti captured, bigfoot yeti ending, bigfoot yeti end, bigfoot captured, bigfoot end, bigfoot game ending, bigfoot 2.0 how to beat yeti, bigfoot how to beat yeti, bigfoot 2.0 update, bigfoot game bets method, bigfoot 2.0 capturing bigfoot, bigfoot 2. funny moments, bigfoot 2.0 with friends, bigfoot 2.0 gameplay, igp, igp bigfoot, bigfoot 2.0 igp, bigfoot draegast, bigfoot icycaress, bigfoot 2.0 multiplayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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