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[Music] hey hey what's up people I'm IGP and welcome to deliver us the moon deliver us the moon is a game I've been waiting to play for years at this point when it was announced I was incredibly intrigued by the premise because at the time there weren't that many games of this kind now we've seen a ton of them but I'm still ever so excited to give this a go now the story of deliverance the moon is pretty simple it breaks down to the earth running out of resources and a new isotope being discovered on the moon in abundance that isotope can provide power to the earth and through the world Space Agency which was a newly developed agency with the initiative to get the energy from the moon to the earth they utilized a new technology called the MPT which can transmit that energy directly to earth now eventually contact was lost with the colonists on the moon and since they were no longer providing energy to earth earth no longer had resources to send anyone out to find out what happened on the moon fortunately enough they saved up enough resources I guess to send you or me in this case the last astronaut on earth to deliver the moon to the earth figuratively and not literally because that would be very very bad in any case I'm excited to give this a go if you want to check it out for yourself link will be down in the description below also if you enjoy the contents let me know in the comments if you would like to see some more let's begin please and family of the missing lemur colonists gather all around the world tonight in remembrance of the 2054 MTC blackout that resulted in a global power the blackout caused global turmoil which ultimately led to the closure of the world we what the dust storm is expected to hit residential zones between the northern 49th and 50th latitude lines by late afternoon and past over the world Space Agency's former m23 ground station and the Admiral doesn't oh I know I guess where the s where I'm at right don't even try to pretend lady this is basically the end of the earth 46 degrees Celsius that's over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit for those anyone outside of America knows what that means for us in America that's like over a hundred degrees that's like a hundred and what 20 degrees Fahrenheit something Jesus Christ dude this is nuts I'm assuming I'm at the UH the desert the old NPT place if I'm uh what is this Oh blueprints ground launch launch sequence orbital access arm what in the world am I looking at oh it's a launch sequence okay command module blueprint on how to launch a rocket alright cuz we're on the earth so we got to go to the moon okay anyway welcome to my little Hut oh hello I'm here what do I talk to for Humanity for of the future world space agency MPC online NPT transmits power from moon to earth okay oh is it working yet that's hilarious that's hilarious the microwave powered transmission generates power inside a fusion reactor and sends it wirelessly to receivers on earth fueled by helium-3 harvested on the moon while the npt took over a decade to completes the energy signal traveled rapidly from the lunar colony to earth the world space agency believes the MPT can transmit enough energy from the colonies fusion reactor to supply approximately 20% of the Earth's population that percentage is expected to rise quickly in another decade the in Petite could power all of Earth said dr. Isaac Johansen the agency's lead scientist earth will never be in the dark again yes I copy it will never be dark again that is until something happens on the moon I'm actually kind of scared I have no idea what direction this game is gonna go into I just really was intrigued by the whole space travel and I believe we're gonna be operating a rocket like an actual rocket sequence I'm not sure aha here's my suit sure oh look at that we have our own little Pip Boy confirmed contact sir right okay so my my feelings were accurate in terms of fizz n cough launch facility okay I'm sorry for mispronounced that oh we're in third person that's right I thought it was in third person maybe I should learn this maybe whatever I'm always unprepared that door was cracked dude Jesus Christ look at that dust storm this is nuts 20:59 five years after the blackout holy crap okay what I'm confused about I guess story-wise and I'm sure it'll be explained eventually the scan hello created by Isaac Johansen the amputee transmitted power from the moon to the earth through a network of satellite dishes since Isaac's disappearance during the 2054 blackout Claire Johansen has studied her father's work closely oh okay so that that's that was my question was who is funding this rocket build and me who's paying me to go out to space is that it since they shut down right since the WUSA had shut down once they couldn't establish contact again on the moon so we're on earth we're about to go to the moon dude this is nuts this is actually kind of groundbreaking maybe I'm sure it's been done before so it's a beautiful game sound design is greats graphics look great a lot of time has been spent on this I can tell what are you Sputnik oh yeah a monument marks the entrance of the Fesenko cosmodrome the facility was abandoned until the fortuna team made it to their base of operations after the blackout it began preparations for humanity's last mission to space the sign reads to the stars yeah a little Sputnik that dude where am I going there all those solar panels no that's not okay excuse me look man you can't be doing stuff like this I'm not gonna have confidence in this rocket bill oh I got to go up here don't I it took us four years to make this rock it possible for launch and the doors don't even work come on what's gonna happen am I gonna go up here and just explode midair that's already happened before and it was not pretty okay I don't want to live that experience oh god it's dark Oh flashlight or something okay do you have to guide me though am I not educated for this like my carrot I know you're doing it for me but isn't my character way educated on the subject oh yeah yeah right oh my god whoa is that me a monument for me and I haven't done anything yet thanks guys this music is [ __ ] beautiful wait what am i collecting powers out use code three five four eight for the door I will do that sure okay tap objective I use co2 to gain access to the launch facility okay oh wow that was easy uh three five was a four eight there we go okay so this is kind of reminiscent of dead space to me just because it's space and third-person yeah those are really bad comparison okay so who whom am I talking to a person or a bot is this my own personal AI so who else was with me here was it just me a lot of beds here and a lot of beds have been used see this scenario seems to be the cliche at least I'm feeling it right like work Oh something happened out so we have to send spaceman out to go find what happened on another planet or the moon and you go there and it's they've been destroyed by [ __ ] aliens or something very very supernatural and I not ready for that this this game has not portrayed itself to be a horror game at all but for some reason I'm getting a hint that it might be obviously if you didn't notice to the WUSA it looks a lot like the NASA logo you know there are tons of space agencies in our world now but it seems like the WUSA was a space agency that represented all of the world right Marie has broken ASE units one of the few survivors of the 2048 Higgins cryo sleep malfunction Maria brought her damaged AES unit back to earth with her the suggester be capitalized she's been trying to repair her ASE in hopes of restoring holographic recordings captured by the device during her time at the Hagins research facility yeah that'd be a be good dear Sarah we met years ago on the Pearson Space Station I was relieved from service after the Higgins crowd asleep malfunction remember how we talked about my broken ASC I'm looking for a way to extract his holographic data we do know you're doing that Marty at Gonzalez yeah I remember a holographic data runs through a unique hardware component I specialize more in software so you should reach out to my colleagues broth robertson is an excellent mechanic hmm is that that's not me right Who am I the person talking me is Claire the the lost during the Higgins malfunction Oh oh that's so sad I said they're still candlelit wait what the [ __ ] why is there a candlelit flick Satine 100 pills ten milligrams yeah that would be yeah I can imagine that that's necessary oh there's a door oh I just gotta move this I guess nice that's pretty cool flashlights yes please it's very dark for two night one is a go yeah it was that me thank you everyone beer pong haha oh Claire look ok so Claire is a real person okay whoa hello what the hell is that here's Claire's office evacuation notice please proceed outside the pheasant cava Cosmodrome facility between September 15th and 16th everyone in and around the facility must be ready outside the building at Oh 500 at the rendezvous our da Gonzalez just go in Jesus Christ everyone is looking for you Oh once he said is mine - something I could never convince him either you're just as stubborn as your father probably the only thing we are in common I just don't understand why he didn't restore the npt connection he invented the damn thing and I was just us no one else is even trying if we fail remember what I told you if it can be done then we're going to do it that's all we have to focus on go over your notes join us when you're ready alright okay cool that was weird oh the rocket mama Claire's rocket model recruited straight out of university Claire Johansen designed the Taurus five rockets for the fortuna mission that Claire was eager to join the team to uncover the fates of her father and sister on the moon after the 2054 blackout okay so nobody knows what has happened everyone just disappeared in contact was lost that's why I'm terrified that when I go up there it's going to be [ __ ] hell I'm so scared okay here's a bunch of stuff ground launch sequencer orbital access arm okay yeah I'm not gonna try to remember all that I'm assuming the game will tell me what's - okay heading up to the control room I guess sorry for those who want me to rush through I take my time with games like this for the most part although I do miss a lot of things I still try to find everything because story is very important or is very important to this game alrighty I will do it reboot okay so wait there's the rocket dude look at that look at that holy crap okay so the both Maria and Claire are talking to me right now where are they at oh great of course something's messed up close both fuel valves oh where the hell are those oh there's a door hello Crisium what through these people oh god dust storms approaching dude or the valves oh there they are okay so just turn this I guess something's gonna happen it's gonna explode but the way that door was at the beginning yeah probably is gonna be that way okay I guess the other ones on the other side yeah fantastic okay Oh probably need this ladder right nope can't use the ladder fantastic oh right we move that ladder down here whoa whoa what what the hell whoa okay I'm just going to assume that this was all stuff yeah see like stuff being dragged I'm not gonna think anything else I mean why would there be anything here right it's on the moon that we're worried about a storm is coming dude hurry up all right let go climb up the ladder and jump oh there we go see we are smart we figured that out in record time dude the valves have been turned yes yes I know what to do thank you wait what am i launching it without me in it okay yay wait excu a ball a minute in 30 seconds what what are you trying to tell me to do what do you mean a dust storm is gonna destroy there hasn't been another dust storm already holy [ __ ] we're actually about to die Jesus Christ okay okay I'm going dude I'm going game is lagging gave us lagging any secrets I can stop and distract myself with I don't think so I'm just gonna go dude I could risk this my life's work dude this music is nuts what do you mean I'm not waiting I'm running I'm [ __ ] running lady no one as fast as I possibly can this guy I would I would be jolting up that ladder oh we're already in here I'm actually excited this is what this is what I was excited for because I I heard we get to operate our own rocket okay flip flip flip okay what I only have 14 seconds lady just turn on the [ __ ] rocket oh I see I see I see okay all of them I guess what the what the oh uh so wait a oh wait a one oh [ __ ] a 1 a 3 B 3 before oh okay and then the other one just like it okay oh [ __ ] I suck I suck at this there's a huge delay oh boy okay really all right let's do it oh my god oh this is so cool oh my god this is awesome well I'm terribly excited right now this is amazing oh wow we can actually see we are actually moving because usually in games like this they kind of just create the the effect it actually looks like we're moving [Music] [Music] years ago they knew a nurse full of life you can bring the MPT network back online it could restore the hope humanity lost after the lunar colony fell we could recover rebuilt and most of all start thinking about the future you'll need to find the npt transmitter at the Pearson Space Station from there the power signal was relayed to us this was the final link in the MPT that was before the blackout there are there that was epic that was super epic you know what I'm actually upset about is lady you spent so much time talking about how breathtaking it is at home yes it is amazing but priority should have been tell me what the [ __ ] I'm supposed to do cut off main engine okay second stage ignition pull it let's go achievement unlocked fly me to the moon this is our one shot literally one shot [Music] that was the intro Wow oh is that the spacestation I can see it twinkling anybody I'll see that yep there it is Wow well I like how you can still see lights back on earth what's this is insane checkmate flat earthers huh this doesn't look good or sound good Oh doc to the station okay how do i doc oh oh wait what oh this is interesting staying right in the middle here look at that look at that precision precision [Music] haha I'm very good at this yeah plug it in Wow there we are MPT Network offline station power very low okay thank you oh we're leaving whoa oh this is the station right so I was at a very small pod Pierceton Space Station 20:59 in five years after blackout look at earth dude all I could scan that lets go NPC transmitter one of issac Johansson's greatest achievements the MPT transmitter directs are directed the energy signal sent from the moon to earth from 2041 until the blackout of 2050 for wow that was a long time as construction continued and Isaac's responsibilities within the WUSA grew the distance between him and his family began to take its toll okay so we're gonna have a little bit of personal backstory here but I'm more interested in delivering the moon so this is the space station we're not even on the moon yet like we haven't uh we haven't gotten a chance to get there which I guess we will oxygen depleting that's not good objective bring life-support systems back online okay I guess I'm going to the red area right seems about right hello it's locked okay locked nope I guess the red area was wrong aha here we go what is up in here oh I just got a container I guess I should put somewhere is there any other kind of indicator telling me where to go aha wait is it broken or something oh wait never mind oxygen yay oh no this is gonna be hella difficult I don't want to do this okay here's another tube I know where that goes Oh reboot not enough power to reboot the life support okay oh I need one more over here okay oh I know what to do I know what to do I'm dumb I'm dumb I'm a dumb dumb I'm a dumb I'm a dumb dumb give me this put that right there to keep the door open and then I can get this one yes see me big brain there we go okay now we reboot activating life support restoring life support yes well thank you very much I can breathe objective access station power inside the control center in the okay oh it's down here what up oh god it makes me sick Oh word up listen to you here you control Rolf you ready I am and don't worry control it's probably just a glitch we'll be back before you know it yeah yeah let's find out how they've been holding up down there they're probably all dead commence descent protocol that doesn't sound good see we have no idea cuz these people that went they didn't report back right so the pearson special space elevator Katya I'm spitting everywhere improve the logistics of getting people and supplies to and from the moon when the 2054 blackout occurred station crew members Sarah Baker and Ralph Robertson were sent down to the elevator to investigate the blackout on the moon's surface due to the station's emergency protocol their time was extremely limited and that's where I guess I'm going right oh no no no I just sit down and relax what am i doing station power inside the control center okay side of the control center okay here's Libra down to Libra wing hello Sarah what's up your paint job later don't worry yeah just patching up Alex before we head down are you bringing that thing a lot of course we'll need all the help we can get besides you wouldn't have made it to that airlock if it hadn't been for him December t blackout can't be just a glitch Ralph everything is still dark down there last time there was an outage did you hear the message from earth no what are they saying they can't even send ships appear anymore without the NPT it's crazy right we're the only ones able to investigate the black guy okay let's go yes so that's what he's basically what it is is because the NPT was down we didn't have enough energy to even send anyone out to help after the crowd asleep generator in the Higgins research facility malfunctioned in 2048 Maria's search for answers led her to investigate what remained of the machine unable to determine the exact cause of the malfunction she sent this fragment of Pearson Space Station mechanic Ralph Robertson for assessment oh my god dude that's so cool ash markup I would say space is show cool moon man first contact whoa astronaut Doc's into an I run down Space Station on his way to the moon he discovers clues of an old friend convinced that they may still be alive on the moon he doubles his efforts to reactivate the space elevator in a race against time is that not essentially what I'm doing that's kind of creepy to see that please don't oh hey I found a code reminder they have changed the code again new code is two five three nine I got you boo I got you boo right here why would you need a code right it's not like anybody can just walk into the space station you know oh my goodness holy crap what am I doing here BT Network diagnose an bt diagnosing diagnosing Pearson Space Station BT transmitter and receiver online oh wait what connection to Ian MPT network not established ok diagnosed in the moon hub contact moon base no connection of course base elevator to moon hub offline additional energy required yeah I imagine rotates station for additional power o station rotation engine off god damn it this sucks ok so I have to yeah reach the Ares swinging through the orion wing ok the orion wing is over here lots of buttons and gadgets and gizmos i don't want to mess with cuz i might screw something up we got extra space suits it seems ok so we're going to operate this it seems whoa okay plasma cutter primed and ready to cut locks wait what the hell why are we cutting the locks whoa what why do we have to cut the locks press this dude press that press that button oh [ __ ] less energy oh god dude please do not it appears that the plasma cutter can be saved to remove from the servo arm and then attached to a socket on the right hand glove oh yes yes I got a plasma cutter let's go sick dude sick all right let's don't need oxygen we're good oh I got a cut how do i up oh right this is this like use up my energy or something and also where's my oxygen meter perfect ah oxygen is still depleting I didn't need to do that actually it seems cut an emergency yeah give me the oxygen dude it's an emergency what is that oh it's a big oxygen yeah dude we got it no worries this is so awesome oh hey another audio log cool copy that do you think we'll finish construction anytime soon yeah hey listen I'm getting strange readings here from the lunar surface are you seeing anything we lost power from the FPT the whole station is down can you find your right back to the airlock right I'm sending out looks to block the airlock doors do you see him make it faster once the airlock seals he'll be left out alex is blocking the door for you but he can't hold it much longer oh [ __ ] dude this is getting terrifying I do not want to go to the moon now this is this is not my job dude why did I sign up for this I wonder if we ever get like a story about that like why I decided to do this why did I sign up for this Orion Wing plate although our though operational the Pearson Space Station was never completed Saren Rolfe oversaw construction of the final wing until lunar council member McArthur suspended shipments of material I saw that we looked at that such as this panel diverting all resources to a classified project on the moon oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] classified project dude this is so dumb why can't we just take the power and use it why do we audit experiment one would assume I cannot go through that so I'm not even gonna try oh here we go boom cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut look at me okay let's let's be serious here let's be serious this room is very red trying to go past all the electricity be very careful here cut it there we go ha I'm just destroying everything in this place ok now I can go in yay green room whoa wait what what is this is this the helium 3 whoa what dude that's nuts what is that objective provide power to the station rotation engine ok how do I do that Oh duh duh oh sorry guys who or whatever the [ __ ] you are we need more power here I need to orientate myself Jesus Christ send a power station power is still very low ok cool oh I see who is going to repair all this by the way seriously I'm breaking [ __ ] everything right now how is the MPT supposed to function when I'm destroying everything oh no oh no okay here it is god I'm getting so disoriented I got to do the next one come on oh [ __ ] oh I see so once I take the next one it's done no more life support yep I get it alright so we're gonna put all these back right is that not what I'm doing station powers should be way higher than very low guys come on [Music] access control center oh I gotta go back none of this is good dude this sounds so dangerous what the [ __ ] am i doing oh no well it's over control center there we go okay thought I lost all of it okay activate rotation engine come on come on we gotta power let's do it yes space elevator online whoa what holy [ __ ] the whole place just blew up oh I missed it I'm dead I had my hands on my head okay I favor I love quick time events they're my favorite I had my hands on my freaking head dude I grabbed this oxygen hurry up what what has happened do Oh God I'm out in space all right don't get hit by any of this stuff guys oh I gotta go in here gotta go in here oh my goodness oh my god look at it dude it's completely destroyed we're screwed like there's nothing we can do right like even if we get the NPT on line that's ruined oh look at all the oxygen come on baby give me a sweet juice Oh No Oh No [ __ ] I gotta just go the game teased me dude they came straight teased me oh my god yeah I don't know what I did I couldn't rotate it I guess I wasn't supposed to oh no all my stuff dude this is nuts all right we're back in this last piece of oxygen come on there's no way anything is secure Oh God yeah let's go let's go dude I got 18 seconds we got it we're fine we're fine we're fine press the button there we go yes holy [ __ ] dude it's what the [ __ ] look at this elevator it's like the Vesper dude [Music] [Music] I'm terrified I'm absolutely terrified right now what happened seriously what the hell happened I go down down the elevator and on to the [ __ ] moon
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,384,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deliver Us The Moon, Deliver Us The Moon fortuna, Deliver Us The Moon gameplay, Deliver Us The Moon fortuna gameplay, Deliver Us The Moon part 1, Deliver Us The Moon gameplay part 1, Deliver Us The Moon lets play, Deliver Us The Moon walkthrough, Deliver Us The Moon walkthrough part 1, Deliver Us The Moon steam, Deliver Us The Moon intro, Deliver Us The Moon trailer, Deliver Us The Moon review, Deliver Us The Moon ending, Deliver Us The Moon fortuna gameplay part 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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