WAIT... 2 CARS UNDERWATER? Find Out How We Found Them With @AdventuresWithPurpose

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[Music] it was nearly a year ago that strong disappeared in Ogden for every missing person there's a family and for them the search continues if I went missing or somebody in my family went missing I would really hope that there was guys like awp and guys like us that would chip in their own time money and resources to be able to help find my loved ones because you know law enforcement's Limited all right my friends today we are searching for a missing person got a call last night from Doug with adventures with purpose you guys know Doug and Jared good buddies of ours you know they do these big tours across the country where they go to all these different states and they hit these different missing persons cases one state at the time and they've had some wild success lately they found out that Keely Rodney girl that was missing out here at Lake Tahoe he hit me up and said that there's a guy named Shane strong from Ogden Utah went missing last November November 2021 left kind of a family get-together was heading home it was never heard from again uh the reason why we're searching for him is because he drives a very recognizable orange Impala which nobody has found which potentially leads us to believe leads to you know Jared and Doug to believe that the car could be in water somewhere there's a lot of water up here in Ogden so he hit me up and said hey uh we're gonna search and if we find something we would love for you guys to help us get the car out of the water and figure out what's going on so today first things first we're gonna head into the Ogden police department and meet with the detective to get more information about the case to help kind of guide us in the right direction from there we're going to take that information and head out to a couple of different bodies of water where we're going to scan underwater with their equipment and again if we find something which we probably will whether it's the person we're looking for or just another car dive down see what the car is and then uh hook it up and pull it to the surface and see if we can help solve this case and bring closure to the family these cases are super frustrating because when somebody goes missing Without a Trace and there's no answers it's really hard on a family and friends and uh you know finding the person and finding the car finding anything just helps them have a better understanding of what happened to their loved one which is why this is such an important deal so we're gonna head to the police station right now and get some more information [Music] I'd like to start off by thanking all of you guys for being so inviting and open to using us as a resource um we have Dave here with his entire team and his resources that'll be able to help us out today and we're here to help in any way we can so let's let's just Dive Right into Mr strong and let's go over um it's no different from what you guys do we'd want to develop a good victimology profile of who he was where he was from maybe some of his characteristics things he'd like to do so forth so when was the day he was reported missing so he wasn't he was reported missing May 10th of this year May 10th 2022. I understand that we suspect he was missing for quite some time prior to him actually being officially reported missing by Family yeah last known contact that I know of was November 17th of 2021. if you know from what I understood it was just family thought he was one place and it took a while for the family as a collective to realize that he was missing and uh he was staying here in Ogden correct but what is really suspicious at this point was he hasn't communicated with his mom his kids he always called us no matter what kind of things he was doing but not this time yeah pretty much everybody I talked to said it wasn't uncommon for him to to disappear for a while but it was very uncommon for him to disappear without still at least communicating with his children we've had Mother's Day go past didn't contact mom and kids birthdays no contact whatsoever and just that's really really suspicious to me it's as suspicious to you guys as well and we also know he's 48 years of age when he went missing and he was just driving in 1977 burnt orange bright orange Chevy Impala that's missing as well license plate is l524f at this point the license plate is expired and I'm sure you guys have run LPR readings on it and no readings of the car anywhere yeah the car's off the radar you know reports of it they haven't it hasn't been impounded nothing like that so it's just it's just off the radar where are you guys at with the case right now we're kind of at a dead end with the case um you know there has been rumors there's been tips um a lot of the tips are are also several months old do you know when that letter was sent the last known communication the family didn't say when that was that timeline is kind of kind of important right I mean assuming he went missing in November was the letter sent in March was it sent in May was it sent I know I know it was it was fairly recent or it was recent in time frame to when he disappeared it wasn't something that they received like several months later and supposedly his son has it the letter gotcha was it mailed did they say it was mailed but no there was no postmark on it so we put in the mailbox that's what I'm thinking someone had to put it in the mailbox if it wasn't postmarked uh what year is the Impala it says 97 on here but I don't know 77 gotcha do we know do we know if he had any like health related issues or anything like that none that the family or friends knew of he did have a history of substance abuse but no you know there was no ongoing health issues that the family was aware of where was the um the location where he left from the address it was a uncle's house up on 37th was that what we're working with now is them trying to figure out like when they last saw him you know because so many months went by right so they're trying to there could be some inaccuracies in that but the original report is like he left a family a party after grilling chicken and it was very specific so maybe not is that specific so I know Pineview gets searched all the time or there's reports of cars going off the edge all the time do you know when the last time a car was pulled out of there about two weeks ago and was that a recent car that had just gone in I've been missing since about two years was that a missing person or stolen cars abandoned okay stripped and thrown in uh we had side scan but we really don't search that area anymore unless we have a reason to yeah 90 of the vehicles found in Pineview are on the sr-39 side is that the South Side okay oh right off the edge there right off yeah and are there currently Vehicles still in the water that you know of right now and then we know right yeah I see stuff pop up all the time when's the last time you guys did a kind of a thorough scan it's been a couple years okay yeah like I said we really don't scan in there anymore unless we have to read so so not since he's been missing yeah yeah anytime we find something underwater or we it's a crime scene until proven otherwise correct so we will our my main objective is to identify and assess it reach out to you guys if it's what we're looking for then you know obviously it's a completely different scenario at that point and we're here to lend our resources as much as you guys need them Pineview is a number one target for us well the police is working with extremely limited information they're working with a report that was filed six months after he went missing they're working with dates that aren't sure there's like no credible like solid last known location no addresses that are exact no dates that are dude this letter is blowing my mind you have a non-postmark letter that showed up in a mailbox but you don't know when yeah he's missing he's missing with his vehicle right he's missing from here right and the vehicle hasn't been found like he's got it and he had connections to the valley up there with the two Lakes yeah right now you want to have to find here yeah let's head over there okay perfect okay let's do it so guys I'm actually I'm more optimistic about this search than I have been kind of any other that we've done recently because the areas that we're going to start having to search with side scan sonar in years two or three years so whether we find him or some other cars I got a good feeling about finding something today [Music] all right so we are in search area number one this is the finger here on Pineview Reservoir and what's unique about this spot is there are roads that go on both sides of the finger right next to the water so you can see if there's a tow truck our guys are hiking down the hill that's essentially the road right there which means there's a good opportunity for cars to fly off of there the sheriff was telling us that cars are launched off there all the time when people either abandon them or you know stolen vehicles or whatever so the plan here is to basically scan this entire finger both sides all the way down as close we can get to the dam essentially this is going to be base camp up here at the turnout where the sheriff said is the most popular spot for people to launch cars so the guys got the mobile command center up there with Ogden PD our guys have got the tow truck we got the adventure of the purpose trailer getting pulled over there so that's going to be kind of the home base if we're going to find a car it's going to be in here I'm pretty certain we're going to find at least a car in here whether it's the car we're looking for that's a different story but uh you know the sheriff wants cars out of here and uh hopefully we can find one it's a getting the day started off with a bang I mean ultimately pulling trucks and Equipment out of mud it's fun and it makes for you know entertaining content but searching for missing people is a whole different animal I mean this is this is bringing closure to a family generations of families that potentially might not have it otherwise you know if I went missing or somebody in my family went missing I would really hope that there was guys like awp and guys like us that would uh chip in their own time money and resources to be able to help find my loved ones because you know law enforcement's limited they can only do so much so that's why these private agencies that do this make a big difference and and what's cool is the influence of this type of content is growing more and more people are getting into it because they want to help and and fortunately there's a lot of viewers on YouTube and other places that love watching it so it's like this very symbiotic relationship that just seems to be working and it's cool to be part of it there you go we've got a pretty sonar set up in here yeah is so is that new or is that the same one this is old okay okay all right it's got the full Garmin sonar it's reading the bottom pretty well yeah I've got it set on auto or 25. I don't know how to read it but I'm seeing something we just need to make a couple passes okay that's pretty much it that's where we're at right now we're just cool scanning we're just gonna learn how to use the sonar then search actually begun and Adventures with purpose guys Doug and them are over there in their boat doing you know what they do best with just scanning with sonar turns out we've got a pretty sweet sonar system here in the pavada as well so uh the only problem is not real familiar with using it but it's kind of self-explanatory but at the same time kind of not I think for the most part we're seeing a lot of fish it's a fish what yeah yeah that's it that's the tiger mask away friend that means oh nibblers and we start tying shoelaces together with jerky on the bottom I'm gonna come back I'm what I'm doing now is I'm get a little bit further out to get a different angle to make sure we're not missing anything I'm gonna do that the same way back around the Horseshoe little arm here keep it going yeah we're I mean we're looking at kind of the same thing as you so if anything major pops up [Music] foreign AR picked up kind of a block under the water here that we actually picked up on ours and Doug is spending some time on it so they got a magnet in the water which they're dropping down to see if it's a boulder or if it's a car because if it's car it's gonna be metal magnets gonna stick to it um yeah is it that that big Clump that was right there um there's two of them but one definitely looks like a car when you're further out where you are all right magnet on it now confirm and the magnet doesn't lie so the magnet will burn if it's a car or not yeah let's see it's like 20 feet deep okay not deep at all yeah uh there's a lot of fish around it too as well which I'm seeing a ton of fish right here which is kind of common around any car because they still tend to use it as a habitat yeah but also with somebody who is less than a year they're still feeding yeah if that's the case I wonder it's probably the same thing we're seeing we're seeing like a bunch of fish right there yeah it's right it's it's right here I actually this is I think what he's picking up right here right that's a lot of something what I mean I guess it should be set to the ground though cold that looks like a car I see him there right there yeah so those right there are abnormal lumps still look like they have like dirt kind of mounded up around them this would be a good place to jump off of I mean this was this is the first turnout right here I mean if you're hauling ass you come down that foreign it looks like a long low profile old car coming from he was coming from Ogden I think right could have been um the first turnout there's a guard rail right there yeah it stops though it stops so he could have launched straight through there dang [Music] see that's that's a weird irregular shape lump right here and then around it you got a bunch of fish and fish love the cars so right there you've definitely got something that is not uh not a normal not a normal piece of the lake bed there actually looks like there's possibly two cars right side beside um the reason why that's so critical is because right there the road has a turn off that somebody could have just gone straight off foreign [Music] [Music] we got two cars located so far one on the north side of the lake one on the South Side so now we are headed back over to the marina to the adventure the purpose trailer and we're gonna load up all the dive gear all the air tanks everything that we need to be able to go back and get on those cars now we're gonna do this recovery differently than the last couple we've done with eventually the purpose which we do with the big lifting bags instead Doug is going to get down there identify the car uh get the license plate see if there's any bodies in them and then from there uh we're gonna get permission from the sheriff to be able to recover them so he'll run basically chains and lines down to the cars and we will pull them straight up out of the bottom of the lake from the with the tow truck from the shore so we're not going to lift them with the lift bags we're just going to pull them straight out from the side of the road with the tow truck and uh we should be able to pop two cars out here today and we still don't know if they're just abandoned cars or maybe the car we're looking for or some other car can be interesting so this is where the uh the day gets exciting and it's shallow one car is at 20 feet one's a 40. so these are really easy Dives [Music] if this is what we're looking for we have everything that we need accessible we've got our synthetic straps endless Loops doubled up with protective lace on them one of these extreme high grade chains We're not gonna be using lift bags today because these cars are really easy providing answers to families that are living with a nightmare of not knowing what happened to their loved one that's why we do what we do find those answers to families it's powerful that moment once they know you know it's somebody you love and not know anything not have a trace not have a clue as to what happened to them it's tough you know we're as humans we're not designed to live with that kind of pain I'm not knowing so you know I think these cars and trying to help solve cold cases it's the answers man it's all in the answers [Music] time to get in the water time to dive we uh we got Doug's dive gear he's uh pretty much geared up easy dive 40 feet right about that we're popping down right now just to identify and assess yep uh once we identify and assess local authorities will make the determination on how we proceed so we at least know we have two Dives coming two both on each car one on each car just to identify and assess because if it's not our vehicle it could very well be something else connected to something else yeah so when I get back up we'll have all the answers on condition uh positioning and and hopefully there's some identifying markers on it like a license plate stay dry [Music] we're ready let's find out what we're working with [Music] [Laughter] [Music] nice work divers in the water foreign [Music] I'm on a vehicle disability is about six inches [Music] [Music] vehicle is upside down I repeat Vehicles upside down pulls upside down vehicle is silver in color I repeat silver in color I have a license plate and hand I repeat I have a license plate in hand I have the license plate and I repeat I have the license plate and I'm heading back up top side okay he's he's got the plate he's coming up to the top with it that was good got ourselves a license plate that is not the plate that we're looking for my car is it some type of Chrysler Chrysler zero visibility it's a plastic Chrysler like a newer yeah that one really easy to recover you know I'll hook onto that frame and that suspension is never coming off we know that wasn't the car we're looking for this possibly could anytime you find a car underwater there's no such thing as a car underwater for a good reason so any any no no not stolen system uh they're pulling up more information right now but it's it's not marked as stolen so there's no recent history on it like if that's somebody that didn't have anybody in their life or you know that's definitely uh find out who the owner is to see if the owners yeah so it's it's pretty smashed the windows are all broke uh it's upside down I checked as much as I could but I mean I couldn't see anything [Music] Diver Down yeah I arrived at the vehicle I repeat I've made my way to the vehicle he's at the car visibility is about three inches I repeat three inches making my way around the front of the vehicle is definitely a really old vehicle I repeat a really old vehicle looks like we have some type of reddish orange color old vehicle that's reddish orange driver's side front window is down I repeat driver side front window is down we're gonna have an uh an extended cab Silverado maroon in color I repeat an extended cab Silverado maroon in color Silverado 2500 burgundy in color it's clear two thousand we like it to the very least it's gonna make it really easy to recovery I'm initially right at the bat doesn't look like a stolen no involvement at least with the local agency but we just keep looking through different databases and resources that we have see if we can come up with anything that's associated with this vehicle registered owner information or any contact that it's had with anybody outside of our local jurisdiction I I landed on it and I thought I thought it was an orange it looked orange with the silt on top of the burgundy and I wipe it and it's working I thought I thought it was our car you see what we have though I mean these cars need to come out they're not good for the environment at the very least it's a huge win for the marine environment today big time looks like we have a couple of old old vehicles that uh somebody crash in there what happened so that's what we're trying to figure out [Music] pull them about to go down and rig it I got all my rigging set up here we're gonna zip line the rigging down to it once we get it rigged uh Dave's up there already with the wrecker Diesel's down there already with the line he's climbed down the cliff already so I'm gonna rig it run my line up to the buoy go out and grab the line from diesel connect them pull it up we'll be out in no time [Music] out around the winch cave all the way out put a big long cable to that cable to the winch cable ran it all the way out they now have straps around the front or the rear wheels I don't know which one around the wheels hook to the cable [Music] he's coming out now so now it's party time we just start pulling now and uh hope for the best [Music] so Doug was not able to tell whether there was a body in there or not uh can you get to the Shoreline here at the edge of water Sheriff's Office will head down there check it out stop and be more sensitive about we'll get that truck pulled up and grab the other car [Music] [Music] okay [Music] 5 51 PM so far today in our search for Shane strong we've uncovered two vehicles here in this Lake the first one behind me a truck we've already pulled it out it's getting ready to go up this Cliff this is still a very extremely challenging recovery not to mention we still have another meeting [Music] got the truck out of the water and it's basically on the shoreline got the sheriff down there he's digging through it and uh we're gonna if anything nothing keep on tugging it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] it's been a good recovery and that happens oh see you buddy put you back in the water saving the marine environment saving fish pulling cars out by rigging off and you still want to grab the other one today we're hooked that one went much faster uh waiting for Doug to get to the surface and we'll start pulling this one should go climbing faster vehicle number one out of the lake we got it up on the turnout up there it was a big Chevy Silverado 2500 pretty clean truck for what it was back in the day only 86 000 miles uh got it out the uh State uh or the county sheriff is going to have another tow company come grab it take it to the impound lot and we've got I love how I look at my wrist like I have a watch I don't think I've worn a rock watch for like more than two hours total of my life but I always go so we got maybe about an hour of daylight left [Music] 7 14 p.m second vehicle is completely rigged on its way out right now Days running the winch in this crisis should be breaking the surface here shortly [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] another win [Music] ladies and gentlemen that is a wrap for today uh we did not find uh Shane we found two vehicles that nobody knew were there neither of one of them had bodies in them both of them had weird backstories they've been there quite a while uh so that's good we cleaned up the local Lake pulling out the minivan pulling up the Chevy truck uh tomorrow we're gonna do a separate video going to another Lake up the Causey Reservoir which is a much smaller but deeper and more nasty uh Lake and we're gonna keep searching because this was just uh area this is basically location number one of three or four that uh Doug and the guys want to search so we're not done yet we've got some serious good work done today uh big shout out to Weber County Sheriff forest service for working with us Ogden PD the detectives everybody just a great group of people made this happen and again just another opportunity to clean up our backyard so tomorrow we keep looking for Shane [Music] all right guys just a quick follow-up for you obviously this first day of searching that we spent with uh Doug and the team with adventures with purpose we were only able to search One location which was Pineview Reservoir and spent the whole day searching and then the rest of the day pulling those two vehicles out we didn't have time to search the other possible locations that we had originally talked about law enforcement however the following day Doug and the team did go to the 21st Street Pond and Causey Reservoir and they searched them both and surprisingly to me anyways uh they found nothing I thought for sure there might be an old car or something in Causey just because it you know hasn't been searched and it's kind of a you know off the beaten path lake so I was hoping to find a little bit more there but uh they searched everything found that it was like 100 110 feet deep and they did a very thorough search of both of them and nothing popped up so that's good news and that's bad news the bad news is obviously we didn't find Shane or really any indication or any clue that points us you know in the right direction of helping solve this case and bring closure to his family so with that said if anybody out there knows anything about Shane strong or his whereabouts or his story or has any more information about his case go ahead and shoot us an email to info heavy dsparks.com and uh will pass the information on to the family and the authorities and do what we can to help solve this case so for now uh I feel like we did a good job helping clean up the environment pulling those Vehicles out of the lake and bringing more awareness to Shane's case in other cases like it so big shout out to Doug Jared the whole team and eventually the purpose those guys are doing phenomenal work and they are like the most well-oiled machine I've ever seen when it comes to just organization and the way they run their team and the way they create content it's it's pretty stellar so Link in my description below to their Channel if you want to follow them and see more of what they're doing they've had some very high profile cases throughout their career and and some more recently that I think you'll find very fascinating so buckle up because uh it's wild content
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,041,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, adventure, zion, utah, moab, go pro, travel vlog, diesel trucks, trucks, giveaway, adventure vlog, vlogger, instagram, Heavy D Sparks, diesel brothers, diesel truck, how to, Polaris, Rzr, Utv, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Heavydsparks, Diesel, exploring, 6x6, logan paul, jake paul, ripsaw, duramax, pavati, wakeboard, wakesurf, boating, surfing, lake life, navy seal training, recovery, offroad recovery, lake powell, navy, boats, adventures with purpose, navy seals
Id: s_GUJDLly6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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