It's Over - The End Of an Era For Us

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ladies and gentlemen we're about to take you guys on a journey in fact this is going to be a video unlike anything you've ever seen on the channel before and it's something we've wanted to do for a while but quite frankly didn't have plans to do anytime soon but we had something happen recently that prompted this and in the spirit of Thanksgiving we're feeling extra grateful for everything we've been given and I actually just got done building a new truck that kind of sparked this whole idea because it brings back some memories of where we started where we came from how this whole thing came about so ladies and gentlemen what you're about to witness is the evolution of Dave and Dave the diesel Brothers where we came from how it started how insanely difficult some of the times were how insanely wild some of the locations and different shops and buildings we ran our businesses out of we're going to pull back the curtain and give you guys an uncensored look into the struggle that made us who we are today and again the idea was prompted from one of our newest truck builds so keep in mind this video is not about a truck build this video is about life about progress about the ups and the Downs The Good the Bad and the Ugly and I think you guys are really going to enjoy because uh it's one hell of a story [Music] let's buckle up so that we don't get the seat belt haters it's a good idea all right guys so basically what this video is about like I said is in the early days of our business we uh we started with pretty much nothing and we had to just figure it out nobody gave us any money everything that we were able to build we built by fighting tooth and nail so the reason why you know we had the idea to do this video today was because we just got done building this truck that we're calling the us-24 valve this is a uh third gen Cummins six-speed manual and it was inspired by one of the first trucks we ever built which we called the us-12 valve my favorite trucks ever the us-12 valve was an old red dually farm truck that we bought at an auction and the plan was to just you know maybe clean it up a little bit turn around and sell it we called the truck rodeo Rose and then one day I got the idea to put a flat bat on it but we couldn't afford any of the flatbeds at the time so we decided to build our own and we'll take you through that Journey here in a little bit but essentially we just got done building this truck yesterday because this is our Black Friday giveaway truck and the last Diesel power gear giveaway truck that you'll ever see so there's some significance here but uh as this truck was coming together I was walking through the shop yesterday and I just had to take a second and really kind of soak it all in because the difference between this truck and the first us-12 that we built it's like literally night and day they're two completely different planets the us-12 valve we were just on we didn't have a budget we were just pulling stuff out of thin air trying to put that truck together and we did it and like I said we built a very iconic very cool truck that people all over the world fell in love with and then as I looked at this one I see a bed that we designed in-house on SolidWorks and 3D designing and everything about this truck is just pretty much Immaculate all the way down to the custom stitched you know leather interior like this truck is no joke and for me and for Dave here it was just a moment of you know reflection looking back like how far we've come and how cool it is to see that progress so where we're headed right now is basically where it all began this was uh my first dealership location and my first shop location I want to say my it's because this is where I started right when I got married back in like 2011 before Diesel Dave and I had even decided that we were going to do this together up until this point we had just been doing excavation together and then Dave took off and started running marathons on the Great Wall of China and started just living his life as a uh as a bachelor you're a vagabond meanwhile I had just recently got married and I was trying to figure out what I was going to do for a living so I think this first location is really going to open your guys eyes to really just how little we had when we got started so buckle up because it's gonna be fun oh ladies and gentlemen welcome to Ground Zero this was spot number one now I gotta explain to you a little bit how this one came together because this was the first location that I moved my dealership business into right after I married at this point I still didn't have a shop um and this is kind of where the shop idea was born so I'll show you you know you're going to be looking at this building and you'll be thinking that place isn't a dump that's a nice office and you're right because it wasn't mine so the only way that I could get into the car sales business to be able to operate under a dealership was to partner with a friend of mine at the time TJ Chapman big shout out to TJ uh TJ TJ's like a big brother to me um he'd been in the car business forever and he knew that I wanted to try to find a way to buy and sell cars but in order to sell cars in Utah you have to get a bond and I couldn't get them on because I'd have any money so this was TJ's office right here we didn't rent this whole building in fact I'm pretty sure we only rented like one office and we just kind of loitered in this lobby area that we weren't necessarily supposed to be in but as I grew and decided to Branch out this is where I picked up my first employee come on buddy right here this man ladies and gentlemen first employee and the best part was I didn't really even have a real business when I hired him to be an employee I was working under someone else's business and just kind of like did I ever pay you no I gave you a car I gave you a Land Rover yeah it's a picture of the Land Rover I paid him in a Land Rover for like a couple years worth of work so anyways Cole came in to help me sell cars and uh we were slinging cars dude I loved it it was the best this was the best time of my life we were like what 24 26 years old yeah just innocent had no idea what we were doing no money did not know who we thought we were cool there was an old man who used to rebuild cars out of the back of here and Cole and him just never quite saw eye to eye and one day they got an argument and the man says to him you know who you think you are that's it Kohl's had an identity crisis ever since um I started in here with maybe 500 to my name if that and we used to buy cars from the auction right down the road and we'd Park them here right out front and I'm talking two three four thousand dollar cars and so I learned that business and it got to the point where I wanted to grow I wanted to do more but I didn't have a shop I didn't have anybody to work on these cars and I was kind of using TJ's guys a little bit and they were busy and it wasn't really working so that's where Sparks Motors was born but it wasn't called Sparks Motors it was called Caro de Fuego right out back here right over here you're gonna see through this chain link fence a bunch of storage units and a bunch of little garages now we didn't own those in fact I wasn't even able to rent one but right here basically a single Bay garage that's designated as a storage unit well I walked back there one day and saw some Mexican fellas Chris and Jose I heard some music jamming I heard some cars getting worked on I was like awesome these guys could work on my cars instead of using you know TJ's mechanics who were in the garage Camino over here yep we had Camino over here had Martine a bunch of painters bunch of people that we know in the automotive World here in you know Salt Lake so I went over to Chris and Jose one day and I had a van that I bought from the auction and I said hey guys this man's got a bad engine I want to put an engine can you do it for me and they said absolutely we'll give it a try put it pulled it in there and they just did a kick-ass job really quick really fast I was like all right I think I might be onto something and for about six months we went back and forth um me bringing them cars and they started kind of pushing some of their own clients out because they didn't have room or time for them because they were doing all my stuff I would literally buy and sell anything I could get my hands on you'll see some pictures here that this was the location where I did my first aircraft deal I bought a salvage car from the auction and traded it for a little rotorway helicopter well then I took that roadway helicopter and traded it for an airplane I then sold the airplane or traded it for another car the trade deal had like five or six different components to it this is also a building where I purchased my first big like exotic truck it was an international cxt didn't use my money used a friend's money bought it sold it really quick uh other memorable vehicles from this location my first uh Duo Leon basically big dually wheels that are super popular now uh had 24 fives that were shaved down this is where I bucked me born this is where I bought those Barn that was like my first modified diesel truck so this was it like this is where I kind of got a little bit of a rhythm and I thought you know what we're doing so well it's time to Branch out and do my own thing so I reached out to some friends of mine who owned a dealership and I said guys let me take that dealership off your hands I'll run it for you and I'll work on buying it from you over the years and I'll do all the paperwork you guys can buy and sell cars you don't have to worry about any of the paperwork I said okay deal so in doing that I said TJ I'm going out on my own it's time to move time to spread my wings get my own locations on my own lease and you know hit the big time and I moved right next door come take a look and it was literally like a dream come true for me it was huge tons of Acres out back I had a shop but the guy was asking I think four or five grand a month for the whole facility and I was like dude I can't afford that I can give you two grand what would you let me rent for that he's like all right I'll tell you he gave me basically an office space kind of the building because it was just almost abandoned at the time and then there was a garage right here and my goal was to bring my mechanics from cara de Fuego Chris and Jose over to here and have them basically work out of the shop so I set up a really neat office I started bringing cars in this place was awesome I have a picture that I'll show you here in a second of a couple of vehicles parked out front like I said it looks way different now than it used to but that was my inventory it was like a Land Rover and an Audi or something like two cars um ten thousand dollars worth of inventory and I was just like you know living it this is where I learned the hard lesson of cash flow I was in this building for about three months when I ran out of money landlord was like hey man you know I'll work with you he was really generous really nice I just realized that I wasn't going to be able to make it so my Big Dreams costing me 2 500 a month soon ended and I kind of burned the bridge over here with TJ not necessarily burnt the bridge but it was like I wasn't really welcome back and I really didn't want to go back because once you step out on your own you want to stay on your own you don't want to go back in with Mom and Dad no so I didn't want to move back here with Mom and Dad and that's where we end up with location number three which is where we're gonna go right now foreign one of my really good friends and Mentor a guy named Rich eggett he started Rockwell watches I've worked for him on and off since I was like 18 and uh he had his Rockwell building set up over here and at the time I was still kind of working for Rockwell watches doing some marketing stuff on and off and uh I said rich I still want to work for Rockwell and help you but I also have this dream of having my own dealership and uh I need a I need an office so he said come on over Dave and I said I don't have a lot of money I just got kicked out of my last spot and he's like we'll just figure it out I think in this location I started paying about 500 per month in rent for my office and you guys are about to see where we started to pick up a little bit of steam a little bit of momentum after my devastating failure at location number two foreign this location came about roughly a year maybe 18 months after I first kind of started selling vehicles and again like I said this was in the parking lot and in the same building as my friends of Rockwell watches this is their Rockwell World Headquarters and they had a tiny little sliver of an office over here that like I said my friend Rich basically told me I could uh use this was the door this was the entrance and the office was basically you know this is their main entrance now is it really yeah ever since they've broken someone broke into the front building they broke they went until right here basically this was this was it um so essentially I this was an opportunity for me to kind of hit reset and figure out cash flow figure out how things work to figure out how much money I needed to be able to operate like I said the last building I couldn't afford the rent because I wasn't moving enough cars so we came in here very low overhead I was able to park a ton of cars the only problem with this location was my mechanics weren't here there was no shop there was no garage they were still overworking the storage unit back behind location number one behind TJ Chapman Auto and it was working but I had this Grand dream of being able to you know have my own place with my own shop and office and everything all together and uh that's where location number four takes us let's go [Music] the cool thing about the Rockwell compound here is since they're all you know good friends of mine and this is just like this is just where everybody hung out we've done some wild stuff in here which I'm going to insert some video clips here of some of our early uh videos that were created hey in some of the early wild vehicles that I bought and sold in fact this location yeah this location was where I had my first experience with a tracked military vehicle I convinced a company to basically let us use it for a little while and uh that all happened right here so my it wasn't a sisu nasu it was the haglons which is basically another version of the sisu nasu I'm gonna buy and sell anything I can and that's why I have such a random assortment of pictures and you know videos and vehicles that I was selling to this location because it was hustle time it was whatever I can find so I sold everything from you know someone's grandma would hit me up and say hey I'm looking for a new Buick and I would go to the auction and find her the best Buick ever charge her 500 bucks and uh I kind of started getting a reputation for being able to help people find really good auction Vehicles didn't make a ton of money on each car but I made enough to be able to keep moving and you know build up a little bit of an inventory and some savings like I said in the back of my mind there's always this dream of being able to have a facility where I could have my shop and everything all together and that's where we're headed now also fun fact for you guys the original us-12 valve the reason why people love that truck so much is because it had a manual transmission had the old five or six feet I can't remember what it had but in tribute to that original truck that everybody loved this third gen five nine Cummins also has six-speed transmission as you guys can see me driving right now and this truck is clean super low miles like barely a hundred thousand miles I think five nine six-speed Cummins this is like one of the most iconic diesel trucks of all time so that's why we had to build it this was back before they put dpfs on trucks so this truck just has the original exhaust system of a muffler and a catalytic converter so you're gonna fall in love you are this is back when uh simpler times pre-2007 when trucks were just simpler I do need to tell you that this video is not a sales pitch but this is an opportunity for you to win that beautiful truck right there that is one of the coolest best trucks that we've ever built and it's the reason why we're filming this video today to show you our progression as a business and it's the last truck we're ever giving away through our company Diesel power gear so it's the shortest giveaway only like 10 days to enter so starting literally right now we're doing Black Friday deals we're doing bundles mystery packages insane discounts and every single one of you who places an order is getting entries to win that truck every five dollars this band is another entry I will tell you this the odds are probably better than they've ever been because the giveaway's so short so if you want a chance to get really really awesome merch for incredibly low prices and entries to win one of the most iconic trucks ever built which is basically the us12 valve but completely improved everything's pretty much perfect on this truck not like our original us12 valve which was beautiful but she had her things this truck is up for grabs so if you could and if you want to go ahead and click the link in my description below get interested to win the truck and then continue watching this video because we're about to show you guys and reveal some of the most insane things that we've ever been through as business owners and I think some of this is going to really blow your mind so get some merch and ruin the truck keep watching the video this truck is it's sweet location number four is where this guy came into the picture yeah he was always in the picture he was just kind of like bouncing and out of the picture he was just hanging around he wasn't committed I was the ace he had up his sleeve he was playing hard to get all it took was a nice sexy picture of a tow truck which I have yeah I'm out middle of nowhere China I get a message that's just a picture of the tow truck and then the message that says are you ready to make some money ah you really do have it I sent him a picture of a tow truck and I knew that funds were probably running low because his summer sales career wasn't really popping off it wasn't super lucrative but he was having fun a lot of friends but I said I got a tow truck man let's go make some money and I'm about to show you guys what our original business model was I even had the original flyer in here oh yeah we should go knock some more doors right now we should print it off welcome to location number four where I joined the picture where I came got in a tow truck saddled up tried to help this guy make some money and actually uh took Refuge living in a hammock in this office and showering with a garden hose over here in this opened sleeping on a trailer right here which is in this picture which is probably gonna put in the video not here I upgraded to hammock once it got cold outside so guys let me explain to you this location here because this was a big one this is obviously kind of like an industrial Warehouse uh complex where it's got a little office space and then warehouse space in the back which when I came and figured out you know the lease here I told them that we were not working on vehicles I told them that we were uh we were just storing Vehicles because technically it wasn't set up to be a shop and the way it works is I think there's one tooth there's like five units in this building and our unit was right here from this wall over to there and I believe this was about six thousand square feet total yeah this was all this all looks way better than it used to this used to be basically just like a rugged old door so obviously quite a bit of office space in here okay um I only need one office to buy and sell cars so the rest one became Dave's bedroom right there uh yep there's my bedroom right there uh and then I'll tell you in a minute this became our first shipping Warehouse almost almost surprised right there but like I said a lot of interesting things happen in this location because this was where I can't remember if I called him or went over and saw him but I went to Chris and Jose over at Carle Fuego who were still working on my vehicles but running their own business I went over and I said Chris I got us a shop and I remember thinking that he was going to be like all right let's do it and he was very skeptical he's like he had seen how much I'd bounced around and he was nervous to leave his uh you know location where he was at and come sign up with you know to basically work for me um a guy who had just got kicked out of a couple of other spots and was kind of low on cash flow but I was able to convince him uh that this was the spot and we were going to be able to make it and we moved we moved the shop out of the storage unit and that's when I hired basically my first real employees which was Chris Jose Chris's son and Paco and then and then around the exact same time was when I hired Dave to come work as well so we went from a one-man band to like a five or six man band but interestingly enough like I said this area was not zoned to be automotive repair and all the other stuff we were doing but we were doing it so Dave's first day on the job I hit him with a task I said Dave hide all of our vehicles see these privacy slots a decade ago that hadn't been 2012 right yeah it was I put all these in I went down spent all my hard-earned money for my paycheck bought some privacy slots they didn't buy his own buy the Privacy slots we were running low on some of the areas here so this is there's this is a very interesting spot for us because obviously we this is the first location where we started investing in the in the actual property and this was the first location where I actually started buying tools I bought my first welder here and I bought my first orbital sander no we call those parking brakes my first orbital sander which I was so proud of and I put diesel Dave to work sanding a truck right here he put it on the ground and ran it over within maybe six hours of having purchased it it might have actually been in the bay no it's right here I remember right here I remember yesterday well it was it was it was between the bay and here but either way he smashed brand new tool first tool that I had invested in the business and it was uh it was a rough moment but never got paid again I'm still paying back on that one this was a this was a pivotal moment for us in our business because this was where um we had kind of found a little bit of a rhythm in what to buy and what to sell and we had found that now that we have mechanics working for us we thought this guy's limit we can do anything and so we took on some projects so we had no business doing first one that we did here was we took uh mega cab Cummins brought it in and we saw that other shops had been stretching the frame to make a long mega cab and I said we can do that and I have pictures that I'll show you here of me and Chris and Jose all three of us very little experience with fabrication at that time cut a truck in half threw some frame extensions in it and we built our first long bed mega cab and it turned out awesome it was actually one of our one of our you know most popular trucks early on so we stretched a few trucks here we started doing engine swaps we put a diesel in a Lander over here this was the location where I actually bought my first set of snow tracks Matt tracks at an auction I put those on a Land Rover and I put those on a Toyota Tacoma and then I ended up putting them on my wife's Tahoe this was the location where the creative juices really started flowing and uh luckily we were still making enough money to be able to cover rent one of our early business models was the reason why I got Diesel Dave working for me is I bought the tow truck and our plan was to the auction was really hard to buy at that time Vehicles were selling for super high it was kind of tricky so I thought you know what we're going to go buy vehicles from people's backyards and then we're going to take them and resell them either here after we fix them up a little bit or we're going to resell them at the auction so I'll show you I took all of my summer sales skills put me on the doorsteps knocking doors with this flyer he's about to show you May 23 2012 I came up with this chin flyer cash for wrecked cars and I even got a custom phone number so this is when you know we're just cooking like we are we are doing well and uh so Dave's out knocking on doors trying to buy cars that business model fizzled out pretty quickly because uh you hit 50 50 you got guys that are super stoked to get trash out of the back they're usually the wife and then you got the guy who's never been more offended in his life that you offered him 500 bucks for his piece of treasure in the backyard yep and that's when uh at the same time Dave was out knocking on doors trying to buy cars I was trying to find custom builds and another picture here is a guy brought a school bus to me with a picture of a convertible school bus and he said hey um can you guys build me a convertible School Bus for sightseeing in downtown Salt Lake and I lied and said absolutely we can we're we got this and so I took the job and it was a big job at the time I think it was like 10 or 15 grand and he showed up with a school bus and I told the guys I said guys this is it like this is a big moment for us and a big money maker so let's make it happen and so you'll see some slides here of us cutting the roof off of the bus hauling it away on the tow truck I brought in I contracted people from all over the place to help us weld it and paint it and we built the sightseeing uh school buses that drove around downtown Salt Lake and it was a hit it was awesome they turned out amazing the fabrication was yeah but the paint covered up some of the welds and uh that was when I realized that we could do anything once we stretched the frame on the mega cab and made it a long bed we cut the roof off the bus and made it a convertible we put tracks on a Land Rover I thought nothing can stop us we can literally do anything we're the most you know High tier shop in the state in my head we weren't we literally we had one Harbor Freight welder and an orbital sander that had the things that we would do with that yeah being me I'm always looking for that next step that next you know moment of growth and one thing that really bothered me about this location was the fact that the there's only two doors one in the back and one in the front so getting things in and out was an absolute Nightmare and a lot of our vehicles didn't run so it was just a fight getting him in and out of here right around the same time I started thinking about um you know maybe trying to find another location that was more shop like is when Diesel Dave started sending me silly videos of him driving the trucks home from the auctions and then I would take those videos and I would just post them on the Internet on Facebook to my 10 friends that I had and they got like 100 200 300 400 500 thousands of likes and I'm like this is more people than I know who's watching these videos and that's when I discovered the concept of something going viral maybe we're on to something maybe we could put more videos on the internet and if we create videos and online content didn't know anything about YouTube at the time if we do this and people will see our dealership and our business and they'll come buy trucks from us that was my thought so we started doing it and the video started taking off and they started growing and they started really you know picking up steam and that's when I thought I don't have enough trucks to sell and not everybody wants a truck I got to find something else to sell so that's when we started a company called Roland cold gear which is a name that I'm not proud of back then Roland coal was the thing we were young we were dumb and we sold t-shirts that said roll and call on them because people were watching videos of Dave driving the trucks that we were buying from the auction and so if you look right over here you'll see the evolution happening we're buying and selling trucks then we start modifying trucks then we start creating videos none of this we knew that we were doing intentionally at the time then the video started getting traction we start getting lots of attention we figure out we gotta you know find something else to sell we come up with apparel and t-shirts which we shipped out of here our very first apparel and t-shirt business was shipped right out of Dave's office this was 2013. so tell them how me and your mom were already rolling up triple X sweaters oh yeah them prepaid envelopes so in selling merchandise on the internet my idea was we're going to save money by saving money on shipping so we're going to use UPS flat rate so we started selling stuff online and turns out a lot of our customers were bigger dudes like 3XL 4XL hoodie guys well I don't know if you've ever tried to put a three or four XL hoodie in a UPS flat rate box or envelope but it's not easy on the small the small parcel Diesel Dave my mom would sit in there and they had just a sweat lodge going rolling up shirts and stuff we would take packages to the post office every day and they'd be like taped together because they're busting at the seams and I would haul in this cart full of these yeah it wasn't really exactly it was USPS flat rate small medium and large and we were shipping the small because I think it was like two dollars and fifty cents or something at the time super cheap but the apparel didn't fit in them but we made it fit and it was your customer service your marketing team HR your everybody was me him and my mom that door right there in the Middle with the window the window wasn't there at the time that was my office and I hung a hammock from the back corner to the corner by the door and Dave actually got my computer and I could watch a movie at night and I'd swing my hammock and then I'd load the envelopes out here and then walk out in the morning do a big stretch greet the day and his shower would be right there yeah my hose would be right there because it was vacant but propped the door open because we didn't really have keys to it turn the water on when no one was driving by just hurry and do a nice wash of uh everything and and I'm back to work I was all in at this point fully committed but fortunately we were modifying and selling enough vehicles that it was covering itself and that's when like I said I needed a shop that was more of a shop and it needed to feel like less of a warehouse and more of a destination and that's when I found out that the old Pizza freezer storage building literally directly behind us one block was moving and I wanted it and that's where we're going now location number five the freezer building [Music] ladies and gentlemen location number five the frozen pizza warehouse now as you can see this spot is bitching for a shop it's got a bunch of bay doors it's got a lot here and I saw this thing come available one day because I saw the pizza company kind of moving a bunch of stuff out and I said hey man what do you got going on here and he's like well I just bought this as an investment and uh I don't know what to do because this they're just giant freezers and I said I'll make you a deal I will come in and we will take the freezers out tear them completely down open them up so they're usable buildings and I need you to give me a couple of months free rent and then I also want to be able to keep the basically freezer panels and he's like okay deal we came over here and started tearing down freezers from inside these buildings with a tiny little forklift that we paid 800 for that was called el puerco or El Forker porker once I realized that the freezer panels that I was banking on selling for like 30 or 40 Grand nobody wanted them Dave and I thought you know we need a paint booth we can't afford a paint booth we're going to build a paint booth out of freezer panels and you can't quite see it here but we built a giant we cut a hole in the side of the building and built a paint booth door out of freezer panels and then we built the paint booth inside out of freezer panels and we started painting cars so ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce you to the home of the original us-12 valve this is where we bought the old Rodeo Rose Ram truck of the auction brought it in here and uh just started figuring things out I started building a flatbed by just literally scratch I learned how to weld in high school I didn't do much welding between high school and when we moved in here but I got back into it and I started putting this thing together and this is literally where it was born that bed's where I did my first welds yeah unfortunately but it's cool to see that's why again this video is so cool to us because you see the progression of this insanely well-built beautiful you know us-24 valve that we just got done building at the home of where the concept was created and the us-12 valve it was a beautiful cool truck but it was rough and I'll be the first to admit that it was it was pieced together like I said with with no money no budget just a bunch of hopes and dreams um another key build here was rock crawler buggy Diesel Dave let me tell the story so we had a truck here that some guys from Wyoming were going to buy and we had this awesome Rock buggy that when would rain would come out here we'd do some donuts it'd be fun great times well these guys from Wyoming show up for their truck it's not quite done so I'm like hey let's go for a ride in the Rock buggy we take it out I go do a donut in the end of the road right there and uh lo and behold it's in four wheel drive and I go frook right onto its lid luckily the three Wyoming guys are buckled up but there was one guy who wasn't we have a picture that we'll insert of his bloody heads yeah I got thrown across into their lap I said are you guys okay good and I'm dripping blood onto him I Sprint back to the shop grabbed the truck that they're trying to buy with a rope pull the buggy back up before any of the cops see him pull it back into the shop before I get caught then I go down to the uh breast enhancement doctor and have them staple my headshot this was all this all happened because I was like it was date night or something I needed to go be with the family so I just like Dave these guys are gonna come buy a truck and you'll sell it to them it spiraled as you can see pretty quickly this location was also notorious because this was where we did our this is where we built our first giveaway truck the built diesel one um this is about working back and forth between this shop and this office in Salt Lake we decided that we wanted to give away a truck this is where we really started doing things that caught people's attention from all across the country because we were building and modifying trucks that in a way that people really haven't seen before especially not in front of millions of people on the internet this was where I decided again I wasn't happy enough with the location I wanted to find somewhere that could be a hub for both the marketing office and the shop I hated the fact that they were separate it drove me crazy because I would just miss stuff all day long being in these different locations so location number six was where I thought okay we've got office space we've got shop space we've got marketing space this is it and that's where we're headed now [Music] so in mid 2014 we moved into the spot that we're pulling into now we're here location number six this was where I thought boom we're going to be able to have a shop we're gonna have a marketing office it's a cool like octagon shaped building I hit the jackpot this house is gonna be the coolest house I've ever lived in um but the reason why we wanted this area was because back here was a giant shop the third or fourth paint booth we ever built yep so right after building the freezer paint booth we were in that building again maybe less than a year came over here no paint booth so we built a paint booth out of plywood probably the most dangerous thing you can do and code enforcement didn't like it but we still had to keep the builds rolling and uh the original owner of this building was still operating out of here so we always kind of butt heads in fact when I say that I mean we have this basement office and the upstairs office Dave was sleeping here the one with the blinds that was my room right there but there was also an old lady sleeping here too that we don't know going with the blinds right there though we don't know she was she would think she was a friend of the building or she worked there or something it was kind of a weird deal they kind of had this weird relationship where they both knew they were there but they didn't really acknowledge each other the Bible's just kind of off here okay we needed the whole building and the people that were still renting or owned the building weren't quite ready to shut down their business and move out yet so there wasn't enough space this was where we didn't have time to be messing with buildings didn't have time to be messing with anything because the diesel sellers business the diesel power of your business was taking off the shop business was taking off YouTube and Facebook all of our videos were really taking off so we needed to stay focused on like we got a tiger by the Tails we got to figure out how to just run the business and not worry about moving around and fighting with neighbors and stuff like that which is what takes us to location number seven where I was finally able to consolidate the office the shop put everybody in one big happy building including when we started having conversations and our first visits with Discovery Channel let's go foreign still with us oh man you have probably gotten worn out by just watching all of these moves imagine being the one doing them because ladies and gentlemen we are now at location number seven and this was where we were finally able to consolidate the shop and the diesel sellers marketing office which obviously we established were two very different things you see the shop and the shop office can kind of be in their own little world together but the clothing department the all that kind of stuff that's where we ended up having to have you know space big enough for everything and we moved in diesel power gear headquarters basically right here um the owner of this building also owns the buildings next to it so this was the perfect place to set up the office uh kind of a clean area shipping Warehouse fulfillment we were shipping a ton of diesel power gear out of here printing shirts yeah it is we set up a whole printing press in here 2014 we were in here and then right down the road at the end of the street we occupied basically half of those shop buildings so that's where the shop was and we built an actual real paint booth for the first time so third paint booth no I think technically probably the fourth paint booth we built but this one was actually legit with fans and stuff and about my freezer paint booth nothing it was great this has been this is a very special spot because this is also where um right as soon as we moved in here Discovery sent out their original film crew and they're like hey we want to you know film you guys and see if there's maybe a show here and they came out they filmed with us and they saw the way that we pretty much just ran this this is a dead end it kind of the cul-de-sac over there so we just pretty much ran this whole stream the show and Dave and I are running next to each other and this is the road you'll recognize this area from a lot of our videos actually because this is when uh we finally had everybody all under the same roof kind of and we were also going full speed ahead on creating video content and you know creating new apparel and merchandise and stuff so this is where you tried the two wheel stump for the first time right here in front of the shop so once I realized that Discovery so they came out they filmed the pilot with us and then they called us females later and said hey done deal like we're doing a show we're buying Eight Episodes let's make it happen I didn't love this as far as like I wanted something that felt like like a compound that takes us to our final resting place which is where our current facility is now which is location number eight so after being here for we were in here for probably eight to ten months I don't think we stayed anywhere for longer than were we not here for a year we moved here it might have been close to a year because we moved from here in April 2015 I remember because we had to be in the new building before we could start filming for the TV felt like we had finally settled down I was like we finally have a place our next location which is our current shop was an area that I've always loved I've loved the building um it was a dump for the longest time but I always saw so much potential in it it was backed up to the airport one day I was driving by and I saw that the cars that kind of were there forever weren't there anymore so I could tell somebody was moving out something was happening the building looked really run down so I just stopped in to see what was going on and uh kind of like well I'll show you guys when we get over there but basically it wasn't on the market it wasn't wasn't available but I made it available if we are going to pack up and take you guys to the final spot and then we'll give you a couple other little kind of inside tidbits of information about how we got to where we're at what uh what we've done and more importantly what we're doing now because we're making some serious changes moving forward and got some big announcements for you so let's go ladies and gentlemen welcome home home sweet home [Music] this is it this is where we landed after moving eight times location number eight the I don't want to say the last location because I'm sure we'll somehow someway move again but this was what I was looking for all along all those years of bouncing back and forth from you know frozen pizza joints borrowing office space from a friend down the road everything in between I broke a lot of leases lost a lot of deposits lost a lot of building Improvement money but we ended up in pretty much Paradise we did and we kind of snowballed and gathered a lot of friends along the way yeah this wasn't easy either when we first got this building like I said I drove by one day and it was looking very run down and abandoned but I saw some sort of movement and I always wanted this building but it was never for sale so I just walked in and a guy named Steve was in here walking around Steve the plumber great guy and uh I was like hey sorry to bug you I was just curious what's going on in here you know is are you guys are you the owner you know rent or whatever he's like I'm the new owner I just bought it I needed to spend some money this year for taxes whatever and so my real estate agent told me to buy this place and I bought it and I looked around and I was like man this place is it's a mess because it was a mess it was it used to be a fabric or a fiberglass fabrication facility and the inside of here was just full of old machines and equipment and just nasty it was in rough rough shape and back here was just basically grass up to here nope no asphalt nothing so I said we'll come in we'll clean it out we'll improve it we'll do everything we just need this place you know really quickly because we're getting ready to start filming this TV show so that was I think February 2015 and he agreed to it and we moved uh from February March April I think three months we completely renovated the place uh repaved it we did a lot of work and I think we invested about 350 000 in improvements which was crazy because we didn't never had that kind of money ever in any of our buildings or any of our business but uh you know working hard and thanks to you guys and the support from you and the successful truck giveaways and everything we've done we were able to build this wild perfect facility for us this used to be originally was a helicopter hanger for a big helicopter operator that was based right out of here and you'll notice that there's airplanes always flying by because the backyard is the runway so perfect for me as a pilot we fly the helicopter in and out of here I also have hangers on the other side where we keep some of the other airplanes and stuff but this is the perfect home base because the building blocks the road and allows us to be able to do cool stuff back here we've got like two acres of asphalt we've got room for all of our project vehicles and it's just a it's a great it's great for YouTube great for TV show great for the office is huge we have a storefront where we're able to ship out of here we're able to fabricate paint powder coat everything that we do here all the stuff that we learned how to do over the years that we kind of hodgepodge together came together in this facility and it was literally perfect for it obviously there's a lot more details that go into our journey and the ups and the downs and the almost bankruptcies and the getting sued every other week and just literally non-stop everything you could possibly think of we've been hit with and uh we're just glad to be here and we're grateful for your support so with that said guys this truck behind me this beautiful 2006 Ram 3500 uh it was a dually just like old uh us-12 valve started off as she is going to be the last Diesel power gear giveaway truck we ever do now I say that with a caveat we're not going to stop giving away Vehicles we're just going to completely change the format here on the next upcoming giveaways so the way we've always done in the past five dollars for a t-shirt this is it so if you want to own a piece of diesel Brothers history and you know the last truck out of probably like 125 that we've given away over the last six seven years she's up for grabs and it is beautiful this truck is damn near perfect I mean if you look at it this bed was handcrafted well first of all we designed it here in CAD SolidWorks in our shop and then we built it on all of our you know new modern fabrication equipment that we have not our harbor freight welders like the old truck was built on it's got custom Stacks that are actually really cool the bed's got tool boxes it's got side skirts got a gooseneck the truck is running roughly 10 inches of lift because it's got 40 inch tires you can adjust that up or down for whatever you need but we wanted it to be big showy but at the same time usable that's why it still has the gooseneck kits and the tool boxes and the side guards to put stuff on the top of the flatbed and the tie down points but uh this is this truck's no joke it's one of the cleanest third gen Cummins I've ever seen like I said six-speed manual low miles right around 100 000 and uh just completely untouched as far as performance goes nobody's ever put tuners or anything on this thing it's like literally I think the true definition of a grandpa truck and it could be yours and this is the shortest giveaway as well as our last giveaway ever so you've got between now and the end of this month November 30th to get under to win this truck so if you want it this is way different than any of the other giveaway videos we've done in the past but I'm just gonna tell you guys right now our Black Friday deals are insane because uh since we are transitioning away from the old model we have a bunch of stuff that we're just going to sell for less than we've ever sold it for we've got awesome bundles we've got mystery boxes we've got all sorts of stuff and the time frame to get entered is so short that it means less people will get entered which means the odds of winning are naturally going to be better so if you want some of the best odds ever on winning one of our best trucks ever and some of the best deals ever on our gear now is the time to do it guys that's all I'm going to say we're not going to pretend like we stole or recovering a stolen truck or anything like that I know you guys didn't love that video and the whole purpose of this video like I said wasn't to necessarily talk about this truck it was to talk about our journey because this truck reminded us of just how far we've come into something that we're damn proud of we're setting something really big and great and awesome aside to make room for something even bigger better greater and something that is a natural next step in our Evolution and growth as business and uh I can tell you right now that we're gonna we're gonna blow your minds with what we've got coming out uh soon but in the meantime you guys should blow your minds with some of our Black Friday deals and get entries to win this truck right right definitely 100 yeah you getting emotional over there I've done crying you made me cry for the last five minutes I dried my tears before you panned over there you have it guys the story of Diesel Dave and Heavy D and everybody else involved it literally is like a giant Circle we ended up right here right next to where we started yeah but bigger better better which is the theme of everything we do which is why what we're doing next is going to be fade off into the sunset oh [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 3,344,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 tow truck roleplay, towing, gta 5 tow truck job, snowrunner, trailers, family friendly, tug of war, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Caterpillar, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Yankum, Mud, Adventure, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, smash, tow truck, wrecker, blue collar, excavator, equipment, heavy duty, dozer, machinery, construction, hunting, homeless, success story
Id: bzH2TP9SOYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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