Wagyu 101 with Sean Evans and Philip DeFranco | Gochi Gang

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ImAScientist_ADoctor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awww man that made me miss SF more 😒

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/saora1231 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I know I mentioned it briefly already but this steak is very expensive are you trying to sell it [Applause] [Music] famous birds marveled fat and buttery texture Wagyu has taken over everything from fancy sliders to expense accounts takes the highest level ingredients fry them all put them on a plate serve them up I'll eat but what separates the real stuff from wanna BYU today I'm on a mission to better understand the complex world of Japanese beef and to start I'm meeting with hot ones host Sean Evans at psycho my to try the restaurants viral $85 Wagyu katsu Sando [Music] so Shawn are you ready this is the fabled $85 Wagyu katsu Sando you had me at 85% which have you had loggia before you know sometimes I'll end up in Lakers Suites that may be a little bit above my paygrade end up with like a Wagyu slider it's very like that's sort of I guess mochi night out sort of thing so come across ragu in the past but I'm excited hey but not like this before no no this is this is interesting to me even like the precision the order everything about it right I'm surprised too this is the first time for myself as well shall we go for it let's go let's go for it Sokka Meyers Wagyu katsu Sando is made with a five miyazaki Wagyu a six ounce cut of strip loin is dunked in batter covered in panko breadcrumbs and deep-fried the steak has been covered in tonkatsu sauce and sandwiched between two slices of shook foam or milk bread [Music] mmm this is bomb this is awesome Wow hmm it's so rich yeah it's so tasty I'm gonna end up finishing this afterwards what I'm going to finish this whole sandwich I like the crispness on the outside the tender meat on the inside and - it's pretty it is pretty when I first saw while you conscious on dose I kind of didn't understand it because katsu it's so casual and normal and it's like chicken cutlets and pork cutlets as always in bentos but to mix it with something like Wagyu that I feel like there's almost an academic correct way to be consuming something so high-end that combining them confused me and I wasn't sure if it was like sacrilegious to be like deep frying Wagyu meat but now that I've had it I don't know I'm sold you're so magic is here why do you think Wagyu is not only super coveted but also this expensive like this is this is an expensive sandwich I have no idea I'm gonna be real with you I have absolutely no I didn't either me neither I was kind of hoping you had an answer for me I guess I'm gonna go do some research I would figure this out I'll even figure out okay good luck Raina hey we'll miss you in hopes of answering some of my questions I'm meeting journalist Larry Olmstead for a true while you crash course Larry is the author of the book real food fake food and an expert on how real Wagyu found its way into restaurants in the u.s. at Japan premium beef butcher Kota Fuji has agreed to show Larry NIH's some of his finest cuts of meat Hi Larry Kota thank you so much for joining me today at you can premium beef to help me kind of uncover the mythos behind Wagyu which I know very very little about and I thought maybe we could start with some terminology that's perhaps misused or maybe miscategorized sure I think that the biggest confusion comes from Kobe beef which is the most famous of Japanese beef Kobe beef is Wagyu but not all Wagyu is Kobe beef and I think it's easy to compare to say wine right you have good wine from Sonoma and Napa but they're just different places Kobe is a place and all of the major kinds of Japanese Wagyu are named for the region's they come from got it so going back a little bit to the cows that are involved I hear that they're treated very well that they're given massages and that perhaps has something to do with their meat structure and like the marbling that is a myth some of them are massage some of them are given beer those are the things you hear that's really just up to the rancher it's not certainly not all Japanese Wagyu is massaged over listens to classical music or drinks beer these are the kind of things you hear and that is not where the marbling comes from you know there is a belief that the less stress the happier the cow the better it tastes so you know if we're drinking beer and losing the classical music oh that of course of course that's not the norm I see so what does kind of affect the marbling or honestly the flesh of what happens to the cattle it's really genetics that's the big thing that's what makes Wagyu Wagyu and there are four major breeds of Japanese cattle but for example Kobe the all of the Kobe beef is produced by a bloodline that has been 100% intact for over 700 years it might help to actually see a piece this is a five music you a GU there's so much fat everywhere it almost looks like fatty tuna you know at times we get a steak and people like the outside edge because it's where the fat is here it's everywhere and because Wagyu is also higher and unsaturated fat than American beef which melts at a lower temperature it melts more quickly on your tongue so when people say oh it melts in your mouth it's literally true it really does it does definitely feel like butter yeah so I know that Japan premium beef also has some domestic Wagyu which is kind of an interesting new evolution I think in this world of Wagyu can we take a look at that sure so this is New York Strip okay don't mystical argue amazing and is there some kind of crossbreeding that happened perhaps in order to create this almost hybrid yeah there is and one of the reasons is because it is so fatty and so rich and you know we're a culture that typically you eat a steak a person especially when you go out where's you know in Japan it would be sliced up and you would get some slices we don't really do that especially at home as much in the US by crossbreeding with the Angus you reduce the amount of fattiness so this is kind of the gateway drug where you get that fattiness experience but you still get to eat a bigger piece of red meat that we're used to [Music] kudos Allah who's named Tokina well you don't already talked about Alaska like a whole day so listen Ed beaucoup van you horny tataki man that's your grandmother fun schedule hi yeah buddy run yet the Technion danube is a large scale how many cups there are no new clarity Guinea but on total money especially no cage on that plane were you able to talk about the taboo which by one disability well Larry thank you so much for enlightening me and coda thank you so much for presenting this incredible slab of meat for us so appreciated how do you lose I gotta go throw something [Music] for my next stop I'm heading to old homestead the oldest continuously running steak house in the country where a $350 hunk of Wagyu is served like a New York Strip there's only one person worth treating to a meal this pricey and that's my friend and former mentor philip defranco phil has just returned from his trip to Japan and we're both anxious to see if NYC's most expensive steak is really worth the price tag I'm mark Shari one of the co-owners here at the old homestead and I'm Greg Shari the other corner we are are in the Meatpacking District right here restaurant has been here since 1868 and we started with developing a great relationship with the butchers all of the beef from out west was right over here so we had the opportunity to have the first pick of the finest meats our signature cuts here are all our revised our fillets they're all USDA prime and I said to Gregg Gregg we got to go up one step what can we do we have been hearing about Kobe beef for years and I said Greg I think that if we could bring a New York style Kobe steak to New York City it would be a smash finally we got the okay in 1991 and was an amazing situation we charged one hundred and fifty dollars a stake at that time we ran with our Kobe beef for about 10 15 years and then I looked at him and I said we got to go to the next level we are the only restaurant that's allowed to go to Japan and bid on prized Wagyu I go suitcase of money I've been on it I get it and we send it here and that's where it all exploded I mean it was waiting lists we couldn't get the meat here as fast as we wanted it and that's what kicked off the old homestead with being the king of beef when it comes to Wagyu and since I spent so much time there I got nicknamed mr. Rago the $350 neck it's been featured all over the world that someone has had prized Wegg girl like a New York sirloin that's the melting of the two cuisines [Music] [Music] so thank you so much for joining me for dinner today thanks for having me so excited that you flew in all the way for me and for steak yes I mean it's it's kind of a 50/50 situation I appreciate both of you I know how I was able to kind of tip the scales in my favor mistake yeah have you ever had Wagyu before yes but I don't think I've had this this specific kind and cut I actually had a lot of questions about Wagyu because there's a lot of more to it so little a little bit of research and there are about four native Japanese cows and I believe that this is the highest class you can get 300 50 bucks for steak that's intimidating can we dig in alright Wow The Simpsons say there's so there's so much fat in the best way that's the whole thing with Wagyu is the marbling Thank You moose [Music] Wow what do you feel it it's so buttery which is such an interesting way to describe steak but it melts in your mouth I was told it would melt in my mouth but I didn't understand because of the fibers but what's crazy I've never I don't know what to think it's like scaring me it melted it's gone you're like that's not what steaks supposed to do no ma'am oh my good is this medium rare it is I can tell [Music] will not cook the steak anything brother medium-rare well done sorry you're at the wrong place the 350 we don't want to take a chance of ruining the world what if the customer says it's my 350 doesn't matter our reputation is important we don't put anything but a little salt and pepper on it's hot sear very important if you want to sear both sides see the juices it cook it a little bit more than medium rare rare that's well it's like you're live forth in your mouth when you think the fireworks are over it keeps coming it keeps coming and when you think it's over there comes the finale the taste never stops you just can't imagine a phantom how much flavor this beef has [Music] the last time that I had Waku I got it at a lager place where they didn't serve like this they they cut it up and then you cooked it in front of you okay so you had Wagyu in Japan yes that's legit how was it that's great I mean this this is still top-notch just because the the cooking was handled by a professional and not me oh okay every time other than this time when I when I have ordered a Wagyu steak they they always tell me that but they say this stuff about like it's been from a specific part Japan yeah and they only say the massage thing if they feed them sake I want them to just do that with more like more food more food like salmon come from yeah always its mental state oh yeah maybe feel in general and in the final moments it's a dark [Music] in America my cattle is what we quote force-fed they want to rush the cattle to 1200 1600 pounds quickly as possible to sell it this meat is 12 months and 14 months they do not rush the cattle as you could see the marbling is very equal that means it can slowly fed hops rain they keep it in a scientifically controlled pens it's not too hot it's not too cold so really it's like a spot the cattle this cattle it's like a superstar he's got his own stall he's got a fan they give him beer stimulate his appetite he's not running around with the herd each one is separately taken care of with the utmost respect and at the end of the day when you treat something that way that's what you get the best [Music] I know I mentioned it briefly already but this steak is very expensive trying to sell it know it is so expensive and it's easily the most expensive thing I've ever eaten it's like it's rich it's tasty but it's not overwhelming to the point where I'm like I need to stop right right like I need to stop and overcook this for breakfast with eggs like I would just make sure the conversation lasts too long you can slowly work wait wait would you pay this much normally in my everyday life no I would not but it was me and a group of friends right and it was like we were celebrating something right it's more of like the emotion in the experience yeah not because of the price I'm very frugal with my money but in a hypothetical situation right yes you're paying for the experience yes yeah I totally agree with that I feel like maybe a lot of people don't know our relationship but it was the absolute experience of a lifetime to not only intern for you but also to have you who asked me to audition for SourceFed that obviously changed my life so this steak dinner was to thank you for everything they've done for me it's one of those things where I think near the end of it I start really appreciate it the most of like okay this is this was a special time right cuz you don't always fully appreciate it so I'm glad that it happened well Phil thank you again so much for joining me it was awesome catching up I believe it's been two years it's a nice end to a a great day [Music] [Music] thank you so much for watching go Chi Cheng I so appreciate it Sean should they like and subscribe like and subscribe or else thank you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,051,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, wagyu, wagyu beef, wagyu steak, wagyu steak sandwich, gochi gang, gochi gang philip defranco, gochi gang sean evans, reina scully, reina scully gochi gang, reina scully first we feast, philip defranco first we feast, japanese food first we feast, gochi gang wagyu, gochi gang wagyu sando, wagyu 101
Id: tZMuAavGms8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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