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all right we're doing it again and i'm absolutely blown away by the killer lineup we've got today and i'm pumped to see what everyone will be playing over the track which is basically an a minor but with some cool spicy changes here and there to keep everyone on their toes there is two small changes though so there's a new track obviously and there's no need to improvise but just solo so still everyone can approach the track however they want it as long as it is one take the track is available for download on my patreon page but also as a youtube video on my second channel that you can check out over here and of course it's all linked below in the description i'm doing a version with your submissions later too so that all will be announced via my instagram so follow me there too at paul davis guitar so now enough of the chit chat let's move on and first up we've got ariel posen i mean this man has such a lovely and characteristic playing style and a great songwriter too by the way i hope there's going to be some slight action going on it's it's got to be right let's go hey paul thanks for having me uh i love this track absolutely gorgeous chord changes it really speaks for itself there's not a lot that you need to do because the chords are speaking so much for you so i listened to it a handful of times just the chord changes i decided that i wanted to hopefully say something impactful in that little b section and then potentially send it home somewhat strongly by the end although dynamically the track never really gets gigantic so it just felt to kind of stay low intensity um but with moments and uh yeah i was playing my mule through the two rock um i had the uh a preset that i made on the chase bliss preamp mark ii called tweed so it's kind of like a tweety kind of sound i guess nothing crazy loved it thanks [Music] [Music] oh man absolutely killing it i really love the storytelling aspect to the solo it's like you're listening to someone sharing their experience just through the means of the guitar the slide playing is beautiful it sounds so fragile and really tasteful i love that stuff i might need a slide lesson from you ariel so thank you anyway next up larry basilio okay i'm 100 sure this will be absolutely awesome always lovely playing melodic playing finding great melodies just everywhere great articulations and stuff really pumped for this so let's go hi guys larry vasilev here paul thank you so much for having me i had a great time playing over this awesome track so my solo we started out from an improvisation i played a couple of times over the track listened back every time and kept the ideas that i liked and i tried to tell a story with those ideas i also used only finger picking to play the solo i love this technique because it allows me to have more control over the dynamics as far as gear i use this guitar the ibanez lb1 which is my signature guitar i also use the morning glory from jhs the petal morning glory and one of my favorite amps from lenny the lion heart and i think that's it thanks again paul guys thank you so much for watching and i hope you guys enjoy it see you next time [Music] [Laughter] [Music] holy smoker onis i love the build that's happening in the solo from small to big small again there's so much going on and please know that everything is played with fingers by the way ladies and gentlemen just finger picking you can shred it's awesome and it definitely adds a lot of character to her playing it's really cool beautiful highlighting the changes crazy chops hats off awesome done thank you so much next up mark letteri and i remember very well being absolutely in awe of his playing when i went to see snarky puppy in my hometown just a few years back and i just saw mark absolutely kill it on stage but also his solo stuff is just outrageous and now he is in this video thanks dude so i can't wait to check out what you found in store for us all right so uh gear for this particular solo i used my amaryllis red paul reed smith fiore guitar into a camper and the profile is a third power uh dreamweaver and the profile is made by mike britt it's a really great sounding profile it comes with a little bit of compression and reverb baked into the sound so i just left those on and then added a little stereo delay from logic it's like a plug-in that just comes with the software that's a quarter note on the left and an eighth note on the right i kind of blended them to taste and that was pretty much it um fourth position pickup selector on the guitar as far as the solo itself really cool track there's some nice changes in there that i wanted to make sure that i hit um so i did a couple pass i listened to it a few times did a couple kind of scratch passes just to get a feel for maybe what i wanted to say worked out a couple melodic ideas a couple little chordal things that i wanted to make sure i hit and then did a couple takes they were all somewhat similar but pretty different i think i settled on take three it's kind of a sort of like brian may meets mark knopfler meets jonathan dubose so yeah sometimes i like to wear my influences on my sleeve so hope you liked it here it is [Music] oh sexy [Music] so [Music] [Music] that's awesome [Music] so sweet oh man wow how can we sound like buttery smooth with lots of sugar just really awesome this solo goes exactly where you want it to go right and so much control over the tone of the timing and that really elegant i just i love that stuff thank you next up matthew scott so matthew has an amazing channel where he shows all sorts of lovely gear i mean it's cool and all but his playing is just at another level it's so soulful and blue's inspired and it always hits you in the field so i'm really pumped to see what he came up with let's go hey paul hey everybody matthew here and i want to say thank you so much for allowing me to play some guitar over a really cool track and i used my 1959 stratocaster as well as a 60s super reverb with a little bit of drive thrown in there to sweeten it up and i just played whatever i felt improvised over it and tried to play along with the chord changes as well so thank you again peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh chunky tone so sweet wow it seemed like the entire thing was building towards that high blue lick that just was perfectly placed in the solo it's just beautiful then the chunkies at the same time very smooth tone and i love the little rough unpolished approach in combination with that smoothy track going on really killer stuff also you might be the smoothest pickup selector i've seen to date hats off anyway next up there's paul davis so my approach to playing over the solo was to just improvise a bunch of times over the track till i found something that stuck with me and then i tied it all together into one piece and i definitely want to hit the changes i played some arpeggios here and there and some like target notes to hit the chords and i wanted to build from small to bigger and to end small again with that same theme we heard in the beginning so that ties it all together for me the guitar i used was this prs and i had to do a bunch of times because somehow the g-string kept going out of tune i mean what's new um i played through the camper with a profile i made myself of my matchless amp with a little bit of delay and reverb i think it sounded killer anyway i hope you enjoy cheers [Music] so [Music] [Music] it's time to move on to the legend tomo fujita the man who teaches the world and john mayer to play such a lovely man i had the pleasure of meeting him at nam and he is such a delight to speak to and that not only that he is one of the funkiest guys alive so let's go thank you paul for having me this amazing uh session with other guitar players my soloing approach is really simple first i listen to the song it just already song has sub melody so i respect the sub melody of course i need to understand the chord changes so you listen to three times i understand that the parts i follow that then i'm trying to play something simple so i try to play just like myself i don't want to you know show off anything too much you know i can place a lot of different arpeggios scale whatever i can do that but i keep it really simple so i hope you liked it a country guitar by kanji karbata how to tell guitar and front pickup and i use some three pedals one is one control um perugian blue reverb and one control c turquoise delay just a little bit and then vietnam um genre for tf so i use that two three takes that's that's it because what more you do you can't really get better you know so that's about it thank you so much [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] i love that i love the joy he has when he's playing and i can't tell but smiling when i hear him play there's a sense of optimism whenever he plays something right so cool i love how tomo is not really looking to impress but just play elegant lines over the chords and the chord provide a lot of information already and he just works with that and i think that's lovely just humble approach to serve the song thank you so much tomo absolute legend let's move on to rj rankillo rj guitar legend from nashville and whenever he demo something i instantly want to buy it because i want to be as good as him will never happen but anyway a man can dream honestly this guy is such an inspiring guitarist with some next level chop so i'm excited to see what he came up with let's go thanks paul so my solo was 90 improvised i kind of started out with the idea that i wanted to begin with some sort of a double stop lick and then maybe end with the double stops uh but everything else in the middle i pretty much made up and i kind of wanted to outline the chord changes which were beautiful chord changes by the way but at the same time try to come up with musical phrases [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] [Music] wow first of all bonus points for snuggling the lake in there it's just really cool but also so many awesome no choices i really feel like studying a solo and see how it why it is so cool i love the uni vibe thing was it universe i guess so i'm not sure but sounded really awesome i mean i can only take my imaginary hat off killer playing killer solo just speechless let's move on two rudy adobe ruby rudy ayoob rudy ayoob this guy i mean he doesn't need any introduction right meme lord extraordinaire but also like insane guitarist i've seen him play stuff that i can only dream about so let's just dive in let's see yo with this backing track basically there's like a very clear descending thing happening right so [Music] i kind of really wanted to give it space since it's very like low five kind of vibes and you know it's it's very hard to give something space it's harder than you believe so i don't know if i even gave it enough space but when i'm trying to like come up with like fun lines i always imagine a target note so i kind of imagine if i want the movement to be like going up or going down and i feel like whenever you want to go down if you go up before going down makes it more nice right this is like a very bad way to explain it so with this lick for example my target notes were this high b and this low c right these two notes are half step apart but it felt like they were so far right because the movement was like upward it kind of like gave you hope and then we went back down and you're like god damn it bro also i'm playing this on like a hundred dollar guitar which is i think it sounded okay we don't need a lot of expensive gear man to like write music and have fun anyway thanks for having me bro this was very fun i feel like very social [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh man that's [Music] sweet stuff first of all bonus points for the cat it's always plus one extra points for the mellow approach like the warm roomy kind of low-fi kind of guitar sound is pretty unexpected but it sounds gorgeous with the track really lifting up the progression where it felt like climaxing and some gorgeous lines just really really cool playing smooth buttery thank you rie let's move on next up tom buchovack uncle larry so i think we can call him the session guitarist of the world and this man is so experienced and it's absolutely my honor to have him on the show just absolutely unreal let's go hey guys it's uncle larry i just wanted to talk to you real quick about what i used on the paul david's video i did that my friend mills logan's studio um it was this guitar 58 burst um [Music] into this pedalboard i have uh three or four pedal boards this is one of my smaller ones i drag around town all your basic stuff that you need well that i need um pretty much all my favorite pedals right there into the my favorite old little combo amp this old gretch made by valco 6161 originally had two car speakers six by nines but somebody hillbilly converted it to an old jensen 12. but most of what you're hearing is just this guitar which is a magical instrument i'm very lucky to have found it all right guys hope you enjoyed it bye and rolling here rolling [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] uh [Music] wow this is so tasty really this is so elegantly played just how the lines wave over the changes and sort of answering color response thing going back and forth and the melody goes exactly where you want it to go right it feels like coming home and you can really hear his background like not playing a note too much really serving the progression but at the same time just absolutely killing it great thank you tom it's my honor and i'm talking about honor next up tom quail i mean i've said before that for this video i was absolutely ready to get my ass kicked and i feel that more than ever like right now i'm afraid because tom is an absolute beast on the guitar and i think we can just stop talking and watch this video because i'm sure you will see let's go hi guys first of all let me say thanks to paul for letting me be part of this great video it's a big honor so thanks for that as far as approaching the track itself i'm an improvising musician kind of trained jazz kind of world if you like so i really wanted to improvise so this is actually take four of five improvisations i did over this track and the way i approach this is that paul provided a chord chart for us and i always think about every single chord that i'm playing over so i'm trying within my solo utilizing notes from the chords the relevant scales and my understanding of harmony to outline each of those chords as they go by so i'm making a very specific series of scale arpeggio and note choices to do that so if you take the chord progression and the backing track away you should still be able to hear the chord changes in my song that's always my overarching approach in terms of the tone i wanted something that was very smooth but also has that percussive element because i do a lot of that palm muted legato and have in some ways for a very legato bass player quite a percussive sound so yeah a decent amount of gain a little bit of compression in there and using the bridge pickup on my iphone st qm1 so again thank you paul i hope you enjoyed the solo i hope you guys enjoyed the solo and as i say it's a real honour for me to join so thank you so much [Music] [Music] [Laughter] what's the track too short for you okay so i just want to know one thing how how do you do that these runs are so extremely tight uh so smoothly over the changes i have no idea what happened than what i just saw i need to re-watch this for ten times and then i will have an idea like what's actually happening wow so much to see so much to learn at the same time i think it's still really beautiful thing along with the changes which is always like number one thing you want to do with playing solos anyway so really cool stuff thank you so much that goes for everyone participating so guys now let me see your take please tag me using solo collab and hashtag pull davids and tech everyone you saw in this video dude and i just love it so much that playing guitar and just music in general is just so immensely rewarding and i feel like these types of videos are an homage to the instrument and i think that really deserves a gentle like for each and every one of those really awesome job thank you for watching really means a lot and make sure to give every one of these guys follow links are below to the channels and have a lovely day and see you soon goodbye i'm gonna watch them all again ariel poison [Music] you
Channel: Paul Davids
Views: 107,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo collab, rudy ayoub, RJ Ronquillo, tom bukovac, mark lettieri, Tomo fujita, Tom Quayle, basilio, Matthew Scott, paul davids, Ariel Posen, 10 guitarist, solo challenge, guitar solo, backing track, collab, solo, improvisation, pro guitarists, video, guitar solo collab, guitar, best guitar solo, beste guitar solo i've heard, epic solo collab, guitar solos, improv
Id: SqkCONb4-L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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