[VRChat] Avatar 3.0 PVP Weapon Set Tutorial.

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hi name's gofluff and i'm going to show you how to put a weapon on your avatar that's from the weapon sets that i put together first thing you're going to do is go over to the weapons folder and then select which one you want and i'm going to put a shotgun on this boy so i'm going to shotgun you might have to change the material because pyomi doesn't always carry over and it's weird you could really use whatever but i'm just going to put wyoming that's what i used the next thing you want to do is click and drag the shotgun into the hierarchy now what you want to do is click and drag the gun to your hand so like position it where you want on your hand so i want it on my right hand because i'm ready and i'm just going to put that on the hand real quick okay once that's on the hand that you want or position the way you want you want to go into your avatar and go to the right wrist or whatever bone the right hand left hand whatever and you want so mine's the right wrist i'm gonna go there next thing is unpack the prefab for the shotgun hit the little arrow and i'm gonna click and drag hand t to the right wrist then is click and drag the body back out into the hierarchy so it's like out of the armature of the avatar next thing is move the body t pretty much position that to where i want it on the body so i'm gonna go like the halo theme the way they have the weapons on the back okay so i have placed on the body how i want it now what i'm going to do is hit the little arrow for body t i'm going to click and drag body t to the chest bone because that's where it's on the avatar and once that's on there i'm going to click and drag gun root underneath into the very root of the armature and now i could actually minimize a little armature so and you can delete the shotgun that you had before when unpacked it now it should be something like this so you have like the avatar the armature body and gun now what you want to do is click on your avatar and you want to go into the avatar descriptor playable layers so click on fx there and i made two fx controllers one for the right hand one for the left hand so it's fist to shoot in each hand so what i'm going to do since the gun's on my right hand i'm going to click and drag the right hand fx now what i'm going to do is go into expressions and click and drag the menu and the parameter and there you go that's how you put a weapon on your avatar from the weapon set prefabs so hopefully that was easy for you to put on your avatar uh from now on i'm gonna actually try to make more of these even if you don't join the free-for-alls or not or if you don't join avatar pvp they're weapons for you that you could just easily put on your avatar i wish you a wonderful day or time zone i don't know where you're from but i have a good one uh one thing if you have like let's say you put the gun on your avatar or a weapon on your avatar and it doesn't seem right or not rotated correctly in your hand the way you could fix that is you want to go over to gun root and on the very right side the parent constraint where it says hand t and body t you pretty much want to swap the numbers so handy i'm gonna put one and this one uh body i'm gonna put zero so now if you look in the scene it's in your hand what you could do to rotate it is click on hand t in the sources it'll bring you to that game object and just rotate the gun how you want it on your hand if you want you could just upload the avatar like this because the animation in game will automatically make it go back to default but it's really up to you so yeah that's just a quick little thing i wanted to say you
Channel: GoFluffYaself
Views: 13,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VVNdm2wNoH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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