Easily Create VRChat Avatar Toggles - Unity Tutorial

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[Music] thank you hey guys it's spy and welcome back to another video today we're going to be adding toggles to our VR chart Avatar using VR chat toggle assistant and today I'm also using the winterpaw feminine K9 but this will work with any Avatar of your choice so first things first we're going to make our way over to the link in the description which will bring you to this page here this is the VR chat toggle assistant download page and what you want to do here is you're going to click this purple get from gumro button here and basically I was going to take you over to this page and all you're going to do is just type in xero here and just press the purchase button down here and then I'll just add it to your gumroad library and then we'll go I'm gonna probably bring up a page like this and then you just press get and there you go you have it so after that all you're going to do is click the download button right here and then once that's downloaded um you can drag it over to your desktop just to make it easier for you to find it or even better double click it and import it to your project all right so once that's done you're going to go over to whatever problem that you want to add to your avatar in this case I'm doing the winterpaw sunglasses here as you can see I've already downloaded the package but in a case that you want to also add these to your avatar as well I can leave a link in the description for the download page for this as well so all you're going to do now is we're going to go back to the um Unity project and then we're going to drag in or uh simply just double click our glasses here and we're going to import this and again you could use whatever props that you'd like in this case I'm just doing the glosses because why not all right so after it's imported all you got to do is go to the glasses folder here or whatever your prop is and then just find the prefab for it and in this case I'm doing these uh heart classes here as you can see and then you're going to take this the prefab and we're going to drag it into our hierarchy here all right so after that it'll come up in the scene here and all you got to do now is just adjust the prop on whatever part of the Avatar that you'd want it to be on so in this case obviously since there are sunglasses I'm going to be putting them on the face here and we're just going to kind of adjust them to fit the Avatar model and if you're not too familiar with unity you also do have a bunch of options up here in the top left corner so you can rotate the proper round like that or you can scale it up and down using these or simply typing a number over here but in this case we're not going to do that because they're already configured so basically you get the winterpaw model dimensions and stuff if that makes sense so just going to kind of put them pretty much wherever on the avatar and I think that looks good right there so now what we're going to do is we're going to go over to our hierarchy again and you'll see obviously your avatar here so what you want to do here is you're going to click the little down arrow here and then find your Armature and then click the little arrow here on this and we're going to go hips and in this case for your prop you'll want to drag the prefab prop right here in your hierarchy to wherever your prop is being attached to so in this case obviously I'm doing the head so we're going to go down the hips and then spine and then chest neck and then finally the head and then you're just going to take your prefab and drag it to the name of the part of the body that you want your prop attached to and then you're just going to drop it there and now it's going to be your test to your head and just to make sure I always like to press the play button up here just go back to your scene view here and then click on your head or whatever part of the body that you have your object attached to in your hierarchy like I said in this case I'm doing the head so after you do that you're just going to press this little rotate button up here and then we're just going to kind of rotate it around as you can see it is following the head so that means we did it properly or now we can stop playing the projects so now that that's done we're going to go to our tools option in the toolbar up here then you'll see an option here for toggle Creator there is also Advanced Telco Creator and toggle remover as well if you wanted to remove toggles we're just going to stick with the toggle creator for today because I'm not really familiar with the advanced toggle one as of yet so simply you just want to click on this and then you're going to see this window pop up here so all you want to do is you want to find your avatar so we can click here and here's our Avatar right here so we're just going to click this and press the little X here and then the accessory object here so now you want to find your prop which in this case again is the glasses so we're just going to take this drag it into the box right there cool all right so now you have the options of choosing we're in the Expressions menu you want the prop to be so in my case I'm just going to go to the outfit right here select that then we're just going to come down to the name and menu option here and then you could just type in whatever you want the name of the item to be so in my case I'm just going to go heart glasses and then there'll be two options down here don't worry about messing with any of these unless you really want to because you can also add a icon text here if you wanted to but I'm not going to do that in this case um so there'll also be two options down here there's safe State and default state no uh if you want the props to be enabled by default uh when you spawn the Avatar in you can go to default State and just check uh check that box and also Save State if you don't want it enabled when you um spawn in your avatar just uncheck both of these boxes and come over to your prop here and then in the inspector up here there'll be a little checkbox beside your prop name so you just want to uncheck that and then you go save state and then after that we're going to go create simple toggle and it's all done for you all right and that's pretty much it for that part so all we want to do now is we're going to go up to our VR chat SDK we're going to go show control panel and then log in with our credentials here all right so now what we want to do when we see this is going to go build and publish as if you're just regularly publishing an avatar all right so now that it's uploaded we're going to move over to VR chat and I will see you guys in just a minute all right guys so now that we're in game we're going to switch over to our Avatar all right guys so now that we're in game we're going to switch over to our Avatar that we just uploaded so we're going to go to our menu here and switch to it all right so it might just take a second for it to load in for you um depending on what you added to it but in my case it loaded pretty much straight away so anyway we're gonna go to our wherever okay so we're gonna go to our menu here we're going to go to wherever you have your prop and in my case I'm just going to go to outfit oh and there it is hard glasses I'm just actually going to go over and look in the mirror real quick just to uh check these out so there we go as you can see we have my nice hard glasses now now these would be great for uh just an accessory just for Ashley and her tick tocks and stuff and uh yeah so I guess that's pretty much it so I want to thank you guys so much for watching and hopefully I wasn't able to help you out if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I'll try and help you out as best as I can but with that being said thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Voicingspy
Views: 15,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dDt_fLiEDKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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