VOR navigation explained - full flight with VOR to VOR turotrial in Microsoft flight simulator 2020

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first thing we're gonna do is make sure that we have our flight plan set i went ahead and picked a parking spot here and then went over to knip and just clicked on the airport in general and set that as my arrival for the vors i do see that there is a setting right here where it's vor to vor but unfortunately it doesn't seem like it works very well i'm not going to be using it i'll try to see if i can figure out how exactly they put that together when it comes to vfr flights sky vector is great because they have real-to-life vfr uh charts and i will put the website to skyvector in the description below so you can click on that but really all you have to do is come up here and type in kssi for the departure and then knip for the flight to the destination and you can see we have a direct to now we're actually going to do the vors and these circles are the vor so we're going to use this one right here it's the brunswick and we can just pull this you can see right here that's the vor that middle part and we'll click plan that is there and we also want to use this one the airport is the middle of this vor so we'll go ahead and pull it in right here and you can see there it is the craig we want that and we actually want to avoid a lot of this airspace this is a moa a military operating area and then out here is a warning area this is a class charlie so there's a lot of things that we want to avoid what i'll do is i'll just drag this out somewhere over here and we'll do plan and that's about 23 nautical miles and 21. let's bring it in just a little bit more this way and 22 and 22. that should work pretty well so we'll go ahead and fly directly to and then fly outbound uh to this point and then flight inbound on this uh vor and then over to the airport and we will actually miss all the uh important airspaces that we need to avoid and we'll make sure to pick an altitude above 2500 because this is the airspace here as long as we're above that then we won't hit those air spaces after loading in with the bonanza i realized the bonanza didn't have a full checklist and that's something that i wanted to go over in this lesson uh so i went ahead and changed over to the cessna 172. so it does have a full checklist here the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go through from preflight all the way to taxi we'll complete that and then we'll do the run up just short of the runway so the first thing i'm going to do i'm going to do checklist assist which is nice to have and that's going to be an assistance highlighting and assisted checklist apply and save and then once we get to the runway i'm going to turn it off okay now we're on run up so we're going to do that at the taxiway but first we have to check the india weather weather observation one seven zero zero zulu wind 277 at seven visibility seven sky condition few clouds at one thousand feet temperature that is set and it the wind was 277. 2-2 is going to be the closest to the wind that we can get so we'll tax you there what we're going to do is we're going to taxi right over here this is the whole short line so we'll come off to the side for the run up let's go ahead and do that first we need to pick a taxiway or a runway i should say and then announce our taxi kilo sierra sierra india traffic cessna alpha sierra x-ray golf sierra alpha is taxiing to runway four now runway four is not the one we want to do um i've found that microsoft flight simulator isn't too great at this you just have to do it again x-ray golf sierra alpha is taxiing to run way too too okay we'll look around nobody's here we could get a push back but i'm just gonna go ahead and turn sharp probably not the best idea in real life but for me i'm gonna do it okay this is a good spot to do our run up let's go ahead and do that now [Music] okay now some of these things we actually do have to do uh so let's go ahead and check this out um so we're gonna fly directly to this vor and then we're going to go outbound180 and then about 22 nautical miles we're going to come inbound uh this is going to be 0 1 5 but since we're going this way we actually want to do the opposite side of that so 180 degrees from 0 1 5 is going to be 195 and then we'll go this way we'll figure out what that is a little bit later but for now we do need to set our frequencies and our altitude let's do altitude first this tells us in this quadrant you can see these lines right here this is the highest point and that's 700 so 100 700 500 700 and 1200 so we need to at least be above that um there are some clouds in the skies we may need to go higher than that to avoid clouds because vfr we don't go into instrument conditions okay so let's go ahead and pick 4500 i like that altitude okay 4500 is set right there as you can see and now we're going to change our navigations we will check right here our first one is going to be 109.8 ssi so in this box 109.8 check for ssi perfect and if you click down then it moves this blue box that'll be for the next one let's go ahead and check down here the circle's box is right here the craig 114.5 crg so 114.5 114.5 and it may be too far to tell nope crg okay perfect and we are going to come right over here and we're going to set the uh option so that we have dme distance measuring equipment so there's nav one is gonna be set there and nav two is gonna be set here so for this one it's going to be ssi for this one it's going to be crg okay we are set there we have our altitude we have our navigation um so we should be set to go on to normal take off uh for this part i am going to go into assistance and turn off the assistance for checklists and it's easier that way okay and we will go out to the runway okay here we are or runway two two now that we're at runway two two we are going to go ahead and bring the atc back down and we're going to part south kilo sierra sierra traffic cessna coming down here for any offering looking down the runway waiting for someone to respond saying that they're inbound or something to that extent don't hear anything so let's go ahead and continue on the item is ticked already flaps are at zero which is fine for this take off the next will be full throttle full mixture mixture is already full rich okay full throttle for mixture check for any nunciations none uh airspeed is live next we're going to be pitching for 55 or rotating at 55 i should say there it is and we're going to be pitching for 70 to 80. let's go ahead and move this so that it's straight ahead and we can go direct to eor there we go we'll go ahead and set the autopilot let me zoom in here so you can see it is going to be the flight director first nav mode and we're gonna do flight level change 75 will be good autopilot now it's going to track this it's on vor and flight level change up to 4500 it's going to fly at 75 knots until it gets there so perfect we are looking good on the 201 radial inbound to ssi you can see ssi is right over there we are 4.8 nautical miles once we pass the vor then we actually want to change to so we're on this leg right here and we're going to want to change to 180181 so we will wait until we cross for that okay we're getting pretty close to the zero nine so uh to the zero zero which uh we'll see the flag flip that means we've crossed over the vor we can see here's the vor here here's our airplane we're getting really close and you can see it's disappeared that means we are crossing over the vor now and now it's reappeared that means we have passed the vor so let's go ahead and change to one eight zero indeed one eight zero is what we want and we're going to fly this course for 22 nautical miles and then we're going to come in and that radial is going to be the 0 1 5 that's this radial so we want to be on the opposite one since we're coming this way so 180 degrees from 1 0 1 five is one nine five so we will go ahead and put that in uh since we are on autopilot uh we will be following oh we actually do need to change this go into heading we need to intercept our radial here first and then we'll work about 195. okay now we can set that 195 but we are going to have to go into heading mode for that so let's hit this and then go on to heading mode change over to the crg and we need to set this as 195 instead of zero zero zero now let's go ahead and change back over to ours and we'll go back into nav mode actually we should pick up flight following we don't have to but it is smart to do so jacksonville approach says net alpha sierra x-ray golf sierra alpha is type cessna skyhawk six miles east of golf alpha four eight four thousand five hundred feet request flight following the sierra [Music] alpha okay we're getting pretty close 21.3 i'm going to change over to heading mode and we're gonna check on this cdi and indeed we're already there so let's just go ahead and change over now over to nav make sure that we get onto this and now we're transferring over to the crg and let's go ahead and double check everything that we're doing uh make sure that we are on course vor uh on the craig altitude 4500 and let's check our maps so currently we are right about here inbound and then we're going to need to change our radial to this one right here which it's kind of hard to read there aren't too many numbers because there's so much going on right here here's 1 8 1 9 2021 22 23.5 so i'd say 23.6 is what i'm going to shoot for and not 23.6 i'm sorry 236 is the radio i will shoot for once we have passed the vor [Music] our autopilot kind of messed up there so let's go ahead and change it over to 237 and we'll reset autopilot you always need to be watching autopilot to make sure it does some it does what it's supposed to because it can malfunction and do something incorrectly so there's two three seven tower cessna alpha sierra x-ray golf sierra alpha is eight miles northeast four thousand five hundred feet with oscar to land says all right we're gonna do straight in runway two eight straight in runway i flew right past that vor so you gotta pay attention to that all right it's moving in i'm going to start hitting math okay vor l 4005 we're going to come in on runway 2 8 i'm going to set that heading so that we know we are on the right runway when we are coming in [Music] not sure where the threshold is it's kind of hard to see so i'm going to make sure i land a little bit long better to this runway is nice and long so we really can go pretty far okay there's the threshold right there so we are safe to land at any point now stop the next taxiway here we go decimal six now where did my mouse go well the mouse disappeared for some reason my mouse magically disappeared and i couldn't get it back so i had to uh restart but here we are where we were uh they gave us uh taxi instruction instructions for bravo alpha cross runway one zero to alpha and uh if you don't have um if you don't know where to go you can ask for a progressive taxi but unfortunately in microsoft flight simulator it doesn't do that so the best way to go about it is to come in actually i believe it's right up here in assistance and do the landing and taxi guide and now you have that available to you it's going to show you exactly where to taxi so in real life i'd say can i get a progressive taxi and they'd tell me turn right and then follow this alpha and turn and so on anyway so let's go ahead and just taxi over there but first we have to finish off our after landing text checklist [Music] and there we go we have gone all the way through it i did make a few mistakes uh and you always learn from your mistakes if you have any questions or comments let me know put it in the comment section below but thanks for watching if you do enjoy this content please support the channel by doing one of three things first which is absolutely free subscribe second go into the description click on keyboard flight academy and join keyboard flight academy where we teach you how to fly as real to 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Channel: Keyboard Flight Academy
Views: 9,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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