VOR Navigation Made Easy

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the following video is brought to you by groundschoolacademy.com get a free seven-day trial of my online ground school at groundschoolacademy.com hey everyone jason shepherd of m0a and i'm confident when i tell you that no one has ever taught you vor navigation like i'm about to show you in this clip in fact this clip is actually so exclusive it's only limited to my online ground school members i've actually taken it out of the course and wanted to open it up for everyone to see i was actually uh just made known that over 35 percent of students have actually been screwing up their check rides on vor navigation on the navigational portion of their check ride and that number is just too high so i've made an interesting simulation again taking it right from my online ground school and i want to share it with you guys today so you can get number one a taste of my online ground school see what's all about and number two so you are confident the next time your flight instructor or check right examiner asks you to hey navigate me to the zero nine zero radial how would you go about doing that so without further ado guys let's go ahead and get to the clip vor navigation is one of the most difficult things i personally think for student pilots to really get down you are going to learn so much in this simulation i hope it all makes sense if not you guys know how to get in touch with me to ask questions uh before we do that let's talk about the real vor basics first off let's look at our little map site here this is our vor this guy here now the vor is spitting out 360 degrees worth of radials all right now you can navigate to vors you can navigate from vors there's two radials and from radials okay actually heading to a vor it's called a bearing heading away from it it is actually called a radial but you commonly find i myself do it most the time anyways everybody just calls to and from a radial but the proper terminology is if you're heading to it it's a bearing if you're heading away from it it's a radial um all that aside though you need to know this is 360 degrees okay on your check ride or just in navigation in general but specifically on your check ride you may be asked i want you to intercept and track the two three zero radial i want you to intercept and track the zero nine zero radial from the station now how can you do that that's looking at this you say well zero nine zero it's here but but i'd be heading zero nine zero this way but this is the zero nine zero radial it can be real confusing and this multi-step process i'm going to give you is going to make you a shoo-in for vor navigation so the first thing you need to do you ask yourself this question where am i in relation to the vor now this is jumping a bit ahead this is assuming you've already tuned up to the right frequency and you've also positively identified the vor using the morse code identifier all right so that's assuming that already answer this question where are you in relation to this vor so here's our aircraft you can see we're tracking a zero seven zero heading and our obs is set to zero niner zero which you can see we've depicted like this okay and it's on a two side because uh green is two this purple would be a from so zero nine zero falls on the two side of things well where are we in relation to it the first thing you need to do is center up your obs your vor indicator with a two indication so let's show you how we do this now we could sit here and i could click this all day and let it move but i'm going to type this in show you here two three zero so look at that we are a two three zero radial from the station okay well that sort of helps us what's the reciprocal of that reciprocal of two three zero is zero five zero okay zero five zero to the station let me just kind of backtrack a bit so you can see what i'm talking about here when i spin this thing let's see if i can get it to spin and cooperate there we go see how the needle's moving you would want to spin it and see how our headings changing let's put it back to a 0 five zero wrong way so i can get it going back back back back and it's tough with the cursor i'm just gonna type it in but zero four five we got close but you can see what i mean we spin that until this needle is centered up now we know if we turn to a heading of zero five zero that would take us right to the station okay how do i know that well let's put that in as our heading watch that zero five zero we'll check that out it's pointing us right towards the station doesn't that make sense it's a zero five zero radial to head to the station it's a 2 3 0 radial if you're heading from the station please don't get confused with to and from so we knocked out the first step where are we in relation to the station well we are a zero five zero radial to the station so we are what we're somewhere to the south west of this vor now we don't have any dme in this scenario but you would also you know if you had dme in the aircraft distance measuring equipment you would know i'm so many miles to the southwest from this vor and that is the real basic part of vor navigation found out where we're at now let's think about something a little bit more complex your check right examiner or your flight instructor asks you the following question i want you to intercept and track the zero nine zero radial inbound to the station or remember we said a bearing is a two so the zero nine zero bearing to the station so remember the first thing we did we found out where we were so i say okay i know where i'm at now i know where i am in relation to that vor now i'm going to take my obs my vor indicator and i'm gonna turn it to zero nine zero and look where our needle went our needle went to the left well where's our course look at the top down view our course is to our left now does that make sense the needle went to the left so our course is to the left when we're on a two indication we're on the two indication because we found out where we are in relation to the station at first all right so our course is to our left we'll look in this top down view seeing this line here we need to fly to this line and then make a right turn to fly zero nine zero inbound you see think about it like you're jumping on the interstate we're on an on ramp and the acceleration ramp trying to get on the interstate we're heading towards it then we're going to make that turn onto the interstate that makes sense we can see the courses that way so we know flying this zero five zero heading isn't going to get us to the zero nine zero radial we need to put in an intercept well how much of an intercept do we want to put in it all depends really on how close you are in this situation where we're up a few miles out we're quite a ways out actually because this is a 30 nautical mile view of everything so we're about halfway there maybe 15 12 to 15 miles out what i'm going to do is we're going to start maybe turn us 30 degrees maybe turn us all the way to north all right let's see what that would do let's uh let's adjust our heading here and let's turn our heading to zero i'm sorry to three six zero all right so if we turn our heading to three six zero all right and we flew that you can see how that needle should start coming in let's go ahead and play the simulation watch this so we are flying you can see our airplane is just barely moving here so we're going to keep flying along and as we're flying of course as a good student we're holding level and everything else but we are waiting for this needle to come in once this needle reaches what i call the top of the donut the top and that's not a scientific term by the way you won't find that any flight manuals um the top of this donut here we want to start that turn to zero nine or zero so let's see how we're approaching this line watch this and let's start to watch our needle here see if you can keep your eyes on both both of those at the same time and watch so as we're coming in it's going to come in quick because we've got 90 degrees look there it goes there it goes there it goes there it goes and here it comes we reach the top of the donut there it is i just paused it here that's what i mean by our needle touching the top of the donut so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take our airplane and we're going to turn it to our zero nine zero heading it'll actually be we need to go a little bit further we'll simulate we're actually turning here let's do 0 7 0 just so we can let it come in a little bit more and we'll play our simulation some more you can see our needle still creeping in creeping in creeping in and see how we just kind of made that gradual turn around and here comes our needle watching it down here it's centered up i'm gonna pause the simulation again turn us right to that zero nine zero heading and play it and that is how we did it we were down here we found out where we were in relation to the vor we then found out our instructor wanted us to intercept and track the zero nine zero radial well no sweat once you know where you're at on a two indication okay not a problem at all we center it up to zero nine zero on the obs down here we saw the needle was was fully pegged full deflection all the way to the left all right so we saw that and we knew our course was the left we looked at the top down view and we saw of course it was to the left so we put in our intercept now i had 90 degrees off of the course we took a 90 degree a right angle right at that thing now you can also take something a little bit more gradual you could sneak in we could have flown maybe a 0 7 zero zero six zero might have pushed a little bit too close and ended up right here my purpose was i just wanted to get us on as soon as possible so you guys could see but you may not wanna do something this drastic you obviously can't go much past nine degrees otherwise you're making a real severe turn but we came at it you could do less than nine degrees and come at it just remember when that needle reaches the top of the donut you begin your turn if you need to fix your course like in this case our needle went a little bit more to the right i'm just going to correct maybe five degrees to the right to help hold that to help keep that needle centered i hope this simulation helped you guys immensely the ability to see the obs and see the airplane from a top-down view is a great method for students to learn i hope you guys really enjoyed it this is what my online ground school is all about great lessons taking a difficult complex subject and making it real simple for you guys if you guys are interested in checking out my online ground school whether you're a student pilot or already a private pilot oddly enough 50 of the members in there are already private pilots who just want to fill in the gaps in their training and learn more you can check out my free 7-day trial of my online ground school at groundschoolacademy.com go ahead check that out start your free 7-day trial in there no strings attached check it out you guys can be highly impressed and you're going to watch over 120 videos just like this one and learn so much um if you guys are on watching this right now be sure to leave me a comment down below let me know what you thought and um guys that's all i have for you enjoy the rest of your week and most importantly remember a good pilot is always learning have a great day guys i'll see you later
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
Views: 1,118,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VOR, Navigation
Id: Eno0p1n2H84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2012
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