FS2020: Back To Basics With MSFS: Part 19 - ADF/NDB Navigation!

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hello my dear youtuber friends and i do hope you're all keeping well welcome to this new video it's another back to basics video part 19. we're on part 19 already ads stroke n db navigation if you're in something like the cessna 152 classic analogue uh dials like this and you've wondered what the adf box is down here and what this needle pertains to here i'm gonna explain all that to you in this video i'm gonna give you a brief overview of what ndb adf navigation is and then we'll do a quick flight using adf ndb navigation only it's one of the oldest forms of assisted radio navigations out there and i believe it's one of the fundamental skills that you should all learn so let's not dilly dally let's get into this video [Music] okay so before we dive into the main subjects and show you this in practice let me just give you a brief overview of what an ndb is and i've got a amateur like picture there that i've created but it should do just to give you a brief explanation ndb on the left and vor on the right they both operate in similar ways ndb basically has been around for a lot longer than something like gps vlrs that type of thing is pretty much the original way of blocking onto a beacon and flying towards it so some kind of uh navigation beacon to a pilots towards a certain point best way to describe it i find if you look at that picture on the left and if you dr if you imagine the sky is a big pond and you drop a pedal pebble or stone in the center of that pond and then you've got all those circles reverberating out that's the best way i find to describe an ndb it's a non-directional beacon so unlike a vor i'll link a video i did in the back to basic series on vor flying you can lock on to one of the 360 radials it's only showing 36 radials here because if they showed every single one of 360 this will just be a solid circle so you won't be able to see the various different radials but if you can imagine there's 360 of these you can lock onto one of them it's much more precise and ndb does have a couple of fluctuations perhaps when you're flying towards it i may mention more about that later in this video but that's what it is it's just a non-directional beacon so you're just locking onto the center of the origin of that beacon and flying towards it where with vor flying which came in at a later date you're locking into one of the radials and using different instruments between the two i'm going to link two uh wikipedia sites down below one on ndbs and one on vors and it will go into more and more descript a better description or deeper description of what the two different uh beacons are and voirs by the way just to mention is a very high frequency omnidirectional range so that's essentially what a vlr is um like i mentioned before ndb non-directional beacon so that's a brief overview the ranges of these seems i've just mentioned this as well if depending on your altitude you can get over a hundred nautical you can be over 100 nautical miles out from a vor and it like say be quite high up you can lock on to one of the radios with ndbs especially in flight simulator i found they tend to have a shorter range somewhere between 25 and vertical nautical miles depending on what altitude you're at but they do seem to have a shorter range so if you're further out from an ndp you may not be able to lock onto it whether with a voi you can pretty you can lock onto it again depending what altitude you're at okay so let's not go into that too deeply that's just a simple explanation of the differences of the differences between them both let's now jump into an aircraft and show you this in practice okay so here we are at the runway nine right at heathrow airport in the cessna 152 pretty in pink let me just raise my flaps there as i don't need them for this runway let's just jump into the cockpit and let's get to the main article here let me just press my b button to make sure my altitude above sea level is correct that's okay and we got to the adf i was looking around for a reliable website within use adf frequencies i couldn't really find a reliable one adf navigation's not used a great deal these days if at all typically the most common uh form of navigation now will be gps or voi using analog sorts of aircraft analog dial aircraft like the cessna 152 or aircraft without autopilot but adf is not really used a great deal but then let me just switch you it's a little nav map i opened up a little nav map and lo and behold you got vors you've also got ndbs as well like there's one here is that burnham burnham yes scroll up a bit there's another one here let me click on that there you go another one there took its time but we managed to click on it and if we keep going there's another one there so effectively as long as you've got nd b frequencies around where you want to fly you can fly ndb adf navigation only without using uh one of the more advanced forms of navigation so the old form of radio beacon navigation so let's do it let's go for a quick fly let's do that course showing an aim to land on a runway over here so where are we at the moment we're at heathrow let's look for the nearest ndb which is this one here burnham and as you can see here the frequency is four to one decimal zero so let's go back into the cockpit and we can dial that in on the adf box down here so four two one i'm just scrolling down with my mouse scroll up in this case four two one when you've dialed in your frequency the adf frequency if you insert the system 152 click on this button here pull from the right adf beacon receiver audio i'm going to click it and you can see the needles not doing anything it's because we're on the runway we're not at any altitude to pick up that ndb at the moment so we'll have to get up in the air we'll do that before we do that let me just go over something with you go to your options general options and go to sound in sound under volume levels turn your aircraft engines down i've put mine at 44 and turn your aircraft miscellaneous way up if it's not already if you don't do that and your aircraft engines is all the way up you're not likely to hear the morse code and it's important when you're putting a frequency on the adf box and you're up in the air that you listen out for the most cold to make sure that you're locked onto that adf or the ndb frequency let me show you this in practice let's throttle up live weather i am recording this using obs i typically typically record using shadow play which gives a better quality video so excuse that for this lesson but as i'm switching between little nav map or i will be i really have to do that with uh obs but it should be okay so i'm hoping i'm just gonna trim up i hope you can hear that probably just about here just turn your volume up if you can't the morse cult frequency for that adf for that ndb or that adf frequency that i've just inputted there you can see the ndb the adf needle here is pointing this direction this is where it wants us to turn we need that needle there to be pointing upwards so we're heading towards the center of the ndb so i'm just going to bank left to get that needle here pointing upwards and that means we'll be heading directly towards the ndb uh yes the ndv complicat complicated subject because it's ndb yet you use an adf to lock onto the ndbs so there you go that needle's almost pointing upwards now it's the inner scene london heathrow there looks lovely always still recommend that link to my review of that video in the top right of the inner scene heathrow rather in the top right there you go just to trim out that seems fine now this is called homing adf ndb navigation can be quite complex there's a more efficient way especially if there's adverse weather wind around to reach the center of the uh ndv more efficiently not going to cover it in this video because it's going to make the subjects and video much longer than it has to be i'm just covering the basics holding it in so that needle's pretty much pointing directly upwards i just need to bike right to make sure it is is still good enough for ndb adf navigation you'll still reach the origin of the ndb radio beacon hope that makes sense probably good weather to fly in this because if you have adverse weather you can't really see much this is live weather over the london area at the moment it's a good time to be using something like gps vor or in this case adf and db navigation such a romantic way of flying it's like one of the original like i've mentioned before one of the original navigational beacon aids it's been around for many years and unfortunately it's just being edged out by gps navigation and vor navigation of course there we go i got the needle pretty much pointing upwards i'm just going to take a quick look at little nav map and in fact what i'll do i'll switch it to that now as the aircraft should be okay once we reach near that ndb i'm going to enter our next ndb up here and lock on to that which will be 277 so i'm going to keep an eye on that myself let me just jump back in the aircraft to make sure everything's hunky-dory i've just the wind's blowing us to the right left slightly so like i said it's not the most efficient form uh especially the form i'm showing you here this is homing just using manual flying to head straight towards the origin or the ndb beacon there is a more efficient way i'll probably revisit that in a future video let me know down below if you would like to see that and maybe even adf and db navigation in glass cockpit aircraft like the cessna 172 i can show you that as well if you would like let me know so there we go i'm just being blown up down left right so let me just get this under control don't want to use autopilot because i i want to do this the old fashioned way applying manually towards these beacons let me just bank to my right as you can see the needle's not pointing directly up let me show you that or forward so just need that needle that point there pointing directly upwards at least the weather's cleared a little bit let me just bring my throttle back a little bit get this aircraft better trimmed out using the velocity one here to make life easier there we go that should be fine thanks to the right i'll take a quick look at a little nav map make sure i've got you in flight simulator mode that i have i'm i'm gaining i'm gonna dial in that next adf frequency let's see if we can pick it up so that was 277 there we go it's picked it up because i've still got the adf beacon receiver on you can still hear the most cold but of course we have to head in a different direction which is pretty much eastwood so lock on to that ndb so we shall do that just bank to our left and as you can see you can pretty much fly around the uk using adf ndb navigation do practice this and just be aware i i've got to put this in a future live stream so do practice it especially my regulars or anybody who would like to fly if you're on xbox you can load up little nav map on a pc or laptop or your telephone or whatever actually i'm not sure about telephone whether it's compatible but your laptop your computer just to reference where those ndb stations are beacons are and then you can do it that way obviously you won't see your aircraft on the map moving still reference where the stations are there we go got that needle pointing upwards i don't really want to slow down too much now the cessna 152 isn't the quickest aircraft and once i reach this ndb i'll get near it i'm going to enter the next one let me show you that on the map little map map let's just hop our aircraft behaves so where are we at the moment but with me we're flying towards here that's our aircraft there we're flying towards there once we get near that i'm going to enter this new one up here and this will be our last ndb to land at this airport you can see this is different now four all three decimal five let's get back in the cockpit make sure our aircraft is behaving it wasn't the wind has blown up to the left there right there remember i'm not using autopilot here there's no let's just come down to this adf box there's only three numbers so how do you do the decimal well let me show you how you would do that okay so i've just gone into options and control options so from your main menu options control options i've got a velocity one as you can see here and i'm just gonna put the filter let it load and filter to all to show us all the possible all to show us all the possible uh controls we can set up if we wish under the radio tab and adf so under radio adf open that you will find something like increase adf you've got increase adf by 10.1 there increase adf 1 by 0.1 so it's basically it's after the decimal get off let's just go back just leave the aircraft going crazy for the moment it's after the decimal is what it means by 0.1 so we need to enter 0.5 in this case so back we go hope you're following this control options just make sure that filter is on all so we can set up new commands under radio and adf increase adf 1 because we're using it well there's only one adf in the cessna 152 by 0.1 i'm just going to click that box and i'm just going to use my hat one for that right as i don't have anything set up currently for that there we go validate and apply and save and go back just before we go back let's go back to little nav map and let me just get into that so where do i want to go now i want to fly i need to get back onto course for that adf but i want to fly up here which is oh i'm in trouble reading that four three two four three three point five so four three three decimal five so back we go four three three decimal five resume let's just get back on course for this adf first get a little bit closer to it but four three three decimal five so i'm going to type in in a moment or three three and then i'll use that command i just set up on my hat switch in my case on my bluster one you can use a keyboard command i did set a keyboard command previously i can't remember what it was shifting a or something something that you've not got assigned on the keyboard already i'm going to press it five times essentially and i'm going to listen out for the morse call to make sure i'm locked onto that adf sounds a bit complex so let's just get a bit nearer to this current adf that i'm heading towards you know what we can do it now we can do it now four three three decimal five so paul so the most cold has gone off we're just entering a new frequency 433 i'm going to use my hat right five times one two three four five there you go can you hear the moss code you can see the needles deflected we need to head to a westerly direction so that's how you would do decimals on in things like the cessna 1 5 2 even though you only have three number options here just set up a command a button on your controller or keyboard and essentially that's how you do it none too difficult just over a thousand feet altitude that's fine i'm gonna keep that needle pointed forward once we get near to that adf i'm gonna look out to my right for that airport that i referenced before where have i got you i've got you in flight simulator so i'll bring it a little nab map here that airport there holton a b air base here once we get near there i'm just going to look out for runway 2 or runway 7 to our right and that was just a quick flight essentially not quite over yet purely using adf ndb navigation give this a go yourself this particular flight if you will if you wish for practice very much looking forward to revisiting some of the older aircraft that i have that would have an adf frequency or capabilities i'm going to fly tuning in the adfs and flying adf navigation in them wonderful skill to learn and wonderful skill to have in your back pocket so let's not get all ahead of ourselves there's still plenty of time for me to mess up of course oh wind is blowing me quite vigorously i don't really want to get into it in this video because i just want to keep this as simple as i can as a back to basics video but there is a more efficient way like i've mentioned of locking into that adf frequency so you get there a little bit quicker and a little bit more accurately although if you keep that needle pointing upwards you're going to reach the beacon and away there's a more efficient way of doing that i will revisit that in some sort of video in the future like i've mentioned this should get you up and running at least how far i'm just looking on little nav map maybe five to ten minutes out difficult to tell when you're flying something like this i'm gonna increase my astute though yeah just a ton and pilots let me know all real world pilots are retired pilots seem to have plenty of them as subscribers and in discord uh did you ever use adf navigation ndb adf navigation i'd imagine it's one of the fundamental skills that they would have to teach you especially if you've got an adf box off uh capabilities in the aircraft just i don't know what to do just in case in case of emergency perhaps your gps skills bonkers or you can't uh you dors you simply can't lock onto the radio for whatever reason it goes faulty you can always rely on that adf to lock onto the beacons i can well imagine although i could be wrong just seem like a dying art nowadays something i must ask probably next month i'll gonna do my flight lesson i was giving it giving it as a birthday present some time ago now uh probably do that next month and when i do that i'll be asking the instructor about adf navigation and if it's still used or does it still teach it that type of thing so i shall let you know i'm gonna record as much as i can of that lesson of course so stay indoors on that day you'll have hudderson flying directly into you otherwise and i'll mention this here i was gonna mention this in this card while we're getting trying to reach this uh beak we're not far from it now at all i didn't say five or ten minutes just a few minutes out uh just got a taxi i've just brought my xbox and tv with me from storage i had it in storage but sim update 10 is just around the corner apparently so i wanted that out of storage so i could record a video for you lovely people and the taxi driver was i told him that i create videos he's a photographer said he spends plenty of money i said another feeling i've got a hobby myself and i make videos and he wanted to know my youtube channel so if you're watching this leave a comment down below uh that's directly to the tax drive if you're watching this video and you you're looking at my videos maybe you've become a subscriber leave a comment down below but isn't that a funny thing taxi driver was interested in my videos which is quite good i seem to be all right can we see our airports ahead of us believe that might be it should be able to see it by now i don't know i'm heading in the right direction because i'm looking at a little knob map i've come slightly off that ada of course the ndb so i'm just banking right me also do believe that is possibly the airport ahead of us soon find out full faith in this adf navigation ndb navigation ah there it is to our right isn't it yeah there we go so that's the airport we saw on little nav map before so i could turn towards that why not bring down my throttle get ready for a landing and wrap up this video so there you go i've just navigated using the oldest form of one of the oddest forms of radial navigation and i believe someone correct me if i'm wrong in the comments uh adf ndb's use am frequencies am i correct there believe i heard that i'll read something about that because the wikipedia site i think should tell you oh which runway should we lock onto there can we see her runway uh i believe there yep yep you can walk onto that runway directly ahead of us just trim up let's get myself into some kind of flaps ready speed all the time you can still hear the most cold effectively you're meant to leave that most cold running to make sure and follow that all the way to the beacon to make sure that you're still locked on the beacon and again somebody corrects me over wrong that makes perfect sense just to make sure that you are still locked on the beacon and hear the most cold it's still going to keep going because we're locked onto it it's quite a comforting sound so i'm gonna leave it on all right stage one flaps all the time in the world in the cessna one five two lovely supply now and again i do love the cessnas in flight simulator maybe a video i'll do in the future because the default aircraft amongst the ones that i most fly and i know many other people do as well some excellent paywer aircraft out there i do end up flying the default ones more it seems and this has a lovely feel to it the 152 of course apparently many pilots are saying it's very similar to the real thing so it's good to hear wilder microsoft flight simulator i'm gonna go to another stage of flops just want to slow a little bit more there quite a severe descent profile we should be fine should be absolutely fine not the most visible runways in the world but it's slightly sideways on but we should be fine by 20 isn't yeah no problem at all let's just butter that landing oh that was very smooth um i can raise my flaps at the same time and do the polite thing let's hope i don't cross onto another runway doing this but let's see what that runway starts and ends i'm gonna estimate and let's come straight off oh there we go that will do so there you go chaps quick video explaining adf ndb navigation and giving you a brief demonstration and a flight using that form of navigation let me know your thoughts below do give this a go on practice let me know your thoughts below give the video a like if you've enjoyed it subscribe for more flight simulator videos they'll be on their way and i'll see you soon
Channel: Huddison
Views: 5,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FS2020 ADF & NDB Navigation, Flight Simulator 2020 ADF Navigation tutorial, How to fly via ADF in MSFS, MSFS how to use the ADF controls, What is the ADF used for in Flight Simulator 2020?, MSFS Back To Basics, FS2020 flying a course using ADFs only, FS2020 the fundamentals of ADF Navigation, FS2020 how to select numbers after the decimal in the cessna 152, MSFS how to find and locate aDF frequencies, MSFS ADF, Flight Simulator 2020 what are NDBs?, Bacics of flying in MSFS
Id: 1jWE9PyEnr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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