Rampage 2017 FULL TV Episode - Red Bull Signature Series

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high-speed the sense breathtaking cliff drops jaw-dropping tricks all in one of the most picturesque settings on the planet the southern Utah landscape once again hosts one of the most spectacular events that this sport has ever known freeride mountain biking's elite return for the 12th edition of rampage you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody saw Massa Keller here your host of the Red Bull Signature Series and allow me to welcome you to the outskirts of Zion National Park in southern Utah into the little town of virgin this is one of the most unique events in sports not only for the spectacular and daunting runs of these riders execute but no other sport allows the competitors a blank canvas to physically build their own individual courses the riders armed with only shovels pickaxes and sandbags each allowed two diggers carve out their lines build their takeoffs and set their landings this is all over the course of eight days and includes practice time leading up to today's finals in the 12 editions only three men have stood on this podium twice Kyle Strait Brandon Seminole and Kurtz or gay they're all here today all looking to capture a record third title but there are plenty of other talented riders that would like nothing better than to upset that quest some hope to join the second wing club guys like cam Zink are you strong and this year even a couple of local rookies have joined the start list our first competitor is about to drop it is about to be on so we're gonna check in with Todd Harris and cam McCaul Thank You Sal it is very unforgiving land here in virgin Utah but for the 12th edition of Red Bull Rampage we have pulled out all the stops camp you've been to majority of these events what is it about this it brings these athletes back a year and you really push the limits it's a unique day that only happens once a year it catches lightning in a bottle that venue just sits there dormant all year and nobody rides from top to bottom except for this one day and that day is today all right you've been watching practice and seeing the guys go through their paces who do you like and who do you think's really in touch with this course this year conventional wisdom always tells you to keep an eye on cam Zink and what he's been lining up in practice all week and if he stomps the tricks that are being whispered the rumors if they're true he could have a good chance of walking away with it all right before we get to the first run let's check in with a third member of our crew here is Tina Dixon well first off if you guys are watching this event congratulations you are in for a huge tree you're also in for probably a couple nerve-racking moments and you may even feel your heart jump out of your chest a couple times you may even say wow those guys are absolutely crazy and that is okay because the majority of the population they wouldn't even touch this mountain but you have to also remember that everything you see on this mountain is calculated down to the T now look behind me that is cam Zink slide it measures about 62 degrees and I asked cam about and he said you know when I first look at the mountain if I can visualize it I know it can be done and it's a process from putting the shovel in the dirt they take it step by step all the way to competition day and you also have to remember it's not just an 8 day build but this event Red Bull Rampage is an accumulation of a lifetime of riding guys well said Tina as we get set for the first rider to get this thing underway the 12th edition of Red Bull Rampage here in Virginia tonk cam before we get to Bret reader dropping him we got to take a look at this course because again it is so daunting and every rider has his chance to leave his mark well this venue it's really hard to wrap your head around the magnitude of this terrain the best way to do it is to walk around like Tina's doing right now but the next best is to take this aerial view we're looking at provided by DJI this is the second year at this venue and it's the steepest venue ever in the history of this event it's the only venue that's impossible to walk up within the boundary flags the riders can choose anywhere in between the two ridges to choose their line and you see right now take out those manicured paths and goat hills and lips and landings and you have completely unridable terrain so a lot of credit goes out to the builders for sculpting this magnificent course and camp you have been a builder and you have been a rider here before what is it like to try to create a line out of what you've been given by mother nature well you look at stuff and you have these crazy ideas but you're not sure if you're actually gonna make it possible and that's why they have so much time leading into the event day to make it all possible we're looking at the steepest line in the history of the event right there and the great thing about this year is that this is the second year at this venue so they're able to build upon what they created and started last year really out in the middle of nowhere here in virgin Utah and southern Utah you're about a five hour drive from Salt Lake City about a two-hour drive from Las Vegas but right now this could be the landscape on Mars as we get set to watch the best riders in the world really can put it all on the line and the man that gets the honor of doing just that is Canadian Brett reader the 24 year old from Vernon BC set to drum for one Brett reader three well read on course and those of you at home may recognize this name this is a big shot in the slopestyle World Tour you saw him at Red Bull Joyride but he's one of the few riders who branches out and competes at this big mountain event as well this is the only event of its kind and Bret Reed are one of only three riders in the field today who compete in both slopestyle and Big Mountain freeride see how steep that is and Reeder just making it look so easy methodically picking his way through his line he has a unique section here gonna go horse he's got a sprinkle in the tricks that we know him for a flat drop backflip linking it right into a 360 drop so really playing toward his strengths getting those tricks in there watching this kid in practice I know he has something really big planned for this last jump but he's been taking a lot of hits let's see if he can land it when it counts Oh 20 [Applause] under rotation for Brett reader so the unforgiving terrain bites the first rider here at Red Bull Rampage good to see Brett reader up and writing that was a sensational run to that point cam he cleans that up he could be on the podium well he looked really on point he's coming off of an injury he's been battling a knee problem all year so to see him show up to this event and look that strong at the top portion of his line is really great but that trick really took him out there at the bottom so the judge is looking for something a little cleaner here from Brent reader so in the technical terrain at the top this is where you want to just maintain control fluidity is definitely an important part of the judges criteria but tricks is another one he sent that flat drop backflip deep down the landing but here's the trick where the train came off the tracks the Cork's 720 he under rotates part of the reason for that is he's trying to adapt a trick from slope style to this big mountain train on that gigantic downhill bike 2 runs your best score counts reader checks in with a 43 so he'll certainly be looking to run number 2 but first he'll have to wait for the rest of the world's best to compete on their first runs we are just getting started here at rampage adverse at Utah and you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series back in version Utah this is Red Bull Rampage part of the Red Bull Signature Series one man has gone and that was Bret reader had issues at the very bottom as we go to the top and this was Ethan Nell just a short time ago he comes from st. George Utah just 45 miles down the road what more can you say about this kid he's the rookie he's the hometown hero plenty of people out in the audience cheered for this kid right now the world knew he had it in him to compete out here with the best in the world at rampage and after dropping in for his first ever competition run he proved that he belongs yeah Ethan Nell checks in with a decent scoring nice 77 the great story here cam he used to be a digger for some of these pro riders that are competing now and here he is on the biggest stage in the sport yeah great to see him climb in the ladder can't wait to see his second run all right this next rider is known for pioneering new ground here at rampage American cam Zink was the first a 360 a drop over 30 feet and the first a backflip a drop over 30 feet but what does it take to go first for more let's check in with Sal Masekela Thank You Todd Harris each year since rampages inception in 2001 riders judges and spectators have arrived at this event and labeled certain lines or drops impossible can't be done then one rider scopes it out quietly challenges that and suddenly proves everybody wrong but this is where things get interesting after the impossible feat is achieved suddenly several riders follow like it was easy how is that possible what happens in our minds once we visualize something can actually be accomplished why is it so much easier to go second and more importantly what does it take to go first [Applause] once the very first rampage happened and so many went oh my god you can ride a line down that Bluff somebody else won't go I can ride that line I can add a little bit more to it the physical challenge is still the same the only thing that changed is the mental frame we built around it I've been experimenting with angles lately anywhere from my 61 at 65 degrees just trying to get an average on this whole thing which is deep you know we talk about this as an adrenaline sports as if people are getting off on the fear what they're looking for is like almost a trance-like focus and calm so focused on what you're doing everything else just disappears it's funny sitting back and looking at how many people are some of these contests they just kind of was so focused on the riding and so tenacious that I didn't really let the helicopters or the people or anything get to me technically it's called transient hypofrontality frontality is right here's the prefrontal cortex this portion of the brain gets really really quiet deactivates we can no longer separate password press the future will plunge into what researchers talk about it for deep nap so we experienced its liberation freedom risk-taking goes up creativity goes up you know you're at the top probably the heaviest on your life but I know that I can do it is not it's not haunting me like do I have it in me flow is as close to high speed near perfect decision-making as we can get and in rampage every decision has to be flawless when he goes through it and it succeeds it's gonna get a little more dopamine it's gonna do a little more focus it's gonna get faster muscle reaction times and then you get a whole mess of performance-enhancing mineral chemistry [Applause] I just want to see what's possible and I want to be the one to do it I've just drawn to it it's just in my nature just Who I am maybe we'll reach the limits if it the human body somewhere along the way but with rampage it doesn't seem like we're getting in or close to it right now so the reason I have goose bumps right now is because so many historical moments in this sport have started with this guy cam Zink sitting up in that start tower so here he goes on his first run this is 31 year old cam Zink from Reno Nevada a quick shot of his family waiting for him at the bottom alright so cam Zink is approaching this steep line it goes straight down the mountain point-to-point connects him right back to riders right ridge controlling his speed there we go he's off the first of a handful of head high drops as he goes down this steep pitch he needs to hit this step-up he gets it clean bounced into the wall a little bit but he's back up on the ridge carrying so much speed and he's still got a lot of work to do so he has big plans for the middle of this run he's going to connect to his rhythm section right now but he's leading his way onto that massive vertical drop that he tried to 360 last year there's rumors that he might try something different this year let's see oh it goes for OH backflip off of the flat drop there's no kicker there to initiate the rotation on that flip he's got another he flips the second drop too Oh huge for cam Zink a couple more features see if he has any more tricks for us why not there we go 450 to finish things off for cam Zink well he certainly did the heavy lifting in the top portion of that course but the bottom certainly was as equally impressive as we seen from cam Zink over the years what a run for cams II care and that's just the first run of two [Applause] oh that's got to feel great they're getting the congratulatory hug from his wife Amanda [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his daughter Ayla they're congratulating daddy on probably one of the best runs he's ever done in his life and that's saying a lot look at the steepness of this those are some incredible shots from the DJI drones so he makes it look so easy in full speed but let's look in slow-mo watch as those tires just continuously bounce off the ground as he's trying to stay in control but the biggest move of this run was what we're gonna see coming up right now it's definitely the biggest flat drop backflip ever done in this terrain he's on a downhill bike you see there's no take off there to initiate his rotation he almost over rotated but having great air awareness he was able to move his body appropriately grab that rear brake and avoid over rotating he crashed on this drop last year so a lot of redemption right now stomping an even harder trick and then to finish things off and over rotated 360 about 450 degrees of rotation on that hip you got to have the tricks all the way down and cam Zink filled that run-out cam Zink waiting for his score to come down it's gonna be huge and he cracks the 9 he's a 90 point 3 3 4 cam Zink he goes into first place and he's standing by with Tina it's safe to say that can be emotion is running pretty high down here not only with you but your family take us through that run from the top through those flips that was a kind of the ride of my life I guess I mean we try to elevate ourselves every time and every year I'm a better bike rider day and I was yesterday you know and trying to just make do better every day and that was run in my life I mean the up top is usually we need to a big line like that like a big steep thing you know when you're in it you don't crash like it's home well it seems easy afterward but that thing is still terrifying like I'm still terrified of it and scary and to be able to drop in off the gnarliest big mountain line we've ever seen out here and then biggest flat flip ever like so many I mean luckily we have to dig all week so we don't just have to sit and dwell on it because it's it's nerve-racking I mean there's so many things in that run I mean even the 450 at the end that was like 4 15 down nobody's kind of hard so I almost threw her head so man very very pleased and and it just resonates you more more more kids I have the you know more invested interest to have with family and like it's just means so much more to make it down safe and what a great first run and I think everyone down here needs to catch their breath after watching that and Tina to put that score into context that ninety point three three that cam just laid down last year's winning score was an eighty four three three much more certainly still to come from the hills of virgin now if you're a mountain biker in writing 65 degrees faces is not your idea of fun fair not utah's also home to world-class cross-country trails for all skill levels with endless miles of slick rock and pristine dirt hidden amongst these beautiful backdrops it is truly a cycling paradise and why Southern Utah's known as the mecca of mountain biking you're watching the Red Bulls Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bulls Signature Series this is rampage from virgin Utah and there is our current leader American cam Zink who just put up an amazing score of 90 point three three Tyler McCall getting himself ready while we're away Tom Ben Steenburgen 23 year old that a Canada lane down a beautiful first run yeah Tom put down a great run night a lot of the top riders out here you'll notice are a little bit older Tom's a young guy but he actually specializes in this discipline of big mountain free riding that's usually reserved for guys who are about to older than him he had a great run technical line choice up top a front-flip after that and then this flat drop backflip maybe the drops not as big as the one cam Zink did but he'll get a lot of points for that an 84 for Tom van Steenburgen so he will look to run number 2 to try to move up the ladder again cam Zink leads with a 90 point 3 3 and this is 28-year old Tyler McCall the younger brother of cam McCaul well really excited to see my little brother drop in right now he's got a really steep and technical start to his run it's a similar line to what he rode last year but he's added more technical bits up top and he's hoping to get some more tricks down there at the bottom so he's approaching this feature now this narrow running to what is known as the Goblin and there we go he puts his tires right down where he wants him to be on the landing there and now is when he's gonna have to start dumping out the bag of tricks he dips off the ridge and floats back up on top that with a back flip and now his line takes on a bit of a bobsled look here as he navigates through these berms he's approaching the biggest drop in his line right now Todd here we go to get the trick off it's suicide no hander off the drop he calls Corona Rita huge amplitude which is another one of those criteria on the judges scorecard and a step down flip at the bottom he's got one more trickle feature here a nice under-rotated backflip there they call that the under flip he drops his shoulder into it just getting a little bit more technical on the angle of rotation great run for Tyler McCall t-mac claimed it feeling good and he should camp I know you're a little bit biased because it's your brother but that was one of the best runs we've seen from him this should be a very nice score Oh hands down such a great run it's great to see him put it all together I've seen firsthand how much work he's put into getting all those tricks lined up for this run look at this drop so we'll take a look back at the replay that's the Goblin right there really easy to go off of course since the run into that is only about two feet wide but here's the biggest drop on his line he gets the no hands off put some behind his back we call that a suicide no hander and then the step down flip right here this feature he calls the crack because he's going in between two rocks that's a really blind take off but he puts it right to the landing so Tyler McCall score now coming in to 86 3-3 so Tyler moves into second place behind American cam Zink in that 90 point three three Ryder 16 Tommy jeno three two one Tommy G Thomas Ginn owned the 24 out of Belgium dropping in now for his first run and I can attest cam there is nothing like this in Belgium no people at home are gonna be thinking did Todd Harris just say from Belgium that has got to be one of the flattest countries in the world yet somehow this guy has Kraft his mountain bike skill and he's become good enough to be amongst the best in the world out here in the toughest terrain that this sport has to offer Oh step down flip as he peels off of the ridge into his section a nice manual bump jump so he's getting those style points Todd he's gonna need some tricks now he's a trick specialist so expect there we go a regular direction rotated 360 intercept opposite rotated 360 this guy is a slope style specialist one of the few who takes their skills and applies it to this terrain what does he have for us at the bottom another opposite 360 dangling that foot off the down side of the bike for an added degree of style huge run for Tommy Chee so the 24 year old from Belgium would a little sizzle to cap off his first run a lot of nice European style here you know this terrain we we talked until we're blue in the face about how challenging it is and only the best riders in the world can make this stuff look rideable but it's really rare to see a guy coming from such a flat country with a dirt jump and slope style background a guy who could podium any slope style event all summer come out here to rampage and do these tricks that we know him for in slope style on this terrain look at the slow motion version of this an opposite 360 one footed gyro great style let's see what the judges have to say about that well asked me a great score for Thomas to known he goes into second place just ahead of Tyler McCall with an 88 3 3 1 behind our leader cam Z coming up next the only rider to compete in all 12 redbull rampages and the first to win it twice American Kyle Strait this is the red bull to get your series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series this is rampage near Zion National Park in Utah I'm your host Tom Massa Keller over its 12 event history rampage has proven to be one of the most difficult contest to win in mountain biking in disciplines like soap style riders like Brandon Sam enough they've achieved near flawless victories five times but why is a win so hard at rampage why are there only three competitors to repeat a victory and why in its 12 editions has no one ever won the third time the level of riding years insane anybody winning this once let alone twice that's a feat in its own to do it twice it's pretty special there's three people have done it but no one's done it three times for a reason and this is Kyle Strait a two-time champion he won in 2004 when he was a little kid he won in 2013 when he was a Manimal no leaving ah this is my 12th grant page this is every one of them so far definitely an advantage when you've ridden this kind of stuff your whole life there's only been a handful of people who actually win this event some of the day you come into every year and pull back-to-back wins its ever-changing so that makes a good example of how this event can go he had obviously had a winning run every year he competed but just had slip-ups or crashes pretty easy to go down something stupid out here the first time I won my third rampage you know coming in the first couple years I was just stoked to be there and then after those two years definitely was chasing the wind he's won the thing twice and so he's been killing it every time he comes here pulling off the three feet we just put stamp on all your efforts throughout the years until everyone rides down the hill you just don't really know you're gonna stand I wouldn't be here unless I thought I could still win I'm gonna do everything I can to get that w so here he is Kyle straight the 30 year old out of Alpine California looking for number three and this is going to be a huge challenge because as you pointed out cam this is the steepest course in Red Bull Rampage history and he's dropping into this steepest line here at this venue so you know it's just crazy to think we may see history here three riders looking for that third win Kyle Strait was the first guy to win it twice will he be the first one at winning three times he's creeping into his line right now and you know that's what's on his mind oh look at that he bounced after taking off on the first drop so many head high drops amidst that 61 degree angle slope at Kyle straight makes it look easy folks at home it's not easy he's just one of the best in the world and one of the biggest riders out there so you can imagine the kind of speed his momentum is carrying down through this course now he comes at some very technical sections here we go here's the drop that we saw cam Zink flip earlier Kyle straight classic suicide no hander off that drop that's a trick he used to win both of his titles that he has in his bag of accomplish go there the step down flip he tried that last year and had promised but perfect this time around into a Superman and on to the pedals one last hit for Kyle Strait a nice shoulder buzz table nice work Kyle so he goes Superman into a full sprint a la Tour de France and he finishes it off with a beautiful finish there with his buddy cam Zink and what a show those two will put on so far well great POV angle here from Kyle's helmet listen to that sound those are his brake pads squealing I feel bad for those things cause a big boy and that's a steep line Todd we talked about just how steep this course is over 60 degrees talking to Olympic gold medalist Jonny Moseley he says he's never seen anything that steep before yeah he said that snow oftentimes will even stick to a pitch that seeps so these guys are really pushing the boundaries of physics out here at rampage so take a look at this suicide no hander off the drop and this is the trick that got Palace trained his two victories in the past and nobody doesn't like him full commitment dipping the front tire down as he leans his entire body off the back classic style that is the epitome of kids don't try this at home as straight wait for his score it's at 87 3-3 so Kyle Strait certainly in the running will he be the first man to win rampage three times he's got one more run in today's competition right now let's check in with Tina Dixon who's standing on Kurt's orgy's line all right so we talked about how perfect and calculated these riders need to be well let me just show you how precise they actually need to be on some of these step downs all right this one here it is 45 feet from the takeoff to the landing and in order to hit that sweet spot they put these rocks down you can see along the left along the right and the bike needs to go right in between and they do that so they mark where they need to go so they hit that landing perfectly and are able to ride away so guys if you are walking around rampage and you see rocks like this rule of thumb do not move those rocks everyone knows that sometimes it's not even a rock sometimes they see a little toy figurine as we take a look at a Canadian Kurt's orgeat set for his first run of two three here we go Kurt's RG is such an animal he went out here just 2 years ago and he had a great line last year wasn't able to get on that podium but he's made some amendments to this line he's put a kicker on the big drop at the bottom I'm excited to see what he does on that thing usually when you see a kicker you're thinking that means tricks galore great style so far this section of his line is basically like a rhythm section tight transitions in between all these jumps let's see if he has any tricks for us Oh a backflip no-hander he just styled that one out last year huge trick this year he backflips his big drop at the bottom sends it really deep down the landing right into that suicide no hander one last trick jump and off-axis flip to finish things off for Kurt sargi that run had just about everything the flips the suicide no hander you look what the judges are looking for the speed the fluidity the tricks the line that was a full pull cam Zink let's take a look back at Kurt's orgy's run and just some amazing looking images from DJI technicals start to this line he drops and then he drops again right away see that a lot of riders go along side that where there's only one drop slash note that back tire throw in the dust the judges love that because it plays towards fluidity style all the stuff that the judges are really looking for and then let's talk about tricks the backflip tuck no-hander looks like he angled the landing on that this year so he's able to do a rotational trick and he put a kicker on this one one of the biggest drops out here at this venue and he sends it deep down the landing eyeing up the rotation on that backflip you can see as his goggles line up right there with the landing he knows that he's calculated things properly great run for soggy the man who won it in 12 and 15 is standing by with Tina yeah well Kurt I think you I surprised a lot of people with that run especially to McCall you didn't expect some of those tricks including that stuck down pretty surprised yourself at all hey what I wanted and why so casual with what you just did I don't know it's been on the mind a lot so just I don't really gotta be focused and just know you know what to do and just go throw down you know you're one of the few riders that has won this event twice before what does it mean to you to come back year after year and be able to perform and perform a run like that yeah totally I just don't know I want to keep writing and keep progressing and you know get to ride with so many amazing guys especially at this event don't get to see them all the time so it's just a really epic place to be an event to be a part of all right well right now we're waiting for scores guys Wow Tina that was an amazing run Kurt Sagi two-time champion of this event this has got to be in the 90s when you think him Oh 92 six six from the Canadian so sore G is now the leader and Red Bull Rampage American cam Zink slides into second man cam Zink is gonna have to get back up to the top of that course and do it all over again the to run format has Curt soggy leading after one run with a 92 point six six I have six ninety point three three the state of Utah can be enjoyed by more than just cycling enthusiasts it also is home to some of the most beautiful camp sites in the world ranging from full-service facilities for your RV trailer to rust a campy Utah has the site to meet your style whether it's for a quick one-nighter or multi week adventure camping in Utah makes the ultimate escape you're watching the Red Bulls Signature Series from beautiful perch in Utah welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series you are watching rampage I am your host Sal Masekela there's not a huge turnover in this discipline of big mountain riding here at rampage it is scary and high consequence the competitors here have been crafting their skills for a very long time some of them as long as 17 years but creeping through the wall of veterans are a few rookies who are asserting themselves as forces to be reckoned with one in particular upset the ranks last year big-time his name Carson Storch cool name last year he exploded onto the scene with an amazing line that put him in third place on the podium with veterans Bizet and Seminole so what's torch gonna deliver this year with a little more experience under his belt and why in a generation that is totally obsessed with slope style would he be inspired to chase the far more dangerous discipline of big mountain there's so many kids chasing slopestyle just because of how much more accessible slopestyle is rampage seems like such a far-off thing to get the invite to for me and a lot of younger guys we use slope style to rise the ranks you get into rampage now that I'm in rampage and I'm in the big mountain world it's what I want to do and it's kind of where my career is going but slope style was my way in just being a part of rampage it's like an honor you win rampage it kind of goes down in the history books he's turning a lot of heads really quick and I'd love to see the future being bright for American mountain biking as well as just big mountain riding period I think it's important for young writers to pursue Big Mountain because there's so much room for the sport to evolve the more young writers get into it the more it's gonna progress and it could go so far [Applause] Carson Stewart's set to drop in on his first run of two the 24 year old from Bend Oregon so excited for this kid right now I'm lucky enough to live in the same town of sin we get to ride together all the time so I know how much preparation he's put into this run right here he's riding further riders left than anybody else in the field he put a ton of work into building this new section he's creeping into a pretty good-sized vertical drop right now and here it comes there we go there's this big one leading into a huge bench cut and a trick jump to put himself back up onto the ridge a suicide no hander now he's back connected to where he rode last year and Todd if you think back to last year he won best trick with that huge 360 I got to think we might be able to see it again here so he needs to scrub a lot of speed a lot of vertical on this drop not too much out he spins it again Oh lands it perfect a huge motocross style on that hip for Carson storage and he has even more new features down here to finish things off he knows that he needs more tricks at the bottom of his run than what he had last year he flips his step down and watch it connects to a skipper across that ravine right after linking it to a 270 an action-packed run for Carson storage right in front of a big group of fans that have congregated at that jump for that very reason in Carson Storch is ecstatic about that and Kami's should be at 24 years of age he doesn't have the same amount of experience as a Kyle Strait or a cam Zink but he is certainly pushing the limits of progression yeah he's younger than most big mountains specialists you see out there he still hops on a slope style bike here and there but you can tell that in the last 365 days he's put an intense focus on rampage training riding primarily on that downhill bike and it's paying off that 361 him the best trick Ward last year he stomps it clean again here a year later now even more style on that hip - he was able to manicure the run-in to get more speed more amplitude which the judges loved and this step-down flip is also new really technical to link it right into that skipper to get across a ravine and that 270 was a great way to finish things off he finished third last year Carson Storch looking for a good score here on run number one it's an 87 66 so Carson moves into fourth place remember the man that is leading the competition right now in the midst of run number one is Kurt soggy of Canada two-time champion here he is sitting on a 92 66 as we check in with Tina Dixon well one rider I'm really excited to see is Ethan Nell you know he's from st. George he's a local this will be his very first Red Bull Rampage he grew up riding this type of terrain and you know I'm actually from Utah and so I've spent a lot of time down here and I know this scene like the locals they put their time in they volunteer here at this event so to have someone like Ethan compete that's really special and he's already proven he belongs here and I spoke to him earlier and he seemed so calm cool and collected and really excited for this opportunity yeah it's great to see Ethan out here a guy that used to dig for some of these pros now getting his opportunity here we go semmen Oak is on course fresh off a huge win at joy ride recently up in Canada and he's a two-time champion here at rampage well it's always exciting to see Brandon 7ik drop into any contest but right now he's our winner from last year we have a new format now the leader from last year goes last so he'll finish off run once for us but if I were a Kurtz or guy sitting in that hot seat I would not get too comfy with someone uh Concours a flat drop flip where he didn't even have an air last year so he's added some to his line now he's coming into that big hip Oh huge flats been 450 adding a knack knack to it this year linking it into the suicide no hander and now a 360 drop OH oh no he won of course almost take it out the camera and Brandon senator Dan just looks so frustrated remember this kid won this event as a teenager back in 2008 and here he is looking for a third title I mean I hate to say it but this is familiar we've obviously seen him win this event twice but we've also seen him throw it away a handful of times just goes to show how difficult it is out here started off real smooth adding some style a tabletop on that technical double drop the judges loved the technicality up top and then you need tricks tricks tricks he didn't even have that feature in his line last year so his builders have been hard at work but here bringing more amplitude to the 450 he did last year and adding a variation with that top side knack knack but here's where things went wrong the 360 drop transferring to the riders left the right side of your screen right there you can see him veer off of his prepared landing and then he lost the front tire right here frustrating end to this run for Brandon Seminole so Brandon's Seminole retrieve his goods and his bike his score comes down as a 48 3 3 that does him no good the bad news is he's got to head right back to the top as we are getting set for the second run after one run Canadian Kurtz Rd a two-time champion leads the way with cam seeking second and Belgium's Thomas Janome sitting in third you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series this is rampage from virgin Utah and there's a look at the current leader of Canadian Kurtz org a dropping in next is another Canadian Brett reader as we begin with run number two remember the format two runs we keep your best score and cam with this rerun format means Sorek you can sit back he'll be the last man to drop in as he is the highest score from round one and it seems like a long time ago but if you think back to Brett readers first ride he had that crash at the bottom so that explains why he's now dropping first now he was as smooth as could be up top last run and he looks to be on a similar pace right here all the style in the world from this slope style specialist with the bike skills tube ride out here at rampage he goes for that flat drop flip again with his head so close to the rocks alongside that right hand side right into that 360 drop now he's smooth but you know he's thinking about when he crashed last front he's got to get that quark 720 I'm hoping he throws it down again suicide no hander leading in to this trick jump he goes for it they stopped the court 720 perfect couldn't have been any better and finish these things off with that nice flat off-axis backflip so much style from this kid absolutely blitzing the course is Canadian Britt reader here on run to man just think about how much pressure he must have been feeling he didn't get to just go back up and try that cork seven again he had to wait through all run to one riders get those tricks up at the top the flat flip to flat three and then just hope that he lands his cork 720 rotating that downhill bike two times around he couldn't have done it any better remember he picked up a 43 he's trying to take down Kurtz or he who has the ninety two point six six and this is a huge improvement at eighty nine three three that moves reader into third place currently and he is standing by with Tina yeah thanks guys and what a giant score for Brett but I think even more important than that that's a way you pick yourself back up and land a second run how redeeming is that yeah I was out for redemption on that one I've cried I've tried that trick five times this year and that was my second one I've landed so I've I've yeah I've been beaten up on that and including my first run so to come from the top and all the way down and like just pull it around and continue on to the last jump and now back in here in the finish girl it's it's awesome you guys do so much hard work up at the top was there any hesitation at all to pull that trick well yeah I was at the top and of course there's like the thought of like well I'd be nice to get reinvented back to the contest next year by just doing a mellower trick on it like a safe trick but I like I couldn't like I've been out for that trick this whole year so and it's it's so hard on my downhill bike I could do with my eyes closed on my slopestyle bike but like this thing is a totally different story so yeah feels good nice job Bret what a way to land a run guys so Bret readers day is done he's currently in third place with that 89 3-3 at the top of the mountain since Brandon's seminar and remember it was just a short time ago that seminar crashed run number one as the winner of last year he went last but he sit on a 48 3:3 cam well this is great to see Brandon Sam not able to get right back to the top of course while the blood is still pumping now with these aerial images provided by DJI you can actually wrap your head around the magnitude of this venue looks like he's carrying even more speed now as he approaches that flat drop flip lands it even smoother this time and now look how much speed he has coming into this hip there we go the 450 while he misses the neck now he lands so far somehow holds on great control out of this kid now he's got to land the 360 he does put it in the middle of the landing this time so now we get to see what he had planned down here at the bottom great style in the step-down leading into the trick jump a nice flat spin 360 one footed can-can getting that variation what a quick run full of action from Brandon seminar so this would be a much better score for seminar con run number two as the defending champion of question I have to ask you though is this enough to unseat fellow countryman Kurtz or you right there and that 92 66 well that's gonna be tough let's take a look back at the replay so we had a difficult line choice there adding some style on that steep technical double drop at the tabletop [Music] amplitude on this 450 but he missed the variation landing long but holding on and sometimes at rampage judges love to see you kinda on the edge of your seat loose on the verge of crashing but definitely fix that 360 drop you see put his tires in the middle of the landing here's a great angle on that 360 you see him put his foot over on the other side of the bike we call that a can-can so Semin ik signing autographs for the kids here in virgin Utah waiting for score to come in it's a good one eighty nine six six and that will put Brandon SEMATECH on the podium for the time being we'll see if he can stay there we've got local and rookie Ethan Nell coming up when we return this is rampage from outside of Zion National Park in southern Utah and you're watching the Red Bulls Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bulls Signature Series this is rampage from virgin Utah you see cam Zink who's currently in second place heading back up to the mountain along with our current leader Kurtz or d2 veterans of this event but now a local rookie is up next this is twenty year old Ethan L from st. George Utah a lot of people pulling for this kid he's definitely the next big hope for the future of big mountain free riding focuses attention solely on this type of riding and look at that he rode that same top section as a guy who's sitting in the hot seat Kurtz or ghee so we already know there's proof that the judges love that line option and Ethan L carrying a lot of speed here on the ridge Oh a flat spin 360 he's straighter that jump last run you don't usually see a trick like that up on the ridge with all the exposure getting that step-down flip that we saw and run number one all in all he just seems to be carrying more speed now Todd well he may be a rookie but he lives just an hour down the road that drop oh he did the suicide no hana' onto that lily pad feature he didn't trick that and run number one so a lot of improvement here already now coming into this final trick jump on his line what does he have for us another huge flat spin 360 cookies so long how did he hold on to that almost overcooked it there can but Ethan Nell is stoked on that the twenty-year-old from nearby st. George Utah and his first Red Bull Rampage he's claiming it well this kid definitely has proved that he belongs here and then some and just some amazing looking images from DJI but to take a look back here's that flat spin 360 that really caught me off guard up on the top of the ridge and then linking it into that step-down flip that he hadn't run number one so a lot of tricks linked together with a ton of fluidity and unique line choice this lily pad feature is his own take on this part of the mountain everybody has one landing he takes off lands and then takes off immediately after the first air and this really impressed me this jump was hard for these guys to clear in practice but somehow he sends it all the way to the bottom here luckily able to hold on that might have been the best save of the day for Ethan ljust 20 years of age has his score comes in on run number two and it's a 90 so Ethan nail for the time beat is on the podium well that's got to feel great what a performance for that young man in the corral celebrating now with Tina Dixon I just got I think the crowd just spoke I mean they absolutely love you and why not you're the local and you are representing this area with that run how close was it to what you wanted to do the run exactly how I wanted how I planned it and it all worked out I was super stressed about the flats been up on the hill but it all worked out I'm super super stoked so good to be here as a rookie and now just be in podium position and represent st. George you grew up here what does it mean such an honor like coming here every year digging for the boys and I finally got in this year and want to show what I could do and it worked out I'm so happy guys you heard that from a digger to now sitting on the podium and he's rocking the athlete armband as you look at the current leader Curt soggy he leads with a 92 66 cam Zink in second and Ethan nail currently sitting in third but much more still to come as we quickly check in with Sal Masekela Thank You Todd Harris the shear beautiful setting of this location juxtaposed by the incredible danger that these riders face as they descend this mountain drop these cliffs cleave these gaps and ride on the edge it is breathtaking in every way possible which means that is lots to talk about so how about we strike up a conversation about how awesome this is huh yes follow the Red Bull Signature Series at our v6 series it is with that hashtag Red Bull Rampage or you go to Red Bull Signature Series com where we have even more exclusive content that we have cooked up for you about this event and others plus our entire schedule for the year you can also download the Red Bull TV app which allows you to watch this show and catch up on every episode from every season amazing right yeah you're watching rampage from virgin Utah here on the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bulls Signature Series this is rampage from virgin Utah and just look at that precarious start of this course poised to drop in next is Tom Ben Steenburgen a 21 year old from British Columbia's first run score was an 84 and chem that's when you really have to figure out am I in the right business as he looks down the business end of that start well I'm trying to figure out what's on his mind right now because he's not in the start gate but it's really gonna do this he has this trick that he does he's been doing it in video parts man off the start drop at rampage we've definitely never seen that before he was holding on to his bike standing on his feet he jumped off the cliff and threw his bike underneath him and landed on it I can't wait to see what the judges do with that Wow look how much speed he's carrying throwing dust off the side he flips it perfect front flip even smoother than run number one actually okay he has that flat drop flip that he didn't run number one let's see if he goes for it again steep connector into that he's got nice style on the hip as he approaches the drop he's calling El Chico here it comes will he go for the flat drop flip again he duds Oh perfect little bit deep down the landing but sometimes the judges love it out here at rampage now a couple more opportunities to impress the judges here the final trick jump what does he have for us a big backflip high amplitude to finish things off Tom van Steenburgen definitely making rampage history with the way he started that run that start along was worth the price of admission and the height to the base area what a show by Tom Ben Steenburgen he stood up there for a while were thinking is he having an issue with the wind is he thinking about not going it's not even a start gate well that's typically what riders will do is they'll kind of weigh out their options when it's windy and we're thinking why is he not in the starting gate but throwing the caveman and I can guarantee you he didn't try that in practice and then connecting right there into his double drop he did drop a foot a little bit coming into that so the judges might dock him a tiny bit but will it balance out with the fact that he's doing stuff we've never seen here at this event he's got the big flat drop backflip judge is loving it we saw evidence of that when they scored cam Zink real high Tom's a little bit shorter dropped but still nonetheless very difficult well that start was certainly amazing an 84 3 3 is what the judges thought of that so not a huge bump for Tom Ben Steenburgen he stays in the 10th place the wind is starting to pick up which means danger danger means we check in with Tina Dickson when I talked to the riders they always tell me that riding their bikes down Red Bull Rampage is a lot safer and easier than actually hiking down it I don't know if I believe them about riding the bikes because this is absolutely straight down and insane this is the steepest mountain they've ever had and by looking around me I believe it Tina taking her life in her own hands and just one hand roping that thing well Tina hit the nail on the head you don't want to stand on that stuff if you have the skill to ride down that course it is better to be on a bike but just not a place you're ever gonna feel comfortable Kyle Strait is the next man to drop in looking for that elusive third title the state of Utah has some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world but there is more to these vistas that just looks the limited vegetation provides a glimpse back in time almost 2 billion years Utah's unique geology has offered a glimpse into history revealing evidence of dinosaurs and even Ice Age mammoths proving there is much more to the majestic backdrop of Utah than meets the eye more to come from southern Utah this is the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series this is the freeride mountain-bike event of the year rampage from southern Utah two-time winner Kyle Strait is at the top of the course and contemplating his second run let's take a moment listen in [Music] so Kyle's straight a two-time champion is gonna walk away from run number two well he was weighted from win originally but we heard it right there he was thinking I'm sin an eighth you know do I risk it he's as veteran as they come out here so taking everything into consideration making his decision we move on to the next rider so this will be twenty four-year-old Carson stored she finished third last year he's currently in seventh place with an 87 66 well Carson's first run was I mean it was flawless I'm just racking my brain right now trying to think of what he's gonna try to do to improve upon his score but this kid never ceases to surprise me especially in high-pressure situations like right now and can't that's a great line because Kyle straights thinking the same thing I've got a certain run I've got a certain line I don't think I have ten more points I can squeeze out of it when people drop in for their second run after a perfect first run they have tricks up their sleeve there was the first trick Carson had backflipping up onto the ridge he just did a no hander on that feature last run so already upping the ante and we saw him 360 this huge drop in run number one the one that got him best trick last year and third place so let's see if he can land it here again he goes for it the 360 oh not this time oh no coming up short on the landing that is a massive drop Kurt Sagi cam Zink looking on we've seen him with a flawless track record 316 that drop he landed it twice in last year's event he stomped it clean and run number one let's take a look at what went wrong here and run number two as he eyes up his landing he probably already knows he's short yep only by about three or four inches and that could not have felt good but hopefully he's all right we go he's up so Carson Storch will stay with that first run score which was a good one in 87 66 which has him in seventh place that is the scene at the top with just two riders to go as we check in with Sal Thank You Todd can anyone catch Kurt soggy is he really on his way to a record third win and does Cam Zink have anything left to possibly edged him past soggy and get his second win drama in our quest for the 2017 rampage champion we will find out who gets that crown when we returned here to virgin Utah only on the Red Bull Signature Series current leader Canadian Curt soggy is looking at becoming the first ever three-time winner of this event but one man stands between him and that goal American Cameron Zink would like nothing better than return to the top of the podium and capture his second Rampage win here he goes Todd the Gopher broke mentality of cam Zink is going to be on full display right here I can guarantee it he's creeping into the steepest line on the hill yet again maybe even smoother this time I swear as he hits the step-up landing in a manual so just an added degree of confidence rolling through this line right now but he's gonna have to do that flat drop flip again he's got second place locked up here but if you know cam Zeke like the rest of us do he's gonna go for this all out yeah he wants to win he's won this event before he would love nothing more than to do it again he's gonna pull out all the stops here he goes he flips it again this time two tires landing at the same time doesn't own doesn't over-rotate he gets a toboggan on the skipper putting his hand on the seat it's a little bit of a tabletop into that step down flip oh he's looking for a Superman it didn't happen but come on hold it together a front flip oh so close within a hundred yards of the finish line and cam Zink comes unglued from his machine that had to be one of the most action-packed runs ever but look at that dams inks build crew congratulating Kurt's orgy daughter Ayla gets a ride with dad's safely back into the corral but that means Kurt's orgeat will be the 2017 champion let's look at this one more time look how exposed and how steep that is so that's the craziest line and it's hard to tell from this camera angles so far back but that is so tough to be able to control the bicycle on that 61 degree slope see he over rotated and run number one but he lands and perfectly learning yep from his first attempt there couldn't have done it any better but this front flip I gotta think if he could have landed that that could have been the run to win it out here came up a little bit short a little bit off-kilter you can see the finish car out from where he crashed but a smile on his face he is safely at the bottom his wife Amanda happy to see him there and there he is Kurt saw he will be the champion of rampage 2017 and he is still gonna make his way down and give the fans a little show well good for Kurt this guy has been looking so consistent all week out of all the riders in practice he was getting the most riding in making it look casual and don't be fooled by the way this guy rides this line this is one of the toughest lines on the hill and the fact that he packs so many technical tricks into it it's the definition of a rampage winning run just showing how casual he is with this terrain he's taking his victory lap in the past we've seen riders walk down know that it's so dangerous to just ride these lines they usually don't risk it but Chris Wragge definitely on another level and cam his riding has been so smooth with massive drops like that he makes it look so easy even when he was talking to Tina after his first run he was so casual about the fact well let's talk about this he's officially the first guy to win this event three times in his career something that we would have thought was unheard of a few years ago and the victory lap is complete Kurtz or he will be the champion in 2017 a great camaraderie amongst these riders as cams and congratulate skirts origin of course you got to celebrate with your build crew Alex Volkov right there soaking up this victorious moment the final results look like this it's Canadian Curt soggy picking up his third title at rampage with a 92 66 cam Zink in second the rookie Ethan L sitting in third what a day what an amazing day and you are now the first person to of one Red Bull Rampage three times how do you describe it because there was so many top to bottom runs from the guy amazing day the guys read so well yeah it was crazy probably the best one of the best rampages yeah like amazing runs and I'm just happy I made it down and got the run I wanted and yeah feeling amazing what did you think of cam cam Zink second run I mean he was putting it on the line yes Cam's definitely all-or-nothing kind of guy in like my favorite one of my favorite writers always husband and you know I wish you would have landed it but you know I guess more years and I don't know cabbie [Music] I'm deciding Oh speechless I guess alright well it's a team effort you did it how do you recognize the diggers that they did so much work for you especially because they were up last night working on that drop yeah my diggers can't thank him enough they've been with me the last three years you know Alex Volkov is one of my best friends and riding buddies back home and you know hopefully see them in this event soon and then you know Dave Santa nove is just a animal-human excavator and just a guy grew up with and always have fun with so just so stoked to be able to share with them and party with all the boys and yeah take it home go celebrate enjoy this guy's kurtz or gays your Red Bull Rampage winner well with so many remarkable feats achieved here today on two wheels how do you pick just one moment the answer you look for one that didn't start on two wheels but on two feet on the most exposed pinnacle of the course today Tom Ben Steenburgen achieved a first here at rampage which is sure to be talked about for years to come by doing a caveman drop into the heart of the mountain of feet that not only took courage but incredible imagination a massive congratulations to Tom Ben Steenburgen in redefining creativity here at rampage and receiving today's Red Bulls signature moment well certainly a well deserving signature moment but a Red Bull Rampage we've come to expect first and again another one this year a first three-time champion in Kurt's orgy yeah this event is known for breaking down boundaries making history it's definitely a historical moment the first time anybody's ever won three but let's think about some of the individual feats cam Zeke doing the largest vertical flat drop backflip in the history of freeride mountain biking I can't wait to see what's in store for us next year well that's the 12th edition and it certainly lived up to the hype with that we sent it back to Sal Masekela in the studio Thank You Todd Harris rampage never disappoints thanks to all of you for joining us here at the 2017 edition of rampage in southwestern Utah only way to describe this performance by Kurt's org a sheer and utter complete dominance as he captures his third red rampage title as well congratulations to cam Zink we're getting second and how about the local rookie Ethan now what a way to debut capturing third place once again thank you for hanging out with us here today and on behalf of our entire NBC Sports crew including Todd Harris cam McCaul tina Dixon and yours truly we will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 1,355,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, Red Bull Rampage, rampage, mtb, downhill, freeride, mountain, canyon gap, riding, bike, gopro, trail, utah, tricks, jump, dirt, mountainbike, kurt sorge, pov, best of red bull rampage, kyle strait, trick, dh, enduro, cycling, motocross, trek, darren berrecloth, dirt jumps, rampage 2017, live stream, action, rampage full runs, win, virgin utah, freeride mountainbike, stabilization, downhill mountainbike, rampage 2016, red, 2017, trial, transworld, best, red bull rampage 2019
Id: Z3mjvdbLT-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 21sec (4041 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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