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it's raining it's wet it's cold i need to fire let's go start one [Applause] so it's been raining for several days in a row and so all the usual places that you're going to find tender dry grass pine needles fine twigs like this they're all soaking wet and so i have to find dry tinder to get my fire going [Applause] so i'm looking for something very specific i'm looking for a standing dead tree preferably conifer and i think this one right here might just be the ticket when all the fine fuels around you are wet there's one place that's guaranteed to be dry and that's on the inside of a standing dead snag like this one right here and standing is the key point here because a standing snag gets much less rain on it the snow doesn't sit on it in the wintertime and the moisture content inside this snag will be much much less than a log that's laying over on its side and especially one that's laying on the ground let's cut it down and see what we got now we need to go find a dry place to get our fire going so i've got a relatively flat spot here i'm just going to go ahead and string up my tarp give myself a dry place just tying a regular old slip knot here use a trucker's hitch on this side get it super tight cut a couple of stakes uh all right scrape out a little place for the fire here uh just gonna go ahead and cut a couple of short pieces of wood here so i can get them split it split for when i get the fire going so when you're splitting kindling like this you've got a tendency to want to hold this thing it's a great way to cut yourself one great way to split kindling without putting yourself at risk is to place it on the axe head like that and then smack this on your block splits it like that and all you got to do is twist that'll be a good one to make a feather stick out of right there now i'm just going to pick out a piece with pretty straight grain from the interior of that wood and i'm going to make a feather stick so i am terrible at making feather sticks by taking your knife and shaving the wood and i find it easier to take the knife drive it into a log and then pull the wood against the blade instead of the other way around and so that is what i'm gonna do i find that doing it this way is much easier to control and get those nice fine shavings that you want for your feather stick i'm still not very good at it but you don't have to be great at it you just got to be persistent many things in life so so i've got two little feather sticks here that ought to be enough to catch a spark and make a flame and now i'm just going to go ahead and and process some of this stuff down a little smaller the key to successful fire making in tough conditions is be prepared get everything set up before you start that first spark because if you go halfway there you spark it up burn up what you've already done then you got to start back from square one so make sure you have enough materials to make it work the first time i'm gonna go ahead and throw a couple of pieces down here for my base now i'm gonna go ahead and just shave some of my ferro rod off into this hopefully without creating a spark because those shavings that you get off there those things will ignite when you do get a spark in here and generate a lot more heat inside that tinder bundle so i've got all those faro shavings down in my tender bundle right here but if i take my ferro rod and my knife and push the sparks off towards the bundle i run the risk of hitting it and knocking that thing all over the place and so what i'm going to do to avoid that is put my knife down and pull the rod against that that way i don't hit my tinder bundle and mess everything up and there we go now like i said you want to have all your little fine fuels ready to rock so you just throw it on there knowing how to start a fire is one of the fundamental outdoor skills but it's not enough just to practice it under ideal conditions you need to get out in adverse conditions because that is exactly what you're going to face if you ever do get stranded in the woods and it might just save your life [Applause]
Channel: Clay Hayes
Views: 1,826,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival skills, how to make fire in rain, survival hacks, ferro rod, ferro rod techniques, bushcraft, bushcraft skills, bushcraft survival, survival, fire, save your life, preparedness, wilderness, rain, downpour, tarp camping, tinder, feather stick, feather stick ferro rod, fire starting, fire starting techniques, ferro rod fire starter, alone season 8, clay hayes, alone, camping, make it in the wild, wet weather, weather, woods
Id: MmHkiHeoI3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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