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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] tap [Music] hey what's up family sevilla here welcome to every nation brianston online hey it is always a privilege to be with you week in week out whether you're watching this on a sunday or maybe you're watching this during the week thank you for making us a part of your day today just for an hour hey uh if you're seeing this maybe first or second time and you are a guest here at our every nation brianstein experience we want to say a massive welcome to you would love the opportunity to connect with you and so if you feel comfortable click on the connection card appearing on the chat box if you're watching online or under this video if you're watching on youtube where it says connection card looking forward to connecting with you hey a couple of weeks ago i mentioned that we had a phenomenal mission team go out to burundi and came back recently today we have a privilege of hearing a few minutes from monday so who was part of the trip i hope this testimony will encourage you remind you of our call not just to the city but to the nations and i really have enjoyed just listening to this testimony and i think it will be an encouragement for you of what god is doing not just in us but through us and so here is mandisa hi my name is mandisa and i was part of the every nation mission to burundi in the july of this year and it was a life-changing experience for me i hadn't been on mission outside of the south african borders for ages actually and this was an opportunity for for me to really spend some time real quality time um focusing on on the things that are important for my faith and important for my growth i knew the mission was going to be a roaring success from the beginning because one of the members of the mission and i arrived at the airport just in time to drop off our bags i'm just in time to drop off your bags traveller and so we arrived just in time and unfortunately because of the covert pandemic this one particular member had their name misspelt on their covert certificate this changed our just in time to not in time at all as we almost didn't catch the flight fortunately angels intervened and some people that arrived just after us and we were able to make the trip but from that five to experience we could absolutely sense that the lord was with us and that all the praise that had been prayed into the mission were going to be answered and that really set the tone for the whole trip uh it was from that miracle into a series of many others upon arrival um our luggage didn't make it simply because those are some of the things that happen when you arrive at 5-2 arrival and so we then had the opportunity to really lean on those that we traveled with and that ministered to me in a very personal and real way before we even got to work uh with the rest of the congregation in burundi it was seeing the care and the compassion of those that we were on the the mission with and really seeing the team come together and the gift that every person and the mission team brought forward was just remarkable some had give some encouragement uh some had uh gifts of ministry others had gifts of teaching and to just really see those those gifts that work in the team was really really special and it was an opportunity for me to really be able to uh to deal with some of the things that i'd been struggling with um i am incredibly independent and to arrive anywhere without my luggage is a colossal crisis so to depend on someone else for clothes and to depend on someone else for a general provision mosquito repellent actually became something that was a little bit of a joke but also a very personal opportunity for me to experience the grace of god in a different way in terms of the work that we actually did with the congregation it was fantastic we spent about 10 days very closely working with the leaders at every nation burundi and they were so receptive they were so ready um they wanted to learn so much about sharing the word of god and and being in the word of god and so the work that we did with them around sharing uh the the gospel about jesus at the door was so well received and we had the opportunity to then go out and minister on campuses about four university campuses in total and just see a wave of salvations over that period and it was uh just reviving um to to be able to see that uh in a in a pandemic season to see hope arise to see people who don't know the lord come to the faith and also to have the opportunity to really pray and minister to them one of my favorite experiences on the mission and there were many was a baptism that one of our mission leaders led at lake tamanica and just an opportunity to see someone baptized in water but also come to to experience the fullness of their salvation was incredibly special for me it's been a personal journey it's also been a really deep friendship journey because of the relationships that we've been able to build with the team but to see the work of the kingdom expanding face to face in real time seeing people receive words that are meaningful and impactful to them and also just being able to reach the nations and to exercise the fullness of the gospel by answering the call to go was supremely special and it's going to be an experience that that stays with me for for a long time one of the real treats about our experience is that during the days that we were there we actually got to stay at the pastor's house and as part of staying at the pastor's house we really got to interact a lot with his kids and interact a lot with the family and actually become part of the family our last night there is one of my most special memories we had a couple of the leaders come over to have supper with us and we at the very end of it decided to close in in prayer and we all just got together in the lounge and called on the lord um giving thanks for the incredible things that had happened during the week the salvations that we'd seen the access that we'd been granted on the different campuses the work that the word of god had done in people's lives and we prayed and there was something so special about the atmosphere in that room there was such a tangible presence of the holy spirit at some point there was almost complete silence just a lingering closeness of the holy spirit and that stayed with me so much um it actually reminded me of the fact that i i thought i went on to this mission to minister but actually this mission in many ways ministered to me and that was the real gift that i got to to to take away so if you're ever thinking about it or considering it yes it's an opportunity to go but it's also an incredible opportunity to have real personal fellowship and real removed time from the busyness and and and the run-of-the-mill activities that we get stuck in in our everyday lives just go away with the lord for a couple of days to go away with some people and focus on on advancing the work of the kingdom and lo and behold as is always the case as we minister to others the holy spirit ministers to us and so with that i would really hope to see a lot more of our every nation branston community come on board this train and hopefully be able to take a lot more missions into the nations i want to thank mandissa for that testimony it is always great being around her a woman of faith always kind of challenges me to think bigger and to lead better and so madisa thank you to you for that testimony thank you for your humility your love for god but your passion for his mission as well hey we are continuing with our series voices i really hope that this has been a value add to your life today's sermon like all the sermons we've preached we have felt that this is just essential for us as a community so i hope this sermon will speak directly to you directly to your situation that you would hear the voice of god personally in jesus name so jesus gave us a new norm of greatness if you want to be important wonderful if you want to be recognized wonderful if you want to be great wonderful but recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be yourself our message is a word [Music] and our duty is to preach it to speak to others what god has spoken to us and given us in the scripture but hundreds of millions have never had the gospel of jesus christ and my dear friend we we we must be dynamic in our events how many souls have you passed and one for christ this year it's a humbling thing to come to the foot of the cross and repent of your sins and receive christ but i tell you no man shall enter the kingdom of heaven unless he come thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and heaven and heather and when you get through with all of the forever then amen [Music] today i want to speak to you from the subject matter everything is all right everything is all right now if you've lived for about 24 hours you know that the statement i've made is probably the furthest thing from the truth because quite frankly and if we had to be honest with each other everything is not all right maybe this week you decided to read the bible from the beginning again it wouldn't have taken you long to realize that the world that god created it was filled with goodness in and of itself it was good it had shalom all things that god had made were relating well with each other but in chapter three all that was good was broken and now all of creation you and i included we are all groaning longing to see the shalom be made right again because quite frankly we know that everything is not all right maybe you missed your quiet time this week but you are watching tv watching the news i would have seen that all the way out in afghanistan the reality of the image of god continually being oppressed is still a reality that we still see that through the hands of man evil still takes place because quite frankly everything is not all right maybe like me last week on wednesday speaking to an old friend of mine who used to be in my connect group over 13 years ago he's in his early 30s with a wife and two kids having a conversation with him and within hours from having the conversation this young man has a seizure in the middle of the night and he dies everything is not all right i don't know what kind of situation you find yourself in maybe you are caught between grief and confusion maybe that you're dealing with a degree of pain from whatever cause but you're trying to walk it out you're trying to walk it through maybe you are you feeling like you're in the cusp of breakthrough but still there is so much agony in the weight i don't know where you find yourself but where we can agree that everything is not all right but i think the question today is what is your everything what is your everything you see what i know is that in a world where everything is not all right i have found my everything and my everything is all right in a world where everything seems to be broken everything around us seems to be malfunctioning everything seems to deserve the statement that everything is not all right somehow by grace through mercy i have found my everything i can tell you today my everything is all right but here's what i know about the everything that i found it it has not stopped me from having to grieve you see finding jesus finding jesus does not rapture you from a world of pain finding jesus does not take you away from the reality of of of grief and heartache hope deferred finding jesus does not remove the reality of the brokenness we feel not only in the soul but the brokenness we see in the lives of other people no no finding jesus allows us to walk into the world with a reality that although the world is filled with things that are not all right we have the privilege of finding the one thing that is all right but after a while what we come to realize that it's not about us finding jesus it's actually about us being found by him us being captured by him and when we are captured by him the one thing which is jesus becomes our everything everything is all right everything is all right now in john chapter 16 verse 33 jesus is speaking with his disciples it's quite a significant scripture that jesus is sharing with his boys because he a chapter from this is about to go to the cross he is saying his last things theologians say that this was the final discourse jesus giving his boys his greatest hits to get them ready for what's about to happen he's he's making sure that they are about to endure all the agony of hell breaking loose literally on the cross jesus says these words to them john chapter 16 verse 33 i have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart i have overcome the world i have told you these things so that in me you may have peace you may have shalom in this world you will have trouble but take heart i i have overcome the world a number of weeks ago shared a message about the soul and what's so important to realize is that there is no emotional health for the soul until and unless you and i learn how to process the things in our life that are not all right i partly think that this is one of the reasons we live in a nation where so many men resort to violence to make sense of the emotional things that they are not willing to evaluate that the the brokenness that somehow we want to avoid in the name of being men you see even our souls know that that even deep down within ourselves when you look in the mirror that everything is not all right and it's hard for us to process the the not rightness of our own souls because how are we going to live before our spouses how are we going to live before our kids if they really know what we feel if they really know what we're going through and so the easiest way out is to use our strength not to feel but to harm in order to avoid feeling harm in our own selves we bring harm to other people everything is not all right but you see we have to process the things that are not all right but that's not enough if your soul is to be made whole you see also you need to process the things that are not all right but you need to be anchored in the things that are all right in this world i've come to realize that everything is not all right but i have found the thing i found it it found me i found my everything and what i've come to realize more than ever in my life in the midst of so many of us going through what we are going through here's what i found is that my everything is all right and our souls need to be anchored in the thing that is all right whilst we yet process the things that are not all right if we are going to be healthy if we are going to be well i want to propose to you that jesus in this scripture is not just referring to himself as the one who says truth but the one who is truth here's what he says i have told you these things he's referring to the discourse he's just had with his disciples where he's told them i'm about to go and hang out with my father but i'm gonna leave you with the spirit and i'm telling you that is so much better for you that i go because when i go he will come what jesus is saying is that it it is better for you that jesus in the flesh leaves so that you can have the spirit with you present daily in your life that is better for you he continues to tell them about all that's going to happen and so he points to himself in this texas i have told you these things so that in me right that he's not just speaking truthful words but he is truth himself and here's now what he's saying he's saying if your life is found in me you will have peace he he is not saying that if your life is found in me you will not have agony he is not saying that if your life is found in me you will not have grief he's not saying that if your life is found in me you will not have hardship but he is telling you what you will have you'll have peace you'll have peace that comes from being in him because my friends you can take what i'm about to say to the bank there is no true peace without truth every single soul needs a kiss from truth for it to find peace there is no peace in your life until truth comes and it marinates your soul until at some point when you've processed all that is wrong all that seems to be broken all that is not right what you need to be able to lift your hands up what you need to be able to lift your head up what you need for your soul to be revived is a kiss from truth that reminds you of the thing that is all right jesus doesn't just speak truth he is the truth and those who are hidden in him those who are found in him they will have shalom they will not be exempt from the pain of this world but they will have the opportunity to taste to have to dwell in the shalom of jesus in the midst of the world where everything is not all right you see if if we are wrong about jesus then we are wrong about everything if we haven't got jesus right then everything is is completely wrong but if we're right about jesus then he is not just the one with true words but he is truth himself interesting my parents spent the majority of their life half of their life but 40 years of their life in apartheid south africa they were the first working adult generation to come into the new south africa and as a result my parents worked hard this is a story reflective of my story not anybody else who looks like me i am not saying at all that anyone who looks like me has had the same experience but this is my experience my parents worked hard and the reason they worked hard these were words out of their own mouths was that they wanted me to get what they never had they worked hard weekend week out weekends i went to boarding school so they also might have time to work they were working hard so that the things that they never got the privilege of having i would walk into this world and take those things for granted they worked hard for them that those things would be mine i'm older now and i have everything that they didn't have i've got a house that people say is mine but we all know belongs to the bank i've got two cars one of them is not working but i'm thankful that the other one is we've got three beautiful kids and a wife we live in a gated community where by and large we don't see a lot of crime grateful for the fact that we get to live in some place that we can call in some way kind of safe have everything that they didn't have but i didn't have them i lived without them you see it's only in the last five years i'm privileged i'm thankful that i've lived long enough to say that i didn't just get the things that they didn't have i am privileged to finally say that i also got them only in the last five years my parents are 72 and 73 last five years that i can tell you confidently i have them i look back in my life i don't regret anything i am thankful to them for all that they have done i can only imagine what it was like to be a parent in the time that they were a parent i fought them for nothing i am deeply grateful to them for everything but i finally have them isn't it interesting that the gospel starts where i ended that through jesus god has given us himself and that anyone romans 8 tells us that anyone who would get jesus gets everything else because everything else is secondary to him i worry at times when i listen to the things we deem to be everything that they all the things that jesus wants to give us but they're not jesus himself he has given us himself but we want the things he can give us this this has been like this throughout time in the book of genesis god gave himself through the tree of life but we chose the true of the knowledge and good and evil because we wanted autonomy over him we wanted to be free instead of having him in the book of exodus god gave us himself but we wanted the golden cough instead of him why because we wanted an image that would be visible that we can see we can understand we can create in our own flesh we didn't want a god that was invisible we didn't want him in the book of chronicles god gave himself but we wanted a king we wanted a god that we can manipulate we can control we can predict we can be able to to maneuver and also a king that we can blame we didn't want a god that we can't blame because he's perfect in all his ways we didn't want a god that we can't control no no we chose to have a king in the book of john god gave us himself as the light but we wanted the darkness because to hide is so much easier than to be exposed to live our lives in darkness when no one else gets to see what we do when no one else is around that's how we want to live our lives but to have the light is costly to have the life is exposure but to have the light allows us to see how we go and where we go but we didn't want the light you see we wanted darkness you see on the cross god gave himself to us again but we wanted the government you see we said no no we we don't want the upside down kingdom that comes to the sacrifice of the cross we want the government we want to be relieved from the oppression of the roman empire by you being king over the roman empire and doing away with them but instead god gave us the cross he gave himself to us through the cross so that an upside down kingdom would come that would not only save you but it will save those who oppressed you he gave us the spirit and we wanted alcohol because it was so much easier for us to be bold being filled with alcohol than to be bold being filled with the spirit jesus has given us himself so in him we might have peace you see we can't have peace from the things he gives i get it i want some things to be sorted out but i'm telling you i can't have peace from the things he gives i can only have peace from being found in him from being found by him from the reality that who i am is founded on who he is everything is all right everything because quite frankly when you take everything away from your life what are you left with what is the thing that will prop you up when everything goes when there is nothing left that thing is your everything and i'm telling you i found my everything in a world where everything was not all right and i found that my everything was all right the reason why our souls can find peace in the truth that is jesus is right here john chapter 16 verse 28 jesus says of himself i came from the father what is he saying this jesus who is the truth is pre-existing before his birth right he he was not tainted by the realities of covert the realities of poverty he wasn't tainted by the realities of man's approval no no he his his truth is pure his person is pure because he existed before anything was made i came from the father and then i entered into the world this truth now was made incarnate in john chapter 1 verse 1 that he became flesh therefore he knows exactly what you feel what i feel what we are going through this truth that was pre-existing has now brought himself into the world by choice he has chosen to come into the world and enter our state and be incarnate among us and now he says i am leaving this is referring to his death and resurrection this truth gets put on display for everyone to see in death and resurrection and lastly in exaltation going back to the father this is why the truth of jesus far excels is far above any other truth that can be claimed by this world there is no truth in this world that can give you peace apart from jesus himself because no other truth was pre-existing they can all be great principles they can all be great great truths that lead to further realities but no truth is as powerful as exalted as free as jesus jesus goes on to say in verse 33 of john 16 in this world you will have trouble in this world the the writers specifically trying to get us to understand that there is a this world because there's also another world this world is broken this world is filled with trouble i don't know whether by the end of this year you and i can look back and say man those were the toughest two years of our life i don't know if next year will be easier or tougher but here's what i know this world is filled with trouble when we make it through this time there will be a new kind of trouble because here is the promise that jesus gives in this world you will have trouble so if we know that this world is broken if we know that this world is filled with trouble how then should we live maybe there is a hint of how we ought to live when trouble hits in acts chapter 7 verse 55 to 60. the story is a story of renee of a man by the name of stephen stephen was a good man filled with the spirit he was serving the poor but yet his love for jesus his love for truth itself led to persecution and here's what it says from verse 55 but stephen full of the holy spirit looked out to heaven and saw the glory of god and jesus standing at the right hand of god look he said i see heaven open the son of man standing at the right hand of god at this they covered their ears and yelling at the at the top of their voices they all rushed at him dragged him out of the city began to stone him meanwhile the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of the young man named saul verse 59 this is this is so important while they were stoning him stephen prayed lord jesus receive my spirit then he fell on his knees and cried out lord do not hold the sin against him when he had said this he fell asleep the most important word in the text we just read is in verse 59 while here's what i want you to see while they were stoning him while he was in agony while they were coming at him while he was in the in the midst of the valley of the shadow of death while what happened he saw his everything the heavens opened up and he saw him him seeing his everything did not change the fact that he was about to die did not change the fact that he was being stoned did not change the fact that everything was coming against him but he saw his everything it did not change the fact that everything was not all right but do you see that for stephen everything was all right because he saw his everything it's interesting in the text we just read whilst he's going through this agony he tells the people who are about to stone him he tells them to look he says i want you to look i want you to see what i'm seeing and the bible says literally the people who were about to stone him they they covered their ears they so wanted to run away from truth they so wanted to run away from seeing jesus they so wanted to run away from seeing reality that they covered the ears so that they could get on with what they wanted to get on with but here's how stephen ends he says lord do not hold the sin against him what kind of life is that it's a life that has found its everything it's a life that has centered itself on its everything and that everything is all right that everything cannot be shaken that everything is its anchor that everything is so glorious that it's worth giving up everything for it's like the parable of the man who had all this wealth and he went and he was walking by the field and when he got to the field he found treasure and when he looked and he saw the treasure and realized the kind of treasure he was he hid it went back home and he sold everything he had only for the one treasure that he saw in the field because he found everything everything i'm telling you in a world where everything is not okay i have found my everything and my everything is all right whilst they were stoning him in the middle of his agony he saw him it didn't change the circumstance even in shape but he had an anchor for his soul he saw his everything last thing i want to speak about jesus says this but take heart i have overcome the world notice that jesus doesn't say take heart you will overcome the world jesus is telling you to take heart in the fact that he has overcome the world for you in fact the word take heart doesn't just mean be encouraged it's actually it's speaking about a dare that that it's almost like jesus is is daring his disciples i dare you to believe that i have overcome the world for you i dare you to show up in the in life like i have overcome the world for you i dare you to have the kind of faith that can only be understood when people realize that you have found your everything and your everything has overcome the world i dare you to live life this way jesus has overcome the world you see he he's not just the truth that is above all other truths he's not just the truth that is in the middle of our of our while we are being stoned he is also the truth that has overcome the world and jesus doesn't overcome the world by by standing on top of a hill like rocky and dancing and chanting no he overcomes the world by going down he overcomes the world by dying he overcomes the world by going to the cross he overcomes the world by giving up everything he overcomes the world through surrender in the 1800s there was a book written that in the book there was a story true story of a judge this particular judge had a weird kind of case because in this case there was a young man who had to come to him who had a fraudulent business where they zeifed all kinds of money but this young man who came before the judge was his son true story for some reason they allowed the judge to continue judging the case and when he listened to all the evidence it was obvious beyond obvious this young man was guilty and the story goes that the judge gave his son the harshest sentence for the crime he he knew that his son was completely guilty that there was nothing in the evidence that pointed to anything else he as a judge was not trying to be vindictive he was not trying to make a point he was just trying to be fair and though the sentence was harsh the sentence was fair penalized him scores of money that this young man had to pay like break your bank break your back kind of money and when the case was over the story goes that the judge went off his seat and he began to walk towards an official where this young man would have to begin to discuss how he would pay this money back and the father stood before the official and he began to move his son aside and he began to lay down all the things that he as the father has in his ownership his stocks his finances all the wealth that he had and the father the judge bankrupts himself for the sake of his son do you understand that what happens on the cross though to us is jovial what happens on the cross is that god bankrupts himself he he as the judge comes before a world where everything is not all right and in order to make everything all right in order to be the one who will make everything all right he bankrupts himself for you he bankrupts himself for us so that he can set it all right now we find ourselves living in the end between in the in between we are in the world but we're not of the world the new creation has been birthed but yet we are longing to see the fulfillment of the new creation we find ourselves in this in between but here's what i want to tell you the judge bankrupt himself that the judge overcame the world by laying down his life that this truth had to be brought to the place of the cross so that all of us might be able to access the same truth which is jesus everything is not all right everything is is so not all right that god has to die everything is so not all right that we need a savior everything is so not all right that we need a perfect savior but we got it in jesus everything is all right i'm telling you i've lived a little maybe not as much as most of you but i found that in this world where everything is not all right i found my everything and my everything is all right i want to end with the story then i pray and we close there's an old story that is told by elizabeth elliot it's a fairy tale but it carries so much truth she tells the story of a beggar who sees a king driving past in a chariot and he goes before the king and he lifts up his bowl filled with rice and he says to the king o king would you give me something in an odd turn of events the king instead looks at the poor man at the beggar and he says no you give me something the beggar is so upset but he can't show it he's standing in front of the king but he's irritated and so what he does he takes three grains of rice and he gives it to the king when the king was a distance away after this man had probably cursed him in his own mind and you know you know tried to express some degree of his frustration he sat back down and he found himself sitting on a bowl and while he was sitting on this bowl he felt these three hard things on this bowl and he he stood up and he turned around and he saw three gold nuggets that the king had left them without him knowing and the story goes that as the king was driving away this man looking at these gold nuggets responded by saying i wish i would have given him everything i wish i would have given him everything i had let's not live with that regret let's not live with that regret you see the reality that we found our everything the reality that we have not only found him but he has more accurate he found us calls us into a responsibility to the world that we who claim have found everything are meant to live lives in a broken world where everything is not all right in such a way that our greatest care is to advance the reality of our everything this is why justice is important to us this is why love is important to us this is why preaching the gospel is important to us this is why we we go to work every day this is why we take care of our kids is because we have found our everything and our everything has reorientated our lives so that we can give everything to him through love and service and dedication this is why the christian faith is not an inactive faith when it comes to injustice because when we see the resurrection we realize that the worst that can happen to us is that we die that's the worst but when we see the resurrection we realize that even in our death we live because everything we have found has overcome this world they've overcome death jesus has overcome it so much that we have the privilege to pierce through the the most darkest part of the human soul that fears the end of life we pierce through it and we know that there is life even when we have long gone we know that there is life therefore we can live in this world with a boldness we can live in this world with a kind of courage that can only be explained by our everything we've got a quarter to go and then the year is done i know i i don't live my life based on calendars but we've got a few months to go i am tired i'm not gonna lie i'm exhausted it's been a while it's been a long while of craziness but i'm telling you we need to finish this right we we need to finish this with the foundation of our lives being our everything and that everything is jesus and come into a world that is longing to hear good news in a time where all the news that they're hearing is bad in a time where everything around us is telling us that everything is not all right we who have found our everything need to go into the world and testify and serve so simple application for today very simple testify of what god has done what god is doing and what god will do testify of your everything testify speak declare speak to those who are in need and don't know that they're in need speak to those whose everything is not christ testify of what he has done what he is doing and what he will do because quite frankly in a world where everything is not all right we who have found our everything need to let the world know that everything is all right hey family hope you enjoyed that word thank you so much for spending this time with us hey i want to invite you to be a part of a connect group um over the next couple of weeks we're going to be starting a brand new series going through the book of proverbs i think it will be best for you to get the most out of this series to be a part of a connect group so do sign up right now for connect group and we will help you to get connected lastly any one of you wants to take the next step in your faith this doesn't matter whether you're new or old if you want to continue learning how to know god and make him known we have an exciting course called pathways this is our next step class it happens every sunday online over zoom at 2pm that is you sign up today looking forward to get you involved and now as we do every single sunday may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord calls his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you shalom now and of forever steady hope you hold on to covered in your confidence no matter what we're going through arms of [Music] your faithfulness is our hearts delight even when we're feeling far you will satisfy for nobody else will do there is no one like you this is this is true love when we give all our hearts [Music] this is true joy when we finally belong this is true given more [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] grace [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the [Music] we will rise [Music] is [Music] this is [Music] this [Music] is true joy when we finally belong this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] everything everything everything to jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus fakes our eyes on you [Music] bringing you praises
Channel: Every Nation Bryanston
Views: 374
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0k6jmI1UdoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 26sec (3806 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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