vMix Tutorial - How to add titles to your production!

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[Music] and everyone temper vmix here and today we're looking at adding titles to your live video production Envy mix titles are super important in the live video production for creating engaging content and displaying information to your viewers I mean how else are you going to know that my name is Tim and that I'm making a video about titles thankfully titles are really easy to add into the mix so I already have a Linux production here but as you can tell something's a little bit off it looks a little bit bland a little bit stale so I think we need to add some titles to it so it's convenient today that we're doing a video about titles so in the bottom left hand corner I just need to click add input and then go to title slash Zaman now this is where you can choose all of the different title templates that are available to you in the mix now across the top you'll see a lot of different categories that you can select from so for example GT title is mainly lower thirds we have tickers scoreboards social content text and timers so as it vmix 22 we added a brand new graphics engine that allows for easy and efficient animated titles that uses your graphics card now the titles with the GT prefix use this new engine and they'll typically have some kind of animations on them however if you wanted to make these static you could disable the animation from the input settings of the title or you could create your own custom static titles using the GT title designer which we have plenty of videos on on our youtube channel if you have a version prior to phoenix 22 you won't see these GT options here but you can continue to use the older titles that use our old titling system so underneath the headers you'll see all of the different title template options so what we're going to do is we're going to select one and then we're going to click OK so that's going to bring it the title now into our production now let's just bring this into the preview so we can see any changes that we make so you'll notice on the left-hand side here we have headline text which corresponds to this headline and then the description text which corresponds to the discreet so if we want to make changes to it we can click on it and we can write changes describe me person so now we've changed the text content here now some of the titles also have the ability to change a logo or a spinning logo with something like that and you'll see an image option available here on the left and you can click browse and select an image to change for that title so you'll notice that when I made changes to the title here that it actually made changes live to the title that we have here in our production so this might work if you've got the title in the preview or if it's in the input section however sometimes you might have a title that's always live so you don't want those changes to be seen live so in order to change the about how that works all you need to do is click this live button down here and that's going to give you the ability to make changes so I've added a bunch of exclamation marks and you can't see them here and when I want it to go live I can just push the live button so you can actually make changes to titles while they're being displayed on the show and then make changes to it and then when you wanted to push it live just press the live button down the bottom here okay so this is the title editor screen so we can make changes to the content here so if I select the headline here I can go ahead and change the font size all that kind of stuff on this screen and I can also make changes to the font really quickly by pressing this minus button here and a plus button here next to it I can change the color of the font if I wanted to so I want to make it this color for example I could change the color it's a bit bright so let's go to red here so now I've changed the color of the font we have some ticker settings here we're not going to go over that today you can check out the ticket videos for that next to that we have an important section called data sources now data sources allow you to dynamically populate content from a spreadsheet or an online source like XML RSS Google sheets directly into the production you can also use local text files as well if you wanted to so that allows you to have somebody editing a spreadsheet and bringing content directly to the title based on that particular spreadsheet content or something like that so you can check out our data sources of video on our YouTube channel for more information about data sources now finally we also have a spell check as well so it's always important to be able to spell check your title to make sure that there's no mistakes now underneath that you'll see a clock section now the clock section allow you to add different clocks to the title you know time of day countdowns that type of thing we also have a countdown section here you can check out though videos for those if you want to know more information about that which I can now help guide now one of the really important things about the title editor is the preset section now down the bottom we have the ability to add multiple different presets to a single title so maybe you've got 20 people coming on your show and you just want to use the one title in the same way you can add all of those different guests into the preset section and then just switch between them really quickly and easily so let's just do a quick example here let's first of all add the Tim preset so as you can see now here we had the Tim preset let's say Jim's coming on the show he's also a person we have Kim she's coming on the show she's a person so we have a bunch of different presets now for Tim Jim and Kim so now as you can see as we change these they will now switch so we can then export these if we wanted to by a CSV by clicking this here we can import a giant list of titles in a CSV format by clicking this button here and we can also clear this out and delete them using the plus and minus button here to add more and to delete them so that's really handy if you've got a ton of different people that you want to have on the show that you just want to quickly switch between ok so now I've just closed down that's green and now jump back into the V mix production now if I want to get back into the title editor I can click the right click it and then select it and then I can also right click to select those different presets that I added before for Jim and Kim and Tim okay so now how do I get this title that I've created into my production well the easiest way is to use one of these four channels underneath your input so the overlay channels in B mix allow you to temporarily overlay content wherever you like so you can build a channel and then put it in that location so I'm just going to overlay this into channel one and as you can see it's going to display I think I've got this they set up as a timer so it should go away after about five seconds or so so now I'm going to quickly show you how to set up these overlay channels for the titles so we have a full video about overlay channels that you can check out on our YouTube video so this is what I've set up for overlay channel one in number one I've set it up as a full screen typically for titles for lower thirds especially you want to have them full screen you can select picture-in-picture but full screen works best for lower thirds now for the effect I've selected a cut now because all of the GT title animations are built into the title I don't want to then go ahead and use a fade or a slide on top of those animations if I use a cut is going to cut directly to the title and use all of the animations that are built into it however if you wanted to have a static title or something else you could select fade or a different transition effect and then that will fade in on top of using the any animations you have on it or if you've got static title it will just use this effect here then you can select the effect duration so if you had a fade or a slide you can select how long it transitions then the duration you can select 5000 like I showed you four which was five seconds and then it will transition out if I select 0 here 0 milliseconds it means that I manually control when the title is overlaid and when it's taken off so I'm just going to leave this 0 here to show the example of that and then you can ignore the stinger information because it's not a stinger and I can adjust the Alpha of the overlay channel to its better click OK down the bottom here now as you can see when I press the 1 it's going to overlay in now because I set the timer to 0 it means if I manually controlling it so I press the button again to make it disappear the overlays work in the preview as well so I can right click this here and this will appear in the preview if I wanted to check it out and then I could actually transition this across and it's going to transition across my title as well and I can remove it like so all right so that is how you can set up the overlays again you probably check out the overlay channels if you want to know more information about that now as I showed you before you can use the titles as a part of an overlay but you can also use it in the input multi views as well so for example on this camera here if I always wanted to have a title on it I can add a title to one of the layers of the multi-view like so so I can build it from scratch and add it multiple layers and add titles to it as well now if I added another title for example let's go ahead and maybe add one of these spinning logos at the top I could then go ahead and add that as an additional overlay so I can use this in the top corner like so so I can have a multi view with titles but I can also be overlaying temporary titles as well now you can check out the input multi view video if you want to know a little bit more about the multi view and how it works so like everything else in be mix you can automate the overlay process you don't need to press these little buttons underneath you can use shortcuts and triggers to fully automate the process of overlaying a title so I'm going to go to the settings and go to shortcuts section and I'm going to go to add and I'm gonna quickly use my spacebar here and then you'll see we've got an overlay function for our shortcuts so I'm going to select overlay input 1 so that's overlay channel 1 and this option here is to toggle on and off so I can use my spacebar to turn on and turn off my particular title that I want to select so then I need to select my title that I want to be using give it a title I can use the shortcut functions down here okay so now I want to hit the spacebar in the overlay channel 1 it's going to put my title click OK down here so let me just grab my keyboard and as you can see here when I hit the spacebar overlays my title I press it again it disappears so that's really handy for setting up a MIDI controller stream deck X keys to go ahead and control all of your overlay channels and titles and that type of thing this also works really well with the triggering system as well so in the V Max funtime live show I trigger our titles to overlay when we transition from our intro video so it automatically happens so let's just do a real quick example here in this video it's go to triggers so when we transition in we want to overlay on channel 1 our title like so and we could also add a delay to this as well so it doesn't happen instantly when it transitions in we're just going to leave this like so for now so when this transitions in this video it's gonna overload channel 1 our title so let's just a transition this in and then as you can see it's automatically overlaid our title then I can go ahead and remove it whenever I want do you want to know when your titles being used or you can actually use the vmix activators to get real-time feedback to let you know that your title is currently in the production so with MIDI controllers X keys and stream decks you can set up activators in V mix to alert you as to whether the title is being used in an overlay channel so you can make a light flash you can make a light turn on or you can make changes to the buttons so if you want to know more about activators you can check out our activators tutorial you can also use titles in the input multi-view as well so if you had a multi-layered scene that you want to do temporarily add titles you can add that to it just by using the overlay channels as well you can add the titles to a different layer on the multi view it's entirely up to you how you use them as tons of different ways that you can use them in your production although we have a lot of templates for titles in V mix you can also create custom ones as well so if you go to the hamburger menu here you'll see the GT title designer that'll give you the ability to create all kinds of fancy titles and we have plenty of videos on how to create those on our youtube channel now if you have an older version of MX a 21 or older then you'll see the BMX title designer that you can use to create titles and we also have videos about that as well and that's also been renamed to the legacy title designer in BMX 22 and onwards so if you do have any questions about using vmix including titles please send us an email via the support page on VM XCOM as you can imagine it's very hard to answer technical questions via YouTube comments so please send us through an email so thanks for watching and we'll stream you later thanks for watching click to watch another exciting BMX videos or head to vmix calm for a free 60 day trial see you later
Channel: vMix
Views: 88,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vMix, live streaming software, webcasting, live video production, video switcher, live production software, live streaming
Id: WfZbDKz8EFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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