vMix GT Title Designer Quick Start Guide

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[Music] yet everyone in a series of videos we're going to show you how to use the Divi mix GT title designer which has been available since of x-22 GT title designer will create titles for the mix which is a real-time high-performance gpu-based static and animated graphic system that we've developed for vmix what does all that mean exactly well it means that when you're using these titles there's going to be no additional strain on your CPU now the old vmx title designer is still available in older versions of MX and also in 22 by clicking the hamburger menu and selecting the legacy title designer now those videos on our youtube channel and linked in the description on how to use the legacy title designer you'll also be able to load the GT title designer from the hamburger menu and also from the windows menu by searching for GT title designer all editions of their mix will have access to create custom static titles tickers and use the animated templates available in vmix MX 4k and pro will also allow you to create and use custom animated titles and import PSD files alright so before we get started I'm just going to quickly show you the animated templates that are available so just click on add input in title and then anything with the GT prefix here you'll be able to have animations on them so all of these titles templates here are all animated you can still use the old titles by clicking them here I'm going to show you how to set up one of these really quickly it's pretty straightforward so we just select one click ok and then we can edit it so we've got a headline and description we can change the font size the font color we've also got a spell check now and BMX 22 and above and an easier way to add clocks to your production so typically what I like to do for my overlay is I like to use the cut effect that way it's going to use all of the effects that are available on the template that's been created now if you use something like a fade it's going to fade over the top of the existing animations so it's best to use a cut so it's going to use all of the templated animations as they should be so we'll click OK down here now if to overlay it we just overlay in our channel here it's going to show the headline description and then fade away like that okay so now we're going to jump to the GT title designer see we are in the Linux and GT title designer so before I show you around a little bit I'll just let you know that by default it will create a 1080 title so if you want to change the resolution just go to new and then go to the resolution you want to use all right so on the left hand side here you'll see all of the different elements that you can use in your title so text rectangle circle triangle image 3d text and a ticker so you use these elements to create a title on your canvas which is the middle section here so any element that you want to create in your title you can put it on the canvas and create it there now on the right hand side you'll see that we have layer 1 so when you first create a title in the title designer it will create a global layer which is layer 1 now when we add an element to the title you'll notice that it will appear under layer 1 now we can create additional layers by clicking this button here or using the subtract to remove it or hit the Delete key but I'll show you how to set up layers a little bit later on ok so let's just create a basic static lower third using a rectangle so I'm gonna select the rectangle here and I'm gonna use the left mouse key and I'm gonna create it down at the bottom like so so I can resize this I can select it I can drag it around I can spin it around I can press control Z to undo I can Center it globally like this I have alignment here so you notice these green lines will appear so this is the global alignment that's Center in middle I bring that down centered I can keep it within the safe areas so usually I'll keep these within the safe area which is good for broadcast now I can turn these safe areas off if I wanted to by pressing this button here so I've got a basic rectangle now I can also right-click the rectangle I can cut copy paste I can edit the fill which is what we'll do a little bit later on in regards to the color or a fill image edit the stroke which is a border and then I can also use it to bring forward or send backwards based on the elements in the lair I can also choose this area to align so I can go line left align Center I can right click to dock it so I could dock it to the bottom to the top I can fill the entire screen if I wanted to I can press ctrl Z to undo that and then I can create the group layer which I'll show you how to do a little bit later on all right so now I've got my basic rectangle I don't really like a bright red rectangle so let's just make some changes to it so up the top here is where you can make changes to your elements that you've added to your title so first of all I'm going to change the fill so I can change the fill color to a nice bright purple I can choose to change the Alpha for that color of the rectangle and I can also choose to have a gradient or a picture fill for it so if I wanted to go a gradient by default you've got this color here I can change the color and then the last color here will be a transparent so this is what it'll look like by default but I don't want to have a transparent like so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select a different purple like so and click apply so now I've got a dark purple to a lot of purple here now I can also then add different stops so I can add stops here to create different looks for my gradient and change the color and that type of thing and alter the positioning and that if I wanted to at the top here I can change the angle I can select a radial gradient and I can also choose how it wraps here also so once you've settled on what you wanted to do you can click apply and then we'll click OK so now I have a gradient okay so you can also add a picture field if I wanted to so I can add one of these elements here if I wanted to choose to do that however I don't particularly want that I'm just gonna leave my purple gradient alright so next that you'll see these stroke so the stroke refers to a border so it's an inner border so it will be a number of pixels inside the but the outside of the element that you've got so let's set this to 4 we can set the style and we can choose a color so I'm just going to leave that white should we make it now I'm gonna leave it white ok so now we're going to go ahead and we can choose to arrange it but we're going to move to the next section in the menu so this is style so we've set some preset styles if you wanted to use them for example like so like these are preset that you can use without having to go through your own setup you can just choose to use one of the ones that we've created for you now I'm gonna set up my own custom one because you know we're doing a custom video today now on the format screen this is fairly important if you want to get everything specific so I can use this slider across here to change the size of the image or I can use I can double click on it press the a number and then hit enter so I'm going to change this to a very specific dimension which is handy when you're working with specifics you want everything to be perfect now I can choose to rotate different on different axis here if I wanted to okay so I don't really want to make these changes so I'm just going to send this back to how it was and obviously I can change the location to be very specific as well so sometimes when you're lining these up even though we do have a line locking sometimes you need to be very specific with the location so you may want to use this menu here in order to create the location now you'll see radius here now radius refers to being able to create a rounded corner so I can create a rounded rectangle like so by changing that information and so yeah now we'll move on to the effects menu I can choose the opacity for the entire element here I can give a shadow so these are not customizable these are very basic shadows here that you can choose and the color of them and alpha of the shadow again they're not customizable again we've got a reflection here if you wanted to add a reflection to it but these are set sizes like the shadow now I can choose to skew this as well if I wanted to if I want to make a cool skew like so I can choose to use a texture clip so if I had an image if I was had an image feel I could flip it horizontally and vertically I can create a mask so if I had a second element like so I could mask this with the other one so that it's only going to show up within that mask I get rid of that I'm going to delete this rectangle which can delete an element by selecting and deleting it or using the buttons up here like this again and then I can also choose to crop the image as well and I can choose the feather so typically if you want to do a hard cut you'll need to use not use the feather and then drag these in now you'll notice that the border isn't continuing so that's something to keep in mind because the border is of the total element and this is cropping that particular element which does include the border so keep that in mind if you're overlapping or wearing something now we've got our basic rectangle that we want to use for our production title alright so one of the important things is adding some text so first of all I'm just gonna make sure this was aligned I don't remember what I did to it so i'm gonna click align center so now I've got my rectangle I'm just gonna bring this down a little bit to around the SafeZone like so and I'm gonna add some text i meanyou're the text section and I'm going to add text to this you just click your right left click the mouse and then drag the text block I can align it to the top you can see there that we have an alignment I'm just gonna bring it down a little bit I'm gonna right click on the one that's in the center so we've got that and I think why do I want this to be I don't know about that wide but I can also go to format to make sure that I have a specific width if that's what I want it's gonna make that exactly 800 and then I'm going to choose what to do with this text so I want to make sure it's centered and middled you don't need all of these are entirely up to you how you want to make your title look I can alter the text here now if you want to use things like bold you'll need to use this drop-down menu here cuz this is where the font elements are like this a little bit bigger and choose different fonts if I want to I can choose a word wrap and I can also choose to change the way the text works so if I select shrink here no matter what I put into the text element it's going to constantly shrink and lower the font size without going outside of the boundaries which is pretty cool if you've got something with a lot of text or an unknown amount of text going into it I can choose the color of the text I've just selected white here I can also have a border or a stroke on it and so yeah that's my text that's created so I'm good to go with that first lot of text now I can just go ahead and create a second a lot of text like here or if I really wanted to I could delete that and I could right-click or control C and control V and you can see now I've got text block too so if I wanted to I could then just grab text box too and bring that down here now as you can see because it's lining up with the top text there this this is actually a little bit too big so I'm going to move the actual text box smaller and I'm going to make the text itself smaller because usually with the the lower line it's going to be a little bit smaller it's probably a little bit too much let's go this one here and let's distinguish it to make it no let's not do that let's just leave it as it is okay so now I've got text block one and text box too they're ready to go they're lined up just to double-check I can right-click I can align that in the center make sure this is right align that in the center too okay so those are both now properly centered and how I want them to be so what I can do now I can also choose what I want to have here so I could actually add the real text in here if I wanted to so I didn't have to edit it in vmix but I'm usually just going to put a placeholder like so whoops don't into that and then on the right hand side here I'll need to choose what I want to be mixed to see so I'm gonna call this headline and this one description okay so you'll notice in vmix here we've got headline text and description text so this is one of the templated ones that we've got set up so in order to make sure the headline and description go in that order in the GT title designer I'll just make sure that headline is above description so I've just dragged that up the top so now headline is above description in the title if you've got a lot of different elements it's important to kind of do that so that you've got the most important thing at the top and even kind of remember how it all flows through okay so now we've got our lower third I can go ahead and I can save this go up here I'm gonna save as I'm just gonna say this is a lower third you want to replace the one that I've already created and so now I have my lower third ready to go in Phoenix so let's just see what that looks like so we'll go back to Phoenix let's just close this one down and then go to add input and then go to title now one of the cool things about the GT title designer is if you've been working on a particular title it will appear here in the recent section so you could also go to browse and then select it but you can also go to recent and it should be there as well okay so as you can see here we've got headline description so we have the ability to that's exactly what we created before for this particular title so now we can go ahead and we can add what we want here just like we would in a normal production and now we can overlay this and we've got hello and hey so for this overlay title we can actually animate it a little bit so we can make it a vertical wipe what like I have I could go like a slide reverse as well so when this slides into it from the side and it slides back out so you can add some basic animation elements to an overlay for a static title so that's some that's how we set up a basic static title in the GT title designer now before I go I will show you something else as well so how to add an image so I can go to the image section click on the image and then I'm just gonna hold down shift and drag this in and create it to the size that I want so now I have my logo so I've got a logo here I've got a headline and description now I might want to go how do I Center this so like I can right click and I can align and I can align in the middle but it's for layer one so what I really want to do is be able to Center this based on these other elements that are here so what I need to do is create a custom layer so what I'm going to do is going to get shift and select all of these layers and right click and click create group so it's created a group layer and it the layers will go to the size of the largest element so as you can see here it's gone to the size of my rectangle that I've created so I've still got my layer 1 here which is the global layer for the whole canvas and I can choose to delete that if I want and if I'm not going to use it I can delete that if I want so now I have my layer 2 which is just whatever is in this particular layer so these elements here alright so now I've got my logo and right click on it and I can align it middle and as you can see it shifted down a little bit and it's now in the middle of this shakeela layer so now I've got that I can save it let's go ahead and save this and let's go back to vmix right click on it reload and as you can see now I've got my logo here ready to go so if I right-click on it and go to title editor I can now also edit the image that I've got in that area so right here we go so now I've got my logo and I've got my contact content there as well all right so now we're about to wrap up this tutorial I just quickly want to show you that you can add change an image by right clicking on it and then going to browse and then finally I'm going to show you quickly how to add a ticker so we're gonna start again we're gonna go with new yep and so basically we're Tiggers typically what you want to do is create a rectangle and put the text down the bottom that goes over the top of it so I can dock this at the bottom like so or I could have just shifted around and made this across the exact bottom area and then I can go to the ticker element and create a ticker so I can just line this up with this other elements like so and now I can go ahead and go to the home menu and set what I want to do with this text I'm going to make this white make sure it's in the middle so when it comes out it's like so and then go to format now for format will allow me to change what happens with this particular ticker here so the type is typically going to be replaced now you may use a diffuser data sources in a certain type of way direction left right top bottom so I can change the direction of it if I wanted to I can make it vertical if I'm doing top and bottom I set this is left and I can change the speed here as well but I'm just going to leave this add one now all I need to do is say that now I could change the name of the ticker if I wanted to that will be the name that appears in Phoenix but I'm just going to click save as so what is this ticker here and then I'm gonna go back to V mix and then go to add input go to title now as we remember before when we use a GT title editor we can see recent ones that have been saved by going to recent select that one and now I can start adding text to it text text text like so and then I can start using that in my production and I'm probably should have made that a little bit faster but that's how you can add a ticker in all versions of Phoenix if you do have any questions about the GT title designer please send us an email via the support page on VM XCOM it's really hard to answer technical questions via YouTube comments now if you do want to know a little bit more information feel free to check out the videos that are on this series featuring animation and more advanced features so thanks for watching and we will see you later thanks for watching click to watch another exciting BMX videos or head to vmix calm for a free 60 day trial see you later
Channel: vMix
Views: 48,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vMix, live streaming software, webcasting, live video production, video switcher, live production software, live streaming, vMix 22, vMix GT, vMix title designer
Id: phS56lbd19g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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