How to make a custom PIP template for vMix

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howdy friends Travis here and today I'm going to show you how to make a custom picture-in-picture template in Photoshop that you can use in Vitamix now the Phoenix has a bunch of templates already built in to their virtual inputs and they're super cool and you can change the backgrounds and inputs and all that but I was over at the live streaming pros channel on YouTube with David and Luria and if you haven't checked those guys out check them out because they are a wealth of information if you're starting to learn you know get into live streaming if you're learning about it if you want to take it to the next level definitely check out those guys because they are awesome they've got great tips and they do a bunch of live streams so I was in there one day and they put up the picture and picture and it's exactly what I was gonna do today I was like seven you know David was up here and then over here he had a web browser I think it was sweating them in the chat I said David how do you how do you do that how do you make your custom template and he said oh you just go into a program like Photoshop and you know you can make you just draw out what you want to show through your your transparency and you make a transparent layer with an alpha Channel and then you export it and bring it in the v-neck size so it got me thinking wow that's pretty cool I'm gonna try to do it so after tinkering around a little while I kind of figured out again I'll say it later but I'm not a I'm not a Photoshop guru or a person by any means so I did it this is the way I did it it's probably not the best way the most fastest time whatever but it works so let's dive in Photoshop now and we'll get started okay so here we are in Photoshop and first thing I do is go file new and that's gonna bring up a new document here and adobe has made some nice presets for us to work work off of which is really great so if you go to the upper right here it says film and video so I'm gonna click that and if you go all presets you can see all the presets built with the built-in aspect ratios for video projects and the upper left-hand corner here says HDTV 1080p 1920 by 1080 that is what we want because our vmix preset is 1920 by 1080 so I'm gonna click that over here you can change the background and all sorts of things you can do but we're not gonna deal with that right now so we're just gonna hit create boom we have a nice blank canvas to start our work on and what's nice about the presets is it it generates these these guidelines so you can see your title safe area which is awesome so you know where you are I'm gonna when you're working within the within the canvas here and I've got my ruler set on so I can snap to the guides and whatnot so it works out pretty well so the first thing we're gonna do is we want to change this background layer to different colors so if you go over the layers here since background because it's the background layer it's locked you can't do anything to it so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna double click it layer 0 we could rename it if we want to I'm not gonna layer 0 is fine so now that it's a layer 0 it's not locked anymore we can go ahead and play around with this so I'm gonna go my color palette over here on the right and find a nice dark blue to be our background color so I'm gonna go over here in my paint bucket and I'm just gonna click boom so that's gonna be our background layer you could import an image you could do whatever you wanted I'm just being kind of simple right here but this is a nice clean blue and it's gonna be perfect for our background so now what we want to do is we want to make the template so we know where we're gonna put the PowerPoint within the picture and picture the easy way to do this because this is 1920 by 1080 already we want to keep that aspect ratio so you could go up here and draw a box but it might not be the same exact size so because we're starting with 1920 by 1080 easy way to do that is I'm going to select a new layer make a new layer here so got a new layer and I'm just gonna make this black just because it's easy to see so I'm just gonna new layer change this to black and boom so we have a new layer and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go up to edit transform and go to scale and now I'm gonna start in the upper left and I'm not gonna hold any keys down I'm just going to click and drag and you can see that the aspect ratio is locked so you still get that 16 by 9 aspect ratio is what we want so we're gonna we got this box and then we want to position it where we think we want the picture-in-picture to be so I'm gonna make it a little bigger and I'm gonna line it up with my guides so what's on the outside that looks like it's right in the middle centered of the top to bottom so that looks pretty good I'm gonna keep that there so let that go hit the enter button boom there's our box so that's where the power point once we get it in the view mix is gonna live but the beauty about doing your own picture and picture template is that you can customize a little bit now in vmix they have some pretty nice templates already made side by side you know top to bottom you can go in there and under to virtual sets and you can look at the templates that they have and it's great because you can put any camera source or any input source behind you know in that spot and it's it's nice it works great but what I want to do is not really want to customize this a little bit I want to make it look you know kind of unique kind of my own so I've got this box here but I was like you know I really wish that this rectangle had rounded corners so what I'm gonna do to make that happen is I'm gonna make a new layer got my new layer here I'm gonna go over to my rectangle tool here fill I'm gonna fill it with black and I'm gonna put my courser my crosshairs right on the edge of where the box is now right about there I'm gonna click and drag and I'm going to basically trace this other box and surrounded rectangle so when I let go boom rounded rectangle so it adds a little bit of character to it you know it's not just a straight box so I'm gonna hit enter now since that's there I don't need I don't need this other layer that I made of the first rectangle the only reason why I made that again is to make the aspect ratio sixteen by nine so I'm gonna delete that so I'm just gonna click drag bring it down to the trash and now I have this nice rectangle with rounded corners but I even want to go one step further and I want to put a nice border on that so how am I gonna do that I'm gonna go over to the layer I'm gonna double click it and it's gonna bring up the layer style palette and I'm gonna go over to stroke and boom look at that I've got a nice white border again I can go down here I can make it as thick as I want I can change the color I like for I think for is a good a good stroke size there and I'm gonna leave it white so we're done right I'm gonna hit click so now now I do not pretend to be any sort of Photoshop master by any means in fact I'm it's pretty rudimentary to me but this is how I do this and I'm sure there's other ways you can add alpha channels and do all this stuff and I'm sure there's more it's more efficient like what don't you do it that way well this is the way I do it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over here and I've got my rounded rectangle layer but it's a smart object and I need to make it into an object that we can sort of play around with so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna right click on this and I'm going to raster the layer style not the layer the layer style so if I click on that boom so now I can go in here and play around with this a little bit and what we're gonna do to cut our hole to make it transparent is I'm gonna go over to my magic wand and my selector here magic wand tool and I'm going to click into the black to select it when I do that notice how it selects the black but it does not select the white border which is perfect right so now I'm gonna hit delete boom black is gone now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna hit select the blue layer I'm gonna hit delete BAM there's our transparency so I'm gonna hit control D do you select that awesome so now we have the hole cut out for our PowerPoint now next thing we need to do is we need to make a hole for the presenter to be in so again same thing that we did before I'm going to make a new layer bring that up to the top layer one we'll call it this time because we don't really care about the aspect ratio per se we're not trying to get it to that perfect 16 by 9 we can skip that part of bringing another layer and do not so we'll just go to the rounded rectangle and again I'm gonna use these the guides here so I'm gonna kind of do something you know maybe like maybe like that this is where the person's gonna be so I've selected it boom rounded rectangle double click it brings up my layer style I'm gonna hit stroke it remembers my last stroke so it's telling me that it's let's click down here so we see it so it's 4 and it's the size is 4 and again it's white so I hit OK I'm gonna go over I'm going to right click on that layer rasterize layer style boom and get my magic wand over here my selector and gonna click in the black it selects it I hit delete and then I go down to the white and it's already selected I get delete boom control D so now we have our template again where the checkerboard is that's gonna be transparent so how do we get this in the view mix so now what we need to do is we need to save it so I'm gonna go to file and I'm gonna go save as we're gonna save this as a PNG and what that will do is that will keep the transparent background of the holes that we cut out so PNG yeah I'm gonna hit save and large file size perfect okay so now we're done in Photoshop let's head back over to V mix and see how all this is gonna come together so here we are back in V mix and what we need to do is first look at our inputs and see what we have so if we go over here we can see that we have the cam link which is bringing in my camera and I've got a PowerPoint slide that we'll use for our PowerPoint demo and what we need to do now is we need to bring in the PNG file that we created in Photoshop so we're gonna go down to add input and we're going to go to image we're gonna go browse and here it is on title 4 that is the PNG file that we made and exported for Photoshop so we hit OK and here it is and vmix so if we put it in preview you can see that it's just it's got the black where we want the video to be so now I'm gonna show you how to get that transparency or the black to actually show the video so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into add input actually instead of clicking add input we're gonna click this little arrow box next to it and that's just a quick menu here and we're gonna go to blank so I'm gonna bring in a blank input so this input is completely blank and now what we can do is we can actually customize this input to whatever we want and what we want to do is do a multi view so what I'm gonna do is go into here and I'm gonna click the little gear icon and that's gonna bring up some options here and what we want to do is on the Left we're going to go to multi-view so we go to multi view and we have ten layers of different things that options that we can put in here but what we want to do is make our custom picture-in-picture so I'm gonna go to layer three because anything that you put under the transparent background is what's going to show up so number three is gonna be our picture in picture PNG so I'm gonna click that and there it is so now how we get the video layers underneath that is layer two we will choose the picture or the PowerPoint demo jpg I'm gonna click that and look at that wherever it was black is now the PowerPoint but you're like well it's 1920 by 1080 so it's taking up the full screen how can we just put it in the box all you need to do is go up here to position and we're now gonna just take the zoom slider we're gonna zoom it down and we're gonna move it over and because I know that this it's the same 16 by 9 aspect ratio it's gonna fit in here perfectly once I size it up bring it over it's just away you need to make it just a tad bigger there we go inside perfect there we go so we got that set up and now we want to put the speaker which in this case is me into the other box so we're gonna go back to multi-view and input number 1 here we're gonna choose the cam link because that's my camera same thing you can see it's showing up here so we need to go into position and we need to zoom so we're gonna zoom down and we're gonna move it over a little bit there we go bring it up and there you go that's pretty good so now we click out of that and we go here perfect so in a typical presentation we have a speaker in a PowerPoint you know you'd have the speaker here and the speaker would be talking and you would say if she would say okay now we're gonna cut to the slide so we would just fade in our slides and go through a couple slides and then say we get to a slide that's a little detailed and you want to see the speaker and the slide at the same time so all we need to do is put that preview then fade it in and then boom we see the speaker talking to the slide and they can you know talk about what's going on there are different aspects of it and so you can see both which really adds to the quality of your production so yeah that's it pretty simple you know it's a couple steps but once you get it down it's a really flexible way to make some pretty cool picture picture templates so if you like this video hit subscribe like the bells all that stuff share with your friends and until next time Lulla we'll see you later take care
Channel: Travis Bush
Views: 6,324
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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