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did you get this cute tie-dye guys did a video with Smosh against Josh well we were we were all against each other but it was basically me and Aaron against Josh I'm sorry Josh david disposable is kuwait curling aaron's disposable what is that oh they smell so good oh-ho-ho i give it up yeah oh my god where do you get these urban outfitters good that's gonna piss me off in the middle the night I'm hungry craft service steal water's protest I do that at David's every night I take home like two waters and I put them in my fridge I'm like I'm good for a day he's fine he doesn't even know that I said Jeff look I was like six lacroix to Red Bulls I think it's not a whole thing insane just got his wisdom teeth out I'm sure I'll see you soon someone's vlog maybe not I don't know but I want to FaceTime him just see how he's doing okay trying that King sing from where he lost as well yeah throw it out the window they're probably got David hi housing is in pain oh no oh no the bullet settle what for David's log Jesus my way this is why I careful never told everybody to take the stitches gonna come right out oh my god he needs to be careful oh it's very happy thing he is the doctors lock on oh my god I was gonna be mad at David his stitches are gonna burst he's gonna be mad at ya that's bad writable right yes it's literally one you get it's got to just be like up and walking around like you need to go woman revs he's gonna walk in and like ball need to ride bowl that's what you get for telling David it's funny cuz Matt's getting some type of mouth surgery next week and we're gonna pick them up and we'll film that but we're not gonna make him do it he's like I don't have a girlfriend so to take care of me and bring me home the same day is your girlfriend your girlfriend he's your sister we just filmed a video with Smosh that'll be up on their channel and it was really fun basically what we did was we just have to like guess each other's like old tweets and stuff you'll see when it comes out so obvious because Carly and I are just like teens and Josh like writes all capitalized yeah new sentence capital so we're like all lowercase I literally yeah I don't have like the @ sign to stay at I got that little baby I'm gonna smell your little brain run away Jason pushing me and Erin around tweeted that I wish there was like a zoo that had babies that you could just hold and smell obviously not a real zoo and people were like I'm here Paramveer that's weird smell a baby they smell so good obviously like not when their leash is in their diaper but they have like such a good smell yeah it's like a pheromone yeah baby I gotta keep my keys right yikes what are you listening to oh yeah welcome what is your coffee order I just got a black ice coffee yeah and if it if they put sugar in it by accident I've walked back in there and I flip out I mean fair have you ever tried like a vanilla latte or never like her cars so big it's so funny because the only people that I know that drive these cars are like moms with eight K either way I said okay this one you can go to Oh are we trying to go through a drive-thru oh it has just become the Starbucks how does the drive-thru hole you have a really big turn look right here sometimes I'll have a Celsius if I go for a run it's like an energy drink like a Red Bull yeah sense of that I don't yeah cuz I pay for them and I reached out to them in DM they said hey you guys want to send me stuff in Red Bull sometimes I have Red Bull if I go for a run you know how to edit like that I mean I can put in David where do they go do some vlogs oh my god Jason he's gonna be so excited that we're getting this for him he'll probably cry we're getting him a coffee appreciative but like we didn't even ask him we're just gonna get it for him he probably most likely needs one we're gonna do yeah but it'll be like it'll have Jason babies his coffee all day long the ice melts and then there's like this much left and I need it I need it like it's five hours old like just get a new one I love Jason I'm in love with Jason I'm just trying to pretend like I have emotions okay what's up guys are here at this dogs gonna be so happy I feel like usually during the middle of the day he gets at all yet like a like a funny drink for somebody they go chef David yeah what's gonna tall macho really good lighting in this car we have so many windows yeah we should get this car for vlogging at all iced coffee with coconut milk at all small right yeah that's yeah no so let's go let's go big for Jason it's gonna be Rhonda let's make that out yeah what's the biggest one we can get what's your trending - all iced matcha latte and David thank you always complain that you're tired oh we're gonna prank him so good he's gonna pay he'll be all right I hope he already has one what should we tell them it's like a watermelon like they have a new watermelon green dream that things like that like David and our Apple ooh yummy we could do like granny smith apple look cause it's people I don't think I'll go for that Jolly Rancher oh yeah he loves all the drinkable even our Slurpees so good Oh Jaden [Music] somebody something you always complain about how tired you are throughout the day so you'll be good for until tonight as we drove really far to get you coffee do you know they're expecting a big reaction out of you it's okay to sit down and film something I love the coffee I love it well we are expecting tears so it's called a tren T Trenton yeah is this is this one size up from medium there's two sizes up for me come here merry Chris see this is all he wants I'm so sorry [Laughter] there's a new Jolly Rancher drink at Starbucks I want you to try yeah it's a secret menu item this is not Jolly Rancher yeah it is better yeah it's our secret menu thing we keep getting tweeted about it no it smells like I drink it but I just try it it's called matcha oh I want just trying to try a sip go ahead so gross like what is it but is there a thing it tastes like yeah it's like milk those little Pocky things Oh matcha cookies matcha ones that are green yeah oh well that's not yeah it takes like plans to me do you like nachos yeah can I try it no look it got worse Carly I know something that you can cover that up right Oh what could it ever be did you know oh my goodness how cute is this it's pretty warm outside but it's still really cute and fashionable and I think it would look great on you you know what this definitely is better than anything else I have in my closet here put it on Wow oh my state right up you look amazing guess what oh my god cute Wow where did you get it they enjoy not Co slash anything that's it yeah it'll be linked below yeah we don't know where only you can get this sweatshirt very one oh here's another thing oh this is truly my favorite Wow neon that is so cute oh my god it's oh my god cute get them while supplies last look it's just like flashing like those like cheesy furniture commercials yeah thank you so much for watching this video we kind of like and subscribe we'll see you on Friday we're just robot so bye now we'll see you on Friday I think I'm not gonna post for six months okay [Music]
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 863,204
Rating: 4.9743576 out of 5
Keywords: carly and erin, erin and carly, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, david dobrik, carly erin david, carly erin jason, carly erin jeff, jeff wittek, david and jason, vlog squad, vlog squad girls, carly incontro hair, erin gilfoy wedding, carly and erin starbucks
Id: QYtMqJ21pJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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