Books from 2000 | Re-reading 5th Grade Favourites

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hi friends welcome to another reading my childhood favorites week in my life video thanks this year we're in fifth grade so we're talking the year 2000 to 2001 and I'm gonna take you to my old stomping grounds here's my school where I went to school in fifth grade we already stopped here last time so I don't feel like we need to do it again but just down the street there's the corner shop that we would stop at like every day so this is sunshine market I'm looking for something specific that I would always come here and get I hope they still have five so I can be when you find us the live wires now yeah these are the thick ones you used to get another often not as good as I remember the number one place that I remember eating this we had this thing called the 56 club and I don't know who was responsible for it who started it but it was at this old fire hall up the road it was only four fifth and sixth-graders we call it a fifty-six club and it was really exciting we got to fifth grade because we could go up to this fire hall and it would be like a dance every Friday night you'd go and you would dance and the girls would line up on one side and the boys will line up on one side and the girls would wait for the boys to come ask them to dance I'll take you there actually on the way to the 56th club we might as well stop by my old house that I lived in for a fifth grade and every other year of my schooling I don't think anybody has lived there in the last like five years it's probably falling apart it's still there nope nobody lives there oh there's a deer what are you oh my gosh wolf on thanks for living here this is like the old part of the neighborhood all of the older houses and then they started building nice beautiful houses up here which just made us all jealous and I would take my dog we'll get into that I had a dog at this time I would walk him up here I've get the mail every day and then I'd walk him up here past all the beautiful house we're used to pets it these have pets it for a bunch of these people's cats and they went under power and then me and my dog would run up these stairs a couple times okay so I found the old fire hall this is where we had the fifty-six club this whole area somewhere over there is where I had my first kids I know this has nothing to do with reading yet but this is just my fifth grade bleh so all the boys would ask the girls to dance I had a best friend like I told you in the last video I had no friends in fourth grade and then in fifth grade a new girl started at school her name we'll call her D I convinced her to come to the 56th club with me we went to Value Village and we bought like $5 skirts because we were so excited to finally people to go to the 56 club the third or fourth time we came here it wasn't just our school either there was like three elementary schools in the area until we got to meet kids from other schools maybe that was the intent for us to all meet each other before high school but there was a boy we'll call him V and he asked me to dance I don't really remember a lot but I remember people were like cheering us on or something it was a big thing when two people would finally actually dance together and we would form a circle around the moon go whoo oh my god I remember being super embarrassing and then we came out here and just sat in the grass and oh my god I remember giving him my phone number by the end of the night and then the next day he called me at like 7 o'clock in the morning to hang out and I was still asleep on a Saturday morning so I was like oh call me back later he proceeded to call me back at 7:30 and then when I didn't answer eight o'clock and I remember answering phone and kind of just blowing him off and then completely ghosting him and ignoring all of his phone calls I think we would have kissed I remember there being a little hill we were sitting there I don't even remember what happened now I guess it's a daycare but imagine like Britney Spears Destiny's Child there were lasers it was dark picture it it's magical so if we're trying to relive my fifth grade we definitely need to dive into some photos from fifth grade I have boxes of just random stuff as far as books go for this week something that's really cool is I actually have a photo of my bookshelf don't ask me how so I need to go through these and find that this is my stack of fifth grade photos I know that because my parents would buy me the occasional roll of disposable film and I would just walk around snapping pictures and then make them develop them so going through these really quick because we might as well this is my dog Pikachu I wrote pika on the photo for some reason I don't know also in this box I still have his collar I have a whole strip of negatives somewhere of him as a puppy but we never developed them and I can't find the negatives so I have nothing from his puppy days and I'm sure in that role there would be pictures of me from fifth grade too but anyway that's when I got him here's some pictures of him I put him in this horrifying hat don't worry I also have pictures of me in this hat fun fact this was my favorite hat and I had a friend at this time who stole that hat from me because it looked better on her there are so many good things about this picture I cannot show you I have a friend in one corner I have my other friend wearing the Hat and glaring at me in this photo that's me and then there's my evil dog I don't know what's wrong with him but he looks like he's not having good time as far as outfits go I'm wearing all black which is all I wore in fifth grade either that or my guiding clothes oh no I remember this year my teacher who I cannot recall took photos of us the first day of school and the last day of school the last day of school is wow I look upset I'm in all black this is also the year I dyed my hair red for the first time oh this was full-on choker year's there's me and my diving shirt camping this is the year I got the nickname Chucky this is the year 2000 so we had y2k the millennium everything was millennium I guess we did a marathon actually you know what I might have not actually participated in this but I was still given a medal I was questioning that I was like I don't think I would have run at this age or ever this year for Halloween I went as a dead cheerleader don't have any pictures of that here's me in my guiding sweater here's me in my other guiding shirt and my giant pants apparently all I wore were giant cargo pants I wanted lots of pockets I don't think I ever put anything in any of them I have a Valentine's card from one of my friends I have all my stuff from this week-long camp we went to called soar I still have my little thing that I had to wear to identify myself in it there was a health sheet apparently I was four foot six Gomi my old phone number which I do still remember this was actually the year that I got my own phone line or no no no I wanted my own phone line but I got my own phone number so we still couldn't like I couldn't talk on the phone of someone else or talking on the phone but I had a specific ring to my phone my phone number seven six zero zero two two five and I remember it was like a specific ring and my parents would know not to answer it was one of my friends and I was on the phone all day I just found this photo album completely from soar and there's so many pictures of everyone I went with and there's another picture of me oh and then there's this one of me sitting in the woods eating a cookie and if that's not me in a nutshell you know and here is the strangest picture ever that's my bookshelf in this picture I can't tell the titles of anything but you can tell that half the Shelf is baby-sitters Club books and about a third of it is Nancy Drew books which means the first official book on my TBR for this week is going to be a Nancy Drew I remember specifically liking the great ones and not really reading the yellow ones so I don't know which one to pick I don't know if Nancy Drew holds up this was definitely the year I was into mystery things I'd like to go out and try to find a copy of Harriet the Spy because I know that I read that this year too I was also really into all of the mystery books that the baby-sitters club put out I don't really feel like reading one of those because I read baby-sitters club last time I did this video but I was also at this age reading goosebumps I was really into like the mystery horror stuff at this age fun fact the next year we're gonna be talking about grade six is the first year I read Stephen King so look forward to that I will most definitely be reading goosebumps this week I do remember really liking the ones that were like - choose your own adventure and I remember preferring the ones that were more realistic I've always been on brand I've always liked the same stuff still being totally on brand this is the year I read holes for the first time this is my original copy that I originally read so I'm very excited to read this I love camping stories book set at camp any type of like outdoor survival II type thing again tune into next time because when I was 11 I found this series survival that I'm so obsessed with and I can't wait to reread but holes really did something for me at this age like I was in love with it so we've got this loosely planned and then see if we can find Harriet the Spy and then this year the year 2000 was the year that star girl was published and the year that I read it you can see it on my shelf in that picture this again is my original copy I remember getting a gift card the only time I ever bought books not at a used bookstore at like chapters was during Christmas time when I would get or my birthday when I would get a gift card for like $20 from my grandparents and I vividly remember buying this book and standing in the old children's section at having three books in my hand and debating which one I wanted and I remember buying this and reading it and feeling so connected to star girl and feeling like this book was written for me and it was like the first time I really felt like my personality was in a book we're about to head out camping with my family so I'm gonna bring probably my Nancy Drew's for sure and talk to my mom about them we're getting on this little series so we're heading on our family camping trip this was a pretty quintessential part of my childhood right now we'll be in the cusp we usually camped in the Shuswap which isn't too far from here this will be a new place but this is what a lot of my summers involved as a kid [Music] I just finished holes does it hold up not really I still enjoyed it but it's probably more of a nostalgic reason it's basically about this juvenile detention center where preteen and teen boys go and they have to do holes all day there to dig one hole a day basically while they're there it's punishment and it's also character building but really there's an alternate reason that they have to date these holes I definitely forgot about the racial commentary in this some of the storyline is set in the past and some of it is current day and I think the n-word was in here a couple times there was some slavery jokes it was in a way that you were supposed to acknowledge that the characters speaking that way we're not supposed to be your role models or anything now I'm moving on to Nancy Drew but the ghost of Blackwood home the clue of the leaning chimney the bungalow mystery and the mystery at Lompoc [Music] okay so we're home now our camping trip was great my vlogging was a little lacking I spent a lot of time in the hammock a lot of time kayaking we hiked down to this amazing waterfall did a lot of fun stuff and I read two stories from Nancy Drew now I need to evaluate what I mean by a story holding up I don't think I even know what I mean when I say that I think it kind of means does the intended audience when the book was published would the book still feel relevant to that same intended aged audience in this point in time and I still don't have an answer because I want to say I want to say no my gut reaction is no and that's mostly because of the writing but I want to say yes because there are themes I mean how many themes are there in a Nancy Drew it's just a mystery there's not very least in the stories I read there's not a lot of commentary on the world or society or anything so I think a teen reading this today would still maybe be interested because technically when I read this it was 40 years after it was originally published and I still gained something from it apparently reading it now was weird because the writing is so drastically different than anything published current day obviously the language itself is much more formal than a contemporary book but even just the writing style like there are quotation marks around thoughts which just completely threw me off every time so she's like sitting in a closet hiding from someone trying to be quiet but then there's like quotes and it says I better be careful but then you're like oh she didn't actually say that out loud and then it's funny because I guess we were taught to write this way to write with creative language especially when someone is speaking dialogue writing in school I remember being told to come up with lots of different words instead of she said she said she said she said but thinking about current date books they do say she said she said Nancy said she screamed she hollered Nancy yelled but this one is more like how we were taught to write and reading it is so unfamiliar instead of just saying Nancy said I'll say the young sleuth said the young detective questioned like even though you know people's names it'll use descriptive language for them and not just once in a while but like every single time there's dialogue it uses a different descriptor for that person and it just felt weird to read if I read a book published today that was written like that I would interpret it as the author trying too hard so those are just my thoughts on Nancy Drew I didn't encounter anything that would be harmful or out-of-date in regards to language or slurs which I kind of expected to be honest in all of these childhood favorite books I've read so far they're something that is out of date or just less PC than people tend to be these days I do think if I read more stories I would encounter more stuff like that especially based on some titles and imagery that I see across the series but I'm not gonna read any more because honestly I didn't enjoy those stories but that's as an adult who reads a lot of mystery-thriller these basic whodunits aren't appealing to me but I'm not currently that intended audience so I can't really comment on that next time I switch over to something that I know I love and that a star girl by Jerry Spinelli this follows actually doesn't follow a star girl this follows a boy named Leo and this girl named star girl comes to his school and shakes things up I read this first time at ten years old when it was published and then read it every single year for probably five years after that then I reread it for the first time in ten years probably a couple of years ago on my channel so I know what to expect from this I know it holds up which I'm very excited about and I'm looking forward just to reading this the annotation has been in the works for so many years and I think it's finally gonna come out this year or next year I'm very nervous to watch it again if I was still the intended audience I think it would be completely different I do think that kids today will probably like the movie but for me I think a lot of things are gonna have to be changed in order for this to be relevant current day but not talking about the movie the book I haven't finished star girl yet but I'm heading to Value Village to see if I can find Harriet the Spy I just got my nails done I got them white for the first time this age is when we were all painting our nails in the middle of glass white out and getting in trouble this is it not that only five years in k-town I've been shopping here not long I can't find one I mean I saw one a couple months ago but I didn't ground it now I regret it okay I'm definitely not done Stargirl yet but I wanted to just film a clip to note that dark girl is essentially like in current day she would be an influencer she would have an Instagram she would be like a hipster actually she wouldn't even be quirky nowadays by today's standards the clothes she's described as coming to school in are just like long flowy hippie clothes she has a pet rat and she plays the ukulele and she's just like so unique and different oh my gosh I can just picture her Instagram theme it's talking about how she changes the school and how people start to get pet rats and get ukuleles and put flowers on their desk she's a total influencer while I don't connect with this the same way I did when I was 10 I still do consider it a favorite book of all time and the message 100% stands up today though like I said in my last childhood favorites actually okay first I keep referring this is middle grade but technically it's why a I'm gonna keep calling it middle grade something that middle grade doesn't do that I talked about in my last how that favorites is I don't feel like the moral of the story is spelled out for you the same way that it is in why a why is the specific age range that tells you how you should feel about certain things a character will have a realization it's like oh I should treat all people the same respect everyone's ideas so this book didn't do that but the message essentially is that you shouldn't try to change people because everybody is at their best when they are being themselves and though Leo didn't say those words and come to that conclusion I think you as a reader that's the intent and I'm sure what I just said isn't true for all why a but I know that does happen in a lot of contemporary why a the focus is on important like relevant societal topics if you're coming down the stairs just come down the stairs you know doing weird swim day and I was thinking about not reading a book by the pool but reading magazines and Archie comics by the pool because that's something that I was completely obsessed with at this age how are you I was obsessed from Nintendo Power what it's the magazine from the Gameboy magazine that Nintendo just released it's the 30th anniversary of the game boy this year oh my go to magazines were the teen magazines that I don't even know if they make nowadays 17 there's one called twist that was my favorite there was J 14 there was Cosmo girl there was Teen Vogue yeah and I still exist Teen Vogue is still a future when we went camping like girl guy camping I was notorious for bringing like 20 magazines with me not an exaggeration my mom would rarely buy me which one I think it was Teen Vogue and Cosmo girl because they were like $4.99 she would let me buy like the $2.99 ones at the checkout at the superstore supermarket grocery store I'm going to superstore because I think that's where I have the best bet of finding this stuff Wow I don't want these Oh seven eight a guide to college that's what I need I get something J 14 which is what I would have bought which is a little horrifying if I were to buy magazines nowadays and calling me this for this so I just ended up grabbing one because who in this day and age can afford $7 for a magazine I got Teen Vogue which is my favorite not the most relevant cover for me but maybe it'll be great [Music] so like the whole edition is on Hillary Clinton which is interesting enough there's like some business perspectives and then her faction okay this is more when I bought magazines for was like how to pair different clothes with each other so I do appreciate that some magazines these days especially Teen Vogue I follow them on Instagram and stuff they're not just talking about beauty and fashion and boys like they kind of did when I was growing up sorry what I meant to say when I got cut off was I appreciate the fact that magazines now we're focusing on lots of different things social issues next book up is goosebumps lamb has never fully read it goosebumps book so we're gonna read one of the choose your own adventures together reader be where you choose the scare pip pip Tata jolly good tell hope and all that rock your dad exclaims dad get your answer on page 96 you can just forget the screen remember story IV snaps from before Kip gets a chance to answer you it's totally stupid and it's not even true but long after everyone has gone to sleep you lie awake thinking about the crates in your garage wide awake as you are if you open the crate marked good night turn to 33 if you open the crate marked evil night turn to 49 where we going 49 evil night so much like my experience with the baby-sitters club if you watched my first episode of this series it was hard for me to pin down a specific favorite from that sprawling series so I just picked up one at random one that I could find so I did that with the Goosebumps series as well I definitely cannot remember what my favorite was but I picked up return of the mummy and of course the choose-your-own-adventure reader beware one that we run all together do these hold up for sure I think romps is still a thing for kids nowadays Liam enjoyed it he was laughing a lot more reading them than I thought and I don't remember looking back on me as a ten-year-old if I was laughing while reading finding them funny and campy or if I was frightened by them but do these hold up in the way of what adults enjoy them rereading them the experience if they read them originally as children not so much I mean they were fine but they weren't enjoyable by any means if I wasn't reading them with my son I don't think I would have gotten through them I have requested Harriet the Spy from the library which would be the last book that I read for this and while I wait for that to show up I figured I would have a movie night just me myself and I my husband and child are out for the night they're going on their own movie date to see some fast and furious thing that I know nothing about so I looked at movies that came out in the year 2000 and I came across a ton of my favorites and I know for a fact that I saw them in the year 2000 because I either saw them in the theater or we got them from Blockbuster I think I talked about before how we didn't have TV we didn't have cable at this time I think it would be about three more years before we got cable and as you'll discover in the future episodes of this I regret a little in my entertainment preferences because I didn't grow up with certain cartoons and stuff that everyone else was watching I ended up watching them in my teen years and my friends thought I was super weird for enjoying things like recess and a big comfy couch and oh my god yeah I watched Barney when I was like 14 15 the stuff that was around that everyone else was watching at this time this is the time even Stevens without and Jett Jackson and Lizzie McGuire came out and all not all but a lot of like the days the original movies or whatever they're called yes I missed out on xenon and Halloweentown in smart house I know all my friends were talking about them but I probably just not belong and pretended that I had seen them too the thing about being alive at this time was we didn't quite have internet yet so there wasn't as many opportunities for things to watch we were all watching the same like three channels there wasn't YouTube there wasn't 7,000 channels you couldn't pause your TV you couldn't record things so when you came to school the next day everyone had watched the same thing that you had watched after school and the same jokes were being spread around and everyone knew the same like catchphrases and quotes from last night's TV so I definitely missed out on a lot of that and just pretended I knew what everyone's talking about as well as the time of Kim Possible and the proud family and Fairly OddParents which everyone has such nostalgic memories of and I'm missing that but what I lacked in TV I made up for in movies because my parents were aggressively supportive of my love of Blockbuster so at this time we had bring it on which to this day is like in my top 10 all-time pair of movies actually let me categorize these because I think again my tastes then are my tastes now this list pretty well describes me so we've got a group of like girly let's call it sporty girly stuff I'm gonna start with coyote ugly you don't know what coyote ugly is uh you should watch it first of all second of all shall we appropriate for a ten-year-old to be watching but that's another story and then center stage love center stage so much and bring it on like an all-time favorite my love for Kirsten Dunst so there's that section of stuff and then we've got let's call it raunchy teen boy humor so my favorite movies in that category dude where's my car a classic favorite road trip which oh it's so good and then a scary movie which if you've seen you might recall just full-on dicks I have a very specific memory of my mother taking me to the theater to see this as a ten-year-old I think it was probably rated R they thought it would be fine at one point she covered my eyes and my ears because things were happening I shouldn't have seen then we've got the high adrenaline stuff that I still live for vertical limit came out this year loved it so much final destination and then my favorite movie of all time was released in the year 2000 almost famous if you haven't seen it just it's me like it's just all my oh and then last time I was didn't fit in the category and it's ginger snaps ginger snaps this is actually a Canadian movie and some of the worst I mean the best but the worst special effects what you might notice glaringly missing from here child appropriate cinema so I've rambled on enough but you know I'm letting you in on me at this age that's the point and I'm gonna have a double movie night with myself I think I'm gonna watch bring it on cuz duh and scary movie because those are both on Netflix and I haven't seen them in a while and I think it'll be beautiful [Music] oh man scary movie one of the most offensive movies I've ever seen especially for a ten-year-old to be watching and I can't imagine at any age being okay with William consuming this type of media non okay I just got back from the library and I got Harry at this fine I have to be honest this is a lot bigger than I remember him being I thought it's just a little middle grade like everything else 327 pages oh this is a special anniversary edition that's cute this definitely isn't what I remember it looking like well I can't really picture the cupboard I'll put it here what it looked like when I read it here's all I remember about Harriet the Spy she spies on kids she keeps a notebook I think the notebook gets passed around and kids find out secrets about her or something and I remember that she loves tomato sandwiches oh when there's illustrations that's cute there's my give me a couple days to read I'll keep you posted sorry for the update from my bed but I'm feeling a little fluey this book is flying by I'm on page 236 I'm gonna go to bed early tonight but I'll finish it tomorrow I am enjoying it but Harriet is absolutely insufferable and I am sure there's like a big picture here something for her to learn something for readers to learn but right now it's just like arduous reading about such a miserable angry eleven-year-old if Liam ever behaved this way oh my god I have now completed this book for the second time in my life I definitely miss remembered some stuff about this book I read it 19 years ago and I've never regretted since so I don't blame me but I definitely thought that there was some type of mystery in here there's not I think I was talking about how Nancy Drew got me into mystery books obviously kids and mystery books totally - adult Maestri bucks but the I thought this was a kid's mystery book there's no mystery in here Harriet is a spy but it's just because she carries a notebook around everywhere she goes and writes down everything about everyone she goes around and looks in different people's houses and actually uh breaks into people's houses to like watch what they're doing so in that way she's a spy I'm not you know arguing that she's not a spy I just thought there was more I thought there was like a mystery to be solved in here I don't know this is such a weird book to talk about because the intent of it is a little foggy to me is this just for entertainment or is this supposed to teach you something because if we are to learn something from this from Harriet and her experiences I don't know what that is I don't really feel bad about spoiling books for this age range but feel free to skip ahead Harriet keeps his notebook and who talk [ __ ] about everyone she sees all her classmates like she writes down a page for everybody and it's like this person has a big nose this person has no father and then the notebook gets even worse because her classmates find out about it ostracize her bully her and then she continues writing in her notebook even though she gets in trouble she I thought she was getting taught a lesson and I thought the lesson as a reader was like it to be kind but then she gets a new notebook and she writes down all the same horrible stuff and then like her plans for revenge I was like how to get back at all these people for doing the mean things to her because she did mean things to them first so she rides like Beth Ellen doesn't like being hit make sure to hate her more this person doesn't have a father make sure to bring up their father and talk about how they don't have a father and make them feel bad Harriet is a kind of classic like spoiled rich kid and there is some socio-economic commentary she learns that other people aren't rich like her not everyone has a full-time Danny and a full-time chef I wish that was more of the focus Harriet is going through a difficult situation because her nanny leaves the family and that kind of is not a catalyst for her shitty like a mean person she's in the 11 year old I can't be too hard on her but when old golly and leaves her family she gets more I guess in distress and that's when she starts taking her frustration out on everyone around her and training people more ruthless she doesn't accept within herself that that's why she's doing it I think us as a reader just to acknowledge that and maybe it's supposed to show that like rich people have problems too I really do not know the moral of this story to be honest I don't know that she learned any lessons throughout this book since this is the anniversary edition there is a bunch of stuff at the end where authors have like praised Harriet the Spy like make a Vinci bloom and who else is in here Lois Lowry I haven't read this yet but I think I'm going to now just to see like what other people have gained from this okay I just finished reading these and Meg Kabat throat about how she loved Nancy Drew growing up and Harriet the Spy was like one of her favorite books and she said words can hurt but in the hands of a skilled writer words can heal as well that's kind of what she gained from here use the gift of words wisely and you will never need to enter a building through a dumbwaiter Life stores will always be open wide for you concluding thoughts the past couple weeks have been honestly a very different tone than the first time I did these childhood favorites the first time I wasn't sure totally what books I wanted to read I just had a general kind of idea I had to hunt them all down and it ended up being a super fun time this time most of these books I have very distinct memories of reading three of them I still owned and while the feeling of nostalgia is a very enjoyable one for me if you like a lot of 90s kids we just love it but I almost feel like I don't want to say anything we ruined that's a little dramatic besides star girl which like obviously great book still a great book not that I thought I would enjoy these books the same as a grown-ass adult as I did nineteen years ago but I feel like I just have a different like taste in my mouth about these books now none of them were overly problematic but they just weren't quite what I remember and obviously my preference is my tastes my expectations my reading level was it such a different place that naturally I'm gonna have different feelings but it's just a little weird of a feeling this is definitely still fun the video is still definitely fun to make and I'm already looking forward to the next one what I'm gonna read how I'm gonna feel about them it's always fun to see what I want to pass down to Liam and that's it that was me in fifth grade and the books that I connected with in fifth grade I didn't end up getting my hands on an Archie comic but I was reading those for years to come so we'll do that next time I'm gonna find my collection is basically it I didn't just want to go to the store and buy a new one that I had never read before I want to reread one think I know where they are so make sure you tune in next time to see if I find the elusive comic book collection let me know in general if you want to see another one of these I would love to chat about I don't know you wouldn't fifth grade you in the year 2000 were you even alive that thought makes me feel old and with that I'm gonna go bye if we look through the front doors we can see the library which is where I spent all my time in fourth grade because I had no friends yes so there you can't see into it obviously I see some bucks yeah habits of happy yeah it was all the ones Lee was reciting to us so I guess Liam's on track to learning how you learned so that's pretty cool school is still set in 1999
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 38,560
Rating: 4.9835577 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: ybh8c8TkxjQ
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Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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