Visiting My Schizoaffective Friend After His Forced Psychiatric Stay
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Special Books by Special Kids
Views: 2,868,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Nepveux, SBSK, Schizoaffective, Borderline Personality Disorder, C-PTSD, Chris Ulmer, Psychosis
Id: xc1tbETJpX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Man, I really feel for brother Daniel. I'm really rooting for him, it makes me so happy SBSK keeps tabs on everyone and reaches out to help a friend in need. We all love you Daniel, stay strong buddy.
Yes, I just bawled my eyes out. This hit me hard, maybe because I've been feeling a lot of the same things lately. I really wish him the best. It just hurts.
Daniel is such a sympathetic guy. I'm really happy he gets some help, and hopefully, Camp Hope will help him out, get him in touch with others in a similar situation to him.
Wow, dude has a way with words, and a very strong, touching way of communicating. His eyes in the thumbnail are expressing so much stuff. Hope he can get a little bit of something nice in his life, at least once in a while.
How they didn’t treat him at the hospital makes me angry cause this sweet person deserves help he wants and needs. But anyways if you see this Daniel you deserve the world, to feel loved, and be heard. And I am so proud of you. 💕
Been watching his videos on Youtube, he talked about his stay a few days ago. But he also seemed happy, or at least better. He was really thankful for all the people who leave comments on his videos and show love and support for him. He realized he's not alone in this battle he has. If you happen to see this, we will always love and support you friend!
His way of speaking is like poetry to me! Daniel, you seem like a really sympathetic and honest guy. I think you are very brave, sharing the way you experience the world. I wish you nothing but the best!
I dunno if Daniel would ever read this but I can't thank him enough for sharing all that he has, my girlfriend shares in Schizoaffective and has had some very serious lows. Sometimes its really hard for her to explain whats happening and how she feels which can really cause us to fall apart when she needs me most. The feelings and emotions Daniel has shared has really helped me understand more when she feels she can't explain because no one will understand. I've been with her through the lowest lows and the highest highs in the last three years and she always tells me that she feels shes suffering alone, I don't want her to ever feel like that and I don't Daniel to feel that either. If Daniel ever has the chance to read this I want him to know that he's not the only one who feels like this and that there will always be people who care about him. Everyone deserves to know that they're not alone.
I cant imagine life being this hard