An Autistic Nonspeaking Teen (And How We Became Friends)

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Gabe is so over it all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brightblueblock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

he looks cool

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/feeling_persecuted πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

outstanding hair

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/little_poisoner πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Autistic Tadzio

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lena_989 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

so you get to hang out with him . what music do you show him ? I'd go for some polyphia

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maxwellsdemoncheats πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

u/MaryShelleyStepOnMe look! someone found your dream boyfriend!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/notsticky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Probably has better takes on the Pope.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jankenpyon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The dude who does these interviews seems very off to me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

What the hell

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/throwaway2938489393 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Hi. - Hello. - So, Gabe communicates through eye contact a lot, too. - [Chris] What did he just tell you right there? - What do you think he just told me? I always think he's telling me, "I love you." (laughs) - No. - I like to think that. - I think a lot of times you are. - I think he's telling you, "Where's my cookie?" - Did he ask for that? (Gabe vocalizes) - Earlier. I know. - Oh. - [Chris] How would you describe your family? - Fun. - Yeah, fun, happy. - I think we're fun. Adventurous. - I would agree. - We like to do things. We are all about experiences. So, going on adventures together, exploring. - Yeah, we like to expose Gabe to a lot of things to see what he likes. - Hey, Gabe. I'm excited to be here with you today. I'm having a great time meeting you and your family, getting to know all about you. What would you say is the most important thing for others to understand about Gabe? - Oh, I really want people to understand that he's just like you and I. I think so many people when they come up to Gabe, even my family included, they just, it's like they talk to me, or they talk to Nikki. Whereas like, people should understand that he is a person, and he is just like you and I. Just because he communicates differently doesn't mean that he doesn't understand. He understands everything, and you should speak to him as such. So like, speak to him, get on his level. I think that's the most important thing. - Talk to him like he's a 13-year old boy. - [Chris] Do you have a go-to if you wanna make him laugh? (Caroline sighs) - Well, lately his favorite thing to do is no matter what, like if it's the football, - Play keep away. - Or if it's my phone, it's like keep away. And so if he knows you want something, he, yep I know, then he's gonna smile. - And you'll never get it - I didn't get it. - because his arms are so long. - And he's so strong. I know, I said you would never, - You are strong. - Another football player would never be able to get the ball away from you. So that would make him laugh. - I like your sense of humor, Gabe. It made me laugh when I saw that you liked to play keep away with your family. I thought that was really funny. I can tell you have a wonderful sense of humor. If somebody wants to form a bond with Gabe, how should they start? - I think music. - Oh, yeah. - Is a great way. - I think that first off, I think, I feel like we have some people in our lives that haven't figured out yet that if you wanna connect with Gabe, you need to go over to Gabe. You need to look him in the eyes. You have to make sure that he's looking at you, and talk to him. And when Gabe wants to connect with someone else, he'll maybe walk over to you, and touch your face, and guide your face directed at him so he can make the eye contact. I think that's so smart. Like, he's figured out... Gabe is 13 years old, he's non-speaking. He has figured out how to connect with others in a way that I've never seen anyone else do it. - Yeah. - Your parents told me how you love Queen. I'm a big fan of Freddie Mercury myself, and I have my phone with Spotify right there, and I thought I might put on some Queen. I know you like the song "Another One Bites the Dust." (singing) Bump, bump, bump. Another one bites the dust. Let me get it on here real quick. Here we go. (gentle upbeat music) β™ͺ And I'll be saved by rock and roll β™ͺ β™ͺ You can take my money β™ͺ β™ͺ Steal my car and sell my clothes β™ͺ β™ͺ You can save the shoes I'm in β™ͺ β™ͺ Go on and take everything β™ͺ β™ͺ You can have about everything I own β™ͺ β™ͺ Just leave that old piano β™ͺ β™ͺ Maybe a chair β™ͺ β™ͺ So I can sit down there and play when I'm home β™ͺ β™ͺ Take all these things I know β™ͺ β™ͺ Even take the telephone β™ͺ When I sat beside Gabe, I was talking a little bit, and then I thought to myself, "Why not just do an activity we both enjoy.", and I put on some music. Is it sometimes okay just to sit there, and enjoy the moment with Gabe? - Yeah. - We often do. I think that's great. - You don't always have to be talking and communicating. You can just purely be listening to music, and enjoying it together. - I wanna play for you one of my favorite Queen songs. This actually isn't one of their popular songs, but I heard it one day, and I just fell in love with it. (slow blues music) (slow blues music continues) (blues music continues) (blues music continues) (blues music continues) (blues music continues) - I took him to the lakes in our neighborhood, actually, I guess it was a week ago, and it was still, like all the leaves were falling, and I wanted him to really see it. So I brought him there, and I'm like, "Gabe, what do you think about the leaves falling?" Like, I know he's not gonna literally answer me back, but I know he's thinking about it. I know, you know, even if he doesn't say his answer to me, I think it's still like we're still communicating. I can see it in his eyes. I can see it in how he moves even though he's not speaking back to me. - [Chris] What is your biggest hope for Gabe's future? - Hmm, I want him to have friends, and I want him to be happy. - Yeah. - And just have love in his life in some form. And you know, I don't want him to ever feel alone. - Yeah. - So that is my wish for Gabe is that he's always surrounded by people who love him, and that he's challenged, and feels fulfilled in doing whatever it is that he loves. Like, right now we know he loves music. He dances so beautifully. I hope, I hope that he can continue that throughout his life, and maybe even find a profession where he can dance. I mean, he loves to dance. I think that my... You know, one of the things I'm proud of you for, Gabe, - Yeah. - is that you really are the best dancer I've ever seen. The way you can move your body in such a graceful, beautiful way is so special. (mellow music) (mellow music continues) (mellow music continues) (mellow music continues) (mellow music continues) (mellow music continues) (mellow music relaxes) - [Chris] After we listened to a few songs together, he just briefly touched my arm, and pulled away, and smiled. Is that something he does often? - When he likes you. - Yes. - When he feels a connection, he will definitely do that. I'm so happy that you did that, Gabe. - And I also feel like it's a little bit of your playfulness, too. It's like, "Okay, you're it." - [Chris] How often would you say you know what Gabe is thinking? - Hmm. I think I always know, but how do I really know? I really, it's just a strange feeling. Like, we really communicate in a way that I don't think many people do. I mean we, it's funny to say this, like we touch our foreheads to each other, - Yeah. Can we show 'em? - And like, really look at each other, and I think- - Can you touch your forehead to mine? - Gabe really feels that I understand what he's thinking, and I think I do, but I don't, again, I don't know for sure. It's just one of those I know gut feelings that we're so connected. The three of us are so connected. But I think when someone can't speak, or is unable to speak the way Gabe isn't able to, I think we develop other ways, and it's, yeah. - But then there are definitely those times where I feel as though like, "Gosh, I really wish I knew what he was thinking." Like, let's say he gets hurt or something, or he has a stomach ache, and I don't know necessarily if it is a stomach ache. I mean, we do have that unspoken bond and connection, but there are definitely times where it's like, "I just wish I knew." - [Chris] You met Gabe when he was six years old? - Yes. - [Chris] What was it like the first time you met him? - Oh, I was so, so, so excited. I thought you were the coolest kid. I felt very lucky to have met Nikki and Gabe, and I felt very lucky to become a part of the family. Like, it was a very natural, easy connection. I think part of that is I grew up, I'm a teacher, I've been around kids my whole life. I love working with kids. So I just feel like I have a nice bond with kids. And so I think right off the bat I felt a connection. - And I think he felt a, from what I could tell, he instantly really liked her. Caroline's a fourth-grade teacher, but you actually were a first-grade teacher at the time when we met you. - Yeah. - And Gabe was in first grade, actually. - Yeah. - And it was really perfect. He, I feel like the first night that you came over, - Yeah. - Like, I don't remember how far into our relationship, but she was like the only... I can't get Gabe to eat. Like, I've just never been good at it. But she was able to like, she sat down at the table with him, she got him to eat his whole dinner, and she would say, "Now you're a member of the Clean Plate Club." Remember? (laughs) - Yeah. (laughs) - [Chris] How do you describe the way he experiences life? - Oh, on a much deeper level than you can imagine. I feel like the rest of us are just, we're, you know, we don't stop and smell the roses, and I think Gabe literally does do that. And it's nice to be his mom because it's something I get to do with him, and I get to see things in a way that I never did before that I wouldn't have thought to before, you know? So, I feel like life became more beautiful, actually. (relaxing acoustic music) (music continues) (music continues) - [Chris] On your wall, you have a lot of pictures of your family. Tell me about that one of the three of you with the mountain behind it. - That is one of our favorite experiences and memories in all the seven years, and I would say my whole life, maybe. We took Gabe to, we took a road trip to Colorado this summer so Gabe could go to a special camp for kids with autism. And we did have to drive, so we stopped off in Boulder, Colorado. We have a friend there, and we decided let's make the most of it, and go see a concert tonight. So we had never heard of the band. It's called STS9. They were playing at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, Colorado. So, very close to where we were staying, and- - [Chris] Is this picture also from that? - [Nikki] This one is from a rodeo. - [Caroline] Same trip. - [Nikki] Same trip. - We stayed outside of Aspen in Snowmass for a little bit, and they do a rodeo there every summer. And so this was taken there, and Gabe had the best time - He loved it. - watching the rodeo. It was like amazing. I wasn't expecting that. - [Chris] I love these stories 'cause it really shows that you can be an autistic, non-speaking person, have a beautiful life, and be part of a close family. - Thank you. - Yeah. - [Chris] Is that something that you knew when he was first diagnosed? - I didn't think I'd have a great life at all. I thought that it was... 'cause I didn't know. I didn't know anything. I just thought, well I was single because my husband had passed away, and it was very hard anyway. And I just thought, this is something I don't think, I don't know if I can handle this. I don't know how I'm going to, I don't know the first thing about autism, or you know, I really just didn't know what to do, and I didn't have the help because my family lived in New York. I just really didn't have anyone. And I started realizing, like, especially when Caroline came into our lives. - Yeah. - Because it got so fun. Like we started having fun all of the time. - And I wasn't deterred whatsoever. Like, you know, we met on a social media app, and she- - No, on a dating app. - Sorry, why did I say social media? But yes, dating app. - Yeah, we met on a dating app. - And I know you had mentioned that she had a son, and that her son had autism, and I didn't, that didn't phase me whatsoever. - I was afraid to tell her. I didn't know how she'd react. Every other person I had, you know, dated prior, I didn't really get a sense that they were so excited about that (laughs), you know? And I've always been nervous, but telling you was so different than telling, you know, the reaction was just, she didn't really have any kind of reaction. - Right. - She's like, "Okay." - Just like another kid. - That was our second date that I told her. - I was excited to have, yeah. But I love being your mom. Your bonus mom. - Thank you, Gabe, for sitting with me, and listening to some music. I really enjoyed our time together. That was amazing. - Who cares what other people think? Life is too short. I regret that time in my life when I was so afraid of what everyone else thought. And I can say that about everything in my life. Not just being a mom to a child with autism. And Caroline and I are partners. - Yeah. - I was married to a man. Gabe's dad unfortunately passed away before he was born. And I was in this relationship with her, and I didn't even tell anybody for, you know, I would say a couple of years because I didn't, like, wanna... I was scared of what other people would think. And I think once I was open about that, and like our whole lives, I mean, we're open about everything in our life, and I just feel like we're so happy because of it. We don't care what other people think. - Yeah. - We really don't.
Channel: Special Books by Special Kids
Views: 1,909,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: efUA6W5HEv4
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Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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