Visit The Netherlands - The Don'ts of The Netherlands

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hey there fellow travelers mark here with walters world and today we are in amsterdam in the netherlands we're here in our little tiny hotel room and today what we have for you are the doanes of visiting the netherlands now the last couple months joss and i both have come here me i've been here for a while but myself and jocelyn came with some friends we kind of collected some stuff about what you should and shouldn't do when you come to the netherlands and so today's video is the don'ts of visiting the netherlands and you know i've been here in amsterdam going to ireland leiden and stuff like that and jasmine's going around too she said the coconut clicking off for the flowers and the tulips and stuff like that so i thought we'd do is kind of give those don'ts to kind of help travelers when they come here and the first don't we have is just remember don't call it holland call it the netherlands because holland is actually two of the 12 counties here in the netherlands and yes it's the one that has amsterdam and leiden and harlem and stuff like that so a lot of the tourists only see the holland part but don't call it holland call it the netherlands you'll make more friends here in the netherlands if you call it that instead okay now my second donut i have for you is don't think that the netherlands is just amsterdam yes you have the canals all over the place you have these things but you know what those canals are in other cities as well and you can go and explore go to our harlem literally it's a 15 minute or if you get the slow train 18 minute train ride out there you can see the guild houses they're just gorgeous there you can see saint bobel's cathedral in the center with the oregon that mozart played as a kid you can go see the the friends halls museum you can go out to live and check those things out you can go up to maastricht there's so much to see and do in the netherlands besides just coming to amsterdam and yes amsterdam is cool you should come here don't worry but don't think that the whole country is just this because once you leave amsterdam you start to see a much different country without the crazy tourists and stuff like that and that gets us to the third don't we have for you is don't be a stupid tourist when you get here now i'm not saying don't be a tourist i'm saying don't be stupid about certain things like the drugs and the red light districts and and the alcohol and stuff like that because when you come to amsterdam you'll see the people that are just stoned out of their mind walking around you will smell the drugs and these kind of things and the dutch don't like that either and you don't want to be that tourist for example last night in my hotel room about a midnight we had a big group came in they were all just out of control and the manager had to come after half an hour to calm them down if there was they're going to kick them out so you don't want to be that way so if you're going to come and you're going to experiment with drugs and things like that like you know some tourists do i i don't judge anything like that i don't do it but i know a lot of tourists do be safe when you do it you know don't do drugs in the street don't buy it from the people in the street things like that go to the coffee shops and do those things there it's safer for you and it might help not to be one of those you know bad tourists when you are here now my fourth don't for you when you come here to the netherlands is you'll notice that there's a lot of like fried street food that's really tasty and fried little snacky dudes around the country and the thing is is my don't for you is don't just bite in okay whether you're getting the croquettan or the bitterballen or the the fries or the mayonnaise or peanut sauce has been my favorite you get those things don't just start eating because you'll bite into it and they are so hot they serve their food really really really hot i think i've gone through like four or five layers of skin in my mouth just today okay so do glow in your food to save your taste buds and save your stuff because there's a lot of really cute tasty little tiny treats you can have here but they serve them like still with the oil boiling on them hot so do be careful especially if you're coming with little kids because you don't want junior you're going ah when he's trying to enjoy a tasty treat here okay now my next don't for you is anywhere in the netherlands you're gonna see bikes okay and my recommendation for you is don't go into the bike lanes don't walk in the bike lanes remember red dead because if you're walking in the red where the bikes are you can get hit and the ducks are cool and all don't get me wrong but if you get in their way when they're riding their bikes they become like i will take you out and it doesn't matter if they have their baby in front of them and they're three-year-old in front of them they're going for you okay so don't walk in the bike lane all right it is a serious thing and you i mean you can't get hurt hitting hit by those bikes man they're old-fashioned like steel kind of stuff and you'll get you'll get wam owed okay so don't walk in the bike lane also don't with that it was a pedestrian zone don't ride your bike through there either okay make sure you get off the bike and walk it because you can actually get a fine for that so just a heads up now my next dome for you when you come here to the netherlands is don't take it personally look whether it is you you're if you're a little prudish or whatever whether it is the red light districts or the coffee shops or the fact that the dutch are very direct when they talk to you like they'll say hey dude why are you so fat like they don't mean to meet with they just want to know and they're really to the point and some tourists get kind of offended by that especially the service industry so i would say like another donut don't get in too much of a hurry when you go to a restaurant because it'll take time until they come to your table to take your order and another don't going along with that is don't forget to ask for your bill they're not just going to come by saying oh would you like your bill now sometimes you got to go up and say hey can i get my bill please and so you might have to do that just just kind of a heads up on that one and the thing is with that just don't take that personally because that's just how it is here they don't mean in a bad way that's just the way they are now my next stone for you is if you come don't forget to bring a credit card or a debit card with a chip in it with a pin number there's a lot of places here that you actually just pay without talking to anybody and you're gonna need a chip card to put in and put the pin numbers in and stuff like that so just make your life easier so you can go and pick up stuff very easily so that is nice um another thing is don't forget to have a few coins though because there's actually some vending machines where you can get food out of vending machines like hot food for a euro or two to save a lot a little bit of money but you need some coins for that and some of those places will exchange money or change it into coins but not always so do have some of those coins ready another donut i have for you is don't worry about the dutch stereotypes of the clogs and the windmills the canals and the beautiful buildings and the really tall people and the cheese and things like that because yes you really will see a lot of cheese shops you will see a lot of windmills going throughout the country yes you will see very tall people on bikes all over the place and yes you will have pancakes and cheese and all these kind of things you do see those stereotypes you've seen and seen the movies and stuff like that and the beautiful buildings yes you will see those too so be prepared for that because you're going to see these cool buildings like oh wow that's cool that's cool that's cool so don't be surprised if you do see a lot of those stereotypes you've heard of and be like wow it is really gorgeous here well there really is canals all over the place wow they really are tall here you will have that when you come and it is kind of a fun thing oh and one more thing don't forget if you're going to be going around the country to buzz your ticket in and out when you go because that's how they kind of check people so make sure you when you get to the train stations you'll see this little like buzzy thing and some doorways make sure even if it's already open you pass your ticket on there it'll say you can go in go in and then when you leave make sure you check it out because you can get return tickets and stuff like that that's how like check them so make sure you buzz in and out with uh when you take the trains around the country and they're super easy to go to they're clean they go all over they're efficient you don't take you can go place in half an hour an hour or so to get almost the place in the country maybe an hour and a half you know two with the longest but it is really easy to use but don't forget to buzz in and out okay now my last couple don'ts i'm going to kind of put in there for specifically for amsterdam because i know a lot of tourists might only watch this video in amsterdam one don't take pictures of the girls in the red light district it's not a good thing to do um another thing i would say for you is if you're looking to do the hop on hop off bus you don't do the hop on hop off bus here in amsterdam because it's canals everywhere and the buses can't go to a lot of places so the hop on hop off bus just kind of goes around the periphery of the city so it might not be worthwhile i mean there's a there's a canal one that might be worth it but not the best one so don't do that also with amsterdam is don't think that amsterdam is just the red light district there's so many things to see here so many great museums to go to and i mean and you can go and you can go see you know of course the reese museum the van gogh museum you know the anne frank house all these kind of things you can see that but there's more than that here and a lot of tourists when they come they come for like a party weekend or something like that and they just stay in the red light district the bars the coffee shops and look at the girls the windows and stuff like that and the city is completely different once you leave that part and if you don't like those kind of things you can love this city without that because you go around and you have all these canals all these different museums you can see and all kinds of stuff to truly enjoy so don't think amsterdam is just the red light district just like don't think netherlands is just the amsterdam there's so much more to hear okay and i think my last little don't for you when you're here is don't forget to bring a jacket i don't care if it's summer and they say oh it's gonna be warm every single day here and sunny the rain will pop up today we were supposed to have beautiful skies like this all the time and we kept getting rained on and rained on and rained on off and on so just heads up with that okay anyway those are just some don'ts about visiting the netherlands i know it's not the greatest site because i'm here in my hotel room but i'm heading home tomorrow so i wanted to get this video done before i packed up and headed out to the airport so anyway i'll say bye from the netherlands and uh don't worry if you come here because you have a good time they speak english lots of hotels lots of people here that'll help you out so it is pretty cool so bye from amsterdam hey that video is over but there's more to come click over here for a video that you might actually like because it's related to the video that you just watched or click over here to see our newest travel video which is obviously something really amazing and cool you should totally watch that too so if 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Channel: Wolters World
Views: 2,154,997
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Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, advice, tourist, attractions, vlogger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2017
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