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here we go texas maybe just maybe the most misunderstood fascinating stereotype state in the u.s as i cross the entire state south to north i meet fascinating people who give me all kinds of advice you've gotten this far don't leave here without a gun and experience all american stereotypes cliches and adventure 66. so what exactly does a european think of texas well to be completely honest my very first impressions of the united states on this trip were pretty miserable but things started looking up after i had been released from the united states border and customs agency and after that i just drove straight up north through texas and i stopped at this campsite actually it's called an rv park i guess in the united states subtle difference i don't know i'm a beginner to all this and over here i met some really nice texans meet the russells and their friends and all texan family welcome to texas yep we may have very different views on many things but on a purely human level i'm amazed they still gave me a wonderful welcome to texas they fed me tried to make me feel safe even showed me around their amazing rv right so the guys just invited me to come inside their beautiful giant rv and take a look around honestly this is completely new to me i had never been inside an rv like this before in my entire life i've seen them driving around the us i've seen pictures of them but the inside is a whole other world it's pretty incredible and super super luxurious i mean compared to that little hormone wheels that i live in all right let's go inside oh wow you got a customized mat this is the living room i mean the kitchen wow and the living room is pretty close together and you've got two sofas in that mix into a bed so you can't sleep two more people it looks like an actual house so it's it's an avi but i mean the fridge is like a full-size fridge the kitchen is for me what would be like a full-size kitchen and a fireplace and a fireplace okay so pam gave me the go-ahead to go and check out the bedroom and the bathroom which are pretty amazing so right here is the shower these guys have a shower in their rv and then here is the bedroom wow that is pure luxury so how long have you guys been living like this just living in here this is 48 here no we have we have our own house [Music] so what's this called bamboo get up here all of you come on let's go ah good stuff take pictures of the bucket i've never had a coke float before but let's try it i mean when in texas it's pretty good it's like um ice cream but sparkling so i've asked these guys what they think about my trip whether i should do it whether they think it's safe or maybe whether i'm a little bit crazy for doing it so i think you're a whole lot crazy for doing it really you're the same type of person that tried to fly that plane from one continent to the other and she crashed and burned and never found her does not sound promising i'd be very apprehensive for my children to be doing it right so we have to worry about you now gotten this far don't leave here without a gun that texas guy i admire you for doing it yes and i think that there that you're going to have the adventure of your life going to the united states and seeing what you're going to see but i'm going to follow you yes and look at your blog and see how you're doing i think i got an important lesson from hanging out with these people in a world organized around systems we really need to find ways to reconnect to our humanity in a world where our differences become our identities we need to focus on finding common ground and that could be as simple as sharing a meal so i've been at this campsite for two nights hanging out with my neighbors who have been so kind and so welcoming and just trying to kind of recalibrate after my rough experience of the border a few days ago but today this morning i have to leave because i have to keep going up north to northern texas so there's a lot to see along the way so it's going to be a really intense day by the way texas is huge huge the distances that you cross in texas are unlike anything i've seen once you leave the interstates and hop on the country roads you find yourself on a true adventure where the horizon stretches out into eternity nobody nobody the last two hours not a single car once in a while you might see another car passing or a lonely house miles away from its neighbor in a place as vast as this you start to feel like loneliness is something you can touch and you start to understand how people can grow really very tough living out here [Music] i'm from poland oh wow okay so i'm traveling to alaska yeah 26th of april yeah look most gas stations in the us are not like this they're all super modern just as you'd expect but what's the fun in showing you something that you already know oh wow check out this store oh my god garvin you've got so many amazing things in here jalapeno honey mustard oh cherry cobbler [Music] everybody's really really nice so far i mean very welcoming and just genuinely curious as to what the heck i'm doing here which is a fair enough question this is a drive-through shop a drive-through shop i mean i'm familiar with like drive-through restaurants and even drive through starbucks but this is a shop how do you know what you want to buy without looking around can you just buy anything can i ask for like a mango and how does this work actually i'm not sure if odyssey will even fit here is pretty low can i get like a large bottle of water can you get what i'm saying like a large bottle of water a large bottle of water anything else for you uh do you have sparkling or only still what do you have sparkling water or just still water oh you have to fall forward okay um i'll just have still water just the water nothing else thank you i don't know if it's my accent or am i making unreasonable demands i just wanted sparkling water okay now let's see [Applause] [Music] yes just about i'd like a slurpee the smallest size you have i'll have a pina colada thank you it's literally like a fast food joint that you drive through but a shop why am i so excited i don't know thank you you know i didn't actually need that water but i just wanted to get it for the experience i know to most of you this might be like totally like everyday boring stuff but i've never seen a drive-through shop before and also this is going to be my first time ever drinking a slurpee or slushie i don't know what they're called but you know super american thing if the simpsons taught me anything it's that you get brain freeze from these where's my slurpee come on no brain freeze well let's move on to my initial impressions of the us i mean i don't know if the entire country is like this but in texas it's amazing how many things you can sort out without ever leaving your car i mean there's drive through pharmacies here there's drive up atms here in fact i'm just about to use that one it's amazing i mean back home we have like drive-through fast food joints but that's about it literally never have to leave your car in this state the drive-up atm here we go let's get some money out shall we slappy and really good so you know the saying everything is bigger in texas well it definitely rings true because back home odyssey is one of the biggest cars on the road one of the biggest cars that you'll see anywhere in fact you would just not choose to drive this car into the city because you wouldn't be able to find a parking spot but in the united states there's all the parking in the world everywhere and odyssey is by no means the biggest car on the roads anymore it's kind of average because everybody owns one of these here everybody owns a pickup truck except they're not really hauling anything in the back i guess i mean let's check that that doesn't really classify as hauling to me let's check some others are they hauling anything nope not hauling anything all right he's hauling some stuff one last one over there definitely not hauling why does everybody own pickups in texas and is it like this in the rest of the us okay okay i know those were all total stereotypes and i hope that you can forgive me for indulging in them just one more thing i have never been to a walmart in the usa so it's time for a little explore it may seem like basic groceries but i really do believe that you can learn a lot about a country and its people from their buying and eating habits this is one of the funniest products i've ever seen in my entire life liquid eggs really liquid egg whites why not just use normal eggs are you kidding oh my god an entire shelf just dedicated to cookie dough you have no idea how lucky you out to have cookie dough in this country it is like one of the best things in the entire world just a casual five pound pack of cheese i mean it would seem like just be normal baked beans but it's the size of my head 20 kilograms or something you know everything is just so huge and so many plant-based meat style options it's incredible here's a funny story so i grew up in the 90s in post-communist poland so you know we had cereals we didn't really eat cereals that much but we had like corn flakes and some local stuff and we had like cheerios and things like that when i was growing up one thing that i had that you could get in america was this amazing super sweet magical cereal called prolife this for me was like the ultimate american dream was to one day have froot loops i really feel like an obligation to my younger self to try these so i'm gonna get some froot loops and then later on today you're gonna see me eat them because i'm really curious to see how they taste and whether the expectation that i had built up as a child actually matches to the reality [Music] if there's one thing that i think of when i think road tripping the united states it's motels motels diners the route 66 truckers all that kind of stuff and i love it you know it's all the kind of stuff that you see in movies that you read about in books so tonight i'm staying in a motel which just so happens to be along the route 66 which i'm so excited about this is really part of the reason why i'm here like i want to live that stereotypical american road trip experience i am here for it [Music] oh it's so windy out here but it doesn't matter because i want to show you something it's official who on the roof 66 only for a few miles but still 166. i see this is so amazing i know you don't understand you're just a car but it's amazing well i'm just gonna follow it for a while oh wow you think you're special oh what you think is something else um okay anyway thanks shania twain for providing endless musical inspiration back to the route 66 it is the symbol of the all-american road trip but the reality is it's really not the most scenic road in the us it's just that sometimes you know legend can be much more powerful than reality itself this is it my motel this is super cool so it turns out that my motel is at the exact midpoint between chicago and la which is the midpoint of the route 66. [Music] oh cool [Music] so what kind of people do you get passing by here is it just tourists on the route 66 probably every country in the world [Music] so [Music] not bad 60 bucks there is one other thing that i have never ever experienced before and that is eating at a roadside diner like one of those like really classic all-american diners yeah that's a fest for me so let's go inside and see what we find hello i need to put on my shoes [Music] this place is so cool it's the kind of diner i've always wanted to visit so classic yes thank you so much okay i'm gonna say something that's gonna make a lot of you laugh but i mean it seriously i think this dinah and my whole experience in texas especially this is like super super exotic yes exotic if you watch my videos you'll probably see me go to a lot of really incredible remote faraway places that some of you might be tempted to call exotic in a way it's a bit of a problematic word but we'll talk about that another time anyway to me this all of this this is new this is different this feels to me like being in a movie honestly so at the end of the day i think like what you see as different or exotic really just depends on your perspective there is no single definition of those words you know and for me texas rural texas is as different as remote as interesting as god pick your choice of place that i've been to over the last couple of years and it's all amazing and this apple pie is so good so route 66 was the main street of usa when the roads first started in the in america so it used to be the only way that you could travel and then it kind of died because of the interstate coming through right so right now this restaurant is the midpoint of route 66 starts in chicago and goes all the way to sacramento california right so but you don't get like the original kind of traffic anymore right like the truckers so not really honestly i would say 95 percent of customers are from overseas i promised you all a fruit loop tasting and a fruit loop tasting is what you shall receive this video is not sponsored by fruit loops might tell the dream coming true you know what it says on the packaging natural fruit flavors that doesn't seem likely okay here we go you know that feeling when as an adult you get to try something that your child's self always wanted and then either it's amazing or it's a total disappointment let's see which one this is froot loops let's do it [Music] okay if i tried these as a kid i would have loved them but i feel like my taste in food has evolved over the last 25 years [Music] they taste exactly how they look they taste of neon they taste new neon i don't think i can finish them well kids the lesson here is allow yourself to grow and move past some of the dreams that you harbored as a child sometimes it's best to let them go you know it feels completely surreal to be here in this motel room in the middle of route 66 in the middle of texas it's amazing you know before i set off on this pan american trip there was a lot of people offline and on the internet who tried to dissuade me from taking this trip people call me naive they call me stupid they call me reckless irresponsible they tell me that i'm putting myself in danger and at risk that i'll be unsafe that i have no idea what i'm doing i've heard it all i've heard it all but you know what i think part of living freely is learning to drown out the voices of the people who try to convince you that their way of living is the only way to live life tuning into your heart and learning how to listen to your heart even when the noise around you gets so overwhelming that you don't even know whose voice it is that you're listening to and that's why i'm here to see it all for myself to learn from real people and real experiences and so far just in texas i've learned so much yeah some stereotypes hold true as they can do everywhere but the more i travel the more i learn to look past the divides and the differences the more i travel the more gray i see and the less black and white and in a world dominated by click bait attention grabbing and noise i really feel that seeing new ones is our most underrated superpower
Channel: Eva zu Beck
Views: 3,038,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vGPwDxQzUeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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