Amsterdam: The Most Common Mistakes Tourists Make in Amsterdam

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here the field travelers mark and Dutch to five hey today we're here in Amsterdam talking about the mistakes that travelers make when they come here to Amsterdam and touch' five he's got tons of great videos for Amsterdam Netherlands and around the world also a good friend of mine excellent dancer as well he does all kinds of really good stuff and so he is here to help me talk about some of the stakes that you might make as a tourist when you come here because we don't want to worse make mistakes and come here no I'm enjoying this day as much as possible yeah because it is a fantastic City now what would you say is the first mistake we see tourists make when they come here yeah I'm a second number one is people come here to have a good time have a party and typically because drugs are legal people come here to have drugs and one of the mistakes is mistaking a coffee shop for a cafe where you can get coffee so here where you get drugs is called the coffee shop mm-hmm and you'll find them in the red-light district and these kind things and the thing I always say to people is like don't try and get your drugs on the street I found like I've got a lot of people who leave you change that thing no what I would recommend to people is don't buy the drugs on the street cuz these are the guys that are like I don't know make here in the house and it's a little shady you you want to make sure you go to the coffee shops and the thing is is you know and I know if I've talked about this before is you know that the stuff you're gonna get at the coffee shop isn't your usual run-of-the-mill stuff you might get at home it's gonna be really strong actually that's the thing and they all have different strengths and the guy the concierge or the guy behind the counter can help you pick the drug that you want but don't try to be macho and go for like the strongest one because chances are it's way stronger than anything you've had in your country and it's just gonna take you for a ride yeah so do be careful with that and we're not advocating you're doing drugs you come here if you do I mean that's up to you you're adults so there's that's how you wanted to talk about accessible thing is that a lot of people another mistake they make is they think that they well I should say they only come and see the red-light district yeah yeah it's a mistake actually because people think like and it's often branded it's like an adult Disneyland but it's a small section of Amsterdam we've got many other things and other areas to go to here we're actually in Amsterdam north which is a beautiful part of the city you can get to it by a free ferry which is awesome but there's also the museum district where we have three major museums you've got the Pape area there's different areas with the architecture that you can appreciate there's a flower market there's so many other areas that are outside of the city and actually if you go even just a little further afield you've got other cities outside of Amsterdam or a worth exploring so definitely if you come to an SEM I would recommend not to stay in the red-light district yeah yeah and I think and that kind of leads into another mistake we see people make is they think that oh I'll just stay in Amsterdam like well here's what mistakes come in Amsterdam don't think you have the state in answering because there's all kinds of great public transportation they'll take you other cities you can stay and like I'm staying in Utrecht on this trip and then before a report we were in Africa before and we stayed in amsterdam before him but we didn't stay in Amsterdam we stayed in Harlem and sustained to some of those but it could save you big-time bugs on your accommodation and more than accommodation and saving money you actually get to explore the city from a different vantage point so you get to see not only I'm staff but also these other cities and each one has something to offer a charm of its own and these kind things and the thing to realize with the Netherlands it's actually a small country so when you think Amsterdam The Hague Harlem all these other little cities we're not talking about the difference between Paris and Leo which is like just 27-minute like Utrecht is the central stages 27 minutes okay that's why we're doing that so we actually met at the station to come out and that's one thing it's really nice and I think another thing going along a little mistake people make is when they come here on the weekends they think they're gonna find deals yeah there are no deals on the weekends when you're gonna stay in Abscam it is always super high price so have a heads up for that I think another mistake and this is one I think is also a safety thing another mistake tourists make is when they're coming to Amsterdam they use it it's kind of like they come with all their suitcases they come with all their bags and stuff like that and and the stairs here yeah and I mean if you're going for like an Airbnb which is one of the sort of cheaper more economical options absolutely agree the stairs here are literally it's basically a ladder with a slight incline so it's futuristic so if you have like your heavy backpack on I mean you could fall backwards you're trying to carry stuff up they're not gonna help you carry your stuff up so one of the things I recommend is if you have like a daypack use a day pack you're flying in they actually have a baggage storage place at the airport we haven't have a video on that just leave your big bags there so you can come in and be a lot more nimble when you are here so we kind of started on the CD or side and the thing is Amsterdam isn't really a CD city no I'm gonna say it's a cool town the people are cool and stuff like that but I think there's some tourist mistakes that we need to talk about one mistake I see is a lot of people get sad because they don't get to go to the anne frank house because the mistake people make is they don't pre booked their tickets cuz you can be in line for hours to go see that and you won't get in so make sure you do pre book those don't make that mistake like Arno talked about like there's tons museum here the mistake of not going to them from the reeks the van Gogh Museum to the national state lick music mr. luck Museum he has that it's fantastic yeah we've got many others as well this the ship museum which is very nice there's the architecture museum so there's a lot of museums I mean if museums your thing there are a lot of smaller ones that you should look out for there's even a pianola Museum which is super random but it does exist and if that's your interest then yeah go to the piano and that's the thing is there's so many like micro niche things here for people I mean you look at restaurants like Johnson's favorite restaurant here is a restaurant based on avocados yeah you know you have all this stuff here and that's what Amsterdam has I think that's another mistake tourists make as they come here like I'm gonna have Dutch culture and stuff like that this is an international city this is not it I mean it's yes it's in Holland it's in the Netherlands but it's not necessarily Dutch Dutch like if you go to attracts you go to line you go to Harlem then you feel more Dutch affine but here's what we're international so yeah I think another mistake people make when they come here is about the food I mean this is one things we had a really good time sampling the food all around town but you're going to restaurants the mistake is is like trying to search for a Dutch restaurant don't do that you will you international food here yeah and there few Dutch restaurants there's mu does for example which is based on and photographs of mothers all over the building which is quite interesting and that does Dutch cuisine but Dutch cuisine is kind of like a heavy winter cuisine so it's based really on like a mashed potato with the kind of gravy meat to top five so indeed I agree with Marcus here and there's a lot of in Tunisia and piecing then you can try Thai cuisine there's all sorts indeed it's a multicultural City with PC from all over the world and really good cuisine as well yeah and Dutch Dutch food is not world renowned so it's not one of the reasons come out yeah you know you don't see a Dutch restaurant your hometown but you might see a Thai place and it an Asian place to tell you like they have stuff there so that's another thing I think another thing tourists need to make sure they make they make a mistake is if they're gonna take taxis or ubers going around places I think you don't really need to do that here agreed and it's such a small city and it is quite congested actually so if you get into an uber or one of these things that uses the road ultimately you you can expect to be congested the thing is it's a bike city it's a walking City so you'll have a much better time taking a bicycle walking and then of course using the metro or public transport if this but to take an uber taxi is really your last resort and I wouldn't recommend it yeah and it took me a lot more than power transportation - yeah I mean talking about the bikes I think a big mistake tourists make is like the we type on the other videos red is dead mistake you make us walking in the bike lanes do not ever walk the bike lanes because you will die and no one will feel sorry for you because they'll run you over and then the grandma will go by and go you deserve it tourists so so do you have a heads up for that I know you have some other bike mistakes yeah and I definitely and I think for people coming to Amsterdam you definitely should rent a bicycle but we've got to make the assumption that you've got a certain level of biking skill that's not just riding bike ok it's not like when you're a kid I'm riding my bikes it's gonna like pay attention to them yeah exactly no it's not for the faint of heart but in general if you follow a few simple tips you'll be fine and these are the tips I would recommend one is don't take up the whole path the path is about a meter meter and a half wide so stick to the curb stare to the side and then you can go any speed you like it's fine but don't wiggle around it go crazy and then don't ride in the wrong direction so it's pretty obvious which direction bikes I'm coming most of the time there's a bicycle actually painted on the road that shows you the direction so stick to the direction and stick to the side would be the two main tips but the second one is don't write over tram tracks so I love the time you'll be sharing the road with cars trans and the bicycles and it's not a good idea to write over tram tracks for those who've never done it before and it's your first time a bicycle wheel so the bike stays here and you go over there exactly yeah there's a small piece of advice you can learn it the hard way or you can take it from us alright so some more mistakes from the talk about let's go back to the red-light district and I think one of the mistakes people make is they kind of treat the girls like they're they're kind of like candy in a window kind of stuff I guess was saying don't do that now some mistakes people make is they think they can do like tourism stuff when they are in the red-light district they take pictures of the girls the windows don't just just don't ok that's a big mistake cuz you get in trouble for that yeah tours do end up in the canals sometimes and so you don't do that you'll see signs saying don't do that and we talked about multiple times in my videos so have a heads up for that one and the main thing just sorry to interrupt you is that the main thing you need to follow these don't take photographs of the people working because at the end of the day they are doing it for a living it is their profession and in the same way you probably don't want to be photographed doing your job these people even so don't be surprised if you take you photos if it becomes violent because really it's it's one of the absolute don't dues like this but yeah now moving on some other stuff if you look behind my shoulder over there you'll see it of angle there's an eye answer damn sign and the USB i amsterdam signs all over in like that the really popular places in the center of the city and mistake people make is they can still find those in like inside the city and you don't go see them the nor theater civilization just take the ferry over you'll see it at the airport but you're not seeing it in the center of the city anymore the one the famous one used to be on museum plane and indeed about two months ago that moved so that sir so mid 2019 it's moved so if you go there now you'll just see an empty space and so indeed if you want the I am Samsung North is probably the place to get it now yeah it's tough to do over here they really did redeveloped it or grabbed when you come out of the airport when you gonna take your taxi or you're getting out you'll see an I am sham sign there do that there you'll see in the back a lot of my Netherlands videos guy filmed a lot of them right before they got rid of it yeah so you have that so have a heads up but one of the cool things is they move some of them out farther so you go to actually other districts right exactly and here again we're in north and behind us is the I for Museum it looks a little bit like the Sydney Opera House its countless white monstrous buildings are really beautiful and the architecture is pretty modern they've also rebuilt this thing behind here it used to be the shell hit office is now called the Amsterdam look at and it's a a big tower with various things we just had burgers at the bottom that you can go to the top where there's actually a panoramic look hard dick with three swings that swing over the edge so pretty pretty adventurous if that's your thing yeah Aaron so some other things you spray top off for tourists there's nothing I know with the trams you want to say somebody's chasing the trams yes the main mistake with the tram so the trams are everywhere they're very popular you absolutely must use them but the mistake people make is they think that all doors are made equal and it's absolutely not the fact in fact there's two doors out of the fall there's two way you can come in and to where people are coming out and generally you want to respect it because it creates chaos otherwise and sometimes you'll find people getting aggressive the way it works is the one at the front that's an entrance the one in the middle one before the back is the entrance as well the other two so the middle front and the back those are the exits will be complicated but it is well signposted so you don't have to be a brain surgeon just yeah and that's one nice thing is here here than other ones do a really good job like signage they're not missing out on that so you'll be okay there now we're gonna finish off with some long mistakes a mistake that I've made it really comes out of the street but we actually did a few videos together yeah yeah a couple times ago when we were here about the street food and math Jam and that's true for this fantastic don't make the mistake of the having Dutch food in the restaurant have it on the streets from those we're little bit a little pancakes call yeah the Porchester okay there's the seafood you'll find a couple of places for the herrings selling the herring which is popular but you'll see many and the one thing to try and I think it's also a mistake that people make this a bit of island when generally it's a kind of a boss yeah and I laugh because we've actually made this mistake so we really do know what we've talked here but are you saying skin inside now so the bitterballen is basically like a meaty bowl that's surrounded with breadcrumb and fried up so it's a bar snack they normally come about six in a plate with mustard it's really delicious but the thing that is the mistake actually is it starts to get cool you touch it with your hand you think it's fine and then you bite into this thing and it is like nucular hot like instantaneous no skin in the side of your mouth like anything be like two days you're talking and we do this like super hot yeah sure do be careful with it cuz it what was is it the place you can get them outside that you put the coins in yeah so that's called Faber and it's another famous concept is like a food in the wall concept so it's basically they've got in the wall they've got little slots almost like a vending machine and you put your money in and you can take out a fried good goodie of some sort but they really are parking hot sauce yeah so don't make the mistake because we both virgins skin here because it's all been burned a before so do be careful with that so if you have any other mistakes you see tourists make and we haven't talked backs I know there's more out there why don't you put in the comments section below so we can help two other tourists and not make those mistakes so you can enjoy the city even more so again Dutch if I'd my buddy go check out his channel I'm sure you'll see his picture some around here you can click on there and check out his channel we've got all kinds of the videos we've done together from street food and Harry meeting and he's been in multiple Christmas videos with us that's how tight we are that's really cool so do check him out at Dutch fi / Dutch you're fine to find out more and check them out also say thank you you buddy good to see you thanks man and you're welcome to as a tourist I know now like Nancy it's not pushing a lot for individual tourism but you'll have a good time when you come here so don't be scared not to come because even those are a lot of tourism here it's a lot of really great stuff to see you enjoy so we'll say bye bring your nails gentle teens
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 517,243
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Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy
Id: Cv6oSrnSgJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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