Visit Mexico - The DON'Ts of Visiting Mexico

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Esto es exactamente lo que esperaba de un gringo dando instrucciones sobre que no hacer en Mexico.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/vidrenz 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2017 🗫︎ replies
hola fellow travelers mark here with Walter's world and today we were in Cancun Mexico having a great time Mexico is near and dear to my heart my dad worked here for years I got to come down with him for working and it's colleagues from Mexico came up to our house I got to translate for him since I was a little kid and I really really always had a deep love and passion for Mexico because there's so many awesome things here the people the food all kinds of great stuff but I'm not going to focus on the good today what I want to focus on today are the things you don't do when you do go to Mexico so you can have a better time okay and the first don't is don't mess with Montezuma look Montezuma's Revenge is a real deal he will come and get you Oh for those that don't know what Montezuma's revenge's - it was revenge is travellers diarrhea and the thing is you want to avoid this so the thing you need to know is you don't drink the water from the tap here in Mexico it has to be bottled water okay and if you're in a lot of different places you know make sure that that feel on the bottled water is sealed it's not been refilled because if you get the water here you can have some really big troubles and the thing is it's not just the water also think about it the ice you got to watch out for the ice now if you're in places like Cabo and Cancun usually ice is filtered so your frozen margaritas at your all-inclusive they'll be just fine but just know that you can get mailed from the ice and the water when you are around Mexico so do be careful with that also with that don't with Montezuma stuff think about it washed vegetables uh you know if you have fruits unpeeled fruit stuff like that undercooked meat that can get you too so make sure you do pay attention okay because don't let Montezuma get you okay because he's looking for you and he will get you first time I came to Mexico it took five doses of imodium to stop it as she could say sick so I think it was pretty much stopped after five but I wasn't taking any chances because mm-hmm he got me he got me good okay so ii don't i have viewers don't lose your immigration card when you come in now when you fly into mexico they're going to come in and you going to fill out these forms you know immigration forms and they're going to rip off the bottom part and stamp it and give it to you make sure you keep that the whole trip you don't really need it while you're here but when you leave you'll turn that back in when you go so so just make sure you do have that so don't lose it okay don't be oh it's so just a little piece of favor no put that in your passport keep it locked up in your hotel and you'll be okay now the third don't I have views don't expect your how do I say this your restaurant Mexican food Spanish to really translate very well here yes they have gorditas here but gordita in Taco Bell is completely different than the gordita you have here in Mexico and you're going to see is man the Mexican food you have at home whether you're going to Mexico or less the tex-mex place in the US or Europe or other places pales in comparison to the Mexican food you'll have here so don't just get stuck ordering tacos and quesadillas because you know what those are and they're on the menu try the other things have the flautist having enchiladas have you know the gordita is all the soap is just so quick oh my god the students here so good oh the soup the fish here the goat in by in Mexico City I mean there's so much amazing food yet you're in have your Chile's when you can from a little bit some vendor at some side street or a market you're going to have great food here so don't just order what you're used to at your Mexican restaurant at home go out and explore what we do we've got hey-zeus our buddy at one of our favorite little hole-in-the-wall places we go to here and we say hey just give me three of something okay and he comes down every time it is so good and there's lots of different regional dishes around Mexico that you can try so make sure you that's what's regional that make me go for it you know try that because you will really enjoy the food I won't lie to you about that now my sort don't is don't forget to brush up on your Spanish before you come to Mexico look I know if you're coming to Cancun or Cabo you're like well everybody speaks English look those Cancun and Cabo not executive most Mexican of the Mexican place I mean it's the tourism place okay it's of course they're going to speak more English because that's what the tourists we to come here but if you really want to get to know the people I get them you're travelling inland especially in Mexico you need to know some Spanish even just the basics of gracias thank you porfavor is please and they matter you're welcome and hola which is hi these things make a big difference the people really appreciate it and I've seen it where I spoke Spanish to people and they really opened up because the people really are fantastic but you do need to know a little bit of Spanish so don't think and I don't need to brush up on my Spanish class I had in high school no just don't like five to ten words to get you started and it will make a big difference because it seemed that saying that porfavor the gracias people's faces light up especially here in Cancun well most of Tours come and speak no Spanish whatsoever do that it really makes for a greater trip and if you're inland it's really essential that you know some a little bit of Spanish to get by now the fifth don't I have fuse don't forget to tip look here in Mexico the people that are working they do live off the tips like in the US and other places because their base Tyler is very low so if you're going to be waiters and bartenders you're tipping them 10 to 20 percent on your bill you're doing that if you pay with the credit cards sometimes they just automatically add it on there so sometimes you have to worry about it so make sure you ask if the pro pina the tip is included okay but it's not just bartenders and waiters you tip the cleaning staff for your hotel they live off the tips too so make sure you tip them usually recommend you now between you know fifty and a hundred pesos per day the more dirty you are more you leave the less dirty you are you know fifty pesos which is like two bucks fifty three bucks something like that so I think you can spare that especially because a lot of people come here to Mexico just party crazy to resume eyes to the more I mean come on now my six don't for Mexico is don't take the first price as the last price look if you're going to go to markets you're signed up for tours out on the street and stuff like that they're always going to quote you a super high first price and you've got a negotiated on from there and when you go to the market it's every single sell you okay how much is that shirt or how much that something uh thirty dollars oh well let's negotiate again I'm going to get it for like fifteen or something like that or or whatever and it's same thing with taxes you don't just get in the taxis you want to negotiate the price before you get in tell them where you want to go and they'll say oh well what up fifteen I have about ten okay and you can do that now it can get a bit of doing after a while keep negotiating well that is part of the deal you can save a lot of money and a lot of stuff you just negotiate okay also if you're in places like Cancun and Cabo and other tourist destinations that have a lot of these people that are selling tours sometimes what you can do is you can negotiate a better deal on your tour if you just talk it's like hey what if I for another tour what are some other things out there and you can get a better deal okay now our seventh tone for you is don't pass up a chance to hang out with some of the locals like I said look if you learn a little Spanish that people really open up and they'll really want to share their experiences and their love of Mexico and a culture with you I mean I can't tell you how many times I've been going around Mexico me one of my favorite memories I was in Guadalajara okay I'm in Guadalajara I meet some girls on the street just talk to them they're whistling me I was so bad we talked for a bit end up ina spending the next three days with them showing me around Guadalajara and the best is when their grandma found out that I didn't have lunch she's like no you come to our house and so we went to the house in their grandma the abuela she made me quesadillas like right there's like you need one of these I wasn't big then I was skinny then she's like you're too skinny it was hilarious but the people are so warm and so welcoming and so helpful that literally I mean we're walking down the street you're like hi hi we'll have a conversation with the people that's why I say no little with that little bit of that Spanish and it goes a long way because the people here really are great so don't pass up a chance to hang out with them they are really cool however I will say this the Mexican people are super nice and friendly the stray dogs on the street might not be so don't go pests of dogs okay little add-on to the Mexican be protective don't let the dogs because I've seen a lot of tourists you're going oh look at that little puppy anything you're like oh my goodness so just stay away from the stray dogs you will see them occasionally just don't hang out with them all right now my eight don't for you here in Mexico is don't drive if you don't have to look the public buses between cities and stuff like that are really good so you'll be okay using them so please do use them but if you're going to drive realize there are some don'ts we have for you one don't drive at night okay and if you're in the mountains be extra careful definitely don't drive in the mountains at night because you will have the locals that know how to drive really fast these mountains and you don't it can be dangerous and also sometimes people honest not say nice like talk about a wonderful nice Mexican people sometimes the cops might try to rip you off at night it has happened I mean my dad tell me all kinds of stories for it let some tourists last night they had a page they're fun if you get a speeding ticket in Mexico and you're not a local I mean you're not a citizen they'll make you pay it on the spots you got to have that money to pay that parking ticket or not the parking ticket that's speeding ticket right away so I do recommend just don't do their driving when you are here there's lots of other options out there also with the driving is realized it can be quite dangerous I mean I know when we were driving around in Cancun the other day we almost got killed by three different buses on a 15-minute taxi ride so do be careful with that now my knife don't for you is you don't lick it slam it suck it with the tequila here in Mexico in Mexico the tequila is so good you get such good pick ela here that you literally drink it from a glass okay just drink it all that's so good so smooth and the thing is if you want to mix it you have a grapefruit soda like squirt or fresco or Fanta grapefruit you have that mix those together seriously change my life I had to write pants on like Fanta I'm your new number one fan that stuff is awesome and you mixed up with a tequila and you drink it like a drink but I will say be careful with it don't go overboard because the tequila is so smooth you won't notice you're drinking it as fast and you will get loopy really quick okay so do be careful with it and my kids don't for you is don't think that Cabo and Cancun are the epitome of Mexico it's kind of like saying Orlando and New York or exactly what all of America is like or all the u.s. is like or or Munich and Rosenberg of your caliber are exactly what you know Germany is like no look these are tourists mecca's they have all kinds of stuff geared for the tourists and if you get onto those places you can see more the you kind of lot of people say it's like real Mexico like my Mexican friends back home we're laughing at my oh you're going to Mexico Reid I'm like okay cool like oh so you go into America again I'm like no I mean yes I can understand what they mean with with the hotels and all this kind of stuff but if you want to get an see real Mexico you got to get outside of Kabul and Cancun they're both awesome places though and they are part of Mexico just like New York and Orlando or part of the US the same thing here but realize it's a part of the country so go and explore because no matter where you go in Mexico it is a fantastic place yes there's some issues in certain places I do recommend looking up safety information in different states and stuff like that before you go but I say that about every place you go okay so do be smart have a great time don't worry about not having a good time in Mexico though because the people are awesome the food is there's so many great things to do so I'll say adios Domenico so if you want to learn more about visiting Mexico five things you loved and hated by visiting Mexico ten things it'll shock you love visiting Mexico the don'ts of Cancun I think she'll have a hate about Cancun what you should note before you come to Mexico check us on our website at Walters Worldcom we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram obviously YouTube and we really appreciate your life subscription and if you do subscribe to our YouTube channel we do put out two new travel videos every single week from all over the world so I'll say adios again from Cancun and you have a great time here in Mexico don't worry I'm sure you will adios
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 1,680,102
Rating: 4.7400236 out of 5
Keywords: travel, mark wolters, wolters world, advice, tourist, attractions, vlogger, mexico, cancun, spring break in cancun, cabo san lucas
Id: 31ZiJr0PK4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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