Why People HATE All-Inclusive Resorts

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who the fellow Travelers Mark here with welter's world and today we're here at an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic and today we're going to talk about are the things that really annoy people when they go to an all-inclusive resort because the thing is when you come to an all-inclusive resort you're here to relax you're here to chill out you're not here to stress out and there's some things that happen all-inclusive resorts that kind of set people off and I kind of want to go through those so you're better prepared but when you do come to an all-inclusive resort so you can relax you can have a good time and I think the one thing that really gets me is my first show up sometimes I feel that they don't always tell you everything that you need to know it's like they're almost hiding things like oh when is the spot open when you can get your free spa treatment oh yes you do have the two different slide sets but I'm not going to tell you which one is free and what it's included in your package and then when it's an extra payment and so sometimes you feel like you're like hey could you give me all the information when I check in instead of hiding things and there's different reasons why they do that sometimes it's just because they've got so many people to kind of check in they don't have time for it and maybe other times it's hey you know what if we don't tell them that's there maybe they won't use that service and it can save us some money so that's why it's important when you check in and get as much information as you can and we're talking even from where exactly is your room which restaurants are open 24 hours which restaurants do you actually have to pay for which restaurants do I have to get reservations for and where do I get those reservations these kind of things you want to get so therefore it's already taken care of instead of you finding out a day later when you want to go to the nice French restaurant oh no that's been booked out all week you were supposed to do that when you checked in and you get that frustration in there okay and that's why sometimes it feels like sometimes they might be hiding stuff from you and check-in but honestly I don't know if they really are that's why you really got to be proactive and ask your questions and also go to those information desks and ask those questions again there to get more information because I just found out from other guests that oh yeah I know if you're in the family section you get to have one day for free at the slide park whereas if you're in the other parts you have to pay ten dollars a day I'm like oh well how would have been nice to know and that kind of goes into the second thing that kind of annoys people when they go to all-inclusive resorts and that is when all inclusive doesn't actually mean all-inclusive because when you go you have to realize there's usually different levels of all inclusivity in terms of activities you can do places you can do restaurants you can use level of liquor that you are going to get and so that can be kind of frustrating you find out oh they have all these restaurants but all the nice ones I have to pay 35 dollars per person up charge but why am I paying 300 a day to be here these kind of little things do upset people because you're like I thought that would have been included and it can get a bit annoying because it's kind of like they're nickel and diming you or nickel and 50 in you sometimes and so that's where some Travelers get a little bit upset that's why it's really important when you're booking your all-inclusive that you actually compare their different packages what they have on offer so you get the right package for you and also compare different all-inclusive resorts as well because some of them will have more things included than others and that might influence your decision on where you should stay now once you're on property you're going to become a beautiful place like the Dominican Republic or Cancun or Jamaica I mean there's one thing that's going to irk you every single day and that's the fact that you probably won't get a seat poolside unless you go and put a towel or a book or your bag on one of the chairs down there okay I was out actually filming here yesterday about seven o'clock in the morning all of the chairs were already taken it's like where people supposed to go no one's gonna go to the beach like to the pool for another few hours they were all taken this is a very frustrating thing like I've seen like I've said before in other videos people getting into fights because there's no chairs if someone took their chair so do be aware that you might have to get up early just to get a chair so you have something later in the afternoon so you can enjoy the pool because honestly all-inclusive does not include a poolside chair the fourth thing that annoys people when they go to all-inclusive resorts is it's more the location of the resort now I'm not saying the location like here in the Dominican Republic Punta Cana it's gorgeous Cancun is gorgeous we're in Jamaica I mean so many beautiful places that's why they put it there because those beaches and the Sun and the sand and all the fun stuff but what I mean is usually because the resorts are so big they're usually not you know biased City or right near a city or near other attractions so you're kind of like isolated away from other things you might want to do for example the excursions you have to go on take a long time to get to when you're leaving the the properties or if you want to learn about the culture it's tough to get some of those cultural activities because you're kind of isolated away from the community so if you want to go eat the local food sometimes it's really tough because sometimes they don't have a lot of local food when you're at the destination when you're at the resort and you want to get off to try the real Bandera when you're here or the real good you go and you're here in the Dominican Republic or the jerk chicken when you go to Jamaica I mean there's a lot of different things you want to look out for that's why it's important that you try to do some of the excursions when you're here to go out and enjoy some of the culture and if they have local food thrown in maybe take a cooking class to look what it's like and see what it's like and taste what it's really supposed to be like versus the cafe interior version of it in your all-inclusive that can really help and and I think one of the best things is since a lot of these these all-inclusives they're in beautiful places but sometimes there's ruins nearby like you go to Chichen Itza if you're in Cancun or Tulum you can do that or I know for us we've been here we got to go out and see some of the other Islands here the Dominican Republic Sona Island was beautiful to go check out you go see some of the fishing Village go take a day trip to Santo Domingo and go see the colonial Center there so you can do those things like that but it does take a lot of time because these resorts are kind of out of the way and I mentioned the food because the next thing I think people kind of complain about is actually the quality of the food at all-inclusive resorts and here's the thing is when you have so many people that are staying at these Resorts they can't just cook three or four pieces of that meat they gotta Kick three or four hundred pieces of that meat so some of the specialness kind of wears away and gets worn out or lost when you're making it cafeteria style so that's one thing I think people need to realize it's the the quality of food not the quality of the food oh no no you'll have no problem with quantity of food when you go to all-inclusive they will give you more food and more food and more food and more food okay but something you want to kind of think about so that's one of the things I always tell people is ask them what's the nicer restaurant or ask the people hey what are some of the local dishes that I can get when I'm here just for example we're staying they actually have a Dominican kind of themed you know cafeteria where I can go lunch or dinner and have more of the Local Foods versus having Mexican food or Indian food or or you know Spanish food or French food it's like oh I can get some of that local stuff but you have to ask okay so that's one thing it's coming back to the asking to find out things also before you come to the all-inclusive look up the reviews for the restaurants in the all-inclusive resorts to see if they're worth going to because remember that 35 50 up charge to go to the nicer restaurant is it actually worth it or should I take a taxi or an Uber to go to a restaurant in Cancun or or in Ocho Rios in Jamaica or in Aruba I mean think about these things because that might influence your food choices when you are there now I kind of mentioned this when I talked about the poolside lack of chairs but I think another thing that people get kind of upset with when they go to all-inclusives are the other guests and it's not all the guests because honestly when you come to all-inclusive more for most of the people are just here to relax and chill and have a good time and that's great and so you're going to meet some really fun people I know in all of our all-inclusives we've gone to we've made new friends had a good time with them but but there's some of the people that just kind of ugh irk you when you were there and I think one would be the overly drunk people because yeah we all go have a few drinks you know people have too much I mean I was in Cancun I saw people throwing up in the pool bottles bobbing up and down in the water I mean it was kind of gross because people just overdid it she's like yeah I want to do the surfing thing and drink 10 tequila shots and I'll be fine yeah I mean those kind of things get kind of gross at times I mean that fight about the chairs I think there was some alcohol involved as well so you want to have that so that's one thing so if you see the drugs kind of stay away from them a little bit another thing that really upsets people are out of control kids I mean there's a reason why you have adults only all-inclusive resorts because people don't want to deal with the kids so if you're going to be bringing your kids make sure you're playing with them your finance activities for them to do so they're not running crazy all around the place and then there's the buffet line and honestly the buffet line is kind of like Lord of the Flies came to life because honestly you go there people are like lose all their manners like that mean I want that burger I want this and they just kind of fight over everything so just know that you might find a new enemy of the trip during that breakfast buffet on the first day and then we have to look at the money side when it comes to all-inclusive resorts and I'm not gonna allow you all inclusive resorts aren't always the cheapest options out there so you really have to weigh the different all-inclusive packages that are there are you really going to eat that much are you really going to drink that much because if you are hey it pays off I know for me when we come here yes I eat a lot obviously and I drink a lot so the all-inclusive kind of pays off for itself Jocelyn she might have some drinks but she's not eating a lot and Liam's not eating a lot so maybe it's not as worth it on that side so you really have to think about the monetary side of it is it really worth it for us to go for that or I mean we've been all-inclusive resorts where we got all the resort stuff but we didn't get the food because we could go out and get local food and we did that we did that when we were in Jamaica we did that when you're in Aruba and it really made it a much more enjoyable and affordable experience than getting the all-inclusive food and drink packages because when you start looking the price of all-inclusive resorts and it says 200 a night that's 200 per person so it's not 200 for my family it could be four hundred dollars if the kids are free or if kids have to pay a hundred it could be five hundred dollars a day for the family you have to think yourself how much food and drink am I going to be drinking I mean don't get me wrong I like my Mama Juana which is the local liquor here which is rum and red wine and honey and stuff but yeah I have to drink a lot of that to really make 500 work so you have to think about those prices and that's where people kind of get upset and within that upsetness is the different prices people pay for excursions because a lot of them you can you know go and debate and negotiate with different tour operators to get different prices for the exact same tours and that's one of those things I see people get upset when one person pays a hundred dollars for a tour and somebody else pays 60 for a tour there is some kind of frustration there so do be aware of that and so make sure you're looking online to see what the average price is for certain excursions so then you know what you're going to get or where the range you should pay okay because you don't want to you know want to miss out if you need to negotiate maybe get a better deal going to Chichen Itza or going out to Sona Island here in the Dominican Republic so something to kind of think about and I think another thing when people forget where people get really upset is actually the Tipping when you come to an all-inclusive resort because a lot of people think well it's all inclusive I shouldn't have to do anything well no you don't have to do anything but tipping is one of those things that can kind of help and that's why I always say if you're going to go in all-inclusive resort in the western hemisphere in the Caribbean or Central America take a lot of singles and five dollar bills so you can tip like that because a dollar here of five dollars there really makes a difference and not just in the quality of life that the people you're tipping but also in terms of your service getting a little bit faster getting your drink at the bar which can be kind of important during those busy times right so something to kind of think about when you're there going to these all-inclusives but the thing is I know some people really hate tipping they get upset by tipping it's one of our biggest controversial topics we put in our videos but it is something you might want to think about when you're going to be coming here to make it a little bit smoother on you and to help out the local economy so I just want to kind of give you an idea of some of these things that I've seen tourists get really upset about when they come to all-inclusive resorts in general these things are very super relaxed and they're usually in great spots look at the beach here in Punta Cana is incredible and you really do get to relax and yeah maybe you don't get the most local food but don't worry you get plenty of whatever food you do actually get and drink so what are things that you don't like about all-inclusive resorts please put in the comment section below so other Travelers can see some of the bad parts but also don't forget put some of the good stuff about going to all-inclusive resorts that you love in the comments below so we can help other Travelers know some of the great things about coming to all-inclusives anyway if you want to learn more we've got the don'ts of all-inclusive resource shocks of all-inclusive resorts of five loves and hates on my side of all-inclusive resorts all website at waltersworld.com and I'll say bye from here in Punta Cana
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 103,243
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: BnpiFhYBMmU
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Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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